30 research outputs found

    An Economic and Modern Business Intelligence Solution for Textile Industries in Bangladesh

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    Textile Industries are doing most promising business in Bangladesh from last few years. We are already in top five garments exporting country list and the demand of our garments product is increasing day by day both in our country and outside the country. Because of increasing demand of this sector textile industries are also growing very fast in number. To meet the end users demand now textile industries have to compete with the quality of others so that they can satisfy the need of different users of garments product. Analyzing user mind is really a tough task to grow the textile business with latest trend and mode of new generations. Business Analytics can make this tough task very easy by analyzing different sales report with different perspectives. To meet the new trend and demand of new generation, proposed business analytics setup of different technologies is much better for the textile industries compared to existing systems used in Bangladesh. Textile industries can use this solution by collecting data from their different sales point for better production policy which will satisfy the end user of the textile product as well as enhance the textile business

    An Empirical Studies on How the Developers Discussed about Pandas Topics

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    Pandas is defined as a software library which is used for data analysis in Python programming language. As pandas is a fast, easy and open source data analysis tool, it is rapidly used in different software engineering projects like software development, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and others. So a huge interests are shown in software developers regarding pandas and a huge number of discussions are now becoming dominant in online developer forums, like Stack Overflow (SO). Such discussions can help to understand the popularity of pandas library and also can help to understand the importance, prevalence, difficulties of pandas topics. The main aim of this research paper is to find the popularity and difficulty of pandas topics. For this regard, SO posts are collected which are related to pandas topic discussions. Topic modeling are done on the textual contents of the posts. We found 26 topics which we further categorized into 5 board categories. We observed that developers discuss variety of pandas topics in SO related to error and excepting handling, visualization, External support, dataframe, and optimization. In addition, a trend chart is generated according to the discussion of topics in a predefined time series. The finding of this paper can provide a path to help the developers, educators and learners. For example, beginner developers can learn most important topics in pandas which are essential for develop any model. Educators can understand the topics which seem hard to learners and can build different tutorials which can make that pandas topic understandable. From this empirical study it is possible to understand the preferences of developers in pandas topic by processing their SO post

    Development of Non-Contact Liquid Level Measurement and Data Storage System

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    The normal contact type liquid measurement devices have some drawbacks since they have potential damage due to the sensor fouling or corrosion since those are continuously exposed to the liquid. Especially flash flood may cause the damage of liquid level sensor. So that, it is important to design a non-contact device for liquid level measurement in order to avoid this constrain. Distance can be measured without contact such as laser, ultrasonic and radar. In this research, ultrasonic sensor is used to provide non-contact feature of the device since it is low cost and uses ultra-sound waves rather than light. This vital sensing device is able to sense uneven surfaces, liquids, clear objects, and objects in dirty environments. This paper discussed the measurement of liquid level in a tank as well as storing historical data

    Dealing with Tourism: Development, Sustainability, and Commodification. The Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh

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    The thesis deals with the fundamental concern of politics of willingness to pay attention to enable local development and sustainability through tourism in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh. Based on the inadequate economic parameters about its success, tourism is often propagated as a prospective and alternative channel to alleviate poverty and inequality in Bangladesh. It rather inflames some critical issues regarding notions of governmentality, unequal power relations, and disproportionate access to resources surrounding tourism development that breeds a new socio-economic reality for the underprivileged indigenous communities in CHT. Therefore, this thesis develops an interpretation of how eco-cultural practices in tourism as a tool rather than a barrier are fundamental to achieving community well-being and sustainability goals, and an understanding of the politics of negligence as well as representation by the state and its actors. However, this thesis is an ethnographic account based on nine months of ethnographic field research carried out in the multi-ethnic settings of three locations in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh between 2021 and 2022. Besides, the thesis has critically dealt with some theoretical puzzles to grasp the ground reality: how the indigenous people perceive the notion of sustainability and development; how the notion of ‘eco-governmentality’ generates a false dream of sustainability; why and how tourism is endorsed as a development choice; and how ‘Bengali tourist gaze’ constructs a ‘superior’ ‘Bengali-ness’ over an ‘inferior’ indigenous ‘otherness’ through the politics of representation. I have framed the findings mainly through the views of the three main actors (the state and its agencies, tourists and tour operators, and the indigenous locals) involved in tourism in CHT. From the state perspective, it is found two latent agendas for tourism development in CHT. The first is to distract the mindset of the long-standing historical struggle of indigenous communities for their self-autonomy and identity recognition. The second intention is to initiate a neoliberal capitalist economy through tourism development. From an indigenous point of view, tourism is perceived as a new form of exploitation and the reinstallation of colonial legacy. Tourism as an alternative livelihood thus develops a socio-cultural relationship between tourism corporates and indigenous communities for economic gain that forces natives to negotiate the customary behaviors as tourism demands. It is found that tourism leads to drastic changes in the aesthetic contents of indigenous culture in which indigenous people become active agents as touristic performers that speed up the commodification of community and culture in CHT. Through the tourist perspective, the thesis elucidates the tourists’ state of mind regarding the construction of Pahari indigenous communities as ‘exotic others’. The research findings imply that commodification in tourism steadily not only breaks the cultural fabrics, where the real ritualistic ceremonies are transformed into touristic performances, and the entire society in CHT becomes a ‘stage’ to the locals but also leads to the changes in everyday lives of indigenous people where they are economically forced to pretend to be ‘touristic indigenous others’. Against the background, the thesis brings the question on board: Does tourism as an alternative development venture prescribed by the state and its actors establish sustainability or manufacture a new form of governmentality in the name of community well-being? Does the commoditization of ethnicity, culture, and nature through the representation by the state, media, and tourists contribute to the remarginalization or revitalization? The thesis addresses these questions through an intensive investigation of facts, figures, and realities of the CHT.La tesi discute il tema fondamentale della relazione tra sviluppo locale, comunità indigene e sostenibilità attraverso l’analisi del turismo nei Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) del Bangladesh. Sulla base dei parametri economici, il turismo viene spesso propagato come un canale prospettico e alternativo per alleviare la povertà e la disuguaglianza in Bangladesh. A proposito, l’indagine si è fondata sulla messa a fuoco di talune questioni critiche riguardanti la nozione di governamentalità, i rapporti di potere diseguali e l’accesso sproporzionato alle risorse che alimentano lo sviluppo del turismo a sua volta generatore di una nuova possibile realtà socio-economica per le comunità indigene svantaggiate nello specifico contesto d’indagine. La tesi è l’esito articolato di un caso studio condotto con la metodologia etnografica realizzata nell’arco di nove mesi sul campo in tre differenti ambienti multietnici nei CHT. Il lavoro di tesi ha affrontato criticamente alcuni enigmi teorici per cogliere la realtà in discussione in riferimento agli obiettivi: come la nozione di "eco-governamentalità" genera una falsa idea di sostenibilità; perché e come il turismo è approvato come una scelta di sviluppo socio-economico; come l’egemone ‘sguardo turistico bengalese’ costruisce una ‘superiorità’ ‘bengalese’ su una ‘alterità’ indigena ‘inferiore’ attraverso una precisa volontà politica della rappresentanza all’interno delle dinamiche di decision making. Al fine di delineare il quadro delle problematiche sono state rilevate le opinioni dei tre citati attori principali direttamente e indirettamente coinvolti nelle politiche di promozione del turismo in CHT. Nella prospettiva statale, si trovano due programmi latenti per lo sviluppo del turismo in CHT. Il primo è quello di distrarre la mentalità della lunga lotta storica delle comunità indigene per la loro auto-autonomia e il riconoscimento dell'identità. La seconda intenzione è quella di avviare un'economia capitalista neoliberista attraverso lo sviluppo del turismo. Dal punto di vista indigeno, il turismo è percepito come una nuova forma di sfruttamento e di reinstallazione dell'eredità coloniale. Il turismo come mezzo di sostentamento alternativo determina, conseguentemente, una relazione socio-culturale tra le imprese turistiche e le comunità indigene improntata esclusivamente su una logica estrattivista e di sfruttamento che costringe i nativi a negoziare i comportamenti tradizionali all’interno di una visione economicista del turismo. Si èconstatato che il turismo porta a drastici cambiamenti nei contenuti estetici della cultura indigena per cui le comunità indigene risultano essere chiamati ad essere agenti attivi nel campo estetico-artistico a causa delle crescenti richieste di una esotismo turistico che accelerano la mercificazione della comunità e della cultura in CHT. Inoltre, la tesi focalizza l’atteggiamento dei turisti riguardo alla costruzione delle comunità indigene Pahari come ‘altri esotici’. I risultati della ricerca implicano che la mercificazione nel turismo non solo rompe costantemente i tessuti culturali, dove le vere cerimonie rituali si trasformano in spettacoli turistici, e l'intera società in CHT diventa un nero ‘palcoscenico’, ma porta anche ai cambiamenti nella vita quotidiana degli indigeni dove sono economicamente costretti a fingere di essere ‘altri indigeni turistici’. Sullo sfondo, la tesi si pone un ulteriore domanda: il turismo come impresa di sviluppo alternativa prescritta dallo stato e dai suoi attori stabilisce la sostenibilità o produce una nuova forma di governamentalità in nome del benessere della comunità? La mercificazione dell'etnia, della cultura e della natura attraverso la rappresentazione da parte dello stato, dei media e dei turisti contribuisce alla re-emarginazione o a una dinamica di inclusione


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    In the last few years user modeling has become an important research area in Human Computer Interaction. A large amount of research has been conducted in this field where different approaches on user modeling are shown. In this paper, we provide an overview of the field of user modeling and describes the different user model namely, GOMS family of models, cognitive architecture, grammar-based model, and application specific models. We have discussed a few examples of user models in each category. This paper also discusses the future challenges of this research area

    Situational analysis of Forensic Mental Health in Bangladesh

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    Forensic Mental Health in Bangladesh is an unattended domain of mental health services. With about 17% of the population suffering from mental disorders per year and more than 80 thousand prisoners in the country, there have not been any studies to look into forensic mental health situations. This research has given an overview of the health and legal systems through qualitative research focusing on a desk review and key informant interviews. Findings show that though there are guidelines in the law and regulatory codes in the judicial systems, implementing those guidelines is not seen in many cases. There are several areas in the health system in terms of capacity, service and resources which needs to be addressed by the government for supporting the healthcare providers, lawyers, judges and mentally ill or disabled people. Our study also portrayed the current referral mechanisms connecting both legal and health systems while addressing different cases of forensic mental health. Finally, discussing the implications of the findings, we presented recommendations from our study and other literature