292 research outputs found

    A service oriented architecture to provide data mining services for non-expert data miners

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    In today's competitive market, companies need to use discovery knowledge techniques to make better, more informed decisions. But these techniques are out of the reach of most users as the knowledge discovery process requires an incredible amount of expertise. Additionally, business intelligence vendors are moving their systems to the cloud in order to provide services which offer companies cost-savings, better performance and faster access to new applications. This work joins both facets. It describes a data mining service addressed to non-expert data miners which can be delivered as Software-as-a-Service. Its main advantage is that by simply indicating where the data file is, the service itself is able to perform all the process. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Si ferai je, oïl, voire, et volentiers: quelques marqueurs d’affirmation en français médiéval

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    This article describes some affirmative markers of the Medieval French from a syntactic, semantic and pragmatic point of view. The choice of the affirmative marker is influenced by the preceding type of utterance. An injunctive utterance may be followed by the next to minimal answer of the type si feray ge, non avra il, etc. or by the minimal answer voluntiers. In both cases, the speaker expresses a positive attitude to do what he is asked to. Si feray ge, non avra il, etc. may also respond to an interrogative utterance, as well as the minimal answers oïl and nennil. The difference between both types of markers relays on how the prior question functions: oïl and nennil respond to real questions, therefore they provide new information, whereas si feray ge, etc. respond to orientated questions, they confirm something the speaker who asks the question already knows. Finally, the minimal answer voire marks agreement with assertive utterances

    L’évolution des marqueurs de type si ferai je, non ferai (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)

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    Les expressions de type si/non + verbe substitut (+ sujet pronominal) du français médiéval sont des marqueurs du discours qui apparaissent dans le dialogue ou le monologue pour marquer l’accord et le désaccord avec ce qui a été dit précédemment. Ces structures présentent un fonctionnement argumentatif que oïl et nennil n’ont pas. À partir du français préclassique (1550), ces structures marquent uniquement le désaccord. Dans cet article nous traçons l’évolution des marqueurs du type si ferai je, non est-il, si a, non fait, etc. en français préclassique et classique (du milieu du xvie à la fin du xviiie siècle). Le marqueur figé si fait, qui dès le français préclassique peut apparaître réduit au si de contradiction du français moderne, et le marqueur rédupliqué non, non héritent des valeurs sémantico-pragmatiques de la structure médiévale qui s’était désintégrée. Le théâtre classique connaîtra les structures de type oh/ah/eh ! que + si/non qu’annonçaient les premières variations de si ferai je, non fait, etc. à la fin du français médiéval.The expressions of the si/non + substitute verb (+ pronominal sub¬ject) type in Medieval French are discourse markers which appear in a dialogue or a monologue to mark agreement and disagreement with something which was previously said. These structures present an argu¬mentative use that oïl and nennil do not have. From Preclassical French (1550) onwards, these structures exclusively mark disagreement. In this paper we describe the evolution of the markers of the type si ferai je, non est il, si a, non fait, etc. in Preclassical and Classical French (from the middle of the 16th century until the end of the 18th). The marker si fait, which is fossilized, can be reduced from Preclassical French onwards to the contradiction particle si of Modern French. Si fait and the reduplicated marker non, non take over the semantic and pragmatic values of the medieval structure which had been disintegrated. Classical drama will use the structures of the oh/ah/eh! que + si/non type that the first variations of si ferai je, non fait, etc. announced at the end of Medieval French

    Estudio experimental de biosensores fotónicos basados en substratos porosos bajo diversas condiciones

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    [ES] Los biosensores están formados por biorreceptores y un transductor, y se utilizan para la detección de diferentes analitos. Además, se pueden clasificar según el tipo de sus componentes, en concreto, en el presente Trabajo Final de Grado, se utilizan los biosensores ópticos basados en Fabry-Pérot. Estos utilizan la interacción de determinados materiales con la luz, de esta manera, detectan pequeñas variaciones de forma versátil, sencilla y rápida. En este campo de biosensores ópticos se han desarrollado los materiales porosos, que poseen un gran ratio superficie-volumen en el cual interaccionan las sustancias, proporcionando sensibilidades mayores. En este contexto, se efectuaron distintos sensados realizados mediante substratos porosos, tales como el silicio poroso y las nanofibras poliméricas. Además, se varió el método empleado en las medidas, pudiendo ser estático o dinámico, con la finalidad de poder comparar los resultados obtenidos y optimizar los distintos protocolos. En primer lugar, se desarrolló la biofuncionalización mediante la proteína OBP3 y la biodetección del farnesol, sin llegar a obtener buenos resultados, ni de manera estática ni dinámica. Por otra parte, se realizó la biodetección de la proteína BSA, llegando a la conclusión de que el método dinámico es el más adecuado para ello, obteniendo detecciones de hasta 1 ppm BSA.[CA] Els biosensors estan formats per bioreceptors i un transductor, i s’utilitzen per a la detecció de diferents analits. A més, es poden classificar segons el tipus dels seus components, en concret, en el present Treball Final de Grau, s’utilitzen els biosensors òptics basats en Fabry-Pérot. Aquests utilitzen la interacció de determinats materials amb la llum, d’aquesta manera, detecten petites variacions de forma versàtil, senzilla i ràpida. En aquest camp de biosensors òptics s’han desenvolupat els materials porosos, que posseeixen un gran ràtio superfície-volum en el qual interaccionen les substàncies, proporcionant sensibilitats grans. En aquest context, es van efectuar diferents sensats realitzats mitjançant substrats porosos, com ara el silici porós i les nanofibres polimèriques. A més, es va variar el mètode emprat en les mesures, podent ser estàtic o dinàmic, amb la finalitat de poder comparar els resultats obtinguts i optimitzar els diferents protocols. En primer lloc, es va desenvolupar la biofuncionalització mitjançant la proteïna OBP3 i la biodetecció de l’farnesol, sense arribar a obtindre bons resultats, ni de manera estàtica ni dinàmica. D’altra banda, es va realitzar la biodetecció de la proteïna BSA, arribant a la conclusió que el mètode dinàmic és el més adequat per a això, obtenint deteccions de fins a 1 ppm BSA[EN] Biosensors are made up of bioreceptors and a transducer, and are used for the detection of different analytes. In addition, they can be classified according to the type of their components, specifically, in this Final Degree Project, optical biosensors based on Fabry-Pérot are used. These use the interaction of certain materials with light, in this way, they detect small variations in a versatile, simple and fast way. In this field of optical biosensors, porous materials have been developed, which have a large surface-volume ratio in which substances interact, providing higher sensitivities. In this context, different senses were carried out using porous substrates, such as porous silicon and polymeric nanofibers. In addition, the method used in the measurements was varied, being able to be static or dynamic, in order to be able to compare the results obtained and optimize the different protocols. First, biofunctionalization was developed using the OBP3 protein and farnesol biosensing, without obtaining good results, either statically or dynamically. On the other hand, the biodetection of the BSA protein was carried out, reaching the conclusion that the dynamic method is the most suitable for this, obtaining detections of up to 1 ppm BSA.Tébar Saiz, M. (2021). Estudio experimental de biosensores fotónicos basados en substratos porosos bajo diversas condiciones. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/171769TFG
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