113 research outputs found
Estudio de los parámetros endoscópicos en 48 perros con colitis linfoplasmocitaria
En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio en cuarenta y ocho perros, sobre los hallazgos endoscópicos que caracterizan a la colitislinfoplasmocitaria. La colitis linfoplasmocitaria es una enfermedad difusa que afecta en mayor o menor grado a todas las porciones del colon. Sin embargo, los resultados del estudio demuestran que el colon descendente y el colon transverso tienen mayor predisposición a presentar úlceras y erosiones, y por tanto, también a la posterior presentación de zonas de fibrosis.In this paper the gross endoscopic appearance of lymphocytic-plasmocytic colitis was studied in forty-eight dogs. Lymphocytic-plasmocytic colitis is a díffuse disease involving all the colonic portions. Nevertheless, the results of our study showed that descending and transverse colon were particularly prone to develop ulcerative and consequent fibrotic lesions
Carcinoma gástrico en el perro: localización endoscópica y aspecto macroscópico
El propósito de este trabajo es el estudio de las localizaciones endoscópicas y aspecto macroscópico del carcinoma gástrico canino. Se han revisado las historias clínicas de 17 perros sometidos a endoscopia digestiva superior a los que se les ha diagnosticado un carcinoma gástrico. Los resultados del estudio señalan que el antro pilórico y la curvatura menor son las localizaciones más frecuentes del carcinoma gástrico canino: el 64,7%% de los casos presentaban afectación de antro pilórico, aunque muchos de ellos se extendían además a otras zonas del estómago; por otro lado, el 47% de los carcinomas estudiados afectaban a curvatura menor, aunque sólo el 11,8% se limitaban a esa zona.The aim of this paper is to study endoscopic localizations and macroscopic appearance of canine gastric carcinoma. Clinical histories of seventeen dogs were analyzed. All cases were diagnosed of gastric carcinoma by Upper Digestive Endoscopy and Biopsy. The results of this study show that pyloric antrum and lesser curvature are the most frequent locations of canine gastric carcinoma: in 64.7% of the cases pyloric antrum was affected, even though some of them were extended to other zones of the stomach as well; on the other hand, 47% of the studied cases affected the lesser curvature, but only 11.8% were limited to that location
Serological evaluation of selected vector-borne pathogens in owned dogs from northern Spain based on a multicenter study using a commercial test
Environmental conditions in northern Spain allow the development of different arthropods involved in the transmission of significant canine vector-borne pathogens. The aim of the study was to systematically assess seroprevalence rates for Leishmania infantum, Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma spp., Dirofilaria immitis and Borrelia burgdorferi, and risk factors in dogs from all regions of the north of Spain. A total of 556 dogs were included in this study between January 2017 and December 2018, belonging to 30 practices covering all regions in northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia). All practices were located in the north of every region. Blood samples were analyzed using the 4DX SNAP® test (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine, USA) for the detection of D. immitis antigen and E. canis, B. burgdorferi and Anaplasma spp. antibodies. Leishmania SNAP ® test (IDEXX Laboratories) was used for detection of L. infantum antibodies. Associations between prevalence of canine vector-borne pathogens, epidemiological and clinical signs data were statistically analyzed. The overall prevalence rates were 8.99% for L. infantum, 1.26% for Anaplasma spp., 0.9% for E. canis, 0.72% for B. burgdorferi, and 0.18% for D. immitis. Globally, 11.33% of the dogs included in the study were positive to any tested vector-borne pathogen. Leishmania infantum seroprevalence was the highest and the only one detected in all the regions. Leishmania infantum seropositivity was associated with age > 10 years-old, outdoor access, anemia, fever, dermatological signs, lympadenomegaly, muscular atrophy, ocular signs and renal disease. Ehrlichia canis seropositivity was associated with the summer season and living in urban areas. Apathy, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, fever and gastrointestinal clinical signs were also associated with E. canis antibody detection. Living in a rural area was also a risk factor for Anaplasma spp. and B. burgdorferi seropositivity. To our knowledge, this is the first multicenter survey performed in northern Spain assessing different canine vector-borne diseases from all regions. Results show the presence of autochthonous cases of these diseases. The vector-borne pathogens found in this study should be included in the differential diagnosis in dogs from some areas previously considered non-endemic for these pathogens
Diseño de multiplexores hibridos para sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas mediante la concatenación de dispositivos selectivos en longitud de onda
La creciente demandada de información por parte del abonado hace necesaria la inclusión de nuevos servicios como la transmisión da datos de alta y baja velocidad, señales de vídeo, etc. La única solución que promete viabilidad es la que puede desarrollarse con Fibra Óptica
Continuous carbon dioxide electroreduction to formate coupled with the single-pass glycerol oxidation to high value-added products
CO2 electroreduction has been considered a promising alternative to simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions and produce value-added products. Among others, the production of formic acid/formate is particularly attractive. Although promising results have already been obtained in the literature, one of the recent approaches to improve the process deals with the use of an alternative reaction at the anode instead of the traditional oxygen evolution reaction (OER). In this context, this work reports, for the first time, the study of the CO2 electroreduction to formate coupled with the electrooxidation of glycerol to high-added value products where both half-reactions operate in a continuous mode with a single pass of the reactants through the electrochemical cell. Interestingly, at the cathode, similar results to those previously reported were obtained, reaching formate concentrations of about 18 g·L-1 at a 200 mA·cm-2. In addition, at the anode, promising dihydroxyacetone productions of 196 µmol·m-2·s-1 were simultaneously achieved in the output stream of the anodic compartment. These findings represent a significant step forward for the development and application of the technology.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support through projects PID2019–108136RB-C31, PID2019–108136RB-C32 and PID2020–112845RB-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033)
Hallazgos endoscópicos en esófago y estómago en perros de la raza Bulldog Francés
El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo es la descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y endoscópicos, en 15 perros de la raza Bulldog Francés, con un cuadro clínico de vómitos y/o regurgitaciones. La revisión de los informes de endoscopia emitidos por el Servicio de Gastroenterología y Endoscopia del Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense permitió la selección de los perros objeto de estudio: 12 machos y 3 hembras, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 meses y los 3 años (1,62±0,89). La presencia de signos clínicos fue descrita como de larga duración en 9 de los perros (60%). La exploración endoscópica del tracto digestivo superior mostró alteraciones en todos los perros: imagen compatible con esofagitis (11/15), incompetencia del esfínter gastroesofágico (9/15), dilatación esofágica (7/15), engrosamiento de los pliegues o presencia de múltiples pliegues alrededor del píloro (6/15), hernia de hiato (5/15) y reflujo gastroesofágico (4/15). Los resultados sugieren la utilidad de realizar de manera habitual una exploración endoscópica en perros jóvenes de la raza Bulldog Francés con vómitos y/o regurgitaciones, dada la alta frecuencia de presentación de múltiples alteraciones a nivel de su esófago y estómago
Stray dogs in Nepal have high prevalence of vector-borne pathogens: a molecular survey
Background: Population of stray dogs is significant in large cities of Nepal, such as Kathmandu. Most of stray dogs suffer a lack of basic health care. Considering the clinical relevance, the broad distribution and the lack of information of canine vector borne diseases (CVBD) in Nepal, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of different vector-borne pathogens (VBP) in stray dogs living in the metropolitan area of Kathmandu, and to assess different traits as possible risk factors. Methods: A total of 70 canine blood samples from stray dogs attended at the Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre during August 2017 were collected on filter paper (Flinders Technology Associates (FTA) cards). Data regarding signalment, clinical signs and epidemiological characteristics were recorded for each animal. Real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were performed for Leishmania spp., Ehrlichia spp./Anaplasma spp., Babesia spp./Theileria spp. and Hepatozoon canis. Results: The overall prevalence detected was 31.43% for Hepatozoon canis, 31.43% for Anaplasma platys, 27.14% for Ehrlichia canis, 18.57% for Leishmania donovani species complex, 12.86% for isolates corresponding to Theileria spp., 12.86% for Babesia vogeli and 2.86% for B. gibsoni. A total of 81.43% of the dogs were positive to at least one of the VBP tested. Co-infections were detected in 41.43% of the dogs. Dogs positive to any of the VBP tested, and particularly to E. canis, were older than those that were negative. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first molecular detection of VBP in stray dogs from Kathmandu, Nepal. The high prevalence of VBP detected highlights the need to implement a surveillance programme and control strategies for these CVBD in the population of stray dogs in this area
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