866 research outputs found

    Correlated random fields in dielectric and spin glasses

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    Both orientational glasses and dipolar glasses possess an intrinsic random field, coming from the volume difference between impurity and host ions. We show this suppresses the glass transition, causing instead a crossover to the low TT phase. Moreover the random field is correlated with the inter-impurity interactions, and has a broad distribution. This leads to a peculiar variant of the Imry-Ma mechanism, with 'domains' of impurities oriented by a few frozen pairs. These domains are small: predictions of domain size are given for specific systems, and their possible experimental verification is outlined. In magnetic glasses in zero field the glass transition survives, because the random fields are disallowed by time-reversal symmetry; applying a magnetic field then generates random fields, and suppresses the spin glass transition.Comment: minor modifications, final versio

    Acoustic and thermal transport properties of hard carbon formed from C_60 fullerene

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    We report on extended investigation of the thermal transport and acoustical properties on hard carbon samples obtained by pressurization of C60 fullerene. Structural investigations performed by different techniques on the same samples indicate a very inhomogeneous structure at different scales, based on fractal-like amorphous clusters on the micrometer to submillimeter scale, which act as strong acoustic scatterers, and scarce microcrystallites on the nanometer scale. Ultrasonic experiments show a rapid increase in the attenuation with frequency, corresponding to a decrease in the localization length for vibrations. The data give evidence for a crossover from extended phonon excitations to localized fracton excitations. The thermal conductivity is characterized by a monotonous increase versus temperature, power law T1.4, for T ranging from 0.1 to 10 K, without any well-defined plateau, and a strictly linear-in-T variation between 20 and 300 K. The latter has to be related to the linear-in-T decrease of the sound velocity between 4 and 100 K, both linear regimes being characteristic of disordered or generally aperiodic structures, which can be analyzed by the “phonon-fracton hopping” model developed for fractal and amorphous structures

    Characterization of the near-Earth Asteroid 2002NY40

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    In August 2002, the near-Earth asteroid 2002 NY40, made its closest approach to the Earth. This provided an opportunity to study a near-Earth asteroid with a variety of instruments. Several of the telescopes at the Maui Space Surveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive optics images, photometry and spectroscopy. Analysis of the imagery reveals the asteroid is triangular shaped with significant self-shadowing. The photometry reveals a 20-hour period and the spectroscopy shows that the asteroid is a Q-type

    Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the lattice constant in spin-Peierls cuprate CuGeO_3 studied by capacitance dilatometry in fields up to 16 Tesla

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    We present high resolution measurements of the thermal expansion coefficient and the magnetostriction along the a-axis of CuGeO_3 in magnetic fields up to 16 Tesla. From the pronounced anomalies of the lattice constant a occurring for both temperature and field induced phase transitions clear structural differences between the uniform, dimerized, and incommensurate phases are established. A precise field temperature phase diagram is derived and compared in detail with existing theories. Although there is a fair agreement with the calculations within the Cross Fisher theory, some significant and systematic deviations are present. In addition, our data yield a high resolution measurement of the field and temperature dependence of the spontaneous strain scaling with the spin-Peierls order parameter. Both the zero temperature values as well as the critical behavior of the order parameter are nearly field independent in the dimerized phase. A spontaneous strain is also found in the incommensurate high field phase, which is significantly smaller and shows a different critical behavior than that in the low field phase. The analysis of the temperature dependence of the spontaneous strain yields a pronounced field dependence within the dimerized phase, whereas the temperature dependence of the incommensurate lattice modulation compares well with that of the dimerization in zero magnetic field.Comment: 25 pages, 15 Figs., to appear in Phys. Rev. B55 (Vol.5

    Surface impedance of BaFe2-xNixAs2 in the radio frequency range

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    We report measurements of the temperature dependence of the surface impedance in superconducting BaFe1.93Ni0.07As2 crystals using the radiofrequency reflection technique in the 5<T<30K temperature range. An LC resonant circuit with a phase sensitive detection was used at 92MHz. A measurement assembly with point contacts was used at 30MHz. The recent discovery of iron based arsenide superconductors BaFe2-xNixAs2 has attracted much interest. For a Ni doping level of 7% the superconducting phase transition is found around 20K. The temperature dependence of the superconducting penetration depth was determined

    Magnetic and electronic phase transitions probed by nanomechanical resonators

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    The reduced dimensionality of two-dimensional (2D) materials results in characteristic types of magnetically and electronically ordered phases. However, only few methods are available to study this order, in particular in ultrathin insulating antiferromagnets that couple weakly to magnetic and electronic probes. Here, we demonstrate that phase transitions in thin membranes of 2D antiferromagnetic FePS3, MnPS3 and NiPS3 can be probed mechanically via the temperature-dependent resonance frequency and quality factor. The observed relation between mechanical motion and antiferromagnetic order is shown to be mediated by the specific heat and reveals a strong dependence of the Néel temperature of FePS3 on electrostatically induced strain. The methodology is not restricted to magnetic order, as we demonstrate by probing an electronic charge-density-wave phase in 2H-TaS2. It thus offers the potential to characterize phase transitions in a wide variety of materials, including those that are antiferromagnetic, insulating or so thin that conventional bulk characterization methods become unsuitable