13 research outputs found

    Nuorten aikuisten toimintakyvyn väestöryhmittäiset erot

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    Toimintakyvyn tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan usein ikääntyneiden toimintakykyä, mutta jo nuorilla aikuisilla on havaittavissa toimintakyvyn rajoitteita ja väestöryhmien välisiä eroja toimintakyvyssä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin nuorten aikuisten toimintakykyä eri ulottuvuuksilla, toimintakyvyn rajoitteiden kasautumista sekä näiden väestöryhmittäisiä eroja. Aineistona oli Alueellisen terveys- ja hyvinvointitutkimuksen (ATH) 20–34-vuotiaat vastaajat vuosilta 2012 ja 2013 (8070 vastaajaa, vastausprosentti 37). Menetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, logistista regressioanalyysia, luottamusvälejä ja ikävakiointia. Nuorilla miehillä oli naisia parempi liikkumiskyky. Psyykkisen toimintakyvyn rajoitteet olivat molemmilla sukupuolilla toimintakyvyn ulottuvuuksien rajoitteista yleisimpiä. Sosiaalisen toimintakyvyn rajoitteet olivat miehillä naisia yleisempiä. Työkyvyssä ja päivittäisistä toimista suoriutumisessa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja miesten ja naisten välillä. Seitsemällä prosentilla vastaajista oli rajoitteita vähintään kolmella viidestä toimintakyvyn ulottuvuudesta. Sekä yksittäisten toimintakyvyn ulottuvuuksien rajoitteet että rajoitteiden kasautuminen olivat yhteydessä vähäiseen koulutukseen ja toimeentulovaikeuksiin. Avioliitossa olevilla rajoitteiden kasautuminen oli muita vähäisempää. Naisilla työllisillä, kotiäideillä ja opiskelijoilla oli toimintakyvyn rajoitteiden kasautumista harvemmin kuin työttömillä ja työvoiman ulkopuolisilla. Vaikka nuorten aikuisten toimintakykyongelmat ovat vielä suhteellisen harvinaisia, on väestöryhmien välillä havaittavissa merkittäviä eroja toimintakyvyssä ja toimintakykyrajoitteiden kasautumista tietyille väestöryhmille. Tulevien vuosien terveys- ja hyvinvointierojen vähentämiseksi nuorten aikuisten toimintakykyerojen kaventamiseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota. Abstract Socio-demographic differences in functional ability among young adults in Finland Studies concerning functional ability often focus on ageing employees and senior citizens. Nevertheless, limitations in functional ability exist also among young adults and studies has shown that occurrence of limitations might be associated with socio-demographic characteristics. The aim of this study is to examine 1) whether there are limitations in different dimensions of functional ability among young adults in Finland; 2) whether the limitations on several dimensions cumulate on same persons; and 3) whether there are differences between socio-demographic groups regarding functional ability. Data of Regional Health and Wellbeing Study (ATH) 2012-2013 include 8,070 young adults aged 20-34. The response rate was 37%. Analysis methods included cross tabulation, logistic regression analysis and confidence intervals. Age standardization and sample weights were applied. Physical functional ability was better among men than among women. Among both men and women, limitations in psychological functional ability were most common out of all functional dimensions. Limitations in social functional ability were more common among men than women. There were no differences between men and women in ability to work or capacity to perform daily chores. Seven percent of all respondents had limitations on at least three out of five dimensions of functional ability. Both the occurrence and the accumulation of limitations in functional abilities were associated with lower level of education and financial problems. Married respondents were less likely to have accumulations of limitations. Among women, employees, students and housewives had less accumulation of limitations than unemployed women or women outside the labour force. Although limitations of functional ability are relatively rare among young adults, the results show that there are significant differences in both occurrence and accumulation of limitations between socio-demographic groups. It is essential to identify the most vulnerable socio-demographic groups among young adults in order to prevent widening gaps in health and wellbeing in future

    Decorin Expression in Human Vulva Carcinoma: Oncosuppressive Effect of Decorin cDNA Transduction on Carcinoma Cells

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    The extracellular matrix proteoglycan decorin is well-known for its oncosuppressive activity. Here, decorin expression was examined in human vulva carcinoma tissue samples and in primary and commercial cell lines representing this malignant disease. Furthermore, the effect of adenovirus-mediated decorin cDNA (Ad-DCN) transduction on the viability, proliferation, and the expression and activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor (ErbB/HER) family members of the cell lines were investigated. Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for decorin, it was demonstrated that malignant cells in human vulva carcinoma tissues lack decorin expression. This result was true independently on tumor stage, grade or human papillomavirus status. RT-qPCR analyses showed that the human vulva carcinoma cell lines used in this study were also negative for decorin expression. Transduction of the cell lines with Ad-DCN caused a marked reduction in cell viability, while the proliferation of the cells was not affected. Experiments examining potential mechanisms behind the oncosuppressive effect of Ad-DCN transduction revealed that ErbB2/HER2 expression and activity in carcinoma cells were markedly downregulated. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that human vulva carcinoma cells lack decorin expression, and that Ad-DCN transduction of these cells induces oncosuppressive activity in part via downregulation of ErbB2/HER2.</p

    Rapid tempering of a medium-carbon martensitic steel: In-depth exploration of the microstructure – mechanical property evolution

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    Rapid tempering is a remarkable sustainable and energy-efficient way to modify properties of as-quenched martensite, particularly its toughness and ductility. In this work, tensile and fracture toughness properties, and microstructural evolution of a medium-carbon (0.4 wt%), low-alloy steel under different rapid tempering circumstances are discussed. The hot-rolled and direct-quenched specimens were subjected to rapid tempering treatments (heating rate of about 90 °C/s) to the different tempering temperatures (320–720 °C). As a reference material, one sample was subjected to conventional tempering at 420 °C for one hour. The results indicated that the mechanical properties and microstructural features are influenced considerably by tempering temperature rather than the holding time. Despite the short tempering duration, the strength of tempered martensite dropped (from a max. tensile strength of ∼ 2100 MPa to a min. of ∼ 1100 MPa) while ductility increased with increasing tempering temperature (from a tensile elongation of 4% to ∼ 15%). However, the rapidly tempered sample at 420 °C experienced a loss of fracture toughness as a result of coarse stick-like cementite precipitation. Microstructural observations revealed that, even with a short time frame, tempering temperature plays a significant role in the resulting cementite morphology. At lower tempering temperatures, the cementite precipitates have a stick-like structure, while at higher temperatures, they become more globular/spheroid-like. This change in cementite morphology led to an enhancement in fracture toughness. Overall, the results indicated that, by a proper design of the rapid tempering process, an excellent combination of tensile properties and fracture toughness can be obtained compared to conventional tempering while significantly saving time and energy

    Rapid tempering of a medium-carbon martensitic steel:in-depth exploration of the microstructure – mechanical property evolution

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    Abstract Rapid tempering is a remarkable sustainable and energy-efficient way to modify properties of as-quenched martensite, particularly its toughness and ductility. In this work, tensile and fracture toughness properties, and microstructural evolution of a medium-carbon (0.4 wt%), low-alloy steel under different rapid tempering circumstances are discussed. The hot-rolled and direct-quenched specimens were subjected to rapid tempering treatments (heating rate of about 90 °C/s) to the different tempering temperatures (320–720 °C). As a reference material, one sample was subjected to conventional tempering at 420 °C for one hour. The results indicated that the mechanical properties and microstructural features are influenced considerably by tempering temperature rather than the holding time. Despite the short tempering duration, the strength of tempered martensite dropped (from a max. tensile strength of ∼ 2100 MPa to a min. of ∼ 1100 MPa) while ductility increased with increasing tempering temperature (from a tensile elongation of 4% to ∼ 15%). However, the rapidly tempered sample at 420 °C experienced a loss of fracture toughness as a result of coarse stick-like cementite precipitation. Microstructural observations revealed that, even with a short time frame, tempering temperature plays a significant role in the resulting cementite morphology. At lower tempering temperatures, the cementite precipitates have a stick-like structure, while at higher temperatures, they become more globular/spheroid-like. This change in cementite morphology led to an enhancement in fracture toughness. Overall, the results indicated that, by a proper design of the rapid tempering process, an excellent combination of tensile properties and fracture toughness can be obtained compared to conventional tempering while significantly saving time and energy