38 research outputs found

    Cervical cancer screening coverage in urban and rural areas in Southeast Sulawesi: its determinants

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    Cervical cancer is a woman’s health problem that is still widespread throughout the world, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. The high incidence of cervical cancer is related with early detection program. Visual inspection of acetic acid (VIA) is used as an alternative screening method because it is easier, cheaper and its effectiveness is not much different from the Pap test. There are differences on coverage of VIA test in urban and rural areas. This study aimed to identify determinants of cervical cancer screening coverage in urban and rural areas. The study was a cross sectional study. Total of 372 women who did the VIA test in urban areas of Kendari and rural areas of South Konawe in January to June 2016 were included in this study. Coverage of cervical cancer screening was examined in relation to the level of education, knowledge, distance of health facilities and family support. The data was analyzed using Chi-square test with a significance value p < 0.05. The majority of respondents were the age groupof 31-40 years old, low parity, and first intercourse at ≥ 17 years old. There were significant difference of education level (p=0.000), knowledge (p=0.000) and distance of health facilitiesin urban and rural areas (p=0.000). There was no significant differences between family support in urban and rural areas (p=0.224). In conclusions, education level, knowledge, and distance of health facilities are determinants of cervical cancer screening coverage in urban and rural areas in Southeast Sulawesi

    Factors Related to the Level of Independence of Active Family Planning (FP) Acceptors in North Rarowatu District

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    One of the problems faced by the government in the family planning program is the low level of community independence in the national family planning program. In general, the main objectives of the national family planning program are improving the quality of reproductive health, reducing maternal/infant/child mortality rates and controlling reproductive health problems to support the improvement of independent and quality families. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, husband's support, and availability of contraceptives with the level of independence of active family planning acceptors in North Rarowatu District. The type of research used is survey research using a cross sectional study design. The number of samples is 99 respondents. The technique of determining the sample size is by total sampling. Data collection techniques with interview and observation methods. The instrument used in data collection by using a questionnaire. Data analysis using chi square test. The results showed that there was no relationship between knowledge and family planning independence with p value = 0.954&gt; 0.05. There is no relationship between husband's support and family planning independence with p=0.599&gt;0.05. There is no correlation between the availability of contraceptives and the independence of family planning with p value = 0.401&gt;0.05. Conclusion; There is no relationship between knowledge, husband's support, and availability of contraceptives with the level of independence of active family planning acceptors in North Rarowatu District. Suggestion; It is hoped that health workers will be more active in conducting counseling and education activities for family planning participants as well as increasing the availability of contraceptives in order to increase the awareness of acceptors in the Independent Family Planning program voluntarily

    The Effect of Tomato Juice in Increasing Ki-67 Expression and Epithelial Thickness on The Vaginal Wall of Menopausal Rats

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    BACKGROUND: Dyspareunia and pain due to the decrease of vaginal wall thickness usually happen in menopausal women. The reduction of estrogen levels cause the decreasing of cell proliferation and the thinning of vaginal wall epithelium. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a source of phytoestrogens, which produce estrogenic effects. This study aims to assess the effect of tomato juice on Ki-67 expression and epithelial thickness of the vaginal wall in menopausal rats.METHODS: This was an experimental study using Sprague-Dawley rats. Twenty-four female rats, aged 4 months and weighing 150-200 grams, were divided into 4 groups. Each group consisted of 6 rats. Negative control (NC) group was group of rats with sham procedure and performed by distilled water for 28 days. Positive control (PC) group was group of bilateral ovariectomized rats and performed by distilled water for 28 days. The first treatment (T1) group was group of bilateral ovariectomized rats, given tomato juice at dose of 11g/200g body weight (BW)/day. The second treatment (T2) group was group of bilateral ovariectomized rats, given tomato juice at dose of 15g/200g BW/day. Data analysis was done with Anova, multiple comparisons and regression test.RESULTS: The group with lowest Ki-67 expression was PC group (2.52±0.60). The expression of Ki-67 in treatment groups (T1 and T2) was higher than PC group, but lower than NC group. There was no significant difference between groups (p=0.771). The lowest epithelial thickness was found in PC group (21.19±3.96) and the highest was found in the treatment groups (38.73±12.43). There was positive correlation between tomato juice and epithelial thickness (p=0.647).CONCLUSION: Tomato juice increases Ki-67 expression and epithelial thickness on the vaginal wall of menopausal rats. The increase of epithelial thickness follows the administration dose, but Ki-67 expression does not exceed in the control rats. Tomato juice increases the cell proliferation of vaginal wall on menopausal rats, however the increase is still within normal limits.KEYWORDS: epithelial thickness, Ki-67, menopause, tomato juic

    Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Preeklamsia di RSUD Kolonodale Kabupaten Morowali Utara

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Kuantitatif, dengan desain case control study dengan sampel terdiri dari kasus dan control berjumlah 112 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel Simple random sampling. Hasil Penelitian&nbsp;ini diketahui Ibu Hamil dengan infeksi beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 7.50 kali lipat, Ibu hamil dengan umur kehamilan &gt;28 minggu beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 3.05 kali lipat, &nbsp;Ibu hamil dengan usia &lt; 20 tahun dan di atas 35 tahun beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 6.44 kali lipat, Ibu hamil dengan paritas 1 dan paritas &gt; 4 beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 4.41 kali lipat, &nbsp;Ibu hamil dengan memiliki Riwayat komplikasi kehamilan beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 7.50 kali lipat dan Ibu hamil dengan Graviditas 1 dan &gt; 4 beresiko mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 3.10 kali lipat, dan Variabel Infeksi, Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Umur ibu merupakan variabel atau faktor yang paling berpengaruh dan risiko mengalami preeklampsia di RSUD Kolonodale Kabupaten Morowali Utara. &nbsp;Kesimpulan Penelitian&nbsp;ini yaitu semua variabel independent memiliki korelasi terhadap varaiabel dependen

    Korelasi indeks massa tubuh terhadap rasio trigliserida dan high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol pada wanita usia subur dengan obesitas

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    Body mass index correlation with triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio of reproductive age women with obesityBackground: Obesity in women of reproductive age is thought to be one of the triggers of coronary heart disease. Body mass index (BMI) correlates well with the percentage of body fat, which is a strong indicator of coronary heart disease. Accumulation of visceral adipocytes releases excess free fatty acids, resulting in increased triglyceride synthesis. Furthermore, in a state of hypertriglyceridemia, there is a decrease in HDL levels and an increase in HDL catabolism resulting in decreased HDL levels. Examination of the ratio of triglyceride levels and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL-C) is a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease.Objective: The aim of his study was to investigate the correlation between BMI and TG/HDL-C ratio in women of reproductive age.Methods: Using an analytical approach with a cross-sectional design. Furthermore, height and weight were measured with Smic ZT 120. At the same time as this examination, venous blood was taken from the median cubital area to be used to check the level of triglycerides and HDL-C in the serum. TG examination with GPO-PAP and HDL-C direct method. The bivariate analysis uses the Spearman Rank correlation test, while the multivariate analysis uses the linear regression test.Results: TG levels were 106 (34-363) mg/dl, HDL-C levels were 48.19 ± 9.91 mg/dl, and the ratio between the two was 2.26 (0.52-9.58). Spearman Rank analysis obtained the value of r was 0.573, p-value 0.0001.Conclusions:  There is a significant positive correlation between BMI and the ratio of TG/HDL-C levels in adult women of reproductive age with obesity

    Keragaman Mikroorganisme pada Swab Vagina Perempuan Menopause di Kota Kendari Tahun 2020

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    ABSTRAKKetidakseimbangan mikrobiota vagina akibat berbagai perubahan fisiologis dan hormonal wanita pramenoupause tentunya akan mempengaruhi keberagaman flora pada lingkungan vagina. Flora mikroba dalam  vagina  bersifat  heterogen.  Keseimbangan  mikrobiota  pathogen  dan  non  patogen  dipengaruhi berapa faktor seperti keasaman, kelembaban dan lainnya dimana pada perempuan menopause sudah mulai terjadi perubahan. Telah dilakukan sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran mikrobiota pada swab vagina perempuan menopause di kota Kendari pada tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2020. Sebanyak 32 sampel swab vagina perempuan menopause dijadikan sampel padapenelitian ini. Terhadap keseluruhan sampel dilakukan pemeriksaan KOH serta kultur PDA dan SDA untuk melihat jamur, pewarnaan Giemsa untuk melihat parasit, kultur pada medium MC dan MSA untuk melihat bakteri. Dari hasil yang diperoleh ditemukan bakteri gram positif, bakteri gram negatif, jamur dan parasit. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk identifikasi mikrobiota yang didapatkan pada sampel penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Mikroorganisme, Swab Vagina, Menopause

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kejadian Premenstrual Syndrome pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Halu Oleo Angkatan 2012-2013

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    Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a set of physical, psychological and emotional sympstoms during a part of a woman’s menstrual cycle. About 80-95% productive woman has experience with premenstrual syndrome could effect several aspects in their life. Several factor could cause premenstrual syndrome is increase level of estrogen hormone. Basic material  of esterogen is fat, especially peripheral fat.  that could be predicted by measuring the body mass index. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and Premenstrual syndrome at female medical faculty, 2012-2013 of Haluoleo University. This study was an analytic observasional with cross sectional design. Samples in this  study were 133 respondents from the female of Medical Faculty, of Halu Oleo University. Samples were obtained by proportional stratified random sampling. This study using American Psikiatry Assosoation (APA) questionnaire to diagnose premenstrual syndrome. Data were analyzed with chi-square. In this study, 55.6% of respondents having a Premenstrual Syndrome, in which 96.15% incidence of premenstrual syndrome occurred in overweight group. There is a significant relationship between body mass index with the incidence of premenstrual syndrome with p value = 0,000 (p <α = 0.05) in which increasing a person's weight, the tendency to experience incidence of premenstrual syndrome will also increase. There is a relationship between body mass index with the incidence of premenstrual syndrome on the female of Medical Faculty, 2012-2013 of Halu Oleo University.Keywords : Body Mass Index, Female Medical Students, Premenstrual syndrom


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    Self-Directed Learning (SDL) is a student-centered learning in which the process and experience of learning are individually regulated and controlled by the student. The implementation of SDL is an interaction of several aspects, including self-motivation, self-control, and self-monitoring skills. Students with strong motivation in the learning process will have more consistency in implementing the SDL. Inner self-motivation will give better impacts than that obtained from the outside. This study aimed to analyze the correlation of intrinsic motivation to SDL implementation in the Faculty of Medicine of Halu Oleo University. The study was quantitative research using a cross-sectional design. Subjects were 91 sophomores of the Faculty of Medicine of Halu Oleo University (UHO). Data were collected using a total sampling method. SDL implementation and intrinsic motivation were measured using Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) and Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) questionnaires, respectively. Data were statistically analyzed using Pearson’s correlation. Second-year of medical students of UHO showed a high intrinsic motivation and SDL implementation. Students with high intrinsic motivation were found to apply high implementation of SDL. Moreover, students with moderate intrinsic motivation also showed high implementation of SDL. There is a significant correlation between intrinsic motivation to SDL implementation among medical students of UHO. Further research is required to investigate other factors that affect the SDL implementation of medical students

    Cervical cancer screening coverage in urban and rural areas: its determinants

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    Cervical cancer is a woman’s health problem that is still widespread throughtout the world, especially in developing country such as Indonesia. The high incidence of cervical cancer related with early detection program. Visual inspection of acetic acid (VIA) is used as an alternative screening method because it is easier, cheaper and effectiveness is not much different from the Pap test. The most participant in urban and rural areas was the age group 31-40 years old, low parity, and first intercourse at ≥ 17 years old. There was asscociation between cervical cancer screening coverage with education level, knowledge and distance of service facilities. There were significant difference of education level (p = 0.000), knowledge (p = 0.000) and distance of service facilities of urban and rural participant (p = 0.000). There was no significant differences in family support of urban and rural participant (p = 0.224)