1,707 research outputs found

    Functional renormalization group for quantized anharmonic oscillator

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    Functional renormalization group methods formulated in the real-time formalism are applied to the O(N)O(N) symmetric quantum anharmonic oscillator, considered as a 0+10+1 dimensional quantum field-theoric model, in the next-to-leading order of the gradient expansion of the one- and two-particle irreducible effective action. The infrared scaling laws and the sensitivity-matrix analysis show the existence of only a single, symmetric phase. The field-independent term of the wavefunction renormalization turned out to be negligible, but its field-dependent piece is noticeable. It is shown that the infrared limits of the running couplings depend on the renormalization group scheme used, when the perturbation expansion in the bare quartic coupling is truncated keeping the terms up to the second order.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Asymptotic safety in the sine-Gordon model

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    In the framework of the functional renormalization group method it is shown that the phase structure of the 2-dimensional sine-Gordon model possesses a nontrivial UV fixed point which makes the model asymptotically safe. The fixed point exhibits strong singularity similarly to the scaling found in the vicinity of the infrared fixed point. The singularity signals the upper energy-scale limit to the validity of the model. We argue that the sine-Gordon model with a momentum-dependent wavefunction renormalization is in a dual connection with the massive sine-Gordon model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Phase structure of the O(2)O(2) ghost model with higher-order gradient term

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    The phase structure and the infrared behaviour of the Euclidean 3-dimensional O(2)O(2) symmetric ghost scalar field model with higher-order derivative term has been investigated in Wegner and Houghton's renormalization group framework. The symmetric phase in which no ghost condensation occurs and the phase with restored symmetry but with a transient presence of a ghost condensate have been identified. Finiteness of the correlation length at the phase boundary hints to a phase transition of first order. The results are compared with those for the ordinary O(2)O(2) symmetric scalar field model.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Some consequences of GUP induced ultraviolet wavevector cutoff in one-dimensional Quantum Mechanics

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    A projection method is proposed to treat the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for a single particle when the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) generates an ultraviolet (UV) wavevector cutoff. The existence of a unique coordinate representation called the naive one is derived from the one-parameter family of discrete coordinate representations. In this bandlimited Quantum Mechanics a continuous potential is reconstructed from discrete sampled values observed by means of a particle in maximally localized states. It is shown that bandlimitation modifies the speed of the center and the spreading time of a Gaussian wavepacket moving in free space. Indication is found that GUP accompanied by bandlimitation may cause departures of the low-lying energy levels of a particle in a box from those in ordinary Quantum Mechanics much less suppressed than commonly thought when GUP without bandlimitation is in work.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Optimized regulator for the quantized anharmonic oscillator

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    The energy gap between the first excited state and the ground state is calculated for the quantized anharmonic oscillator in the framework of the functional renormalization group method. The compactly supported smooth regulator is used which includes various types of regulators as limiting cases. It was found that the value of the energy gap depends on the regulator parameters. We argue that the optimization based on the disappearance of the false, broken symmetric phase of the model leads to the Litim's regulator. The least sensitivity on the regulator parameters leads however to an IR regulator being somewhat different of the Litim's one, but it can be described as a perturbatively improved, or generalized Litim's regulator and provides analytic evolution equations, too.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum censorship in two dimensions

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    It is pointed out that increasingly attractive interactions, represented by partially concave local potential in the Lagrangian, may lead to the degeneracy of the blocked, renormalized action at the gliding cutoff scale by tree-level renormalization. A quantum counterpart of this mechanism is presented in the two-dimensional sine-Gordon model. The presence of Quantum Censorship is conjectured which makes the loop contributions pile up during the renormalization and thereby realize an approximate semiclassical effect.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Final versio

    Quantum-classical transition in the Caldeira-Leggett model

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    The quantum-classical transition in the Caldeira-Leggett model is investigated in the framework of the functional renormalization group method. It is shown that a divergent quadratic term arises in the action due to the heat bath in the model. By removing the divergence with a frequency cutoff we considered the critical behavior of the model. The critical exponents belonging to the susceptibility and the correlation length are determined and their independence of the frequency cutoff and the renormalization scheme is shown.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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