41 research outputs found

    Intolerant Democrat Syndrome: The Problem of Indonesian Democratic Consolidation

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    Indonesia underwent democratization after more than 20 years (1998–2020), but many studies conclude that the country’s democracy is not consolidated and suffered a setback, at least in the last five years. An increase in political intolerance in society is believed to be the cause of this setback. However, studies on Indonesian political tolerance are biased and thus do not reflect actual conditions of general tolerance. This study offers a new unbiased strategy called “content-controlled measures of political tolerance” in the research on political tolerance. This strategy has been used in a series of national public opinion surveys for a relatively long period (2004–2019) and is a source of scarce data for this study. Results present a new finding that preference for democracy, as a measure of democratic consolidation at the attitudinal level, is not accompanied by political tolerance. In fact, political tolerance weakens the consolidation of democracy, which is a symptom of a condition that the author calls the “intolerant democrat syndrome.” In this syndrome, preference for democracy is hampered by political tolerance and vice versa. This syndrome makes the consolidation of Indonesian democracy difficult. Further research on the causes of the emergence of this syndrome is necessary; however, the author suspects that the current constitution contributes systematically to this syndrome

    Anti-Americanism in Contemporary Indonesia

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    This paper attempts to explore these two basic arguments. To that end we need first to discuss what is meant by "anti-Americanism," then what is meant by "unjust American foreign policies," and thirdly what is meant by "civilization" in the context of Indonesian Muslim society. "Anti-Americanism" in the international context is an individual or group attitude or action that reflects a feeling of dislike, hatred or intolerance toward America as a nation, or America as defined by the attitudes or behavior of the American government toward other countries. It is not easy to decide how to measure these anti-American attitudes or actions.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v12i2.58

    Identitas Negara-Bangsa dan Kebangkitan Islam:Perbandingan Malaysia dan Indonesia

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    Started writing, Nash describes an event that took the surrender of the armed struggle of fifteen years by claiming around 40,000 people, the struggle pursued by the Darul Islam (DI)-metaphor-led Islamic state Kartosuwiryo (1905-1962). DI is based on the struggle of Islam and not much is known of the international community was taking place long before the concept of "Islamic fundamentalism" known among journalists or academicsDOI: 10.15408/sdi.v1i2.86


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    Are Asian democracies deconsolidating, in line with world-wide trends?   This article examines four consolidated democracies in Asia: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, plus Indonesia, whose own consolidation has been problematic. Using public opinion data, we evaluate two competing models—civic culture and political economy—to test whether there is a decline in democratic support. We report that the political economy model is more persuasive. Declines in democratic support are associated more consistently with democratic performance and education.  Because education levels are tending to rise, and political socialization continues into adulthood, we conclude that there should be little fear that Asian democracies will deconsolidate

    Gerakan Kebebasan Sipil: Studi dan Advokasi Kritis Ata Perda Syariah

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    Buku ini mencoba memotret sebuah proses pendalaman demokrasi dan penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi yang terjadi di tanah air kita. Terekam disini suatu dinamika dimana perda-perda bernuansa syari'ah yang dianggap mengancam kebebasan sipil dipelajari secara seksama, didiskusikan secara bersama berbagai kelompok masyarakat sipil dari berbagai latar belakang, dan yang kesepaktan apapun yang mengenainya dari sini disampaikan kepada pejabat publik yang bertanggungjawab atas keluar dan dilaksanakanya perda-perda itu – suatu proses yang bernilai pada dirinya sendiri. Tersaji juga disini liputan media massa mengenainya dan polemik yang berkembang karenanya. Buku ini merekam sebuah model partisipasi politik warga negara yang mungkin bias dijadikan contoh bagaimana kita bisa menyelesaikan perbedan pendapat, bahkan konflik kepentingan, secara berdamai, bermartabat, dan beradab

    Indonesian National Election Project

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    Research project funded in academic years 2004-05, 2005-06, and 2006-07The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.After more than four decades years of authoritarian rule, Indonesia held democratic legislative elections in 1999. Elections were held again in 2004, including Indonesia’s first direct election of a president and vice-president. In both cases, a team led by Liddle and Mujani surveyed Indonesian voters to see why they made the choices they did. The surveys were designed to assess the relative impact on Indonesian voters' choices of six sociological and psychological factors.Mershon Center for International Security StudiesProject summar

    Politik Islam atau Islam Politik?

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    Tema politik Islam selalu ramai untuk dibicarakan, apalagi di negeri mayoritas Muslim seperti Indonesia. Berikut adalah wawancara dengan Dr. Saiful Mujani, November 1995