10 research outputs found


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    Liang Panningnge, one of cave sites in Maros Region, South Sulawesi, provides information about the exploitation of animals especially pig (Suidae) by the cave inhabitants. The aims of this research are to know more about the behavior and subsistence strategy related to the existence of Suidae. The methods of analyses includes tafonomy analysis, species and element identifications, Number of Identified Specimen (NISP), Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI), Minimum Number of Elements (MNE), age of death, and Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) analyses. The results show that there were two species of Suidae that were consumed along the four occupation phases at  Liang Panningnge, i.e. Sus celebensis and Babyrousa celebensis. The existence of Toalean tools, especially Maros point and other stones points throughout the  habitation period show that both species of Suidae were hunted. Incomplete elements of each species show that the preys were possibly butchered inside and outside the site, and specific elements were shared among the group members. There was an indication of management or even domestication of Suidae as shown by the high index of LEH in the third phase. This notion is also supported by significant increase of juvenile and immature Suidae


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    Gua Batti terletak di Kecamatan Bontocani, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan. Keberadaan tulangfaunamenjadi data utama untuk menerangkan tingkah laku manusia yang mendiami Gua Batti.Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dengan ekskavasi dan identifikasi jenis fauna melaluipendekatan biologi. Kemudian data dieksplanasi dengan memperhatikan tingkah laku budaya dalamarkeologi. Deposit tulang di Gua Batti didominasi jenis binatang mamalia besar yang terdiri dari anoa danbabi serta menunjukkan kesamaan dengan jenis binatang lukisan pada dinding gua. Penghuni Gua Battiberburu binatang dan mengolah sisa makanannya sebagai artefak, melaksanakan ritual dan mengenal tabu.Gua Batti dihuni oleh dua pendukung kebudayaan yang berbeda dalam masa yang berbeda pula

    Jurnal Walennae : jurnal arkeologi Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara vol. 15, no. 2 November 2017

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    Jurnal walennae vol 15 no 2 tahun 2017. pada edisi ini merupakan kontribusi para peneliti balai arkeologi sulawesi selatan dan juga pemerhati arkeologi dan kebudayaan yang ada di sulawesi. Daftar isi : 1. Lukisan Fauna, Pola Sebaran dan Lanskap Budaya di Kawasan Kars Sulawesi Bagian Selatan 2. Identifikasi Rangka Manusia Situs Gua Balang Metti, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan 3. Aspek Ruang Pemukiman di Sisi Selatan Tepi Aliran Sungai Cenrana, Kabupaten Bone 4. Transformasi Sosial-Politik Masa Awal Kerajaan Nepo: Kajian Berdasarkan Sumber Naskah Lontara dan Data Arkeologi 5. Teknik Pembuatan Serpih Bilah dengan Pendekatan Arkeologi Ekperimenta


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    Tulisan ini menyajikan studi tentang lanskap pada situs gua-gua yang memiliki gambar dari masa prasejarah. Gua-gua prasejarah di bagian selatan Pulau Sulawesi merupakan kawasan gua dengan karakter lukisan telapak tangan dan fauna. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada lukisan fauna dan lanskap budaya. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya mengumpulkan hasil penelitian lukisan di wilayah ini kemudian mengklasifikasi jenis lukisan fauna dan keletakan situs berlukis tersebut dalam peta dengan menggunakan software GIS. Software ini juga digunakan untuk menghitung jarak situs terdekat dan terjauh dengan pantai di masa Pleistosen.  Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan lukisan fauna, pola sebaran gua dan lingkungan masa lalu menjelaskan bahwa kawasan gua-gua prasejarah di bagian selatan Sulawesi merupakan lanskap budaya yang telah diokupasi oleh dua kelompok identitas yang berbeda berdasarkan karakter lukisannya

    Penerapan Algoritma MKNN pada Data Historis Gempa Bumi yang Berpotensi Tsunami

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    In the implementation of modified K-Nearest Neighbor method for the determination of tsunami potential by comparing the calculation of euclidean distance and Manhattan used 3 earthquake criteria namely strength, depth and epicenter with 2 classification classes, potentially tsunami and not potential tsunami. The MKNN algorithm works by retrieving a number of nearby K data (its neighbors) as a reference to determine the class of new data. This algorithm classifies data based on similarity or similarity or proximity to other data. The result is that algortima can classify the status of an earthquake whether it has the potential for a tsunami or not by paying attention to the balance of the composition of the training data used. With the highest accuracy value of 90% for K=1. The results of the euclidean and manhattan comparisons were obtained from several test scenarios, namely changes in the composition of datasets, changes in the value of K and changes in training data. Obtained average system performance of 80% for euclidean distances and 82% for manhattan distance test results showed that the composition of the dataset greatly influenced the performance of the system obtained. So Manhattan has a higher level of accuracy than the euclidean distance with an average difference of 2%

    Change in santri's entrepreneurial mindset through the salafi model quality management system in Indonesia pesantren

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    This study aimed to (1) identify entrepreneurial product that is feasible to be developed to support the pesantren’s independence, (2) find the appropriate assistance strategies to improve the pesantren’s entrepreneurship through the salafi model quality management system (SMQMS), and (3) describe the performance of Islamic entrepreneurship after applying SMQMS. The method used is participatory action research with the stages of plan, action, observe, and reflect. This study selected a sample of 64 students, 4 teachers, and kyai (pesantren leaders), using a purposive sampling technique. The participants all attended Islamic vocational high school in Darus Sholawat Pesantren, Madiun, Indonesia. Descriptive analysis were performed to analyze the data. The results of the study indicate that: (1) entrepreneurial product that is deserved to be prioritized to develop is sharia laundry business, because involves its impact on the pesantren’s learning process and economy; (2) the strategy for developing the pesantren’s educational quality is the use of SMQMS; (3) the independence of the pesantren is shown in the learning aspect through the "learning quality pledge" and courage to opine, while the aspect of entrepreneurship is shown through a sharia laundry business based on the SMQMS

    Change in santri's entrepreneurial mindset through the salafi model quality management system in Indonesia pesantren

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    This study aimed to (1) identify entrepreneurial product that is feasible to be developed to support the pesantren’s independence, (2) find the appropriate assistance strategies to improve the pesantren’s entrepreneurship through the salafi model quality management system (SMQMS), and (3) describe the performance of Islamic entrepreneurship after applying SMQMS. The method used is participatory action research with the stages of plan, action, observe, and reflect. This study selected a sample of 64 students, 4 teachers, and kyai (pesantren leaders), using a purposive sampling technique. The participants all attended Islamic vocational high school in Darus Sholawat Pesantren, Madiun, Indonesia. Descriptive analysis were performed to analyze the data. The results of the study indicate that: (1) entrepreneurial product that is deserved to be prioritized to develop is sharia laundry business, because involves its impact on the pesantren’s learning process and economy; (2) the strategy for developing the pesantren’s educational quality is the use of SMQMS; (3) the independence of the pesantren is shown in the learning aspect through the "learning quality pledge" and courage to opine, while the aspect of entrepreneurship is shown through a sharia laundry business based on the SMQMS

    Lembah Walennae: lingkungan purba dan jejak arkeologi peradaban Soppeng

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    Buku ini menguraikan hasil penelitian yang komprehensif mengenai diversitas kebudayaan dari masa prasejarah hingga masa Kolonial di Soppeng, Wilayah budaya Soppeng yang telah mencuat sejak ditemukannya fosil Fauna dan alat-alat batu di Cabenge, membuat wilayah Soppeng cukup dikenal hingga ke Mancanegara. Hasil penelitian arkeologi dan geologi selama ini meletakkan wilayah Soppeng sebagai daerah yang memiliki bentuk kebudayaan manusia yang tertua di Sulawesi. Sekitar 198.000 tahun yang lalu wilayah ini telah memperlihatkan kemampuan manusia dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya alam terutama dengan memperlihatkan sumber batuan untuk digunakan sebagai peralatan dalam pemenuhan kehidupan sehari-hari. Soppeng yang kita kenal sekarang sesungguhnya telah melalui perjalanan sejarah kebudayaan yang begitu panjang, dan setiap tahapan sejarah yang dilaluinya menyisakan ciri teknologi artefaktur yang masing-masing menandai zamannya. Dengan kajian multidisipliner, buku ini menyajikan berbagai fenomena budaya, kondisi geologis dan kehidupan sosiokultural masyarakat Soppeng. Suatu budaya materi menyimpan memori tentang sistem berpikir, ide-ide inovatif dan gambaran sosiokultural yang harus diungkapkan. Diskursus dalam buku ini berkeinginan menyebarkan fenomena kultural Soppeng sebagai identitas budaya yang berdampak pada aspek moralitas yang harus dipertahankan

    Pesantren and the Economic Development in the Perspective of Maqashid Al-Shari'ah

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    Modernization to deliver the process in diversifying the socio-economic role of pesantren is undeniable things. Consequently, pesantren must take immediate action if they want to maintain their role and function. In this context, this article wants to describe the widespread mandate of a pesantren in Jember, namely Pesantren Nurul Qornain (PNQ), those takes part –not only empowerment in the field of education- but also play role in the development of economic enterprises. This is then reviewed in the perspective of maqashid al-shari'ah (the purpose of shari'a). Throughout qualitative study, this article explains that pesantren alumni and local society involved in the management of PNQ economic enterprises. Some of developed business unit in the area of agriculture, trading, animal farm, plantation, and mining. Furthermore, the main factor behind PNQ in managing economic enterprises is pesantren sovereignty. It is initiated by kiai (the leader of pesantren). According to him, pesantren can develop rapidly if they sovereign in all aspects. This sovereignty is interpreted as economic sovereignty. However, economic development is as determining factor in supporting the existence of pesantren. Additionally, the development of economic enterprises carries out by PNQ in line with the value of hifdhul maal (the maintenance of property). Hence, it is prospective benefits if it can be replicated by Islamic educational institution nowadays