5 research outputs found

    N-truncated Abeta starting with position four : early intraneuronal accumulation and rescue of toxicity using NT4X-167, a novel monoclonal antibody

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    Abstract Background The amyloid hypothesis in Alzheimer disease (AD) considers amyloid β peptide (Aβ) deposition causative in triggering down-stream events like neurofibrillary tangles, cell loss, vascular damage and memory decline. In the past years N-truncated Aβ peptides especially N-truncated pyroglutamate AβpE3-42 have been extensively studied. Together with full-length Aβ1–42 and Aβ1–40, N-truncated AβpE3-42 and Aβ4–42 are major variants in AD brain. Although Aβ4–42 has been known for a much longer time, there is a lack of studies addressing the question whether AβpE3-42 or Aβ4–42 may precede the other in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Results Using different Aβ antibodies specific for the different N-termini of N-truncated Aβ, we discovered that Aβ4-x preceded AβpE3-x intraneuronal accumulation in a transgenic mouse model for AD prior to plaque formation. The novel Aβ4-x immunoreactive antibody NT4X-167 detected high molecular weight aggregates derived from N-truncated Aβ species. While NT4X-167 significantly rescued Aβ4–42 toxicity in vitro no beneficial effect was observed against Aβ1–42 or AβpE3-42 toxicity. Phenylalanine at position four of Aβ was imperative for antibody binding, because its replacement with alanine or proline completely prevented binding. Although amyloid plaques were observed using NT4X-167 in 5XFAD transgenic mice, it barely reacted with plaques in the brain of sporadic AD patients and familial cases with the Arctic, Swedish and the presenilin-1 PS1Δ9 mutation. A consistent staining was observed in blood vessels in all AD cases with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. There was no cross-reactivity with other aggregates typical for other common neurodegenerative diseases showing that NT4X-167 staining is specific for AD. Conclusions Aβ4-x precedes AβpE3-x in the well accepted 5XFAD AD mouse model underlining the significance of N-truncated species in AD pathology. NT4X-167 therefore is the first antibody reacting with Aβ4-x and represents a novel tool in Alzheimer research

    Metabarcoding of eukaryotic parasite communities describes diverse parasite assemblages spanning the primate phylogeny

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    Despite their ubiquity, in most cases little is known about the impact of eukaryotic parasites on their mammalian hosts. Comparative approaches provide a powerful method to investigate the impact of parasites on host ecology and evolution, though two issues are critical for such efforts: controlling for variation in methods of identifying parasites and incorporating heterogeneity in sampling effort across host species. To address these issues, there is a need for standardized methods to catalogue eukaryotic parasite diversity across broad phylogenetic host ranges. We demonstrate the feasibility of a metabarcoding approach for describing parasite communities by analysing faecal samples from 11 nonhuman primate species representing divergent lineages of the primate phylogeny and the full range of sampling effort (i.e. from no parasites reported in the literature to the best‐studied primates). We detected a number of parasite families and regardless of prior sampling effort, metabarcoding of only ten faecal samples identified parasite families previously undescribed in each host (x̅ = 8.5 new families per species). We found more overlap between parasite families detected with metabarcoding and published literature when more research effort—measured as the number of publications—had been conducted on the host species' parasites. More closely related primates and those from the same continent had more similar parasite communities, highlighting the biological relevance of sampling even a small number of hosts. Collectively, results demonstrate that metabarcoding methods are sensitive and powerful enough to standardize studies of eukaryotic parasite communities across host species, providing essential new tools for macroecological studies of parasitism.Peer Reviewe

    Immune hyperreactivity of Aβ plaque-associated microglia in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is strongly associated with microglia-induced neuroinflammation. Particularly, Aβ plaque-associated microglia take on an "activated" morphology. However, the function and phenotype of these Aβ plaque-associated microglia are not well understood. We show hyperreactivity of Aβ plaque-associated microglia upon systemic inflammation in transgenic AD mouse models (i.e., 5XFAD and APP23). Gene expression profiling of Aβ plaque-associated microglia (major histocompatibility complex II+ microglia) isolated from 5XFAD mice revealed a proinflammatory phenotype. The upregulated genes involved in the biological processes (gene ontology terms) included: "immune response to external stimulus" such as Axl, Cd63, Egr2, and Lgals3, "cell motility", such as Ccl3, Ccl4, Cxcr4, and Sdc3, "cell differentiation", and "system development", such as St14, Trpm1, and Spp1. In human AD tissue with similar Braak stages, expression of phagocytic markers and AD-associated genes, including HLA-DRA, APOE, AXL, TREM2, and TYROBP, was higher in laser-captured early-onset AD (EOAD) plaques than in late-onset AD plaques. Interestingly, the nonplaque parenchyma of both EOAD and late-onset AD brains, the expression of above-mentioned markers were similarly low. Here, we provide evidence that Aβ plaque-associated microglia are hyperreactive in their immune response and phagocytosis in the transgenic AD mice as well as in EOAD brain tissue. We suggest that Aβ plaque-associated microglia are the primary source of neuroinflammation related to AD pathology