126 research outputs found

    Recycling of organic residues in compost to improve coastal sandy soil properties and cabbage shoot yield in Benin

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    Recycling of municipal organic waste in compost is a potential approach to addressing waste disposal problems and soil fertility management. We studied during two years experiment whether composts of municipal organic waste improved with chicken dejection (MOW+Cdj), municipal organic waste improved with cottonseeds and chicken dejection (MOW+Cdj+Csd), and maize stover residues improved with chickendejection (MSR+Cdj) may be an alternative to chemical fertilizer to improve infertile littoral sandy soil and cabbage shoot yield. 20 t ha-1 of each type of compost were applied according to a completely randomized blocdesign with five replications. The C:N ratio of the composts ranged between 10.5 and 12.1 quite favourable for microbiological processes in the soil. The addition of cottonseeds to the compost has improved its physical and chemical properties. Soil available phosphorus, CEC and exchangeable cations were significantly (P (MSR+Cdj) > (MOW+Cdj) > Control. 6.42 tha-1 and 7.63 t/ha of cabbage shoot yield were obtained in 2002 and 2003 respectively with the compost MOW+Cdj+Csd which is significantly higher (

    Effet de differentes sources de phosphate sur le rendement du riz sur sols acides

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    Le rendement du riz paddy reste faible ( 2 t ha-1) et l'efficience agronomique relative (> 40 %), par rapport à PT durant les deux premières années. L'usage d'une source de P contenant S, Al et Fe comme le SS à 60 kg P ha-1 combinée à des résidus de matière organique a été recommandée pour une riziculture plus productive et durable.Mots clés : Sols acides, hyperdystric ferralsol, engrais phosphatés, riziculture, Man

    Effet d’un système agroforestier à karité (Vitellaria paradoxa c.f. gaertn) sur le sol et le potentiel de production du maïs (Zea maize) en zone Soudanienne du Bénin

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    L’effet de cinq classes de diamètre du houppier du karité sur les paramètres agronomiques a été étudié en comparant les zones sous houppier et hors houppier en zone soudanienne du Bénin. L’humiditépondérale et la température du sol et les rendements grains et paille du maïs ont été mesurés. La présence des arbres de karité a eu une influence significativement (P< 0,01 à P< 0,001) positive sur l’humidité pondérale et la température du sol de façon croissante avec la largeur du houppier. Les teneurs du sol en C-organique, Ntotal et Ca2+ échangeable sont élevées sous houppier comparativement à la zone hors houppier. Cependant, les rendements sous houppier sont significativement (P< 0,05) faibles comparativement à la zone hors houppier. Les classes de diamètre du houppier n’ont pas influé significativement la production de grains et de paille du maïs. Les rendements grain et paille sous houppier sont réduits respectivement de 46,6% et de 32,8% comparativement à la zone hors houppier. On note une influence positive du système agroforestier à karitésur l’humidité pondérale, la température du sol, le carbone organique et l’azote total, mais un effet négatif est notésur les paramètres de rendement du maïs.Mots clés: Parc à karité, agroforesterie traditionnelle, fertilité du sol, houppier, zone soudanienne

    Regulation status of quarantine pests of rice seeds in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

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    Open Access JournalThe ever growing international trade has limited efforts towards the prevention of introduction, spread and establishment of invasive organisms. Non-native pests can cause severe loss of production and lead to restriction in exchange of genetic materials and seed marketing across regions. Regulating pests’ movement through quarantine measures and establishment of regional boards has been identified as a way to deal with introduction and expansion of invasive organisms. This review analyzes the different pest regulations in the West African sub-region with a specific focus on the implementation of quarantine measures in rice as a case study. The various regulations related to seed production, certification and marketing, and quarantine regulations in West Africa were analyzed and their enforcement and performance were assessed through comparison to international standards, especially the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Although a regional regulation on seeds and phytosanitary measures has been elaborated, ECOWAS countries are still enforcing their national phytosanitary legislations, which are nearly the same in all West African countries - they all aim at ensuring plant health by applying preventive and curative measures to prevent the introduction and spread of pests in their territory by controlling the import and export of plant materials and disseminating appropriate pest management techniques to boost agricultural production. Most ECOWAS countries are yet to submit their phytosanitary legislation to IPPC to comply with Article VII.2i of the endorsed convention. In addition, the entry points are not well defined and provided to the IPPC according to the Article VII.2d of the convention. When the quarantine list is available, the organisms regulated for each crop species are not stated, posing a real problem not only for rice genetic resource exchanges for research purposes but also for rice seed trade. Efforts and resources should be devoted by each country to research on pests and regulatory mechanisms in order to define, among others, pest status in the region, and to update regularly the quarantine pests list in the West African region

    Résultats De 5ans De Thyroïdectomie Au Service D’orl Et Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale De l’Hôpital National De Niamey (Niger)

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    Purpose: To evaluate the results of thyroidectomy in the Oto-RhinoLaryngology and Neck Surgery office of the National Hospital of Niamey in Niger. Materials and methods: we analyzed the epidemiological aspects, the indications, the technics and the evolution of thyroidectomy through a retrospective and descriptive study conducted from January 2010 to December 2015. Results: Thyroidectomy represents 8, 51% (n = 236/2773) of the ENT operative activities and an average of 47.2 cases per year for 5 years. Among the patients, there were 15 men and 221 women, a sex ratio of 0.17. The mean age was 37.25 years (extreme 22 and 61 years). The operative indications are dominated by multinodular goiter euthyroid (43.22%), thyroid nodules (39.40%), hyperthyroidism (goiter and Basedow) and substernal goiters, respectively, representing 8.90% and 6.35%. The gestures performed were subtotal thyroidectomy in 56 cases (23.73%), complete thyroidectomy in 85 cases (36.02%) and lobo-isthmectomy in 95 cases (40.25%). The recurrent nerve was searched in 235 cases (99%) and found in 215 cases (91, 10%). It was found 1 case (0.42%) of splitting of the left nerve recurrent. 2 cases (0.84%) of immediate postoperative hemorrhage was recorded. Morbidity was 0.29% with 4 cases of definitive unilateral recurrent paralysis and 3 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism. No mortality was encountered. Conclusion: The thyroidectomy is a frequent intervention in the ENT and Neck Surgery office of the National Hospital of Niamey. Multinodular goiter remains the first surgical indication. Recurrent and hypoparathyroid morbidity was very low

    Ileus Biliaire : A Propos D’un Cas Clinique

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    Introduction: Gallstone ileus is a rare mechanical occlusion. It is caused by the enclosure of biliary macro lithiasis in a portion of the digestive tract resulting from a digestive bile fistula. We report a clinical case to discuss therapeutic modalities through a review of the literature. Medical observation: We report the case of a 77-year-old patient who was hospitalized in the Nephrology department of the university hospital in Montpellier for functional kidney failure and dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea. The none-injected abdominal-pelvic CT scan showed a gallstone ileus with 5 enclaved duodenum, jejunum and ileum lithiasis resulting into a small bowel obstruction. There are no signs of acute cholecystitis. The management was simple by enterolithotomy surgery alone after fixing of hydro electrolyte imbalance. The after surgery sequence was simple. Conclusion: Gallstone ileus is a rare surgical condition. The high mortality rate in the management of this condition makes enterolithotomy the least invasive and recommended method
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