3 research outputs found

    A Quick Glimpse into Communism and Anti-Nationalism in Kedah Before the World War Two

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    This paper is a brief review on social situation in Tanah Melayu (Malaysia), specifically in the state of Kedah, prior to World War Two. Generally, the situation and social understanding in Kedah was influenced by the influx of immigrants especially the Chinese who came for economic reasons.  These immigrants brought with them the culture and the way of life in the Mainland China. This, in a way, affected people’s lives in Kedah. With the strong support from the Chinese, communism began to make its mark among other ethnic groups in the society. The Triads culture became strong and it lead to other anti-national activities. This, in turn, affected the economic, political, and social influence. All these aspects seemed to have become the foundation of a bigger influence after the surrender of Japan. They have also become the foundation for social equality and differences during   the Emergency period from 1948-1960

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengintegrasian Teknologi Pengajaran Berdasarkan Model TPACK dalam Kalangan Guru Matematik

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    Kajian ini secara umumnya mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengintegrasian teknologi pengajaran berdasarkan model TPACK dalam kalangan guru matematik. TPACK adalah singkatan bagi “Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge”. Fokus kajian ini tertumpu kepada pengetahuan teknologi, pengetahuan pedagogi dan pengetahuan kandungan dalam kalangan guru matematik. Bagi mencapai objektif ini, penyelidik  telah memilih seramai 120 orang responden dari kalangan guru matematik sekolah menengah di Daerah Kubang Pasu sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan keratan rentas yang bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instumen kajian bagi tujuan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengintegrasian teknologi pengajaran berdasarkan model TPACK. Dapatan kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru di sekolah menengah di Daerah Kubang Pasu, mempunyai min pengetahuan pedagogi dan min pengetahuan kandungan pada tahap yang tinggi tetapi min pengetahuan teknologi berada pada tahap yang sederhana. Secara keseluruhannya keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengintegrasian teknologi pengajaran berdasarkan model TPACK berada pada tahap yang sederhana. Sehubungan dengan itu, penyelidik mencadangkan agar guru-guru matematik di daerah Kubang Pasu diberikan latihan tentang penggunaan teknologi supaya kemahiran teknologi dapat dipertingkatkan dan seterusnya dapat menjayakan proses pengintegrasian teknologi pengajaran berdasarkan model TPACK. Semoga dengan ini, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik menjadi lebih bermakna dan mampu menarik minat seterusnya memberi motivasi kepada pelajar meningkatkan prestasi disamping menggalakkan guru-guru matematik memperluaskan lagi penggunaan ICT di sekolah


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    Malaysia and Indonesia are traditionally neighboring countries in ASEAN and sharing a historical background, language, culture, and religion. It is undeniable fact that Malaysia-Indonesia relations are often influenced by current national issues such as water territorial, Indonesian immigrants, national product, and others.  Reviews These issues always sparked conflicts and Provoked various actions from Indonesians and dieting. Normally, Indonesians are more sensitives compared with dieting when faced with this situation as well. This article focuses on knowledge and understanding of X and Y Indonesian generation on Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral relations. This article incorporates the qualitative method with primary data obtained through a questionnaire distributed amongst respondents. Respondents are consisted of UIN's first-degree students and staff s and were selected by purposive sampling. Apart from that, focus group discussion and interview session was held to get a view from respondents. This article found that X and Y Indonesian generations have a good understanding of Malaysia. They are also usually aware of the importance of Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral relations. In addition, they acknowledged Malaysia as an essential country for Indonesia's present interest. Respondents also showed high sensitivity regarding competition between Malaysia and Indonesia. The important finding of this writing is both generations s acknowledge the fact that they are closest neighboring country and a good relationship should be maintained in facing the global challeng