468 research outputs found


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    TEACHING METHODS USING THE TELEVISION TALENT SEARCH AUDITION MODELThe  main purpose of this study was to answer the five (5) questions the research on: Motivation, Achievement, competition, prestige (esteem) and orderly time, will be missed on the research results, in addition to the collaboration between the teaching style audition with, the development of a model audition   that of the entertainment program on television. This research study is to do a collaboration between teaching style audition to audition models program  television.The study the authors chose a model using fenomenology, in an effort to further explore the internal factors and external factors of the participants individually, so not just displaying figures on the above calculation paper. Findings   From the results obtained from processing of data and calculation of the amount of value as well as the interview shows the results of the acquisition value the better of each meeting seen this from the value that was obtained, at a meeting of the audition stage three (3), already visible once the values are moving fluctuating. Significance  those who scored high and moderate increased while the low score decreased, indicating a significant change, after combining teaching methods and audition models such as television programs (talent shows)., There was a significant increase


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    The background of this research starts from seeing and analyzing the importance of skills for Education Technology students, especially talent in the field of entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is for them to gain learning and experience in the field of entrepreneurship as well as in the effort to create independence in finding employment opportunities or creating work. The main problem in this study is to provide experience and knowledge to students of Education Technology in terms of entrepreneurship. The method used in this study is a qualitative perspective approach with the phenomenological model, because the subject of this problem is a phenomenon that often occurs, when students have already finished college and then returned to the community, and the job opportunities they have not obtained. This research requires about 15 weeks, with  the  students as participants of 8 students. The results of this study indicate a positive level of progress and nature of efforts to increase motivation in entrepreneurship, and this is a finding, novelty (novelty) in increasing learning motivation, business motivation for students. .Bu araştırmanın arka planı Eğitim Teknolojisi öğrencileri için becerilerin, özellikle girişimcilik alanındaki yeteneklerin önemini görmek ve analiz etmekten başlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, girişimcilik alanında öğrenme ve deneyim kazanmanın yanı sıra istihdam olanakları bulma veya iş yaratma konusunda bağımsızlık yaratma çabasıdır. Bu çalışmanın temel sorunu, Eğitim Teknolojisi öğrencilerine girişimcilik konusunda deneyim ve bilgi sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan yöntem fenomenolojik model ile nitel bir perspektif yaklaşımıdır, çünkü bu sorunun konusu, öğrenciler üniversiteyi bitirip topluma geri döndüklerinde ve elde etmedikleri iş fırsatlarında sıklıkla ortaya çıkan bir olgudur. . Bu araştırma yaklaşık 15 hafta sürmektedir ve öğrenciler 8 öğrencinin katılımcısıdır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, girişimcilikte motivasyonu artırma çabalarının olumlu bir ilerleme düzeyini ve doğasını göstermektedir ve bu, öğrenme motivasyonunu, öğrenciler için iş motivasyonunu arttıran bir yeniliktir (yenilik). . &nbsp

    Analysis the Hidden Advantages of Written Pretests for Student Intelligence

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    This research starts from the concept of oral pretest, which is almost always monotonous, often carried out by teachers or lecturers when conducting teaching and learning activities in front of the class so that oral pretest is only considered a question that is not too important by students.The author tries to do research using written pretest, the aim is to improve, sharpness, thinking patterns, understanding, and intelligence. This can be done for all students as a whole, with only around 10-15 minutes, when discussions about new lessons begin, it turns out that there is a significant increase in students' understanding and intelligence

    Frequency of IgG Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Iraqi Patients with Stroke

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    Objective: To examine the presence of Immunoglobulin G type of anti-cardiolipin (ACL), anti-β2GPI  and antiphospholipids (aPL) antibody in Iraqi patients with cerebrovascular diseases especially ischemic stroke. Methods: Immunoglobulin G type of antiphospholipid antibodies (beta 2-glycoprotein I [B2-GPI]), anti phosphatidyl serine, cardiolipin, anti phosphatidyl inositol and anti phosphatidic acid were ivestigated in 67 patients with ischemic stroke (aged between 20 to 90 years) during an three months period from October 2015 to January 2016 in Al-Zahra and  AL-Karama Hospitals, Wassit, Iraq. The clinical, laboratory and demographic characteristics of patients with a positive results were registered. Results: One man and six women (seven patients, 10.49%) had increased IgG types of antiphospholipid antibodies. Increased titers of IgG for anticardiolipin was  observed in eight (11.94%) and seven (10.49%) of patients were positive to anti- β2GPI. Conclusion: In spite of  the different studies in the Europe, elevated titers of IgG antiphospholipid antibodies present in a large number of patients can be resulted from the existence of unidentified triggering agents (poisons and infections), that are more common in developing countries in comparison to developed countries. This hypothesis still need  to more and more investigation in the future, in our country the morbidity is too high because of the repeated wars

    The illusion of untranslatability: a theoretical perspective with reference to the translation of culture-bound euphemistic expressions in the Qur'an

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    The present study investigates the notion of untranslatability where the concept of equivalence is reconsidered since the misconceptions, related to the said concept, inevitably lead to the emergence of untranslatability. Identifying equivalence as relative, approximate and necessary identity makes the notion of untranslatability a mere theorization. The objectives of the present study are (1) to investigate the notion of untranslatability in terms of the misconceptions associated with the concept of equivalence (2) to examine the possibility of translatability from Arabic into English focusing on culture-bound euphemistic expressions in the Quran as an area of challenge in translation. Data on the translation of culture-bound euphemistic expressions were purposively selected from the Quran and its four identified English translations. Ten examples were randomly selected and the criterion for their selection is that they are culture-bound and therefore translation-resistant. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine the source data by referring to traditional exegetical books to determine the source text intentionality. Additionally, the translated data were analyzed according to the functional equivalence proposed by Nida (1993; 2001).Findings of this study revealed that translatability is always possible and, accordingly, untranslatability is no more valid

    Parental Perspectives on the Excellence of Computer Learning Media in Early Childhood Education

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    The introduction of basic computer media for early childhood is very important because it is one of the skills that children need in this century. Need to support parents and teachers in developing the implementation of the use of computer technology at home or at school. This study aims to determine and understand the state of learning conducted based on technology. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study model. This study involved 15 children and 5 parents. Data obtained through interviews (children and parents) and questionnaires for parents. The results showed that children who were introduced to and taught basic computers earlier became more skilled in learning activities. Suggestions for further research to be more in-depth both qualitatively and quantitatively explore the use of the latest technology to prepare future generations who have 21st century skills. Keywords: Parental Perspective; Computer Learning; Early childhood education References: Alkhawaldeh, M., Hyassat, M., Al-Zboon, E., & Ahmad, J. (2017). The Role of Computer Technology in Supporting Children’s Learning in Jordanian Early Years Education. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 31(3), 419–429. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568543.2017.1319444 Ariputra. (2018). Need Assessment of Learning Inclusive Program for Students in Non-formal Early Childhood. Early Childhood Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.23917/ecrj.v1i1.6582 Atkinson, K., & Biegun, L. (2017). An Uncertain Tale: Alternative Conceptualizations of Pedagogical Leadership. Journal of Childhood Studies. Aubrey, C., & Dahl, S. (2014). The confidence and competence in information and communication technologies of practitioners, parents and young children in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Early Years, 34(1), 94–108. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2013.792789 Barenthien, J., Oppermann, E., Steffensky, M., & Anders, Y. (2019). Early science education in preschools – the contribution of professional development and professional exchange in team meetings. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2019.1651937, https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2019.1651937 Bredekamp, S., & Copple, C. (2009). Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8. Chen, R. S., & Tu, C. C. (2018). Parents’ attitudes toward the perceived usefulness of Internet-related instruction in preschools. Social Psychology of Education, 21(2), 477–495. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-017-9424-8 Christensen, R. (2002). Effects of technology integration education on the attitudes of teachers and students. 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International Journal of Early Years Education, 24(2), 224–237. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2016.1144048 Dunn, J., Gray, C., Moffett, P., & Mitchell, D. (2018). ‘It’s more funner than doing work’: Children’s perspectives on using tablet computers in the early years of school. Early Child Development and Care, 188(6), 819–831. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2016.1238824 Hadzigianni, M., & Margetts, K. (2014). Parents’ Beliefs and Evaluations of Young Children’s Computer Use. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. https://doi.org/doi/pdf/10.1177/183693911403900415 Huda, M., Hehsan, A., Jasmi, K. A., Mustari, M. I., Shahrill, M., Basiron, B., & Gassama, S. K. (2017). Empowering children with adaptive technology skills: Careful engagement in the digital information age. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(3), 693–708. Ihmeideh, F. (2010). The role of computer technology in teaching reading and writing: Preschool teachers’ beliefs and practices. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 24(1), 60–79. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568540903439409 Jack, C., & Higgins, S. (2018). What is educational technology and how is it being used to support teaching and learning in the early years ? International Journal of Early Years Education, 0(0), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2018.1504754 Janisse, H. C., Li, X., Bhavnagri, N. P., Esposito, C., & Stanton, B. (2018). A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Computers on the Cognitive Development of Low-Income African American Preschool Children. Early Education and Development, 29(2), 229–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2017.1399000 Karjalainen.S., A., Pu, E. H., & Maija, A. (2019). Dialogues of Joy: Shared Moments of Joy Between Teachers and Children in Early Childhood Education Settings. International Journal of Early Childhood. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13158-019-00244-5 Kerckaert, S., Vanderlinde, R., & van Braak, J. (2015). 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    Comparison of structure and magnetic properties of Mn–Zn ferrite mechanochemically synthesized under argon and oxygen atmospheres

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    Nanocrystalline Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite was successfully synthesized by ball milling a powder mixture of MnO, ZnO, and Fe2O3 under argon and oxygen atmospheres. The effects of the milling time, milling atmosphere, and annealing temperature on the milled powders were examined. X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate the powder particle structure. The XRD results indicated that after 20 h of ball milling the MnO–ZnO–Fe2O3 powder reacted with a solid-state diffusion reaction route producing Mn–Zn ferrite nanoparticles in the milled samples with both atmospheres. However, some Fe3O4 phase alongside Mn–Zn ferrite, both being spinel-phase, was detected for 40 h milled powders in the argon atmosphere. Those milled powders in the argon atmosphere had smaller crystallite size than the other ones. In the final stage of milling (40 h), the average crystallite size and lattice strain were 20 nm and 0.51%, respectively, ans 25 nm and 0.48% for milled samples in the argon and oxygen atmospheres, respectively. Vibrating sample magnetometer results indicate that the saturation magnetization and coercivity were 34 emu/g and 30 Oe, 18 emu/g and 70 Oe, respectively, for the 40 h milled samples in argon and oxygen, which were annealed at 800 °C for 2 h

    Response Characteristic of Cable Stayed Bridges under Static Loading and Due to the Earthquakes in Longitudinal Direction

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    This paper presents the dynamic (earthquake response) analysis of cable stayed bridges under different types of static loading and due to longitudinal directions of earthquake base excitations. The deck and the tower of the bridge were idealized by discrete element idealization scheme (space frame element) with warping considered as a seventh degree of freedom. For comparison purposes, the discrete element with six degrees of freedom (warping neglected) were also used to model the structure under investigation. The cables were modelled by the nonlinear truss elements. It was found that the warping becomes of significant influence on the behaviour of the bridge deck only if the deck is acted upon by loading that is coupled with initial torsional moment