304 research outputs found

    Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RN) Gene Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR) Polymorphism Association in men Infertility in Erbil City /Kurdistan Iraq

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    عائلة الحريك الخلوي -1 لها أدوار متعددة في الجهاز التناسلي الذكري، ومن بينها مضادات مستقبلات الحريك الخلوي -1 (IL-1RN) الموجودة في الغدد التناسلية الذكرية، حيث تزداد نشاطها عند الاصابات بالعدوى والالتهاب. تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى التحقق من وجود صلة محتملة لتعدد الأشكال المترادفة المترادفة (VNTR) للجين IL-1RN مع العقم عند الذكور. شملت مجموعات الدراسة المسجلين 100 من الرجال المصابين بالعقم و 100 من الرجال الأصحاء. حيث تم تحليل السوائل المنوية للمجموعات المشاركة. تم جمع عينات الدم المحيطي لتقييم أو الكشف عن تعدد الأشكال المترادفة المترادفة (VNTR) لجين مضادات مستقبلات الحريك الخلوي -1 (IL-1RN) لنمطين من الاليلاتأليل IL-1RN1 يتوافق مع 410 زوج قاعديIL-11RN2 يتوافق مع 240وج قاعدي كعلامة على العقم عند الذكور، باستخدام تقنية PCR حددت النتائج ارتفاع وتيرة التغاير الاليلي IL-1RN2   (26٪) ، واثنين من التغاير الاليلي VNTR ناقلات IL-1RN1 و IL-1RN2  (16٪) من الرجال المصابين بالعقم مع تأثيرات كبيرة على حركة الحيوانات المنوية واشكالها (P<0.000-0.002) على التوالي. هذه الدراسة التى تم تقييمها في إقليم كردستان (أربيل – العراق) والتى حددت تأثيراً كبيراً لتعدد الأشكال المترادفة المتعاقبة VNTR لجين IL-1RN في مسببات العقم عند الذكور خاصة على حركية الحيوانات المنوية واشكالها، ولا سيما ناقلات أليلية البديل IL-1RN2.The interleukin-1 family has multifaceted roles in men٫s reproductive syste. Out  of these is interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) which exists in men gonads, and in case of infection and inflammatory process, its activity is increased.  The current study aims to verify a possible linkage of Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) polymorphism of the IL-1RN gene with human men infertility. The study groups enrolled included 100 infertile men and 100 fertile and healthy men. Their seminal fluids were subjected to analysis. Also peripheral blood samples were collected for the assessment or detection of polymorphic Variable Number  Tandem Repeats (VNTR) polymorphism of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL-1RN). Two alleles, namely IL-1RN1 allele corresponding to 410bp fragment and IL-11RN2 that corresponding to 240bp fragments,  are a marker for human men infertility, detected by PCR technique. The results delineated a high frequency of IL-1RN2 allelic gene variants (26%), and two VNTR allelic gene variants carriers IL-1RN1 and IL-1RN2 (16%) among  infertile men with significant impacts on sperm motility and morphology (P< 0.000-0.002) respectively. This prospective study inKurdistan region (Erbil –Iraq)  defined a significant impact of VNTR polymorphism of IL-1RN gene in the etiology of men infertility especially on sperm motility and morphology; particularly carriers of IL-1RN2 allelic variant

    The protective effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles against hepatic oxidative damage induced by monocrotaline

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    Kamal A Amin1, Mohamed S Hassan2, El-Said T Awad3, Khalid S Hashem11Department of Biochemistry, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt; 3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, EgyptObjective: The objective of the present study was to determine the ability of cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles to protect against monocrotaline (MCT)-induced hepatotoxicity in a rat model.Method: Twenty male Sprague Dawley rats were arbitrarily assigned to four groups: control (received saline), CeO2 (given 0.0001 nmol/kg intraperitoneally [IP]), MCT (given 10 mg/kg body weight IP as a single dose), and MCT + CeO2 (received CeO2 both before and after MCT). Electron microscopic imaging of the rat livers was carried out, and hepatic total glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) enzymatic activities were quantified.Results: Results showed a significant MCT-induced decrease in total hepatic GSH, GPX, GR, and GST normalized to control values with concurrent CeO2 administration. In addition, MCT produced significant increases in hepatic CAT and SOD activities, which also ameliorated with CeO2.Conclusions: These results indicate that CeO2 acts as a putative novel and effective hepatoprotective agent against MCT-induced hepatotoxicity.Keywords: monocrotaline, ceruim oxide nanoparticle, hepatotoxicity, oxidative stres

    The Role of CD 34 Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells, Macrophages, and Smooth Muscle Cells in Human Coronary Artery Atherogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis is a widespread and devastating disease and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. So much is there to understand about atherosclerosis. And although a lot is already discovered, yet most of the studies are performed in cell cultures and animal models. Recent technologies for genetic engineering and imaging are mainly performed on animal models, with few studies in human tissues. A better understanding of their role is required. AIM: We aim to study the expression of CD 34 hematopoietic progenitor stem cell, CD 68 macrophages, and smooth muscle actin (SMA)-positive smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the human coronary arteries and correlate their differential expression with the atherosclerosis progression. RESULTS: CD 68 and CD 34 expression increase as the atherosclerotic process proceeds from early atheroma to advanced atheroma and start to decrease as the process proceeds to fibroatheroma with a significant p < 0.001. Conversely, SMA expression decreases as the atherosclerotic process progresses with a significant p < 0.001. CONCLUSION: CD34 progenitor cells in conjunction with CD 68 macrophages have a major role in the development of atherosclerosis, whereas the SMCs are minimal in the early stages and reach their maximal levels during the stage of fibroatheroma

    Synthesis of Zinc aluminate nanoparticles from aluminum / zinc sludge for degradation of brilliant cresyl blue under visible light irradiation

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    Scientists and researchers from all over the world are paying close attention to the recycling of industrial waste into new materials. Aluminum and zinc sludge powders were gathered from aluminum sheets and big iron manufacturers to be used as starting materials in the synthesis of zinc aluminate nanoparticles. The XRF, XRD, and DTA examinations were used to characterize the collected sludge powders. The main components of aluminum and zinc sludges, according to the findings, are gibbsite (Al(OH)3) and hydrozincite (Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6), respectively. Without any primary advanced chemical treatments, the collected sludges were used to perform solid-state reaction (SSR) and molten salt synthesis (MSS) at 1100°C. XRD, FTIR, XPS, SEM, and TEM examinations were used to characterize the synthesized samples. Both SSR and MSS deduced pure phase zinc aluminate nanoparticles, with crystallite sizes of 17.4 and 12.7 nm for SSR and MSS samples, respectively. The microstructure of the MSS sample was characterized by a high structure homogeneity, whereas, the high degree of particle aggregation was shown by the SSR sample’s microstructure. The optical properties of the synthesized SSR and MSS samples were studied by using UV-visible and PL spectroscopy. The bandgap energies for SSR and MSS samples were calculated to be 2.78 and 2.48 eV, respectively. These samples are utilized in the photocatalytic degradation of the brilliant cresyl blue dye (BCBD), owing to their tiny bandgap energies and high absorption efficiency. The photocatalytic degradation percent of BCBD reached 94.5% and 86.7% by using MSS and SSR samples, respectively, at the optimum conditions of pH (10), dye concentration (40 mg/l), and sample dose (1 g/l)

    Histopathologic spectrum of childhood tumours in a Tertiary Hospital: a ten-year review

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    Background: There has been a growing public health burden of childhood tumours in low and middle income countries (LMICs) as the trend in epidemiological transition continues to vary. Objective: The objective of this report is to determine the spectrum of childhood tumours at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective review of the histopathology register over the period January 2006 to December 2015. Results: The total paediatric tumour cases was 248, including 143 (57.7%) females and 105 (42.3%) males, aged 0 \u2013 12 years (mean 6.1years \ub1 3.97 SD). The age group 2 - 5 year cohort had the highest prevalence of tumour. The predominant tumour based on tissue of origin was epithelial neoplasms 88 (35.5%), vascular neoplasms 56 (22.6%), neural neoplasm 42 (16.9%), mesenchymal neoplasm 37 (14.9%), germ cell neoplasm 13 (5.2%) and haematopoietic neoplasms 12 (4.8%). Majority of the tumours were benign, 148 (59.7%) and malignant 100 (40.3%). The most predominant benign tumour was haemangioma 33 (13.3%) and predominant malignant tumour was lymphoma 22 (8.9%). Conclusion: Benign tumours remain the commonest neoplasm of children in this hospital-based data. Development and implementation of a tumour registry would provide a more comprehensive information

    Indication, Safety and Clinical Impact of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: A Pilot Run of the First National CMR Registry for Malaysia

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    Background: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a rapidly emerging noninvasive imaging technique providing high resolution images without any application of radiation. It has broad range of clinical applications and is increasingly been used in clinical practice in Malaysia. A national CMR Registry is needed to assess its practice in Malaysia. Objective: To evaluate indications, safety and impact on patient management of CMR in Sarawak Heart Centre. Materials Methods: A pilot run of CMR Registry in single centre with consecutive patients who underwent clinical CMR from January-June 2015. Retrospective data collection from CMR database and case notes. Results: A total of 169 patients underwent clinical CMR, with 20 did not complete scan; 25% due to claustrophobia. 94% of patients received gadolinium-based contrast agent. Most important indications were viability assessment (54.4%), cardiomyopathy (28.2%), and risk stratification in suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) (4.7%). 6.7% of patients underwent stress MR (adenosine or dobutamine). Severe complications only occurred in 0.7% of the cases (anaphylactic reaction secondary to contrast agent). No mortality during/due to CMR. There was direct impact of CMR on the clinical management by confirming suspected diagnosis (59.1%), excluding suspected diagnosis (21.5%), providing additional information for suspected diagnosis which is confirmed or excluded (18.1%) and providing unsuspected completely new diagnosis (1.3%). Invasive coronary angiogram was avoided and diagnosis were excluded in all patients referred for risk stratification of suspected coronary artery disease. Invasive therapeutic procedures such as PCI, CABG, valve surgerywere triggered in 49.6 % of patients after CMR was done, regardless of indication. Out of 81 patients who underwent CMR for viability study, 76.5% were planned for revascularisation (CABG or PCI) with the restwere planned for optimalmedical therapy only after the CMR. Conclusions: The top indications of CMR in Sarawak are viability assessment, cardiomyopathy and risk stratification in suspected CAD, which differs from the EuroCMR registry results. This demonstrated the importance of establishing a national multicentre CMR registry in Malaysia, and subsequently substudy on specific conditions. With appropriate medical personnel training and patient selection, CMR is safe and has strong impact on clinical management

    'The Girl Effect': Exploring Narratives of Gendered Impacts and Opportunities in Neoliberal Development

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    This paper explores representations of girls in current discourses of neoliberal development through an analysis of a range of texts that promote the global Girl Effect movement. These representations are situated in the context of theoretical debates about gender mainstreaming and policy developments that construct girls and women's 'empowerment' as 'smart economics'. The paper draws on postcolonial and transnational feminist analyses that critique market-led approaches to development and their complicities in the dynamics of neo-colonialism and uneven development, to contextualise the Girl Effect movement. It is argued that the Girl Effect movement draws on colonial stereotypes of girls as sexually and culturally constrained, but reworks these through the discourses of neoliberal development to construct girls as good investment potential. In doing so, it reproduces a dominant narrative that highlights the cultural causes of poverty but obscures structural relations of exploitation and privilege

    Attitudes towards the ‘stranger’: negotiating encounters with difference in the UK and Poland

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    Due to recent intensification in international mobility in Europe, its citizens are exposed to a much wider range of lifestyles and competing attitudes towards difference. Individuals are, therefore, increasingly likely to encounter ‘strangers’ and are, therefore, required to negotiate discontinuities and contradictions between the values that are transmitted through different sites. In response, the article explores the concept of the ‘stranger’ through original data collected in the UK and Poland. The article highlights that the construction of who is a stranger depends on national historical contexts, core values and related visions of the society. The UK and Poland have very different histories and experiences with social diversity, impacting on the ways in which individuals negotiate strange encounters. In both countries, the ‘stranger’ is often seen in a negative way and in relation to the minority groups that are perceived to be visibly different, distinct or ‘unknown’ in contemporary times. In Poland, this is now largely articulated through sexual prejudice (homophobia), whilst in the UK, attitudes towards the ‘stranger’ are largely conveyed through religious prejudice (Islamophobia). As such, the article offers a means of understanding how encounters with difference ‘produce’ strangers in different contexts

    Thirty-Day Clinical Outcome of Primary Percutaneous Intervention Versus Fibrinolysis Followed by Coronary Angiography in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Background: Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)is the preferred reperfusion strategy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, timely PCI cannot be offered to many patients. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the 30-day clinical outcome of primary PCI strategy and fibrinolysis followed by coronary angiography strategy in STEMI patients. Methods: This was a prospective, observational, single center study. All patients admitted for STEMI from 1 January 2016 to 30 November 2016 were screened for the study. Patients were divided into 2 reperfusion strategies: primary PCI or fibrinolysis followed by coronary angiography. Primary outcome was composite of all-cause mortality at 30 days. Results: A total of 178 patients were identified: 33 (18.5%) underwent primary PCI and 145 (81.5%) underwent fibrinolysis first. The median door-to-balloon time in the primary PCI group was 161.0 minutes (IQR 84.5). The median time from fibrinolysis-to-arrival at catheterization lab was 1738 minutes (IQR 901). The median total ischaemic time was 369 min (IQR 524) and 210 (IQR 247) for the primary PCI and fibrinolysis first group respectively (p=0.002). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis for 30-day all-cause mortality was 24.2% vs 9.7% respectively in primary PCI and fibrinolysis group p=0.018). Multivariate Linear Regression showed that Killip Class and LVEF were independent predictors of 30-day all-cause mortality. Reperfusion strategy was not associated with 30-day all-cause mortality (p=0.216). Conclusions: The clinical outcome of primary PCI strategy in STEMI is not better than fibrinolysis followed by coronary angiography strategy when timely PCI cannot be performed