593 research outputs found

    A skew stochastic heat equation

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    We consider a stochastic heat equation driven by a space-time white noise and with a singular drift, where a local-time in space appears. The process we study has an explicit invariant measure of Gibbs type, with a non-convex potential. We obtain existence of a Markov solution, which is associated with an explicit Dirichlet form. Moreover we study approximations of the stationary solution by means of a regularization of the singular drift or by a finite-dimensional projection

    Sensitivities on controversial product’s online advertising: Gen Y Muslim perspective / Sharifah Nur Iylia Said Abd Karim

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    Issues of controversial or offensive advertising has been raised due to the respons from the respondents that online advertising is the most annoying advertising. Inspite the fact that it is the best medium to used. As the economic condition fluctuates marketer and entrepreneur feel that it is crucial to do some research on this topic to improve from time to time. For this research, a total of 200 respondents Generation Y Muslim from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and Polymer Composite Asia staff. From the findings gathered through this research, the researcher concludes that religious perceptions and nature of advertising appeals were seen to be significant towards level of offensiveness controversial product’s online advertising among Generation Y Muslim. Next, top 5 most controversial product’s online advertising also already determined which gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, female contaceptives and religious denominations. Conversely for Generation Y Muslim they already getting top 5 controversial products online advertising were deemed by the respondents to be not offensive or getting high acceptance which is charities, weight loss programs, pharmaceuticals, racially extremist groups and female underwear. As for future researcher, the researcher suggest to study on this topic further and focused on gender difference

    Standardisation of the Press Coverage System in the Press Law

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    This write-up highlights the urgency of standardisation of news coverage arrangements to ensure respect for the principle of presumption of innocence. The standardisation should focus on the system of legal news writing standards, professional journalist standards and journalist competency standards contained in the Press Law. Regulations on writing news about the law that does not include a system to ensure professional standards of journalists and journalists' competence in writing legal news will cause difficulty in practising press reporting that respects the presumption of innocence principle. Therefore, it is important to explain the basic provisions of the Press Law. Standardisation of the regulations of the press system is needed to maintain harmony, consistency, and completeness, which is expected to improve efficiency. Keywords: Standardisation, Press Coverage System, Press Law. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/92-28 Publication date: December 31st 201


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    The Urgency of Confiscation of Assets Without Criminal Prosecution of Corruption for a Country of Confiscation of Assets without Criminal Prosecution of Corruption can be Implemented in Indonesia. Research using normative legal research. Is a legal research method that combines a normative legal approach, namely statutory law and a conceptual approach'. The results of the study showed that (1) Mechanisms for appropriation of assets without prosecution for corruption. The process is more effective because it bypasses several legal principles and also by lowering the standard of proof in criminal cases, is considered to have the potential to face the principle of a fair trial (due process of law). as well as the right to own one's property (property rights). This is, for example, reflecting on the experience of lawsuits for judicial review of several articles in the TPPU Law, such as the matter of reverse proof and evidence of predicate crimes. Even though the Constitutional Court Decision has confirmed the constitutionality of the articles being tested, (2) The biggest challenge for introducing the in rem asset confiscation law in the Asset Confiscation Bill is how to explain this approach, which separates the relationship of assets proceeds of crime from the perpetrators of crimes. Even though it is not at all aimed at eliminating the criminal justice process, sometimes in rem deprivation will only be after the proceeds of crime without regard to who the perpetrators are


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    The purpose of this study is to assess the real estate market in Lebanon. The study was conducted by a group of MBA students at the Lebanese American University. A content analysis of the classified advertisements of the Lebanese Real Estate was conducted. Results identified four major elements that affect the Lebanese Real Estate market: Advertisements (R2=0.795559), Season of the advertisements (R2=0.741338), Location of the advertisement (R2= 0.594345), and Area of the advertisement (R2= 0.099588).The variable, advertisements, was most affected by the other variables. A recursive system test was conducted to show the relationship between advertisements, and the rest of the variables. (P43= 0.628947)real estate market, Lebanon, content analysis

    Effects of food plants on development of spirama retorta (Lepidorptera: Noctuidae)

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    Development of Spirama retorta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae fed on foliage of three Acacia spp., namely A. mangium, A. auriculiformis and A. crassicarpa, and Paraserianthes falcataria was assessed in the laboratory. The larvae did not survive when fed on either A. crassicarpa or P. falcataria. More than 64% reached pupal stage when fed on A. auriculiformis and A. mangium. The larval period was completed in 22.10 and 24.83 days when the larvae fed on A. auriculiformis and A. mangium foliage, respectively. The average pupal period was 10.51 and 11.32 and, the resulting adults lived for 36.51 and 37.94 days on A. auriculiformis and A. mangium, respectively. Even though the overall development variables were not significantly different, females from larvae fed A. auriculiformis had a significantly higher fecundity than those females from A. mangium. A total of 412 eggs// was recorded from those fed A. auriculiformis as compared to 255 eggs on A. mangium. This study thus shows that foliage of A. auriculiformis and A. mangium provided a suitable diet for s. retorta larvae. As such, these species may serve as alternative food resources important in the population dynamics of the moth in the absence of indigenous host plants

    Peralatan hiburan dan kesenian tradisional daerah Kalimantan Timur

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    Keanekaragaman suku bangsa dengan budayanya di seluruh Indonesia merupakan kekayaan bangsa yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Kekayaan iDi mencakup wujud-wujud kebudayaan yang didukung oleh masyarakatnya. Setiap suku bangsa memiliki nilai-nilai budaya yang khas, yang membedakan jati diri mereka daripada suku bangsa lain. Perbedaan ini akan nyata dalam gagasangagasan dan hasil hasil karya yang akhimya dituangkan lewat interaksi antarindividu, antarkelompok, dengan alam raya di sekitamya. Berangkat dari kondisi di atas Proyek Penelitian, Pengkajian, dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya menggali nilai-nilai budaya dari setiap suku bangsa/ daerah. Penggalian ini mencakup aspek-aspek kebudayaan daerah dengan tujuan memperkuat penghayatan dan pengamalan Pancasila guna tercapainya ketahanan nasional di bidang sosial budaya

    Environmental Legal Protection Against Mangrove Forest Destruction In Lantebung Area, Makassar City

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    This study aims to examine the position of environmental permits in the perspective of environmental crimes against cases of mangrove forest destruction in Makassar City. This study uses a normative-empirical research method, namely the type of normative legal research that is supported and equipped with empirical data. The research approach method used is the statutory approach and the case approach. The types and sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Furthermore, both secondary and primary data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques and presented descriptively. The results of this research are: The position of environmental permits in the perspective of environmental crimes is an absolute thing to be fulfilled. The environmental permit which was originally regulated in UUPPLH has now been amended in a new regulatory provision, namely Article Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation is an environmental agreement. The nomenclature is different, but the meaning remains the same, namely both environmental permits and environmental approvals are needed to limit the space for business actors to move so as not to deviate from the permits given


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia dan bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam dan undang-undang perkawinan terhadap perkawinan beda agama. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan:1. Pengaturan perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia telah mempunyai payung hukum dalam hal perkawinan, namun polemik perkawinan beda agama dalam pengaturannya di Undang-Undang Perkawinan belum diatur secara tegas dan tertulis apakah dilarang atau diperbolehkan pelaksanaannya. Ketidaktegasan Undang-Undang Perkawinan dalam mengatur perkawinan beda agama menimbulkan kekosongan hukum dalam UndangUndang Perkawinan. 2. Di dalam Komplikasi Hukum Islam menyatakan dengan tegas bahwa pernikahan beda agama tidak boleh dilakukan oleh umat muslimin di Indonesia dan juga sejalan dengan fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia yang dikeluarkan pada tanggal 1 juni 1980. Sedangkan Undang-Undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 tidak mengatur secara khusus tentang perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia untuk itu perkawinan beda agama tidak dapat disahkan menurut hukum yang berlaku berdasarkan Pasal 2 ayat (1) bahwa sahnya perkawinan apabila dilakukan menurut agama dan kepercayaannya. Jadi keputusan Undang-Undang dikembalikan pada masing-masing agama yang mengatur, kecuali untuk mengisi kekosongan hukum Keputusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 1400 K/Pdt/1986 memberikan solusi untuk masalah perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia