26 research outputs found


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    This study aims at revealing two prime points (1) how is Indonesian Language utilized in legal practice in Indonesia and (2) which method isfrequently used by legal practitioners in interpreting a certain word? This is a descriptive-qualitative study. The data of the research are sentences or phrases taken randomly from the criminal code (KUHPidana), civil code (KUHPerdata), trade code (KUHDagang), decrees, explanations of legislation (laws). The analysis employed is descriptive and prescriptive. It was figured out that the use of Indonesian language in legal aspect was manifested in seven processes: translation, abstraction, association, typology, meaning emphasis, simplicity, and legal choices. While the interpretive method used is interpretations and construction methods. Keywords: Indonesia language, legal practitioner


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    Language has the important role in the process of communication in the community.  Language politeness is the most appropriate thing to use in communication, because with polite language a person is able to maintain the value and dignity of himself and others. The use of polite language needs to be improved, especially among students who are in the public spotlight that students when interacting prioritize language politeness. In interaction and communication, politeness is one of the important aspects to be raised. Politeness aims to create good relationships and communication in social interaction between speakers and addressees. Both are intended to generate respect for oneself and others, so that the level of politeness will affect the values ​​and perspectives of others towards him. In addition, people will further strengthen the relationship between two. Islamic boarding school is a multilingual society. The diversity of language used by the students is clearly visible when communicating orally. This diversity occurs due to differences in the background of each student. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research in Islamic boarding schools. This research is entitled "Politeness Strategies in Students Language Of As`adiyah Ereng Islamic Boarding School, Bantaeng Regency". This study aims to describe forms of language politeness strategy for elevent graders in interaction in surroundings of As`adiyah ereng Islamic boarding school Bantaeng Regency in forman situation and nonformal situation using the perspective or theory of Brown Levinson (1987). This type of research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive design. The technique used in collecting data in this study was carried out with observation techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis through interpretation. The results of this study indicate that there are (7) bald on-record strategies, (12) positive politeness strategies, (4) negative politeness strategies, (1) off-record strategies, in this study there are also (3) silent strategies, the conclusion of this research is bald on-record as a politeness strategy most often used by students in both formal and non-formal situations. As a suggestion based on this research, it is expected that students pay attention to politeness in language so that they reflect polite language. For further researchers, this thesis can be used as an additional reference for further research


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    This study aims (1) to explain the code-switching and mixing of the Wolio language code into Indonesian in the regional work units of the City of Baubau and (2) to reveal the factors that cause code-switching and mixing the Wolio language code into Indonesian in the work unit. Baubau City regional apparatus. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative which describes or depicts the facts of the empirically alive situation of its speakers. The results of this study indicate that there is code-switching and code-mixing in the communication that occurs between the community and employees who work in the regional work units of the City of Baubau. Instead, the code is sorted into high to low and low to high code-switching.&nbsp


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    This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative, the process of collecting data intensively and systematically in order to obtain information and knowledge. So, in this study the researchers observed and interacted with the people in Tana Toa Village, Kajang Subdistrict, Bulukumba Regency by interviewing and reviewing the documentation. This study aims to determine the description of the Andingingi tradition and the implementation of Andingingi social values ​​in the community of Tana Toa Village, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the description of the Andingingi tradition in Tana Toa Village, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency is actually a kind of earth and life ritual, where prayers are prayed so that within the next year, safety and health will always be given from Tu Rie ' Ara'na or Almighty God. Implementation of social values ​​contained in the Andingingi tradition in social life such as mutual cooperation, please help, solidarity and communicative. It is expected that there will be special attention from the government and the Kajang community not to be taboo with progress and modernization, but with all the abilities to maintain the existence of traditions, one of which is the andinging culture


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    Interference is a language phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesian Languagelingual societies. This study reveals the Mandarin language interference that occurs in Indonesian speech in the Chinese community of Makassar City. This study concerns the main problem, namely how the form of interference that occurs in the Chinese community of Makassar City. The analyzed interference includes phonological, morphological, and syntactic interference. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was done by direct observation, interviews, notes, and documentation. The presentation of the data results is done by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the phonological interference includes the addition of phonemes, changes in phonemes, and the release of phonemes. Likewise, there are two forms of morphological interference, namely lexical interference and reduplication. And syntactic interference occurs in the SKPO sentence structure pattern, the SKP sentence structure pattern (adverb of place), the SKP sentence structure pattern (adverb of time), and the question sentence pattern

    Jenis Ujaran Kebencian (Hate Speech) dalam Kolom Komentar Instagram Jokowi pada Masa PPKM: Analisis Linguistik Forensik

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    Hate speech is often posted by someone on various social media, including Twitter and Facebook. Forms and functions can also vary. Hate speech found on social media Facebook in the form of provocation, incitement, insults, spreading false news and unpleasant behavior. Study this aims to know and explain types speech hatred in column Jokowi's Instagram comments during the PPKM period and knowing type speech the most dominant hatred in column Jokowi's Instagram comments during the PPKM period. Type study this is mixed (qualitative and qualitative). Method used _ in data collection, namely method watch use two technique, (1) technique tap with method catch screen (screenshot) and (2) technique read and write. At stage data analysis, the author uses a qualitative descriptive method to answer the first problem formulation, while the quantitative method is used to answer the second problem formulation. The population in this study, namely 50 data. The sampling technique used is the total sample. The entire population was used as the research sample. With a total of 21 examples of insults, 11 examples of incitement, 10 examples of defamation, and 8 examples of threats. Research results show that in column Jokowi's Instagram comments during the PPKM period are four types shape speech hatred. Shape that, that is humiliation, pollution name good, incitement, threats, and deeds no fun. As for the type speech the most dominant hatred spoken netizen is insults with a percentage of 42%.Ujaran kebencian sering diposting oleh seseorang di berbagai media sosial, termasuk Twitter dan Facebook. Bentuk dan fungsinya juga bisa bermacam-macam. Ujaran kebencian yang ditemukan di media sosial Facebook berupa provokasi, hasutan, hinaan, penyebaran berita bohong dan perilaku tidak menyenangkan. Sistem hukum tata negara Indonesia dikenal dengan nama Mahkamah Konstitusi yang merupakan lembaga tinggi negara yang merupakan pemegang kekuasaan kehakiman bersama-sama dengan Mahkamah Agung. Dapat dikatakan ada dua pelaku kekuasaan kehakiman, yaitu Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Mahkamah Agung. Permasalahan dalam artikel ini adalah bagaimana kedudukan dan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam sistem hukum tata negara Indonesia. Mahkamah Konstitusi di sini mempunyai kedudukan yang sama dan tinggi dengan Mahkamah Agung, artinya tidak ada seorangpun yang mempunyai kedudukan di bawahnya. Kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi diatur dalam Pasal 24C ayat (1) UUD 1945 antara lain memutus pembubaran partai politik, memutus pendapat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat bahwa Presiden dan Wakil Presiden karena telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum berupa penyuapan, pengkhianatan negara, korupsi, kejahatan berat atau perbuatan tercela lainnya, memeriksa undang-undang terhadap UUD 1945, memutus perselisihan hasil pemilu, dan memutus perselisihan kewenangan lembaga negara. yang kewenangannya diberikan oleh UUD 1945


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    This research was motivated by the event of a demonstration against the KHUP Bill and the Revision of the KPK Law which occurred in 2019. Many student banners were found at the action that contained sentences of criticism of the government but were packaged in the form of humor using a rhetorical style. This study aims to dismantle the rhetorical style of students in the Demonstration of Rejection of the KHUP Bill and the Revision of the 2019 KPK Law.  This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods with the Norman Fairclough model of Critical Discourse Analysis approach. The data used as an object is in the form of banner images containing criticism sentences from students at the demonstration of the rejection of the Criminal Code Bill and the revision of the KPK Law which was carried out on September 24-26, 2019. The results showed that students used two rhetorical styles, namely the rhetorical style of euphemism and the rhetorical style of dysphemism


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    Penelitian ini didasari permasalahan yang ditemukan bahwa siswa kurang pandai dalam melafalkan fonem bahasa Jerman dengan menyamakan beberapa unsur pelafalan dalam bahasa pertama mereka (B1), hal tersebut membuat siswa melakukan kesalahan yang berulang-ulang. Faktor penyebab kesalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah berangkat dari pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh Corder (1981), James (1998), dan Richards (1974) bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan dalam berbahasa ada dua yaitu faktor intralingual dan interlingual. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menganalisis menggunakan teori pelafalan Ortmann (1976) pada hasil rekaman pelafalan kosakata bahasa Jerman siswa. Data penelitian ini yaitu data lisan berupa pelafalan fonem bahasa Jerman. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Gowa berjumlah 30 siswa. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini dibuat dan dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti yaitu instrumen berupa tes. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, catatan lapangan, dan rekaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pelafalan (Aussprache) fonem bahasa Jerman adalah faktor intralingual dan interlingual. Penyamarataan yang berlebihan pada kaidah bahasa yang dipelajari (intralingual) terletak pada fonem umlaut, fonem /au/ dan fonem /eu/. Adapun pengaruh interferensi bahasa pertama (bahasa ibu) terhadap bahasa kedua atau bahasa sasaran (interlingual) terletak pada interferensi dari bahasa Makassar dan bahasa Asing yang terlebih dahulu dipelajari oleh siswa

    Kajian Semantik Terhadap Produk Hukum Tertulis Di Indonesia

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    This study aims at revealing two prime points (1) how is Indonesian Language utilized in legal practice in Indonesia and (2) which method is frequently used by legal practitioners in interpreting a certain word? This is a descriptive-qualitative study. The data of the research are sentences or phrases taken randomly from the criminal code (KUHPidana), civil code (KUHPerdata), trade code (KUHDagang), decrees, explanations of legislation (laws). The analysis employed is descriptive and prescriptive. It was figured out that the use of Indonesian language in legal aspect was manifested in seven processes: translation, abstraction, association, typology, meaning emphasis, simplicity, and legal choices. While the interpretive method used is interpretations and construction methods. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjawab dua persoalan, yaitu (1) bagaimana wujud penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam praktik hukum di Indonesia, dan (2) metode yang seringkali digunakan oleh praktisi hukum dalam menginterpretasikan suatu kata. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Datanya adalah kalimat atau frasa yang diambil secara acak dari KUHPidana, KUHPerdata, KUHDagang, surat-surat keputusan, dan penjelasan undang-undang. Analisis datanya adalah analisis deskriptif dan preskriptif. Diketahui bahwa wujud penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam bidang hukum ada tujuh proses (penerjemahan, abstraksi, asosiasi, tipologi, penekanan makna, pemadatan, dan pilihan hukum). Sementara metode penginterpretasiannya adalah metode penafsiran dan metode konstruksi

    Sistem Kendali Proporsional, Integral, Dan Derivatif (Pid) Pada Persamaan Panas

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    This research showed the application of Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) control system on heat equations that has non-integer ordered solutions on Laplace domain. Zala tuning method and Ziegler-Nichols method; which is ultimate cycle and process reaction method, are used to determine the value of Kp, Ti and Td as constants in PID to maintain the temperature of 1oC on the position of x = 3 m from the heat source with k = 0,042 m2s-1 diffusivity. Based on the results, there were ten systems that were closest in the desired criteria. With regards to overshoot and the time taken to reach the stable position, therefore the ten systems that are produced have not many differences in strengths and weaknesses