177 research outputs found

    Tectonic analysis of Mare Humorum on the lunar surface

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    Morphology and internal structures of surface features of the Mare Humorum area were interpreted from photographs and topographic maps. The postulated origin of certain features is based on analog comparisons with known terrestrial features. The laws of crate ring and a newly developed computer program were applied to two representative classes of craters to determine the possibility of a meteoritic impact origin. Some of the craters formed by meteoritic impact and others, including those with a radius larger than 10 Km, probably resulted from volcanic activity. Mare Humorum formed from centripetal subsidence followed by extensive lava eruptions. Spacially related rilles and gravity faults on the east and west of the Mare are tension fractures resulting from directed radial forces produced by the subsidence. Bending and monoclinal centripetal warping on the north and south of the Mare resulted in inward tilted older craters. Wrinkle ridges of sub-parallel marginal pattern are lava filled fissures and surface highs of lava showing a rough anticlinal form. These and similar fractures were the channelways for the extensive lava eruptions which covered the Mare. An interpretive geologic and tectonic map demonstrated the important structural features of the Mare Humorum area --Abstract, page ii

    Constrained finite rotations in dynamic of shells and Newmark implicit time-stepping schemes

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    Purpose – Aims to address the issues pertaining to dynamics of constrained finite rotations as a follow-up from previous considerations in statics. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual approach is taken. Findings – In this work the corresponding version of the Newmark time-stepping schemes for the dynamics of smooth shells employing constrained finite rotations is developed. Different possibilities to choose the constrained rotation parameters are discussed, with the special attention given to the preferred choice of the incremental rotation vector. Originality/value – The pertinent details of consistent linearization, rotation updates and illustrative numerical simulations are supplied

    Contractors’ perception towards causes of claims in construction projects

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    The construction industry is an important sector for the development of the Gaza Strip. A key factor to a successful construction project is to complete the project without any claims occurrence. Nonetheless, claims are very common in the construction industry of Palestine. The aim of this paper is to identify and rank the existing causes of claims according to their relative importance in the construction industry from the perspective of the local contractors. The paper reports on a questionnaire-based research investigation targeting local contractors by analyzing their perception towards causes of claims. The results found the main causes of claims and they are: awarding bid to the lower bidder; border closures; residents’ interference during project implementation; road blockage and difficulties in passing between cities and governorate It was found that owners may not award the contract to the lowest responsive bidder

    Guided faith and leadership development in Risale-i Nur

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    Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s interpretations of the religion lead to a cogent writing of the masterpiece Risale-i Nur. It guides and enlightens the people to be cautious on the use of freedom and its protection with clear definition on the liberty limits. It has identified that permission or approval of unlawful maltreatment proved as hurdle to progress. The Risale-i Nur validates that all lives, on all levels, are interrelated. interconnected and interdependent, like concentric or intersecting circles. Development is never wavered and uncompromised with misery, dishonesty, hostility, disdained fraternity, cruelty, and greed. Pillars of Faith cannot be erected on shear imagination, but can challenge the universe by showing care, tolerance, and honesty. Heart disposition and sensation cannot be captured in any real form other than through displayed quality of humanity. Cultural ability should elegantly handle errors, attempts and failures, humbly confirms the validity of leadership with no arrogance thereby evolving a prominent community originated on a communal moral charter that comprises reverence and attention for the public veracity, rights, economic justice, and peace. The absence of integrity in the modern material architype is the motive for the chaotic transformations carried out by explanations of science and technology, understood as the key drivers to failing environmental obliteration. Islam aids as an incredible force to defend human self-respect, provide assurance and maintain world peace. Risale-i Nur authenticates that all lives at all levels, are interrelated. interconnected and interdependent, like concentric or intersecting circles; while materialistic development is always compromised with misery, dishonesty, hostility, disdained fraternity, cruelty, and greed

    Pendekatan baharu al-Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-Ghadamsi dan al-Imam Muhammad ‘Abduh dalam memajukan masyarakat Islam

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    Al-Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-Ghadamsi ialah seorang daripada tokoh yang banyak berjasa dalam sejarah kebangkitan masyarakat Islam di Tanah Melayu. Kehadiran beliau ke Tanah Melayu ialah atas permintaan tokoh-tokoh dan para aktivis Islam tempatan membawa misi untuk memajukan masyarakat Islam rantau ini dan mengeluarkan mereka daripada belenggu kejahilan, kemunduran dan kelempuran. Selari dengan kebangkitan umat Islam global yang ratarata sedang berada di bawah genggaman penjajah, terutama di rantau Timur Tengah yang menjadi pusat kebangkitan semula umat Islam, kehadiran tokoh dari sana amat dialu-alukan. Walau bagaimanapun, misi ini bukanlah suatu yang mudah. Pelbagai cabaran perlu dihadapi dan pelbagai rintangan terpaksa diharungi, sama ada dari luar mahupun dalam, dalam usaha untuk merealisasikan cita-cita murni ini. Dari penelitian terhadap pendekatan yang dibawa oleh tokoh ini, serta tindak balas yang yang diterima dari pendekatan baharu yang dibawanya, didapati banyak persamaan dengan sejarah perjuangan tokoh besar pelopor kebangkitan para ilmuwan dan aktivis Islam era moden, iaitu al- Imam Muhammad ‘Abduh. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti secara perbandingan pendekatan yang diambil oleh kedua-dua tokoh dalam usaha untuk membangkit dan memajukan masyarakat Islam di tempat masing-masing, serta tindak balas yang diterima terhadap pendekatan ini dan sejauh mana pula kecekalan dan kebijaksanaan mereka dalam menangani rintangan dan cabaran ini demi kesinambungan sebuah perjuangan. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian kualitatif yang berlandaskan pengumpulan data dari pelbagai sumber, seterusnya analisis dilakukan bagi menjawab persoalan berkaitan, mengikut kerangka kajian yang ditentukan. Dapatan penting kajian ini ialah wujud persamaan antara pendekatan, tindak balas serta respon balas mereka berdua terhadap tindak balas yang diterima itu, yang akhirnya telah meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam terhadap keberhasilan serta kesinambungan perjuangan mereka di era berikutnya


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    The Construction sector is one of the main contributors to the Palestinian economy and it is vital for necessary infrastructure development. The sector contributes up to 16 per cent of the GDP, employs approximately 22 per cent of the workforce and absorb up to 34 per cent of international donor programs. Waste has been considered to be a major problem in the Palestinian construction industry, and very little research has been conducted in this area in Palestine. The objective of this paper is to identify and rank the causes of material wastage in construction sites in the Gaza Strip. The research approach adopted in this study was questionnaire survey. Eighty valid questionnaires have been studied and analyzed. The results indicated that the main causes of material wastage are: poor performance leading to rework due to poor concrete placement, using longer steel bars than required, using low quality timbers, re

    Influence of Parental Feeding Attitude, Style and Environmental Factors on BMI among School Children

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    Obesity prevalence in Malaysia shown drastically increase from 15.1% in 2011 to 17.7% in 2015 with the population of Malaysian is 3.1 million. Many factors can lead to overweight and obesity among school children. The objective of this study is to examine the parental feeding attitude, style and environment factor influence on body mass index among overweight and obese school children. A cross-sectional study design was conducted. The result proved that majority of the overweight and obese children because of the negative attitude and poor practice by parents and poor environment surrounding them.

    Implikasi Marad Al-Mawt ke atas akad hibah

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    Merancang dan mengurus harta yang dimiliki adalah amalan yang digalakkan dalam Islam bagi menjamin kesejahteraan kehidupan diri, keluarga, kaum kerabat dan masyarakat Islam umumnya. Hibah adalah salah satu bentuk instrumen yang dapat memenuhi kehendak pemilik harta dalam merancang pelupusan harta kepada individu atau pihak lain yang dikehendakinya berkuat kuasa ketika hidup selain daripada instrumen wakaf dan sedekah. Namun begitu, marad al-mawt menjadi salah satu sekatan yang menyebabkan hibah tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh pemilik harta. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan marad al-mawt dan bagaimanakah pandangan fuqaha dalam membincangkan isu ini? Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan ciri-ciri marad al-mawt dari perspektif fuqaha dan undang-undang bertulis di Malaysia. Pandangan dan hujahan fuqaha dianalisis bagi melihat implikasi marad al-mawt ke atas akad hibah yang dibuat oleh pemilik harta serta hikmah di sebalik sekatan tersebut. Kajian mendapati, Islam telah mensyariatkan hibah sebagai salah satu instrumen perancangan dan pengurusan harta bagi memenuhi keperluan hifz al-mal. Ia perlu dilaksanakan ketika pemilik harta berada dalam keadaan sihat fizikal dan mental. Sekatan hibah ketika marad al-mawt menjadikan akad hibah yang dibuat tertakluk kepada hukum wasiat bertujuan untuk menjaga hak waris-waris pemilik harta selaras dengan keperluan hifz al-mal dalam maqasid syariah