1,925 research outputs found

    Essas castanhas me engordam mas me despertam desejo : escrevendo (com) o rançoso na formação de professores

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    O trabalho a seguir fala a partir de uma experiência pessoal como licencianda do curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul para então valer-se das multiplicidades de discursos e experiências no mundo das licenciaturas em geral. Composto por fragmentos, trata-se de uma colagem de vários textos heterogêneos, tal qual parece ser o universo discursivo acerca da educação em uma universidade. Em formato de protoverbetes, esse mosaico é visto a partir das noções de Texto e escritura por Roland Barthes, como forma de (re)pensar e amolecer os estereótipos, essas repetições de um discurso que cola, gruda, uma espécie de necrose da linguagem que nos enclausura ao mesmo tempo em que nos seduz, a partir das angústias e dos desejos na experiência da licenciatura. Operando com o rançoso que invade os corpos e a linguagem, em um trabalho com as palavras, este trabalho fala sobre escrita escrevendo: o escrever como fim, intransitividade. Uma metanarrativa de várias vozes e imagens que se misturam tentando disseminar o plural do texto enquanto coexistência de sentidos. Olha a escritura de vários lugares; nas suas potências e seus estereótipos, utilizando-se dos dois para remexer com os discursos que nos rodeiam, e que, de certa forma, determinam o teor das experiências em uma formação de licenciatura. Em última instância, o que este trabalho procura, e de certa forma experimenta, é a possibilidade de irrupção de licenciandos-escritores ao invés de apenas escreventes

    Stimulation of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institution

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    Статья посвящена проблеме стимулирования труда педагогических работников в сфере дошкольного образования. Проанализированы особенности труда данной категории работников. В рамках конкретного учреждения дошкольного образования рассмотрены алгоритм стимулирования труда, его показатели и индикаторы, доминирующие виды стимулирования. Показано, что совершенствование системы стимулирования труда педагогических работников в детском саду возможно лишь в ракурсе корректировки показателей и индикаторов стимулирования. Изучены потребности и удовлетворенность педагогических работников детского сада существующей системой стимулирования труда. Обозначены направления совершенствования системы стимулирования труда педагогических работников детского сада.The article is devoted to the problem of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers in the sphere of preschool education. We have analyzed the characteristics of this category of workers. In particular the establishment of preschool education is examined the algorithm is stimulation, its criterions and indicators, mainstream methods of stimulation in kindergarten. It is shown that the improvement of the system of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers is possible only in angle adjustment and indicators of stimulation. Examine the requirements and satisfaction of pedagogical staff of kindergarten with the current system of incentives. The indicated directions of improvement of system of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers of the kindergarten

    Uma metodologia para implantação de um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança da Informação

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    Information security has actually been a major challenge to most organizations. Indeed, information security is an ongoing risk management process that covers all of the information that needs to be protected. ISO 17799 offers what companies need in order to better manage information security. The best way to implement this standard is to ease the security management process using a methodology that will define will define guidelines, procedures and tools that will be needed along the way. Hence, this paper proposes a methodology to assist companies in assessing their compliance with BS 7799/ ISO 17799 as well as planning and implementing the actions necessary to become compliant or certified to the standard. The concepts and ideas presented here had been applied in a case study involving the Cetrel S/A - Company of Environmental Protection. For this company, responsible for treatment of industrial residues generated by the Camaçari Petrochemical Complex and adjacent areas, to assure confidentiality and integrity of customers' data is a basic requirement.Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para a implantação de um Sistema de Gestão da Segurança da Informação (SGSI). A metodologia é baseada nos principais padrões e normas de segurança, definindo um conjunto de diretrizes a serem observadas para garantir a segurança de um ambiente computacional ligado em rede. O processo de implantação do SGSI resulta na padronização e documentação dos procedimentos, ferramentas e técnicas utilizadas, além da criação de indicadores, registros e da definição de um processo educacional de conscientização da organização e de seus parceiros. Os conceitos e idéias aqui apresentados foram aplicados em um estudo de caso envolvendo a empresa Cetrel S.A. - Empresa de Proteção Ambiental. Para esta empresa, responsável pelo tratamento de resíduos industriais provenientes do Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari-BA e de outras regiões, a garantia da confidencialidade e integridade dos dados de seus clientes, além da possibilidade de disponibilizar informações com segurança são requisitos fundamentais de funcionamento

    Сравнительное проспективное слепое split-face исследование эффективности двух препаратов ботулинического токсина типа А Диспорт® и Ксеомин® в коррекции латеральных периорбитальных морщин

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    A prospective- blind- split-face- comparative study with evaluation of clinical efficacy- tolerability- and safety parameters of two botulinum toxin A (BTA) products (the one containing complexing proteins — Disport®- Ipsen- France/ abobotulinumtoxinA and the one free from complexing proteins — Xeomin®- Merz Pharma- Germany/incobotulinumtoxinA) used for correction of lateral periorbital wrinkles (crow's feet) was performed (at that- electromyographic evaluation of changes in functions of the orbicular muscle of eye was performed for the first time). Materials and Methods. Single injections of both BTA products with equal dose ratio of 3:1 (27 IU Disport® and 9 IU Xeomin®) were performed simultaneously to the right and left side half of the face (orbicular muscles of eye)- respectively- to each of 20 volunteers (women at the age of 40.9) with marked and moderate lateral periorbital wrinkles (2—3 degree according to 4-point Facial Wrinkle Scale/FWS). Clinical and electromyographic assessment was performed 2 weeks- 4 and 6 months after injections. Results. The effect of single dosing of Disport® and Xeomin® did not significantly differ at all assessment time points: both for primary efficacy criterion and for all secondary efficacy criteria; as well as for clinical evaluation by the investigator-subjects’ self-evaluation- and dynamics of M-response parameters for the orbicular muscle of eye. Good tolerability and safety were registered. Conclusion. Study results provided convincing evidence that Disport® and Xeomin® used in accordance with the proposed protocol had a comparable effect and duration of the effect on lateral periotbital wrinkles and the orbicular muscle of eye.Проведено проспективное слепое split-face сравнительное исследование с оценкой по клиническим параметрам эффективности- переносимости и безопасности- а также впервые с электромиографической оценкой изменения функции круговой мышцы глаза- двух препаратов ботулинического токсина типа А (БТА)- содержащего комплексообразующие белки (Диспорт®- «Ипсен»- Франция/abobotulinumtoxinA) и препарат без комплексообразующих белков (Ксеомин®-«Мерц Фарма»- Германия/incobotulinumtoxinA) при коррекции латеральных периорбитальных морщин («гусиные лапки»). Материал и методы. Каждому из 20 здоровых добровольцев (женщины- средний возраст 40-9 года) с выраженными и умеренными латеральными периорбитальными морщинами (2—3-й степени по Шкале морщин лица [4-point Facial Wrinkle Scale/ FWS]) однократно одномоментно выполнялись инъекции двух препаратов БТА в эквивалентном соотношении доз 3:1 (27 ЕД Диспорт® и 9 ЕД Ксеомин®)- которые вводили соответственно в левую и правую половины лица (круговые мышцы глаза). Клиническая и электромиографическая оценка проводилась через 2 нед.-4 и 6 мес. после инъекций. Результаты. Эффекты однократных инъекций препаратов Диспорт® и Ксеомин® достоверно не различались во всех временных точках оценки: по показателям как первичного критерия оценки эффективности- так и всех вторичных критериев оценки эффективности; а также по клинической оценке исследователем- самооценке участников и динамике параметров М-ответа круговой мышцы глаза. Отмечалась хорошая переносимость и безопасность. Заключение. Результаты исследования убедительно показали- что препараты Ксеомин® и Диспорт®- применяемые по предложенному протоколу- обладают сравнимой выраженностью эффекта и длительностью воздействия на латеральные периорбитальные морщины и круговую мышцу глаза

    Integrando motores de indexação de dados para a construção de sistemas de recuperação de informação em ambientes heterogêneos

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    The different proposals for information recovery put forward a set of limitations about the environments which they recover information from, they usually restrict the information recovery to a very specific data source or knowledge area. In this context, this paper proposes a model and a framework in order to integrate different index engines to enable the development of Information Retrieval Systems capable of retrieving information in heterogeneous data sources, and, therefore, showing up as a solution to fulfill the demand to access information in corporate environments.As diversas propostas existentes para a recuperação de informação apresentam limitações referentes ao ambiente em que atuam, restringindo a recuperação de informações a fontes de dados ou a áreas do conhecimento especificas. Neste contexto, este artigo propõe um modelo e um arcabouço para a integração de motores de indexação a fim de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Recuperação de Informação (SRIs) capacitados a recuperar informações em ambientes de fontes de dados heterogêneas, apresentando-se assim, como uma abordagem para atender a demanda de acesso às informações em ambientes corporativos

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum