870 research outputs found

    The Inexorable Work Life of Manoel de Oliveira: Addressing the Trends and Movements of the 20th Century as a Form of Understanding the European Film Industry

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    Manoel de Oliveira is perhaps the most prestigious Portuguese filmmaker of the latter half of the 20th century. His work has influenced Portuguese society as well as the European cultural context. Oliveira\u27s importance is the result of his work, which enhances more quality than entertainment, and his years of experience in making films. Three major themes are analyzed in this study, literature, German Expressionism and Existentialism, and the experiences of memory and saudade. This is a thematic analysis, which aims to identify the themes that emerged through Manoel de Oliveira\u27s own life experiences while being part of trends and movements that characterized the dialectics of the 20th century. The way people interpret a work of art is the way that art will be judged within a specific society. The judgment depends on the audience\u27s willingness to participate in this intriguing process of decoding high art quality

    Role of microstructure in porous silicon gas sensors for NO2_2

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    Electrical conductivity of porous silicon fabricated form heavily doped p-type silicon is very sensitive to NO2_2, even at concentrations below 100 ppb. However, sensitivity strongly depends on the porous microstructure. The structural difference between sensitive and insensitive samples is independently confirmed by microscopy images and by light scattering behavior. A way to change the structure is by modifying the composition of the electrochemical solution. We have found that best results are achieved using ethanoic solutions with HF concentration levels between 13% and 15%.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, package SIunits require

    Detecting delirium in patients with acute stroke: a systematic review of test accuracy

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    Patients with acute stroke are particularly vulnerable to delirium episodes. Although delirium detection is important, no evidence-based recommendations have been established to date on how these patients should be routinely screened for delirium or which tool should be used for this purpose in this population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify delirium screening tools for patients with acute stroke and to summarise their accuracy

    Evolution of the access to services of basic sanitation in Brazil (1970 to 2004)

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a evolução da cobertura dos serviços de saneamento básico no Brasil do início da década de 1970 até 2004, levando em consideração algumas variáveis regionais, municipais e domiciliares: (i) região geográfica; (ii) porte do município (tamanho da população); (iii) taxa de urbanização do município; (iv) localização do domicílio (rural ou urbano) e (v) renda domiciliar mensal. Essa análise permitiu avaliar: (i) se as características do déficit de acesso domiciliar são recentes ou já existiam em 1970 e (ii) se está ocorrendo uma convergência dos índices de acesso domiciliar, ou seja, se dentro das categorias analisadas está diminuindo a diferença entre os melhores e os piores índices de acesso. Além disso, foi possível averiguar qual tipo de política pública adotada para o setor gerou investimentos que conseguiram atingir as localidades mais necessitadas.The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution of the coverage of basic sanitation services in Brazil since the beginning of the 1970s until 2004, taking into account some regional, municipal, and domiciliary variables: (i) geographic region; (ii) population and city size; (iii) urbanization rate; (iv) domicile location (rural or urban areas) and (v) monthly domiciliary income. This analysis allowed to evaluate: (i) whether the characteristics of domiciliary access deficit are recent or were already taking place in 1970 and (ii) whether there is a convergence of domiciliary access rates, i.e., if in the analyzed categories, the difference between the best and the worse rates of access are decreasing. Besides, it was possible to inquire which type of public policy carried away for the sector has generated investments that succeeded to reach the poorest localities

    La relazione di cura con il paziente: come la immaginano gli studenti di Infermieristica, prossimi alla professione? Uno studio esplorativo attraverso l’utilizzo di scenario

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    Introduction: Our aim was to improve understanding of nursing students’ perceptions about caring for the patient. In particular, we aim to highlight expectations and possible difficulties in providing care in students who are at the end of their studies and are approaching clinical work. Partecipants: We collected data from 72 students of a Nursing Studies University in a north region of Italy. Design: A qualitative method was use to interpret data. Materials: A vignette technique has been used: students had to write a tale inspired by the delivered picture. Results: Nursing students show a high caring orientation towards the patients and seem to be aware that this relationship elicits an emotional involvement. In order to manage with it, theoretical studies and previous practice have been considered the most important resources. On the contrary, relationships with colleagues, lack of time and patients and their families’ anxiety have been perceived as obstacles. Conclusion: Future professional nurses need some resources to enter the professional world properly and to manage the relationship with patients adequately. Our research underlines the importance of implement knowledge about emotional regulation strategies, socialization processes and team work techniques

    Instruments evaluating the quality of the clinical learning environment in nursing education: A systematic review of psychometric properties

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    Background The clinical learning environment is fundamental to nursing education paths, capable of affecting learning processes and outcomes. Several instruments have been developed in nursing education, aimed at evaluating the quality of the clinical learning environments; however, no systematic review of the psychometric properties and methodological quality of these studies has been performed to date. Objectives The aims of the study were: 1) to identify validated instruments evaluating the clinical learning environments in nursing education; 2) to evaluate critically the methodological quality of the psychometric property estimation used; and 3) to compare psychometric properties across the instruments available. Design A systematic review of the literature (using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines) and an evaluation of the methodological quality of psychometric properties (using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments guidelines). Data sources The Medline and CINAHL databases were searched. Eligible studies were those that satisfied the following criteria: a) validation studies of instruments evaluating the quality of clinical learning environments; b) in nursing education; c) published in English or Italian; d) before April 2016. Review methods The included studies were evaluated for the methodological quality of the psychometric properties measured and then compared in terms of both the psychometric properties and the methodological quality of the processes used. Results The search strategy yielded a total of 26 studies and eight clinical learning environment evaluation instruments. A variety of psychometric properties have been estimated for each instrument, with differing qualities in the methodology used. Concept and construct validity were poorly assessed in terms of their significance and rarely judged by the target population (nursing students). Some properties were rarely considered (e.g., reliability, measurement error, criterion validity), whereas others were frequently estimated, but using different coefficients and statistical analyses (e.g., internal consistency, structural validity), thus rendering comparison across instruments difficult. Moreover, the methodological quality adopted in the property assessments was poor or fair in most studies, compromising the goodness of the psychometric values estimated. Conclusions Clinical learning placements represent the key strategies in educating the future nursing workforce: instruments evaluating the quality of the settings, as well as their capacity to promote significant learning, are strongly recommended. Studies estimating psychometric properties, using an increased quality of research methodologies are needed in order to support nursing educators in the process of clinical placements accreditation and quality improvement

    La storia italiana della formazione infermieristica: la “lunga marcia” dalle scuole regionali ai corsi di laurea magistrale

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    La formazione infermieristica avveniva nelle Scuole regionali fino al 1995, poi è diventata universitaria e ha consolidato il suo percorso di ricerca  e definizione sia disciplinare che di profilo professionale. Già le scuole regionali rappresentavano un laboratorio di sperimentazione didattica in quanto sensibili a  intercettare  nuove correnti di pensiero pedagogico che ponevano al centro lo studente, esaltavano l’apprendimento per problemi e dall’esperienza basato sulla riflessione e rielaborazione, organizzavano   sessioni di lavoro che coinvolgevano attivamente gli studenti. Sebbene quindi le scuole regionali abbiano costituito il presupposto per l’evoluzione successiva della formazione infermieristica verso l’Università, questa ha sicuramente dato un impulso importante verso una preparazione scientifica e umanistica di base e post base di un professionista autonomo e responsabile. Evidence based nursing e caring sono state due dimensioni considerate core della formazione, l’una non ha escluso l’altra ma sono state costantemente integrate per conservare la mission originale della professione infermieristica. Questa “lunga marcia” è stata guidata da leader della professione ma anche da mentor esterni che appartenevano alla Società Italiana di pedagogia medica, con i quali molti di noi hanno condiviso progetti, idee e iniziative didattiche.In Italy, nursing education was provided by Regional Schools until 1995. Then, it moved to the University and it has consolidated its disciplinary and professional definition. Also the Regional Schools were a context/environment of didactic experimentation; they were sensitive to intercept new student-centered, pedagogic school of thoughts, they valued the problem based and the experience based learning approaches, with an active involvement of the students. Altough the Regional Schools prepared the ground for the following academic evolution of nursing education, the University has surely given an important push to an undergraduate and graduate nursing education aiming at training/developing autonomous and responsible nurses. The concepts of Evidence Based Nursing and Caring have been considered as core dimensions of nursing education, they have constantly been integrated to preserve the original mission of the nursing profession.This “long path” has been guided by professional leaders and by mentors, who belonged to the SIPEM (Italian Society of Medical Pedagogy), and with we them have shared projects, ideas and didactic initiatives

    Alcune riflessioni sulla ricerca qualitativa.<BR>Intervista di Luisa Saiani a Luigina Mortari

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    Luigina Mortari, nota a livello internazionale nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019epistemologia e della ricerca qualitativa, \ue8 stata intervistata per raccogliere le sue opinioni su alcuni aspetti della ricerca qualitativa: quando una domanda di ricerca pu\uf2 essere considerata rilevante; quali sono gli aspetti irrinunciabili nella metodologia ed i problemi etici negli studi qualitativi

    Stime di Sostenibilità Aziendale attraverso Strumenti Web basati su Dati Secondari

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    Questa tesi tratta lo sviluppo di strumenti web in grado di effettuare stime di sostenibilità aziendale basate su dati secondari. Alcuni studenti di Ingegneria Gestionale hanno svolto un’analisi della sostenibilità aziendale, cercando manualmente nei siti web delle aziende alcuni indicatori chiave da loro definiti, creando un Osservatorio per alcune aziende dell’Emilia-Romagna. L'obiettivo è quello di sviluppare un software capace di eseguire automaticamente questa attività: partendo da un elenco di aziende e dagli indicatori che si vogliono cercare, il software è in grado di scaricare i siti web delle aziende e di leggerli per effettuare la ricerca degli indicatori tramite un algoritmo sviluppato ad hoc

    Human osteoblasts within soft peptide hydrogels promote mineralisation in vitro

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    Biomaterials that provide three-dimensional support networks for the culture of cells are being developed for a wide range of tissue engineering applications including the regeneration of bone. This study explores the potential of the versatile ionic-complementary peptide, FEFEFKFK, for such a purpose as this peptide spontaneously self-assembles into β-sheet-rich fibres that subsequently self-associate to form self-supporting hydrogels. Via simple live/dead cell assays, we demonstrated that 3 wt% hydrogels were optimal for the support of osteoblast cells. We went on to show that these cells are not only viable within the three-dimensional hydrogel but they also proliferate and produce osteogenic key proteins, that is, they behave like in vivo bone cells, over the 14-day period explored here. The gel elasticity increased over time when cells were present – in comparison to a decrease in control samples – indicating the deposition of matrix throughout the peptide scaffold. Moreover, significant quantities of calcium phosphate were deposited. Collectively, these data demonstrate that ionic-complementary octapeptides offer a suitable three-dimensional environment for osteoblastic cell function