82 research outputs found

    Spectrum and review of MRI findings in hypophysitis

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    Inflammation of the pituitary infundibulum and pituitary gland (hypophysis) is called hypophysitis. The causes may be primary (lymphocytic hypophysitis, granulomatous hypophysitis, xanthomatous hypophysitis, necrotizing hypophysitis) or secondary due to spread of disease from elsewhere in the body. Authors report three cases of primary hypophysitis with radiological findings ranging from simple thickening of the infundibulum, posterior pituitary (infundibuloneurohypophysitis), thickening of the entire gland and infundibulum (panhypophysitis) and mass forming lesion in the anterior pituitary gland (adenohypophysitis). Diagnosis is arrived based on combined findings of clinical features, endocrinological assessment, Immunological markers, imaging studies and histopathology (if necessary). Conservative, supportive treatment is usually the treatment of choice with surgical decompression reserved for cases with extensive mass effect. Authors conclude that hypophysitis should be considered as a differential diagnosis for lesions of the pituitary

    Structural and Electrical Studies of Boric Acid Doped Cadmium Oxide Thin Film by JNSP Technique for Optoelectronic Applications

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    The present work deals with preparation and characterization of boric acid (b) dopped cdo thin films by the jet nebulizer spray pyrolysis technique at optimized temperature 450°C. Boric acid doped cdo thin films were prepared by jet nebulizer spray pyrolysis technique with different wt% of boric acid (x=0, 0.5,2.5, 4). The xrd pattern of various weight percentage boric acid dopped cdo thin films show the polycrystalline nature with cubic structure. At room temperature, the electrical conductivity of the prepared films increases with 4Wt% of 2.32x10-3 S/cm. The plot of voltage versus current as a function of temperature (RT-30°C) indicates the ohmic behavior of the films. Moreover, significant optoelectronic applications are cadmium oxide dopped with boric acid thin films at room temperature electrical resistivity is in the order of 101Ω cm which is low enough to be a good supercapacitor electrode material


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    Rasendra Sara Sangraha is the oldest and most exhaustive treatise of Rasa Shastra, an important branch of Ayurveda, which revolutionised Ayurveda Pharmacopeia in the medieval period. It is one of classical works of 14th century period written by Sri Gopala Krishna Bhatt consists of 5 chapters with 2531 verses. Rasendra Sara Sangraha comprising the compilation of various times tested and therapeutically proved Rasayoga formulations. Lauha (iron) is a very essential element of the body system for treating many disease conditions as well as for physiological existence. Iron used as medicine from the Vedic period. Lauha preparations are extensively used from Acharya Charakas period in the form of Ayasruti and Navayasa loha. Rasendra Sara Sangraha has mentioned a total of 222 herbo mineral formulations having Lauha (iron). The present study deals with the chapter wise review of formulations of Rasendra Sara Sangraha containing Lauha as an ingredient mentioned in various disease conditions like Jwara, Arsas, krimi, Pandu, Soola, Pradara, Sodha and Gulma etc. These Lauha containing Herbo mineral Formulations has been elaborately compiled in 222 formulations

    Pharmacognostical Studies and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations on Roots of Sophora interrupta Bedd., Fabaceae

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    Sophora interrupta Bedd., is a woody perennial shrub which belongs to the family Fabaceae. Many species of this genus like S. flavescens Ait., and S. japonica L. are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Several phytochemical investigations on this genus revealed the presence of many bioactive constituents like matrine and oxymatrine alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and polysaccharides which has medicinal importance. In view of its allied species, their importance in the Chinese medicine and in the absence of its scientifically reported pharmacognostical parameters, the present study attempts to undertake the study of qualitative and quantitative microscopic evaluation of the root along with physicochemical parameters and fluorescence analysis of root powder which helps to establish diagnostic characters and quality parameters for the identification of powdered form of root. Phytochemical evaluation of roots revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, glycosides and carbohydrates. TLC and HPTLC profile of Benzene extract was performed for flavonoids

    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Blood Cells Prediction Using Deep Learning & Transfer Learning Technique

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    White blood cells called lymphocytes are the target of the blood malignancy known as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In the domain of medical image analysis, deep learning and transfer learning methods have recently showcased significant promise, particularly in tasks such as identifying and categorizing various types of cancer. Using microscopic pictures, we suggest a deep learning and transfer learning-based method in this research work for predicting ALL blood cells. We use a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model to extract pertinent features from the microscopic images of blood cells during the feature extraction step. To accurately categorize the blood cells into leukemia and non- leukemia classes, a classification model is built using a transfer learning technique employing the collected features. We use a publicly accessible collection of microscopic blood cell pictures, which contains samples from both leukemia and non-leukemia, to assess the suggested method. Our experimental findings show that the suggested method successfully predicts ALL blood cells with high accuracy. The method enhances early ALL detection and diagnosis, which may result in better patient treatment outcomes. Future research will concentrate on larger and more varied datasets and investigate the viability of integrating it into clinical processes for real-time ALL prediction

    A Case Series on Personalized Pediatric Posterior Zirconia Crowns

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    Pediatric dentists must comprehend children's aesthetic perception because kids are increasingly aware of their own and other children's appearance. Many aesthetic restorations are available on the market, including open-faced stainless-steel crowns, pre-veneered stainless-steel crowns, strip crowns, and polycarbonate crowns, but each has its own drawbacks. Prefabricated zirconia crowns are a new trend among pediatric dentists for restoring carious, damaged, and malformed primary molars and anteriors. Customized zirconia crowns, on the other hand, may be able to overcome the limitations of prefabricated crowns in certain situations, particularly molars, resulting in excellent aesthetics and longevity. Our case series illustrates the use and performance of personalized zirconia crowns in a variety of challenging clinical circumstances

    The PhD Journey: What You Need to Know Before You Start

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    The decision to pursue a PhD degree can be a significant and life-changing one. While a doctoral degree can lead to numerous career opportunities and personal fulfillment, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before embarking on this challenging journey. This article provides an overview of key factors to consider before joining a PhD program, including the pros and cons of pursuing a PhD, the financial realities of graduate school, the importance of selecting the right program and advisor, and the potential impact on personal and professional priorities. Additionally, alternative career paths beyond academia are explored. By understanding the various aspects of the PhD experience and carefully weighing the decision to pursue this degree, prospective students can make informed choices that align with their personal and professional goals.The decision to pursue a PhD degree can be a significant and life-changing one. While a doctoral degree can lead to numerous career opportunities and personal fulfillment, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before embarking on this challenging journey. This article provides an overview of key factors to consider before joining a PhD program, including the pros and cons of pursuing a PhD, the financial realities of graduate school, the importance of selecting the right program and advisor, and the potential impact on personal and professional priorities. Additionally, alternative career paths beyond academia are explored. By understanding the various aspects of the PhD experience and carefully weighing the decision to pursue this degree, prospective students can make informed choices that align with their personal and professional goals

    The safety and efficacy of oral Arborium plus, a herbal liquid formulation in the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome: an open label study

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    Background: Diabetic foot ulcers are the most universal cause of non-traumatic amputations of the foot in developing countries. One of the treatment modalities is to improve the peripheral blood supply to the area of ulcer. To this purpose the study was done to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral Arborium plus (herbal liquid formulation) in the wound closure of diabetic foot patients.Methods: 50 patients were randomly assigned to either of the groups (each group 25 patients) to receive either the test drug (Arborium plus) at tertiary care teaching hospital, it was an open label prospective and interventional parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Arborium plus in diabetic foot syndrome. The study participants were randomized into control and intervention groups. Base line measurements of vascular flow was ankle- brachial pressure index (ABPI) and wound size measurement.Results: The baseline characteristics of the patients age in years test and control group 68±12.3 and 67±13.4 respectively. Male/female in both groups was 21/4 and 22/3 respectively. Duration of diabetes in years 8.65±8.3 and 8.5±7.6 respectively. BMI was 25.11±4.15 and 24.75±0.85, duration of smoking (years) 17.3±9.5 and 19.5±10.5 respectively in both groups. Among the test group who received the proprietary formulation of Arborium plus, there was a significant reduction in the wound size.Conclusions: Wound healing and ABPI improvements were observed with usage of Arborium plus suggest an improvement in peripheral vascular flow in diabetic foot subjects

    Meeting IMT 2030 Performance Targets: The Potential of OTFDM Waveform and Structural MIMO Technologies

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    The white paper focuses on several candidate technologies that could play a crucial role in the development of 6G systems. Two of the key technologies explored in detail are Orthogonal Time Frequency Division Multiplexing (OTFDM) waveform and Structural MIMO (S-MIMO)