651 research outputs found

    Issues of Emotion-Based Multi-Agent System

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    Emotion plays a significant contribution in perceptual processes of psychology and neuroscience research. Gently, area of Artificial Intelligent and Artificial Life in simulation and cognitive processes modeling uses this knowledge of emotions. Psychology and neuroscience researches are increasingly show how emotion plays an important role in cognitive processes. Gradually, this knowledge is being used in Artificial Intelligent and Artificial Life areas in simulation and cognitive processes modeling. Researchers are still not very clear about working of mind to generate emotion. Different people have different emotion at the same time and for same situation. Thus, to generate artificial emotion for agents is very complex task. Each agent and its emotion are autonomous but when we work on multi-agent system. Agents have to cooperate and coordinate with each other. In this paper we are discussing the role of emotions in multi-agent system while decision making, coordinate and cooperate with other agents. Also, we are about to discuss some major issues related to Artificial Emotion (AE) that should be considered when any research is proposed for it. In this paper we are discussing the role of emotions in multi-agent system while decision making, coordinate and cooperate with other agents. Also, we are about to discuss some major issues related to it that should be considered when any research is proposed for Artificial Emotion (AE)

    Secreted heat shock protein-90 (Hsp90) in wound healing and cancer

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    AbstractExtracellular Hsp90 proteins, including “membrane-bound”, “released” and “secreted”, were first reported more than two decades ago. Only studies of the past 7years have begun to reveal a picture for when, how and why Hsp90 gets exported by both normal and tumor cells. Normal cells secrete Hsp90 in response to tissue injury. Tumor cells have managed to constitutively secrete Hsp90 for tissue invasion. In either case, sufficient supply of the extracellular Hsp90 can be guaranteed by its unusually abundant storage inside the cells. A well-characterized function of secreted Hsp90α is to promote cell motility, a crucial event for both wound healing and cancer. The reported targets for extracellular Hsp90α include MMP2, LRP-1, tyrosine kinase receptors and possibly more. The pro-motility activity of secreted Hsp90α resides within a fragment, called 'F-5', at the boundary between linker region and middle domain. Inhibition of its secretion, neutralization of its extracellular action or interruption of its signaling through LRP-1 block wound healing and tumor invasion in vitro and in vivo. In normal tissue, topical application of F-5 promotes acute and diabetic wound healing far more effectively than US FDA-approved conventional growth factor therapy in mice. In cancer, drugs that selectively target the F-5 region of secreted Hsp90 by cancer cells may be more effective and less toxic than those that target the ATPase of the intracellular Hsp90. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90)

    Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among adults of Raipur city, Chhattisgarh, India: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Hypertension is prevalent all over the world. Usually it is readily detectable, easily treatable condition and if left untreated may leads to serious complications. In considerable proportion of cases the disease tends to be asymptomatic for prolonged time, hence also labelled as ‘Silent killer’. High blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and better control can lead to prevention of 300,000 of the 1.5 million annual deaths from cardiovascular diseases in India. The objective of the study was to find the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control status of hypertension among adults of Raipur city.Methods: A community based cross sectional study was carried out in 768 subjects of age 25-59 years residing in Raipur city, Chhattisgarh, India. A predesigned, pretested questionnaire was used for data collection. To classify blood pressure JNC VII criteria was used.Results: The prevalence of hypertension was 29.0 %. Out of 223 hypertensive (223/768), 59.2% were aware about their hypertensive status, in them 76.9% were on treatment and 49.5% were under control.Conclusions: There was striking lack of awareness of the condition and a suboptimal rate of control among those treated. These finding emphasize public health importance of hypertension in Raipur city and there is urgent need to address this through targeted intervention


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    Introduction: Modern cataract surgery aims to provide optimum visual acuity to the patient according to his requirements and with early visual rehabilitation. A detailed evaluation before cataract surgery can help in planning proper interventions, preventing post-operative visual impairment, and appropriate patient counseling. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of ocular co-morbidities in outreach camp patients referred for cataract surgery. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was conducted among patients admitted to Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Rourkela, Odisha, India. Patient details were obtained from hospital records from January 2021 to January 2022. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: A total of 3109 patients were considered out of which 1060 (34.1%) presented with some comorbidities other than cataracts. Retinopathy comprised of 26.4% followed by pterygium (24.8%) and post cataract surgery complications (10.4%). Glaucoma was present in 8.5% while nearly 7% presented with corneal involvement and 6.04% with uveitis and its sequel. Conclusion: A comprehensive examination of patients referred from camps can be a cost-effective and efficient tool to identify the hidden ocular diseases in the community. It not only aids in identifying but also provides optimum management of the comorbidities to provide maximum benefit to the patients. Recommendation: A thorough examination of patients with ocular comorbidities can help in identifying the ocular diseases earlier and planning their management efficiently

    In Vitro Antidiabetic Effect of Neohesperidin

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    Objective: The present study was performed to determine in vitro antidiabetic effect of neohesperidin. To evaluate inhibitory effect of neohesperidin on α-amylase and α-glucosidase diabetes causing enzyme. Methods and Materials: Invitro carbohydrate metabolizing enzyme based inhibitory methods were used to determine antidiabetic effect of neohesperidin. Alpha (α)-amylase inhibitory assay was performed using different sources i.e. wheat alpha (α)-amylase enzyme, salivary alpha (α)-amylase and fungal alpha (α)-amylase assay. Alpha (α)-glucosidase inhibitory assay was performed using alpha (α)-glucosidase (B. stearothermophil), alpha (α)-glucosidase rat intestine and alpha (α)-glucosidase from baker’s yeast. Sucrase inhibitory assay from rat small intestine. Result: Neohesperidin possess a potent anti-diabetic by significantly inhibiting alpha amylase activity. Conclusion: It was concluded that enzyme inhibitory activity of neohesperidin shown a significantly higher inhibitory activity on alpha-amylase in comparision to alpha-glucosidase & Sucrase enzymes. Keywords: Neohespiridin, acarbose, alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidas

    A study to assess receipt and utilization of janani suraksha yojana cash incentive among mothers in urban slums of Raipur city, Chhattisgarh, India

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    Background: Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) replaces the National Maternity Benefit Scheme. It was launched by the Government of India in April 2005. The aim was to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by increasing institutional delivery by providing cash incentive to the beneficiaries as well as the link worker ASHA. Objectives of this study was to assess receipt of Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) cash incentive and to assess fields of utilization of Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) cash incentive.Methods: A Community based cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 mothers delivered within last one year in urban slum of Raipur city. Study centre was department of community medicine, Pt. J.N.M. medical college Raipur, Chhattisgarh. A pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used to interview the study subjects.Results: Out of total 384 study subject’s cheque of JSY cash incentive was received by 70.83%. All (100%) beneficiaries who received cheque was stipulated amount as per JSY guideline. Reasons for not receiving cheque was no availability of BPL card for those who delivered in accredited private health facility. Other reasons were absconded after delivery, unaware of cash incentive, did not go back to get the cheque when called later, patient shifted to another ward. None of the study subjects who delivered at home received the cash incentive cheque. Realization of cheque was not done by 22.79% of study subjects due to complex procedure to open an account in bank. Cash incentive money was utilized in neonatal care, drugs, food, household activities and some deposited in bank.Conclusions: JSY scheme is definitely functioning well in terms of providing cash incentive cheque of JSY on delivery in Government Health facility. There is need to simplify the procedure to open an account so that beneficiaries can avail cash incentive money. There is need to address the problems to receive cheque in home delivery and accredited Private health facility in addition to motivation for institutional delivery

    Prenatal Isotretinoin Exposure Reduces the Neuronal Population of Hippocampus in Rats

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    ABSTRACT Isotretinoin is a drug used in the treatment of acne. Teratogenic effects of isotretinoin are well known. It is causes craniofacial abnormalities like cleft palate in animal model studies. There are very few studies focusing on its effect on the developing brain specially hippocampus concerned with memory. In the present study we investigate teratogenic effect on neuronal population of the hippocampus during postnatal development. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to either 8 or 16mg/kg dose of body weight of isotretinoin during early or mid-gestation of pregnancy. Pups were sacrificed at postnatal day 7 or day 21, brains were removed and processed for histological studies. Coronal sections o brain were taken and stained with cresyl violet and viable neurons were counted for 250 μm length in different regions of the hippocampus. At postnatal day 7neurons belonging to CA1 region of the hippocampus was severely affected at both the doses tested and also in early & mid-gestation treatment regime. At postnatal day 21, neurons of the CA2 & CA1 regions were severely affected. It is also observed that mid-gestational effect had more severe effect compared to early gestational treatment. This study clearly demonstrates the teratogenic effect of isotretinoin on hippocampal neuronal population of developing brain. Care must be taken while prescribing this drug to women of reproductive age

    Evaluating air quality and criteria pollutants prediction disparities by data mining along a stretch of urban-rural agglomeration includes coal-mine belts and thermal power plants

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    Air pollution has become a threat to human life around the world since researchers have demonstrated several effects of air pollution to the environment, climate, and society. The proposed research was organized in terms of National Air Quality Index (NAQI) and air pollutants prediction using data mining algorithms for particular timeframe dataset (01 January 2019, to 01 June 2021) in the industrial eastern coastal state of India. Over half of the study period, concentrations of PM2.5, PM10 and CO were several times higher than the NAQI standard limit. NAQI, in terms of consistency and frequency analysis, revealed that moderate level (ranges 101–200) has the maximum frequency of occurrence (26–158 days), and consistency was 36%–73% throughout the study period. The satisfactory level NAQI (ranges 51–100) frequency occurrence was 4–43 days with a consistency of 13%–67%. Poor to very poor level of air quality was found 13–50 days of the year, with a consistency of 9%–25%. Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Bagged Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Bayesian Regularized Neural Networks (BRNN) are the data mining algorithms, that showed higher efficiency for the prediction of PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and SO2 except for CO and O3 at Talcher and CO at Brajrajnagar. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between observed and predicted values of PM2.5 (ranges 12.40–17.90) and correlation coefficient (r) (ranges 0.83–0.92) for training and testing data indicate about slightly better prediction of PM2.5 by RF, SVM, bagged MARS, and BRNN models at Talcher in comparison to PM2.5 RMSE (ranges 13.06–21.66) and r (ranges 0.64–0.91) at Brajrajnagar. However, PM10 (RMSE: 25.80–43.41; r: 0.57–0.90), NO2 (RMSE: 3.00–4.95; r: 0.42–0.88) and SO2 (RMSE: 2.78–5.46; r: 0.31–0.88) at Brajrajnagar are better than PM10 (RMSE: 35.40–55.33; r: 0.68–0.91), NO2 (RMSE: 4.99–9.11; r: 0.48–0.92), and SO2 (RMSE: 4.91–9.47; r: 0.20–0.93) between observed and predicted values of training and testing data at Talcher using RF, SVM, bagged MARS and BRNN models, respectively. Taylor plots demonstrated that these algorithms showed promising accuracy for predicting air quality. The findings will help scientific community and policymakers to understand the distribution of air pollutants to strategize reduction in air pollution and enhance air quality in the study region

    Uterine Gene Expression in the Live-Bearing Lizard, Chalcides ocellatus, Reveals Convergence of Squamate Reptile and Mammalian Pregnancy Mechanisms

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    Although the morphological and physiological changes involved in pregnancy in live-bearing reptiles are well studied, the genetic mechanisms that underlie these changes are not known. We used the viviparous African Ocellated Skink, Chalcides ocellatus, as a model to identify a near complete gene expression profile associated with pregnancy using RNA-Seq analyses of uterine transcriptomes. Pregnancy in C. ocellatus is associated with upregulation of uterine genes involved with metabolism, cell proliferation and death, and cellular transport. Moreover, there are clear parallels between the genetic processes associated with pregnancy in mammals and Chalcides in expression of genes related to tissue remodeling, angiogenesis, immune system regulation, and nutrient provisioning to the embryo. In particular, the pregnant uterine transcriptome is dominated by expression of proteolytic enzymes that we speculate are involved both with remodeling the chorioallantoic placenta and histotrophy in the omphaloplacenta. Elements of the maternal innate immune system are downregulated in the pregnant uterus, indicating a potential mechanism to avoid rejection of the embryo. We found a downregulation of major histocompatability complex loci and estrogen and progesterone receptors in the pregnant uterus. This pattern is similar to mammals but cannot be explained by the mammalian model. The latter finding provides evidence that pregnancy is controlled by different endocrinological mechanisms in mammals and reptiles. Finally, 88% of the identified genes are expressed in both the pregnant and the nonpregnant uterus, and thus, morphological and physiological changes associated with C. ocellatus pregnancy are likely a result of regulation of genes continually expressed in the uterus rather than the initiation of expression of unique genes

    Factors influencing maternal health in Rewa town

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