196 research outputs found

    Risk management of commercial banks in Kosovo

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    Purpose: This research elaborated on the management of the activity of banks operating in Kosovo. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study provided for the secondary service by reporting goals for the four largest banks in Kosovo. Findings: Problems of commercial banks of Kosovo in managing risks for establishing concepts for managing the activity, defects of the activity management system and backwardness of the research and method of managing the activity. Practical Implications: With the continued development of the financial sector, commercial banks in Kosovo have formed a series of strict risk management systems, while the risk management of commercial banks in Kosovo is still in its infancy. As Kosovo's financial industry is opening up to the outside world, Kosovo's banking industry faces increasingly fierce competition and the risks are also more complex. In this case, understanding the level of risk management of commercial banks in Kosovo and improving the level of risk management is a necessary topic. Originality/Value: The results of the study realize a series of meaningful suggestions are put forward and help to improve the risk management level and control the risks effectively.peer-reviewe


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    Mentor: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Fetah Reçic

    Fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique : les recommandations sont-elles appliquées en pratique clinique quotidienne ?

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    Contexte : La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI) est une pneumopathie infiltrante diffuse d'étiologie inconnue touchant principalement des personnes âgées de 60 à 70 ans. Elle se caractérise par une destruction irréversible du parenchyme pulmonaire avec péjoration progressive de la fonction respiratoire. Des directives internationales concernant le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la FPI ont été publiées pour la première fois en 2000 et mises à jour en 2011. L'adhérence aux directives a été précédemment évaluée au moyen d'enquêtes sur les pratiques des médecins, mais jamais par des séries de cas. Méthodes : Analyse rétrospective des processus diagnostiques et de l'adhérence aux directives chez une série de patients diagnostiqués avec FPI après la publication des directives de 2000 (avant la mise à jour de 2011). Les données ont été récoltées précédemment par un groupe de travail suisse (SIOLD). Résultats : Les cas ont été rapportés par 19 institutions (incluant 4 hôpitaux universitaires) ou médecins de 9 cantons différents. Parmi 92 patients avec un diagnostic de FPI (hommes 70%, âge médian 72 ans, médiane de la capacité vitale forcée initiale 84%, médiane du facteur de transfert du monoxyde de carbone initial 53%), seuls 26% remplissaient tous les critères diagnostiques de 2000, alors que 49% ne remplissaient pas tous les critères requis et 25% avaient des caractéristiques considérées comme incompatibles avec une FPI. Des taux similaires ont été trouvés pour l'adhérence aux directives de 2011. 30% des patients ont eu une biopsie pulmonaire chirurgicale. Ces derniers étaient significativement plus jeunes (66 vs 75 ans, p<0.001). La biopsie pulmonaire chirurgicale était moins fréquente lorsque les caractéristiques typiques de la FPI étaient présentes à l'imagerie thoracique (20 vs 60%, p=0.007). 62% des cas ont été diagnostiqués en pratique privée ou dans un hôpital régional, et 33% des cas ont été diagnostiqués dans un service hospitalier de pneumologie. Seuls 54% des patients ont été évalués par un centre de soins tertiaire. Une évaluation multidisciplinaire formelle n'a eu lieu que dans 13% des cas. Conclusions : Les critères diagnostiques n'étaient souvent pas remplis. Comme recommandé, la biopsie pulmonaire était plus souvent réalisée lorsque l'imagerie n'était pas typique pour la FPI. L'évaluation multidisciplinaire ainsi que l'évaluation par un centre de soins tertiaire doivent être encouragées

    A review of sources on terrorist financing

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    Terrorism financing is one of the most complex problems the democratic world is facing today. The transfer of funds to support terrorist activities has created enormous challenges across the world. This has fuelled several inter-religious and nationalist hate, and as such has put many nations into war with terrorist organisations. The main objective of this study is to review the sources of terrorist financing. The paper relies on secondary data that were drawn from various books, journals, as well as from institutional materials relevant to the issues raised. It concludes that terrorists are exploiting established financial systems at the global level to move their finances, and that informal systems remain the biggest challenge to thwart terrorist activitie

    Deep learning for design and optimization of bioprosthetic heart valves

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    In the traditional industry model, even the slightest design change has to go through the entire optimization process. Once the parametric geometry is created, an analysis is run, depending on the various inputs, boundary conditions and the desired output values. These outputs are studied and optimized against the input values using either traditional data analytics or by analysis of testing results. Based on the results of this analysis, the design parameters and inputs are changed as desired and the optimization cycle is repeated. Such industries need methods to reduce this time by a significant amount. The motivation of this study is to create an algorithm that learns the structural analysis of a bioprosthetic heart valve using a convolutional neural network, which on being trained can predict the results of the analysis given any new geometry without going through the process of simulation, which is time consuming and may not be feasible without appropriate resources at all times. This is achieved by exploiting the parametric non-uniform roational B-splines (NURBS) formulation of the heart valve geometry through isogeometric analysis. The initial and final deformations of about 18000 simulations are provided as training data to a deep convolutional neural network. Key parameters of interest such as coaptation area are predicted and all results are validated against the results obtained from traditional structural analysis

    Gender Policies: An Analysis of the Efforts by the Western Balkans to Reduce the Gender Pay Gap

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    The issue of the gender pay gap in the Western Balkans is certainty not \u27simple\u27 socio-political issue. This is particularly true as we are dealing with post conflict states that still suffer the consequences from the previous regimes and the enormous harm experienced after the fall of the former Yugoslavia. By analysing the historical development of the female emancipation in the Western Balkans, we look at the key factors that have caused the imbalance of income and we explore the reasons this problem that the Western Balkans continue facing today. In order to do so, this paper sheds light on the current legislation in the Western Balkans regarding the status of women in the field of income and pay gap, what measures the states of the former Yugoslavia have taken towards decreasing the gap and finally, whether or not those efforts have been successful. The paper also provides recommendations on what could be done to reduce the discrimination in income that women face in all the fields of the job market across the Western Balkans

    Understanding the Value Phenomenon: towards typology of value creation practices

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    This thesis’s central aim is to advance, extend and deepen the understanding of value creation and evaluation. It explores the Value Phenomenon (VP) as initiated in Service Dominant Logic (SDL). In so doing, this study brings forward new theoretical concepts and supports them with an illustrative case. In the initial literature review, value conceptualization in marketing and Service Research SBL are explored and the concept of VP is defined by two constitutive parts, creation and evaluation. The four constitutive dimensions (actors, interaction, resources, and context) of experience and social practice are presented. The overall outcome, being the creation of the Strategic Value Innovation Service (SVIS) framework, that enables one to better understand value creation and evaluation, and the VP, within a SDL context. The literature review is further developed to provide a two-dimensional taxonomy that clarifies the relationship between Value Creation Types (VCT), and in addition advancing our understanding of VP. The rationale for choosing the Extended Case Method (ECM) as a research methodology and autobiographic – Subjective Personal Introspection (SPI), is then discussed. It allows the exploration of taxonomy, meta (interpretative) and macro (social construction) theories, within the context of a Personal Flight Journey (PFJ). It specifically explores the novel four-dimensional typology of Value Creating Practices (VCP) and extends the understanding of VP. Prior to concluding the illustrative case study of the PFJ, as a support for theoretical contribution, and for the Typology of VCP during the SPI, is presented. Using the SVIS Framework, Taxonomy of VCT and the Typology of the VCP, the understanding the multiple nature of VP in micro, mesa and macro context is achieved; and this provides new opportunities for innovation

    Unleashing entrepreneurial potential in transition economies: a comparative analysis of the impact of macro and micro policies

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    [Abstract] This study investigates the relationship between macroeconomic and microeconomic policies and entrepreneurial dynamics in two economies transitioning from planned economies to free markets, comparing them to a developed economy. Macroeconomic policies, despite not directly targeting entrepreneurship, significantly impact entrepreneurial dynamics. Conversely, microeconomic policies specifically aim to promote and enhance entrepreneurial activity. The analysis links policy quality to key entrepreneurial indicators: new firm creation, incumbent firm survival, and overall firm stock. Findings reveal that while transition economies often adopt entrepreneurship policies similar to developed nations, some remain country-specific. These policy variations manifest in distinct entrepreneurial dynamics across the economies


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    Mentor: Prof. Ass. Dr. Shaip Bytyç