921 research outputs found

    Necessity of Particle size studies of Ores from Bihar by the Mineral Industry

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    The measurment of particle size of various minerals, specially of the friable ores, which are commonly found in Bihar and the study of properties of material as function of size have applications in several fields. Recently, the subject has attracted the attention of industrial researchers. In this paper the necessity of particle size studies of ores of Bihar as applicable in general to the mining and mineral industries is discussed

    Comparison of Pelvic Plexus Blockade to other Conventional Techniques of Analgesia in Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy

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    Objectives: To compare the degree of pain, efficacy and safety of pelvic plexus block to other conventional techniques of analgesia in 12 core transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of prostate.Materials and Methods: The study included 160 consecutive cases of prostate biopsy, prospectively randomized into four groups of 40 each –Men in group 1 (control arm) received lignocaine gel (2%) only; Group 2 received lignocaine gel with basal periprostatic nerve block (BPNB) with 2% lignocaine; Group 3 received lignocaine gel (2%) with apical periprostatic block (APNB) with 2% lignocaine and Group 4 received lignocaine gel with pelvic plexus block. Pain was recorded on a 10 point visual analogue scale by a nurse.Results: Patients in pelvic plexus block group had lowest pain score (1.25±0.43) while lignocaine injection than BPNB (1.53±0.45) and APNB (1.58±0.50, P value = 0.008). The mean pain score among 4 groups while taking the biopsy cores were 4.85, 2.67, 2.48 and 1.95, respectively. Patients who received pelvic plexus block experienced least pain than BPNB and APNB groups (p value 0.001 and 0.002, respectively). Perineal pain persisted longer in pelvic plexus block group than apical and periprostatic groups. Duration of dysuria was less in pelvic plexus nerve block group.Hematuria and rectal bleed complications were comparable in all groups.Conclusion: Prostate biopsy should be performed with either periprostatic nerve block (basal or apical) or pelvic plexus block under Doppler ultrasonography guidance. Pelvic plexus block provides superior analgesia to basal and apical periprostatic block

    Evaluation of Grass Bales Stored under Cover and Plinth System of Storage

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    The feed and fodder requirement for dairy animals is primarily met by roughages, green fodder and homemade concentrate mixtures. Roughages are high in crude fibrous material which essentially consists of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and to some extent lignin. Livestock production is backbone of Indian Agriculture and source of employment in rural areas for centuries. To meet the demand of feeding these huge livestock population an adequate supply of feed throughout the year is the prerequisite for successful animal production programmes. A huge gap between demand and supply of feed and fodder exists in our country. This huge gap between requirement and availability of livestock feeds like dry fodders, green fodders could however be bridged by proper post harvest management of all kind of forage resources and search for alternate source of protein rich forage supplement. The most common livestock feed resources are crop reduces (straw, stover, haulms etc). All of these fodder resources are highly voluminous and having lower density varying from 40-70 kg/m3 due to which there transportation, storage and handling are very cumbersome and expensive and therefore cannot be utilized up to a maximum extent. Storage is a repeated phase during transit of agricultural produce and the product needs to be stored from one harvest to next thus, demanding additional carry over as safe guard, against speculation in price and market demand or against shortage and famine

    Observations on nitrogen-fixation by some blue-green algae and remarks on its potentialities in rice culture

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    The results of experiments in connection with the estimation of nitrogen fixed by four species of blue-green algae are presented and discussed. The species tested were Tolypothrix campylonemoides, Nostoc sphaericum, N. amplissimum and Westiella sp. of these, Tolypothrix was the most efficient. The quantity of extra-cellular nitrogen liberated has also been estimated; this is only a fraction of the whole. The potentialities of using blue-green algal species in rice culture are discussed. It is indicated that blue-green algae could be employed as a substitute for nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, for rice culture in waterlogged conditions

    Observations on nitrogen fixation and organic matter produced by Anabaena circinalis Rabh. and their significance in rice culture

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    An account of the nitrogen-fixing capacity, extra-cellular N liberated and total organic matter produced by the blue-green alga Anabaena circinalis Rabh. is given. Studies indicate that N fixed as well as organic matter produced are more under conditions as near to nature as possible. It is suggested that the blue-green algae could be best exploited for enrichment of the soil by conditioning the soil for the manifestation of the indigenous flora and/or for known introduced forms. Owing to the action of these algae in the building up of the fertility of the soil, the possibility of an economic schedule of growing crops in succession is indicated leading to beneficial results

    Conservation of wild silkworm genetic resources through cryopreservation: Standardization of sperm processing

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    Conservation of the invaluable sericigenous genetic resources is of prime importance with respect to their utilization and improvement for wider exploitation. Conservation of wild silkworms and its applicability in hybridization have limitations due to incompatibility, less amenability, change of behaviour under ex situ conditions, non-synchronization of moth eclosion and difficulties in mating between variables. In view of this, the newer technologies such as cryopreservation and artificial insemination are offering better strategies for preservation of biologically active samples like semen at sub-zero temperature (-196º C) conditions for longer duration. In this context, under standardization of sperms preservation from wild silkworms, two methods of semen collection were scrutinized for obtaining active and viable sperm for cryopreservation and further artificial insemination. Semen collection from the seminal vesicle of freshly emerged male moth and the other from the bursa copulatrix (BC) and spermatheca of the female moth after mating. The sperms in the semen collected from seminal vesicle are in the form of bundles known as eupyrene sperm bundles and apyrene sperms. The morphology and behaviour of these sperm bundles were recorded through microscopic examination. To study the density and motility behaviour of the sperms, sperm bundles were treated with proteolytic enzyme (~2-3µg/ml) to digest the membrane and release the sperms. The density and motility behaviour of sperms in the semen recovered from the BC and spermatheca of female moth after mating were higher compared to those released after digestion of sperm bundles from seminal vesicle of the male moth

    RANCARancang Bangun Website E-Learning Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Palangka Raya

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    Physical Education and Recreation Study Program is one of Study Programs of Education Stream of Faculty of Teacher and Education of Palangka Raya University. During this time, learning and teaching activity in Physical Education and Recreation Study Program (PJKR) happens with one condition in which there is a meeting between students and lecturer in a class. If the meeting does not happen this means the learning and teaching activity will be interrupted or delayed. To solve the problem of delayed learning and teaching activity, it is needed a certain facility which is available to maximize the learning and teaching process through the development of technology in education area. This is known as website e-learning. This website was constructed using PHP, database MySQL and also phases of waterfall software development method; Analysis and Definition of Need, System Plan and Software, Implementation and Test of Unit, Integration and Test of System, and Operation and Maintenance. The result of the blackbox test showed that website e-learning PJKR Program Study could manage feature of e-learning which were lecture materials and assignments or quizes. This e-learning ran well accordance with its desig

    Significance of ventilation system design on fire with special reference to extensive and fire affected mine

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    In a coal mine when sealed off area having connection with atmosphere (surface) and intake airways only the condition becomes more worsen when active fire in such sealed off area creates sufficient drought due to fire. In such situation sometimes pressure created by the fan may not be sufficient to neutralize such suction pressure created by the fire. In this case continuous feeding of fresh air to the fire takes place through cracks and fissures and weak zones around the boundary, which guides the fire to propagate in mines. Continuation of such phenomena for longer period may lead to loss of huge property as well as the mine itself. The control the leakage of air under such situation some modification in ventilation system is definitely required. In this paper the ventilation arrangement to neutralize the drought created by the fire in one of the mine of BCCL without affecting the ventilation of other part of the mine followed by thorough monitoring of status of fire have been discussed

    Application of High expansion nitrogen foam to control mine fire – a case study

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    High expansion nitrogen foam technology has been found an effective technique world over for controlling underground mine fire in this paper the conventional methods adopted in coal mines for dealing a fire have been briefly discussed. Attempts have been made to highlight the advantages and merits of high expansion foam technology over the other techniques. A success story of application of high expansion nitrogen for controlling underground fire in record time in MCL mines has been presented and reference of other places in Indian coal mines where the technique were applied successfully, has been made in brief
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