525 research outputs found

    The Effects of Trade Facilitation on Indonesian Fisheries Export

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    The growth in the volume and export value of fishery subsector shows the importance role of its sector to Indonesian economy. The export performance is influenced by many aspects, including trade facilitation. The problem faced by Indonesia is the low quality of trade facilitation resulting in relatively high trade costs, and this will affect the export performance. This research aims to analyze the effect of trade facilitation as well as other related variables on the Indonesia export in the fishery subsector, shrimp commodity exports, and export of tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna. This study used panel data with ten years time series from 2007 to 2016, and the cross section data included ten major export destination countries. The data were analyzed using the gravity model with fixed effect estimation method. The study results showed that trade facilitation and other related variables had an effect on Indonesian fishery, shrimp, and tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna exports. Based on the research results, Indonesian fishery exports can be improved by, firstly improving capacity and quality port infrastructure. Secondly, improving capacity and quality of electricity supply. Thirdly, the institutional quality is primarily concerned with ethics and corruption, and fourthly, the efficiency of trade across border needs to be improved in the hope of increasing the Indonesian export in the fishery subsector

    Trade Creation dan Trade Diversion antara Indonesia dan Negara-negara Asean-korea

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    Indonesia has several free trade agreements with trading partners that aimed to eliminate tariff and non tariff trade barriers. One of the free trade agreements is ASEAN-Korea FTA. Trade agreement in goods in ASEAN-Korea FTA was agreed since 2007 and now it is entering the implementation phase. The objective of this research is to determine whether the ASEAN-Korea FTA would increase the trade flows between Indonesia and ASEAN-Korea\u27 countries by analyzing the impact of regional integration on trade creation and trade diversion. This research is utilized balance panel data including 13 countries from 1998-2012. The empirical result shows that all Indonesia\u27s trading sectors experienced decline because of trade diversion and trade creation does not occur. Indonesia\u27s import trading with the non-member countries of ASEAN-Korea is 68% lower than the existing trading

    A Monte Carlo Simulation Describing Melting Transition of Si-Type Structure in the Condensed Phase with BCC Lattice Model Including Many-Body Interactions

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    A new lattice model is proposed for Si crystallization from molten state, which is based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. In this model, each atom is allowed to move only on BCC lattice sites, and the potential energy of atom depends on the configuration in the 1st nearest neighbors. With the parameter that only the atoms constructing tetrahedron have lower energy than others, the 1st-order phase transition between diamond and random structures is observed, including a hysteresis behavior. On the other hand, with using a parameter set which is defined as a function of the number of the 1st nearest neighbors and the bond angles, which is determined by using genetic algorithm, the state is continuously changed with temperature

    The Effect of Natrium Bisulfite Addition and Ethanol Dehydration to the Quality of Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) Flour

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    Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is an alternative food sources from forest. Porang grows under forest canopy and potentially developed to improve food security. Naturally harvested porang contains high oxalate and less glucomannan. This paper observes possible quality improvement of porang flour in term of whiteness and glucomannan content. Porang collected from Nganjuk, East Java was quality tested and mixed with natrium bisulfite then rinse in ethanol repetitively. Results showed that the addition of sodium bisulfite improved the whiteness of porang flour for about 6.59%. Ethanol dehydration proces was able to improve glucomannan content from 12.86% to 38.11%. Fe and Ca content of mixed porang flour showed no significant difference. Porang flour from Nganjuk contained of 1,6-Anhydro- Beta-D-Glucopyranose; 1,2,3,4-Cyclopentanetetrol,(1.alpha., 2.beta., 3.beta., 4.alpha.); cyclopropyl carbinol; aceticacid(CAS)ethylicacid; and hexadecanoic acid

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kitosan dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Total dan Kadar Kolesterol Telur Itik Tegal

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    Kitosan merupakan produk limbah krustacea bersifat biodegradable, tidak beracun  dan mampu mengikat kolesterol, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas telur.  Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh pemberian kitosan dalam ransum terhadap bobot dan kadar kolesterol telur itik.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan  4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan.  Masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 2 ekor itik sebagai satuan percobaan.  Perlakuan adalah R0 = 0% kitosan, R1 = 0,5% kitosan, R2 = 2% kitosan dan R3 = 2,5% kitosan. Peubah yang diukur adalah bobot telur total selama penelitian dan kolesterol telur itik.  Data diolah menggunakan program SAS Windows 16.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kitosan memberikan rataan persentase bobot telur yang berimbang antar perlakuan (P>0,05) dan kitosan 0,5% nyata menurunkan kadar kolesterol telur itik terendah (P 0.05) and chitosan 0.5% significantly lowered the lowest cholesterol level of duck eggs (P <0.05) that is 10.28 (mg / dg).Keywords: Chitosan, Ration, Weight, Cholesterol, Eggs

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kitosan dalam Ransum untuk Mendapatkan Telur Bebas Salmonella (SPF)

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    Telur itik merupakan salah satu jenis pangan hewani yang sangat rentan tercemar Salmonella. Penyebabnya adalah lingkungan pemeliharaan yang kurang higienis serta pori pada kerabang telur  sehingga memberi peluang terkontaminasi. Biosekuriti yang buruk pada pemeliharaan ekstensif menyebabkan cemaran Salmonella pada itik, oleh karena itu sangat perlu dilakukan biosekuriti pakan dengan penambahan kitosan  untuk menghindari  kontaminasi Salmonella terhadap telur yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan telur itik bebas Salmonella dengan penambahan kitosan dalam ransum. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dimana masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 2 ekor itik. Perlakuan adalah R0= 0% kitosan, R1 = 0,5% kitosan, R2 = 2% kitosan dan R3 = 2,5% kitosan. Dosis kitosan merupakan dosis terpilih dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya secara in vitro.  Parameter yang diukur adalah uji Salmonella awal terhadap feses itik penelitian, uji Salmonella ransum perlakuan, uji pullorum darah (RPAT) dan uji Salmonella telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 50% feses itik yang diperiksa terkontaminasi Salmonella, ransum penelitian negatif Salmonella, darah itik pada perlakuan tanpa kitosan 40% terkontaminasi Salmonella pullorum dan yang diberi kitosan bebas pullorum serta telur yang dihasilkan 100% negatif Salmonella

    Usefulness of Microcatheters Inserted Overnight for Additional Injection of Sclerosant after Initial Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

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    In patients with large gastric varices, dose limitation of the sclerosant can cause difficulties in achieving complete thrombosis of varices during a single balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) procedure. For patients with incomplete variceal thrombosis after the first BRTO, additional sclerosant must be injected in a second BRTO. We report a successful case of BRTO for large gastric varices in whom additional sclerosant was injected through a microcatheter that remained inserted overnight. To achieve complete variceal thrombosis in a patient with incomplete thrombosis of large gastric varices after a first BRTO, a retained microcatheter can be used to inject additional sclerosant in a second BRTO the next day

    Nd–Fe–B thick film magnets with Nb additive prepared by vacuum arc deposition method

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    Isotropic Nd-Fe-B thick film magnets were prepared by a vacuum arc deposition method with the deposition rate of approximately 10 μm/h followed by pulse-annealing process. It was found that an optimum amount of Nb additive is effective to enhance the coercivity without the deterioration of remanence and (BH)max values of the isotropic thick films