1,073 research outputs found

    Fetal Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

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    Role of Family System, Positive Emotions and Resilience in Social Adjustment Among Pakistani Adolescents

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    The present study explored the role of positive emotions, resilience & family system in social adjustment in Pakistani adolescents. Through convenient sampling, data collected from 150 adolescents (70 boys & 80 girls).In terms of family system 92 were living in nuclear family while 58 injoint family. Urdu version of Modified Differential Emotions Scale, Resilience Scale and Bell`s Adjustment Inventory were used. Statistical analysis revealed the presence of significant positive relationship between positive emotions and resilience (r = .39**) where girls were slightly more resilient (M ± SD = 120.77 ± 24.03) & socially adjusted (M ± SD = 17.41 ± 4.15). Moreover 52 % adolescents reported difficulty in talking with new people. Majority of participants from Joint family reported good social adjustment (38%) and high resilience (17%) as compared to those in nuclear family (21%, 13%). The influence of these demographic variables is important indication to be explored further

    Design of dualband antenna for RFID applications

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    This paper focuses on the design and fabrication of dual band antenna for UHF RFID and ISM RFID applications. The U-shaped patch loaded with dipole is introduced and investigated. The antenna can be performed dual-band frequencies at 0.915 GHz and 2.4 GHz required in RFID applications with reflection coefficient is less than -10 dB. The lower band can be varied by adjusting both dipole arms length and upper band is tuned by U-shaped patches. The gains of the design with a size 130   45  1.6 mm3  are performed 1.89 dB and 3.65 dB for single and dual band respectively. This compact and low cost dual band antenna also performed total efficiency greater than 80%. The design methodology and antenna measurement results are both presented and discussed in this letter

    Microstrip Array Antenna using Series-Corporate Feed for Navigation System

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    In this paper, the proposed antenna consists of a single transmission line for 6-elements microstrip array antenna using Rogers RT5880 substrate material with a dielectric constant (εr) of 2.2 and thickness of 0.787 mm for navigation applications. The array structures of unequal patches placement are proposed with corporate feed line and H-shaped configurations are employed on the substrate and used the microstrip feed line with a corporate feed network excited via 50 Ω with T-junction method to control the feed for each group. 6-elements microstrip array antenna has operated at the resonant frequency of 1.27 GHz was obtained between the frequency from 1.2663 GHz to 1.2734 GHz where the S11-parameters of the structure designed and simulation below than <-10 dB. The analysis shows the antenna gain has increased 72.6% with high directivity as compared to single elements microstrip antenna. The radiation characteristics and other array parameters are evaluated with respect to the application requirements. However, circular polarization has obtained in 6-elements array antenna as the axial ratio is successfully achieved below than -3dB. The antenna efficiency, the current distribution, VSWR, and S11-parameters of the proposed 6-elements CP microstrip array antenna have been presented and discussed in detail. The design methodology and the measurement results have been presented and discussed in this paper

    Seedless x seedless grape progeny: Technique, results and perspectives

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    Recent refinements in the in vitro embryo rescue technique employed to raise progenies from abortive ovules of seedless x seedless cultivars include addition of 0.2 ppm NAA (naphtaleneacetic acid) to the medium, inducing highly improved root systems and faster plant development. Selling seedless Vitis vinifera yielded seedless progeny only. Open pollinated Perlette and Flame Seedless gave rise to a high percentage (75 and 87%, respectively) of seedless progeny. Progeny from various crosses between seedless cultivars segregated into 65 normal seeded and 204 seedless. From the totality of 204 seedless progeny 192 bore fruit with very slight seed traces. Progeny from crosses between seeded and seedless segregated only 7.5-8% individuals with comparably slight seed traces, amounting to 1/3 of the progeny rated as seedless. Fresh weight determinations of aborted seeds per berry showed a pronouncedly lower weight in progenies from seedless x seedless crosses. Reduction in average berry size in the seedless fraction of seedless x seedless progenies compared to midparent values was of a similar order of magnitude as that obtained in seedless progeny derived from seeded x seedless crosses

    Inheritance of seedlessness in seeded x seedless progeny of Vitis vinifera L.

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    Die Vererbung der Kernlosigkeit auf die Nachkommen der Kreuzungskombination „kernhaltig x kernlos" bei Vitis vinifera L.In 5jährigen Versuchen wurden kernhaltige (Mutter) und kernlose (Vater) Vitis vinifera-Reben gekreuzt und die Verteilung des Merkmals „Kernlosigkeit" bei den Nachkommen analysiert. Die Aufspaltung in kernhaltige und kernlose Sämlinge erfolgte nahezu im Verhältnis 3 : 1. Der x2-Wert für die einzelnen Jahre (1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988) betrug 0,03; 0,11; 1,17; 1,97 und 3,01. Die Homogenität für x2 lag nur 1986 innerhalb der tolerierbaren Grenzen (0,3-0,5). Die meisten Populationen hatten in allen Jahren x2-Werte, die dem 3: 1-Verhältnis entsprachen. Zwei Independenz-Tests für aufeinanderfolgende Jahre ergaben keine Interaktionen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wird postuliert, daß die Vererbung der Kernlosigkeit durch zwei komplementäre rezessive Gene bestimmt wird. Nur bei 30,7 % der als ,,kernlos" klassifizierten Kreuzungsnachkommen konnten die Kernreste organoleptisch nicht wahrgenommen werden

    Efficient error correcting scheme for chaos shift keying signals

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    An effective error-correction scheme based on normalized correlation for a non coherent chaos communication system with no redundancy bits is proposed in this paper. A modified logistic map is used in the proposed scheme for generating two sequences, one for every data bit value, in a manner that the initial value of the next chaotic sequence is set by the second value of the present chaotic sequence of the similar symbol. This arrangement, thus, has the creation of successive chaotic sequences with identical chaotic dynamics for error correction purpose. The detection symbol is performed prior to correction, on the basis of the suboptimal receiver which anchors on the computation of the shortest distance existing between the received sequence and the modified logistic map’s chaotic trajectory. The results of the simulation reveal noticeable Eb/No improvement by the proposed scheme over the prior to the error- correcting scheme with the improvement increasing whenever there is increase in the number of sequence N. Prior to the error-correcting scheme when N=8, a gain of 1.3 dB is accomplished in Eb/No at 10-3 bit error probability. On the basis of normalized correlation, the most efficient point in our proposed error correction scheme is the absence of any redundant bits needed with minimum delay procedure, in contrast to earlier method that was based on suboptimal method detection and correction. Such performance would render the scheme good candidate for applications requiring high rates of data transmission

    Identification and characterization of alternative splicing in parasitic nematode transcriptomes

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    BACKGROUND: Alternative splicing (AS) of mRNA is a vital mechanism for enhancing genomic complexity in eukaryotes. Spliced isoforms of the same gene can have diverse molecular and biological functions and are often differentially expressed across various tissues, times, and conditions. Thus, AS has important implications in the study of parasitic nematodes with complex life cycles. Transcriptomic datasets are available from many species, but data must be revisited with splice-aware assembly protocols to facilitate the study of AS in helminthes. METHODS: We sequenced cDNA from the model worm Caenorhabditis elegans using 454/Roche technology for use as an experimental dataset. Reads were assembled with Newbler software, invoking the cDNA option. Several combinations of parameters were tested and assembled transcripts were verified by comparison with previously reported C. elegans genes and transcript isoforms and with Illumina RNAseq data. RESULTS: Thoughtful adjustment of program parameters increased the percentage of assembled transcripts that matched known C. elegans sequences, decreased mis-assembly rates (i.e., cis- and trans-chimeras), and improved the coverage of the geneset. The optimized protocol was used to update de novo transcriptome assemblies from nine parasitic nematode species, including important pathogens of humans and domestic animals. Our assemblies indicated AS rates in the range of 20-30%, typically with 2-3 transcripts per AS locus, depending on the species. Transcript isoforms from the nine species were translated and searched for similarity to known proteins and functional domains. Some 21 InterPro domains, including several involved in nucleotide and chromatin binding, were statistically correlated with AS genetic loci. In most cases, the Roche/454 data explored in this study are the only sequences available from the species in question; however, the recently published genome of the human hookworm Necator americanus provided an additional opportunity to validate our results. CONCLUSIONS: Our optimized assembly parameters facilitated the first survey of AS among parasitic nematodes. The nine transcriptome assemblies, their protein translations, and basic annotations are available from Nematode.net as a resource for the research community. These should be useful for studies of specific genes and gene families of interest as well as for curating draft genome assemblies as they become available
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