2,051 research outputs found

    Proper Motions of H2O Masers in the Water Fountain Source IRAS 19190+1102

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    We report on the results of two epochs of Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the 22 GHz water masers toward IRAS 19190+1102. The water maser emission from this object shows two main arc-shaped formations perpendicular to their NE-SW separation axis. The arcs are separated by ~280 mas in position, and are expanding outwards at an angular rate of 2.35 mas/yr. We detect maser emission at velocities between -53.3 km/s to +78.0 km/s and there is a distinct velocity pattern where the NE masers are blueshifted and the SW masers are redshifted. The outflow has a three-dimensional outflow velocity of 99.8 km/s and a dynamical age of about 59 yr. A group of blueshifted masers not located along the arcs shows a change in velocity of more than 35 km/s between epochs, and may be indicative of the formation of a new lobe. These observations show that IRAS 19190+1102 is a member of the class of "water fountain"' pre-planetary nebulae displaying bipolar structureComment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, corrected typo

    Young Planetary Nebulae: Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and a New Morphological Classification System

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    Using Hubble Space Telescope images of 119 young planetary nebulae, most of which have not previously been published, we have devised a comprehensive morphological classification system for these objects. This system generalizes a recently devised system for pre-planetary nebulae, which are the immediate progenitors of planetary nebulae (PNs). Unlike previous classification studies, we have focussed primarily on young PNs rather than all PNs, because the former best show the influences or symmetries imposed on them by the dominant physical processes operating at the first and primary stage of the shaping process. Older PNs develop instabilities, interact with the ambient interstellar medium, and are subject to the passage of photoionization fronts, all of which obscure the underlying symmetries and geometries imposed early on. Our classification system is designed to suffer minimal prejudice regarding the underlying physical causes of the different shapes and structures seen in our PN sample, however, in many cases, physical causes are readily suggested by the geometry, along with the kinematics that have been measured in some systems. Secondary characteristics in our system such as ansae indicate the impact of a jet upon a slower-moving, prior wind; a waist is the signature of a strong equatorial concentration of matter, whether it be outflowing or in a bound Keplerian disk, and point symmetry indicates a secular trend, presumably precession, in the orientation of the central driver of a rapid, collimated outflow.Comment: (to appear in The Astronomical Journal, March 2011.) The quality of the figures as it appears in the arXiv pdf output is not up-to-par; the full ms with high-quality figures is available by anonymous FTP at ftp://ftp.astro.ucla.edu/pub/morris/sahai_AJ_360163.pd

    Heterojunction solar cell calculations

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    Solar cell efficiencies computed for semiconductor heterojunction cell

    Development of an (AlGaAs-Ga As) graded band gap solar cell

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    The results of an experimental program to develop the epitaxial growth techniques and analytical characterization techniques to fabricate graded bandgap solar cells are reported

    The Coldest Place in the Universe: Probing the Ultra-Cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula

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    Our Cycle 0 ALMA observations confirmed that the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known object in the Universe, with a massive high-speed outflow that has cooled significantly below the cosmic background temperature. Our new CO 1-0 data reveal heretofore unseen distant regions of this ultra-cold outflow, out to 120,000\gtrsim120,000 AU. We find that in the ultra-cold outflow, the mass-loss rate (dM/dt) increases with radius, similar to its expansion velocity (VV) - taking VrV\propto r, we find dM/dtr0.92.2dM/dt \propto r^{0.9-2.2}. The mass in the ultra-cold outflow is 3.3\gtrsim3.3 Msun, and the Boomerang's main-sequence progenitor mass is 4\gtrsim4 Msun. Our high angular resolution (\sim0".3) CO J=3-2 map shows the inner bipolar nebula's precise, highly-collimated shape, and a dense central waist of size (FWHM) \sim1740 AU×275\times275 AU. The molecular gas and the dust as seen in scattered light via optical HST imaging show a detailed correspondence. The waist shows a compact core in thermal dust emission at 0.87-3.3 mm, which harbors (47)×104(4-7)\times10^{-4} Msun~of very large (\simmm-to-cm sized), cold (2030\sim20-30 K) grains. The central waist (assuming its outer regions to be expanding) and fast bipolar outflow have expansion ages of 1925\lesssim1925 yr and 1050\le1050 yr: the "jet-lag" (i.e., torus age minus the fast-outflow age) in the Boomerang supports models in which the primary star interacts directly with a binary companion. We argue that this interaction resulted in a common-envelope configuration while the Boomerang's primary was an RGB or early-AGB star, with the companion finally merging into the primary's core, and ejecting the primary's envelope that now forms the ultra-cold outflow.Comment: accepted ApJ, 12 Apr, 201

    Shocked and Scorched: The Tail of a Tadpole in an Interstellar Pond

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    We report multi-wavelength observations of the far-infrared source IRAS 20324+4057, including high-resolution optical imaging with HST, and ground-based near-infrared, millimeter-wave and radio observations. These data show an extended, limb-brightened, tadpole-shaped nebula with a bright, compact, cometary nebula located inside the tadpole head. Our molecular line observations indicate that the Tadpole is predominantly molecular, with a total gas mass exceeding 3.7 Msun. Our radio continuum imaging, and archival Spitzer IRAC images, show the presence of additional tadpole-shaped objects in the vicinity of IRAS 20324+4057 that share a common E-W head-tail orientation: we propose that these structures are small, dense molecular cores that originated in the Cygnus cloud and are now being (i) photoevaporated by the ultraviolet radiation field of the Cyg OB2 No. 8 cluster located to the North-West, and (ii) shaped by ram pressure of a distant wind source or sources located to the West, blowing ablated and photoevaporated material from their heads eastwards. The ripples in the tail of the Tadpole are interpreted in terms of instabilities at the interface between the ambient wind and the dense medium of the former.Comment: (accepted by the Astrophysical Journal

    Binarity in Cool Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: A Galex Search for Ultraviolet Excesse

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    The search for binarity in AGB stars is of critical importance for our understanding of how planetary nebulae acquire the dazzling variety of aspherical shapes which characterises this class. However, detecting binary companions in such stars has been severely hampered due to their extreme luminosities and pulsations. We have carried out a small imaging survey of AGB stars in ultraviolet light (using GALEX) where these cool objects are very faint, in order to search for hotter companions. We report the discovery of significant far-ultraviolet excesses towards nine of these stars. The far-ultraviolet excess most likely results either directly from the presence of a hot binary companion, or indirectly from a hot accretion disk around the companion.Comment: revised for Astrophysical Journa