595 research outputs found


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    This study examines the effect of work discipline on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. This research was conducted at CV. Eureeka Indonesia with a sample size of 31 employees. This type of research uses quantitative methods. The data collection technique in this study used questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this study is Partial least square (PLS). The result showed that there is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee performance, there is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on job satisfaction, there is a negative and significant effect of job satisfaction on employee performance, and the indirect effect of work discipline on employee performance through job satisfaction is negative and significan


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    AbstractThe objective of this research is to evaluate Program Regional Training Center (PELATDA) PON XIX South Sulawesi. This is a qualitative and quantitative research with evaluation approach using Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model. Methods of collecting data in triangulation using questionnaires, interviews, document studies and observation. The result shows that: (1) Context Evaluation: having strong government policies, objectives and targets are well manifested, with an analysis of conditions that need to be improved, as well as a good strategy. (2) Input Evaluation; Excellent athlete and coach resources while for nutrition and medical teams has not been well implemented, funding, transparency and fund accountability need to be improved, adequate facilities and infrastructure support, and good cooperation between stakeholders and provincial branches of sport. (3) Process Evaluation; The training plan is well executed, the implementation of the training still needs to be improved, the nutritional and medical demands are not maximal, and the implementation of evaluation and monitoring still need to be optimally implemented. (4) Product Evaluation; Increasing physical condition, psychology and athletic health, but the medal achievement on PON XIX in West Java did not reach the target charged by Koni South Sulawesi Province. It can be recommended that Regional Training Center Program (PELATDA) PON XIX South Sulawesi is very disappointing because it does not reach the target of rank VI, so it is advisable to build synergy between the Government, Koni and Board of Sport Branch and Private Parties in improving the maximum Sport Achievement in South Sulawesi Province.Keywords: Program Evaluation, Regional Training Center (Pelatda), PON XI

    The Use of PPP Model In Enhancing the Students’ Speaking Ability

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    Speaking is the ability to pronounce words in order to convey or stated intention, ideas, thoughsts, feeling and dificult to deal with students. There are some problems as causes of the students’ difficulties in speaking, such as they are afraid of making mistake, less convidence, seldom to communicate and cannot express their ideas. To solve the problems, the researcher suggests the use of PPP Model in learning process. Based on the previous explanation, the researcher formulates the objective of the research is to find out whether or not the speaking ability of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare can enhance through the Use of PPP Model In this research, the researcher applied quasi-experimental design, with two group namely experimental class and control class. The samples was chosen using cluster random sampling technique. The total numbers of sample were consisted of 55 students from two classes taken from the population of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. The instrument used in this research was speaking test by record the students’ utterance. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the data analyzed shows that the students’ speaking ability improved significantly. It was showed by the mean score of pre-test was 45.33 and the post-test was 72. 83. Besides, the mean score of the students in post-test (72.83) was higher than the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (71) in SMP Negeri 9 Parepare and include good classification base on Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menegah (2005). In the same line, the result of t-test value was 2.102 and t-table value was 2.004 in post-test. It means that the t-test value (2.102) was higher than t-table value (2.004). Those indicate that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. It also shows there is a significant difference between the speaking ability of the students who were taught through the Use of PPP Model and the speaking ability of the students who were thought by Discovery Learning Model (Conventional Ways)


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) pola kerja masyarakat miskin dalam usaha ekonomi keluarga sebelum dan sesudah penerimaan BDLT, 2) pengaruh faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan mekanisme penerimaan BDLT terhadap perilaku masyarakat miskin dalam usaha ekonomi keluarga, 3) Tingkat kepuasan masyarakat miskin terhadap pelaksanaan faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan mekanisme penerimaan BDLT ditinjau dari kesenjangan antara jasa yang dialami dengan jasa yang diharapkan. 4) Urutan prioritas peningkatan pelaksanaan faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan mekanisme penerimaan BDLT yang mempengaruhi perilaku masyarakat miskin dalam usaha ekonomi keluarga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda dan tingkat kesesuaian antara tingkat kinerja dan tingkat pelaksanaan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel jumlah bantuan dana langsung tunai (X4) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap perilaku masyarakat miskin dalam kegiatan usaha ekonomi keluarga. Nilai R-square yang diperoleh sebesar 4% dan sisanya sebesar 96% bersumber dari variabel yang tidak diteliti. Berdasarkan uji t diperoleh nilai konstanta sebesar 38,316 yang menjelaskan bahwa jika tidak memperhatikan variabel X, besarnya manfaat yang diperoleh masyarakat dalam kegiatan usaha ekonomi keluarga sebesar Rp. 37.788. Kata kunci : Penilaian, Mekanisme Program Bantua

    Mass selection of Fababean (Vicia Faba L.)

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    Thesis (M.Ag.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Agronomy, 198

    Implementation of a Scientific Approach Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Overhand Pass In Volleyball Game

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    This study is a classroom action research that aims to discover whether a scientific approach using a problem-based learning model can improve the learning outcomes of upper passing in volleyball for grade XI MIPA 2 at Ma Ma’arif Nu Lasepang in the Bantaeng district. A classroom action research employed the PBL model in its material, namely the basic technique of upper passing in a volleyball. The study was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle consisted of 3 meetings. The aspects assessed in this study were spiritual KI- 1, social KI- 2, cognitive KI- 3, and psychomotor KI- 4. The research sample was 20 students. Based on the results of the study, at the beginning of the study, initial observation was conducted to determine the condition of students' initial data. As a reference in the assessment, the Benchmark Reference Assessment (PAP) on a scale of 5. In the initial data, it is discovered that no student can achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Furthermore, in the first cycle, there is an increase in the number of students who experienced mastery learning, namely 5 students with a percentage of 25% and there is a significant increase in the second cycle, namely 18 students with 90%

    Hubungan Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Kelincahan Dan Keseimbangan Terhadap Kemampuan Dribble Bolabasket

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan koordinasi mata tangan, kelincahan, dan keseimbangan dengan dribble dalam permainan bolabasket. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa laki-laki SMK Negeri 7 Makassar dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 40 orang yang dipilih secara random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis korelasi dengan menggunakan sistem SPSS Versi 17.00 pada taraf signifikan 95% atau a0,05. Bertolak dari hasil  analisis data, maka penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) koordinasi mata tangan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan dribble dalam permainan bolabasket pada siswa SMK Negeri 7 Makassar, terbukti ro = -0,668 (P = 0,000 < a0,05); (2) kelincahan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan dribble dalam permainan bolabasket pada siswa SMK Negeri 7 Makassar, terbukti ro =  0,830 (P = 0,000 < a0,05); (3) keseimbangan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan dribble dalam permainan bolabasket pada siswa SMK Negeri 7 Makassar, terbukti ro = -0,828 (P = 0,000 < a0,05); dan (4) koordinasi mata tangan, kelincahan, dan keseimbangan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan dribble dalam permainan bolabasket pada siswa SMK Negeri 7 Makassar, terbukti Ro = 0,875 (P = 0,000 < a0,05

    Pelatihan Penelitian Tindak Kelas Kelompok PPG Prajabatan Angkatan II Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Olahraga di Kota Makassar

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini di laksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan Penelitian tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) bagi Kelompok PPG Prajabatan Angkatan II Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Olahraga di Kota Makassar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk : memperbaiki dan atau meningkatkan kualitas praktek pembelajaran secara berkesinambungan sehingga meningkatan mutu hasil instruksional; mengembangkan keterampilan guru; meningkatkan relevansi; meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan instruksional serta menumbuhkan budaya meneliti pada komunitas guru-guru pendidikan jasmani. Manfaat Kegiatan ini diharapkan para bagi Kelompok PPG Prajabatan Angkatan II Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Olahraga di Kota Makassar; antara lain: (1) PTK sangat kondusif untuk membuat guru menjadi peka tanggap terhadap dinamika pembelajaran di kelasnya. Dia menjadi reflektif dan kritis terhadap lakukan.apa yang dia dan muridnya (2) PTK dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru sehingga menjadi profesional. Guru tidak lagi sebagai seorang praktis, yang sudah merasa puas terhadap apa yang dikerjakan selama bertahun-tahun tanpa ada upaya perbaikan dan inovasi, namun juga sebagai peneniliti di bidangnya. (3) Dengan melaksanakan tahapan-tahapan dalam PTK, guru mampu memperbaiki proses pembelajaran melalui suatu kajian yang dalam terhadap apa yang terhadap apa yang terjadi di kelasnya. Tindakan yang dilakukan guru semata-mata didasarkan pada  masalah aktual dan faktual yang berkembang di kelasnya. (4) Pelaksanaan PTK tidak menggangu tugas pokok seorang guru karena dia tidak perlu meninggalkan kelasnya. PTK merupakan suatu kegiatan penelitian yang terintegrasi dengan pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. (5) Dengan melaksanakan PTK guru menjadi kreatif karena selalu dituntut untuk melakukan upaya-upaya inovasi sebagai implementasi dan adaptasi berbagai teori dan teknik pembelajaran serta bahan ajar yang dipakainya. Guna memecahkan masalah memerlukan suatu kegiatan yang terprogram untuk pelatihan dan pengetahuan praktis kepada mereka dalam bentuk pelatihan khusus yang dapat dengan mudah mereka transfer dalam kemampuan. Metode yang diberikan berupa: (1) Metode Ceramah dan penyampaian makalah: terutama menyangkut penyampaian materi yang sifatnya teoretik. (2) Praktek yaitu aplikasi dari teoretik tentang penelitian tindakan kelas yang dituangkan dalam pembuatan proposal penelitian dilanjutkan dengan simulasi pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas. (3) Metode diskusi dilaksanakan bila-hal-hal yang tidak dapat dipecahkan dan dirasa memerlukan penyelesaian

    Sangkakrupa Kelong Mangkasaraka (1997)

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    Analysis of Risk Management and Profits for Salin Minapadi Farmers Windu Shrimp in Rammang-Rammang

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    Rammang-rammang District, Maros Regency, is one of the agricultural areas experiencing seawater intrusion, so many farmers leave their land idle. In the era of increasingly modern technology, now there is a combination of technological advances in the fields of agriculture and fisheries which is starting to develop, namely salin minapadi cultivation. Salin minapadi is one of the cultivation techniques that combines the cultivation of tiger prawns and rice that can live in brackish water but it is not easy because it is necessary to know whether salin minapadi is profitable and there is a possibility of developing salin minapadi faced with risks and the question of whether it is profitable. To reduce and overcome, the profit analysis method and the House of Risk (HOR) method are used. The profit analysis method is to find out how much profit the salin minapadi farmers make while the House of Risk (HOR) method is to minimize the risks that can cause problems in salin minapadi cultivation. The yield from the profit of salin minapadi is IDR 37,926,167 / Ha / MT. Identification of risk events and risk agents was carried out through interviews and observations in salin minapadi in Rammang-Rammang District. The results of this HOR analysis show that there are 10 risk causes and 6 recommended risk management methods for risk management for salin minapadi
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