217 research outputs found

    Noise-induced Brownian motion of spiral waves

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    We study the erratic displacement of spiral waves forced to move in a medium with random spatiotemporal excitability. Analytical work and numerical simulations are performed in relation to a kinematic scheme, assumed to describe the autowave dynamics for weakly excitable systems. Under such an approach, the Brownian character of this motion is proved and the corresponding dispersion coefficient is evaluated. This quantity shows a nontrivial dependence on the temporal and spatial correlation parameters of the external fluctuations. In particular, a resonantlike behavior is neatly evidenced in terms of the noise correlation time for the particular situation of spatially uniform fluctuations. Actually, this case turns out to be, to a large extent, exactly solvable, whereas a pair of dispersion mechanisms are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively to explain the results for the more general scenario of spatiotemporal disorder

    Fluctuacions en sistemes de no-equilibri

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    [spa] El trabajo ha consistido en la caracterización perturbativa de los propagadores asociados a la dinámica estocástica de Fokker-Planck. Dicho tratamiento perturbativo ha sido realizado primeramente mediante desarrollos en los llamados propagadores libres, usando una dualidad de representaciones: la hamiltoniana y la lagraugiana. Por otra parte se ha tratado también el problema mediante un esquema perturbativo en los llamados propagadores completos. Se ha conseguido formular con este último procedimento una vía alternativa respecto a tratamientos análogos desarrollados por otros autores. Finalmente se ha aplicado el formalismo anteriormente establecido a un sistema dinámico concreto como es el láser unimodal

    Experiments with active and driven synthetic colloids in complex fluids

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    In this review, we focus on recent experimental research involving active colloidal particles of non-biological origin evolving in non-Newtonian fluids. This includes self-propelling active particles and particles driven by external fields. We present different propulsion strategies that are either enabled, or strongly modified, by the presence of a complex medium. This paves the way for novel mechanisms of active transport in biofluids or in other non-Newnotian fluids. When considering the medium, we differentiate between disordered complex fluids, such as diluted polymer solutions, and liquid crystals. While the latter are also viscoelastic fluids, the ability to control their molecular orientation results in distinct colloidal driving and steering mechanisms, and enables new types of active soft matter in the form of active quasi-particles

    Self-organizing propagation patterns from dynamic self-assembly in monolayers

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    Propagation of localized orientational waves, as imaged by Brewster angle microscopy, is induced by low intensity linearly polarized light inside axisymmetric smectic-C confined domains in a photosensitive molecular thin film at the air/water interface (Langmuir monolayer). Results from numerical simulations of a model that couples photoreorientational effects and long-range elastic forces are presented. Differences are stressed between our scenario and the paradigmatic wave phenomena in excitable chemical media

    Diffusion in spatially and temporarily inhomogeneous media: Effects of turbulent mixing

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    We consider diffusion of a passive substance C in a phase-separating nonmiscible binary alloy under turbulent mixing. The substance is assumed to have different diffusion coefficients in the pure phases A and B, leading to a spatially and temporarily dependent diffusion ¿coefficient¿ in the diffusion equation plus convective term. In this paper we consider especially the effects of a turbulent flow field coupled to both the Cahn-Hilliard type evolution equation of the medium and the diffusion equation (both, therefore, supplemented by a convective term). It is shown that the formerly observed prolonged anomalous diffusion [H. Lehr, F. Sagués, and J.M. Sancho, Phys. Rev. E 54, 5028 (1996)] is no longer seen if a flow of sufficient intensity is supplied

    Experimental evidence of localized oscillations in the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction

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    The interaction between Hopf and Turing modes has been the subject of active research in recent years. We present here experimental evidence of the existence of mixed Turing-Hopf modes in a two-dimensional system. Using the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction (CDIMA) and external constant background illumination as a control parameter, standing spots oscillating in amplitude and with hexagonal ordering were observed. Numerical simulations in the Lengyel-Epstein model for the CDIMA reaction confirmed the results

    Control of active nematics with passive liquid crystals

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    Motor-proteins are responsible for transport inside cells. Harnessing their activity is key towards developing new nano-technologies, or functional biomaterials. Cytoskeleton-like networks result fromthe selfassembly of subcellular autonomous units. Taming this biological activity bottom-up may thus require molecular level alterations compromising protein integrity. Taking a top-down perspective, herewe prove that the seemingly chaotic flows of a tubulin-kinesin active gel can be forced to adopt well-defined spatial directions by tuning the anisotropic viscosity of a contacting Smectic-A liquid crystal. Different configurations of the activematerial are realized,when the thermotropic liquid crystal is either unforced or commanded by a magnetic field. The inherent instability of the extensile active fluid is thus spatially regularized, leading to organized flow patterns, endowed with characteristic length and time scales. Our finding paves the way for designing hybrid active/passive systems where ATP-driven dynamics can be externally conditioned

    Network-based scoring system for genome-scale metabolic reconstructions

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    Background: Network reconstructions at the cell level are a major development in Systems Biology. However, we are far from fully exploiting its potentialities. Often, the incremental complexity of the pursued systems overrides experimental capabilities, or increasingly sophisticated protocols are underutilized to merely refine confidence levels of already established interactions. For metabolic networks, the currently employed confidence scoring system rates reactions discretely according to nested categories of experimental evidence or model-based likelihood. Results: Here, we propose a complementary network-based scoring system that exploits the statistical regularities of a metabolic network as a bipartite graph. As an illustration, we apply it to the metabolism of Escherichia coli. The model is adjusted to the observations to derive connection probabilities between individual metabolite-reaction pairs and, after validation, to assess the reliability of each reaction in probabilistic terms. This network-based scoring system uncovers very specific reactions that could be functionally or evolutionary important, identifies prominent experimental targets, and enables further confirmation of modeling results. Conclusions: We foresee a wide range of potential applications at different sub-cellular or supra-cellular levels of biological interactions given the natural bipartivity of many biological networks

    Electric-field modulation of liquid crystal structures in contact with structured surfactant monolayers

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    We present experiments in which we use an electric field to switch between different configurations in the cellular patterns induced in a confined nematic liquid crystal by the contact with a surfactant monolayer that features lateral order and surface defects. By using different combinations of far-field alignment and mesogen dielectric anisotropy, we unravel the nature and stability of point defects and disclinations resulting from the hybrid boundary conditions

    Control of active liquid crystals with a magnetic field

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    Living cells sense the mechanical features of their environment and adapt to it by actively remodeling their peripheral network of filamentary proteins, known as cortical cytoskeleton. By mimicking this principle, we demonstrate an effective control strategy for a microtubule-based active nematic in contact with a hydrophobic thermotropic liquid crystal. By using well-established protocols for the orientation of liquid crystals with a uniform magnetic field, and through the mediation of anisotropic shear stresses, the active nematic reversibly self-assembles with aligned flows and textures that feature orientational order at the millimeter scale. The turbulent flow, characteristic of active nematics, is in this way regularized into a laminar flow with periodic velocity oscillations. Once patterned, the microtubule assembly reveals its intrinsic length and time scales, which we correlate with the activity of motor proteins, as predicted by existing theories of active nematics. The demonstrated commanding strategy should be compatible with other viable active biomaterials at interfaces, and we envision its use to probe the mechanics of the intracellular matrix