71 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de nuevos morteros de reparación resistentes al ataque biológico: empleo de la sepiolita como material soporte de los biocidas

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    La sepiolita es un mineral arcilloso con una elevada capacidad de adsorción/absorción que se ha utilizado para retener sobre el un biocida. Dicho mineral con el biocida retenido se adiciona a un mortero de cal tradicional, de manera que el nuevo material presente propiedades similares a los morteros antiguos, pero evitando el crecimiento de microorganismos. Previo a la adición de la sepiolita al mortero, se realizan dos estudios, uno sobre las transformaciones químicas producidas en el mineral que presenta una pureza del 78%, cuando se somete a tratamiento térmico; y otro sobre su estabilidad en medios básicos y neutros. Se estableció la influencia de la sepiolita en la velocidad de carbonatación del mortero y en la reologia del mismo, que unido a la determinación de la densidad, porosidad y resistencia a compresión en morteros con diferentes dosificaciones, permitieron definir la composicion optima del mortero. Posteriormente, se realizaron ensayos sobre el comportamiento de los morteros en cámaras de gases y disoluciones agresivas, ensayos de hielo/deshielo y cristalización de sales. Una vez definidas las características y propiedades del mortero de cal con sepiolita, se realizo un ensayo de crecimiento de microorganismos sobre los mismos. El mortero final obtenido presenta propiedades similares al material original, con la característica adicional de evitar el crecimiento de microorganismos, asi como que el proceso de reparación sea reversible

    Behaviour and Properties of Eco-Cement Pastes Elaborated with Recycled Concrete Powder from Construction and Demolition Wastes

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    This work analyses the influence of fine concrete fractions (<5 mm) of different natures —calcareous (HcG) and siliceous (HsT)—obtained from construction and demolition waste (C&DW) on the behaviour of blended cement pastes with partial replacements between 5 and 10%. The two C&DW fractions were characterised by different instrumental techniques. Subsequently, their limefixing capacity and the physico-mechanical properties of the blended cement pastes were analysed. Lastly, the environmental benefits of reusing these fine wastes in the manufacture of future ecoefficient cement pastes were examined. The results show that HsT and HcG exhibit weak pozzolanic activity, owing to their low reactive silica and alumina content. Despite this, the new cement pastes meet the physical and mechanical requirements of the existing regulations for common cements. It should be highlighted that the blended cement pastes initially showed a coarser pore network, but then they underwent a refinement process between 2 and 28 days, along with a gain in compressive strength, possibly due to the double pozzolanic and filler effect of the wastes. The environmental viability of the blended cements was evaluated in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) concluding that the overall environmental impact could be reduced in the same proportion of the replacement rate. This is in line with the Circular Economy goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Un iversities (MICIU), the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), grant number RTI2018-097074- B-C21-22, as well as by the Spanish Training Program and the European Social Fund (MINECO/FSE) [grant number BES-2016-078454]

    Cements based on kaolinite waste

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    The cement industry involves high-energy consumption that generates high CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Environmental concerns can be addressed by replacing parts of Portland cement clinkers with pozzolanic materials in mortars and concrete. Slag, fly ash and silica fume are materials considered for the planned replacement. Research studies on clay minerals, such as kaolinite, are being followed with special attention by the scientific community and the cement industry. It is well known that these minerals require an activation process to transform kaolinite (K) into metakaolinite (MK). MK is an amorphous material from the transformation of K with high pozzolanic activity, which is its capacity to react with the portlandite released during the hydration of Portland cement, generating compounds such as C–S–H gels and some aluminum-phase hydrates. One of the MK production methods is heat treatment controlled by kaolinite at temperatures in the range of 600–900°C. Different residues have been used (coal mining, paper sludge and waste from a drinking water treatment plant) activated at 600°C for 2h to elaborate blended cements. Due to their good behaviour as future eco-efficient additions, this research is a study by x-ray fluorescence (XRF), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of their influence on the performances of blended cement mixtures (binary and ternary one), with substitutions of pozzolan ratio at 28 days of hydration. The porosity of pozzolanic cements decreases because of the formation of hydrated phases during pozzolanic reaction.the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness under coordinated projects BIA2015-65558C3-1-2-3R (MINECO/FEDER

    In situ chemical modification of C–S–H induced by CO2 laser irradiation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-018-1150-yFire-induced compositional changes lead to strength loss and even failure in cement and concrete. Calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) gel, the main product of cement hydration, dehydrates at 25–200 °C, while temperatures of 850–900 °C alter its structure. A Raman spectroscopic study of the amorphous and crystalline phases forming after CO2 laser radiation of cement mortar showed that C–S–H dehydration yielded tricalcium silicate at higher, and dicalcium silicate at lower, temperatures. Post-radiation variations were identified in the position of the band generated by Si–O bond stretching vibrations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    New developments in low clinker cement paste mineralogy

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    The use of industrial waste as a cement addition often changes the composition and development of the hydrated phases and with them matrix performance and durability, in particular at later ages. The effect of the presence in blended cement of 20% to 50% kaolinite based activated carbon waste (ACW) on paste hydration has been characterized by means of XRD, SEM/EDX, TG/DTG, NMR and FTIR to identify and monitor the mineralogical phases forming in materials at ages of up to 180 d. The results showed that the main reaction products forming in the first 7 d included C-S-H gels, C4ACH12 and C4AH13 (hydroxy-AFm). Whilst monocarboaluminate (Mc) content declined with rising percentages of ACW, the amount of hexagonal phase hydroxy-AFm rose. Then microstructure of the C-S-H gels developing in the OPC and the 50% additioned paste differed. Compact C-S-H gel plates, and phyllosilicate-like laminar spongy microplates with high polymerised C-S-H gel formed in the blended cement paste.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Carbonation-induced mineralogical changes in coal mining waste blended cement pastes and their influence on mechanical and microporosity properties

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    The worldwide pursuit of new eco-efficient pozzolans is ongoing. Kaolinite-based waste is an eco-friendly source of recycled metakaolinite, a highly pozzolanic product. In this study, a blended cement paste containing 20% activated coal waste (ACW) was exposed to a 100% CO2atmosphere at 65% RH for 7 days. The variations in its phase composition and strength were studied and compared to an OPC control. Both pastes were cured for 28 days prior to the carbonation test. Reaction kinetics were assessed using XRD, SEM/EDX, TG/DTG, FT-IR, Micro-Raman spectroscopy, pore solution pH and the cumulative carbonated fraction. The blended cement carbonated 68% faster than the control. While portlandite carbonation was the main reaction in both cements, decalcification was also observed (more intensely in the 20% ACW paste) in other hydraulic calcium phases (C-S-H gel, monocarboaluminate (C4AcH12), ettringite and tetracalcium aluminate (C4AH13). The end product of this reaction was calcium carbonate, mainly in the form of calcite, although traces of aragonite and amorphous carbonate were also detected. Compressive strength values rose with accelerated carbonation time and pore size reduction in both cement pastes.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project Refs. MAT2012-37005-CO3-01/02/03) and MINECO/FEDER (BIA2015-65558-C3-1/2/3-R). The authors wish to thank the Sociedad Anónima Hullera Vasco-Leonesa (León, Spain), Sika (Madrid, Spain) and the Spanish Cement Institute (IECA) for their support in this researc

    Multi-technique characterization of a fine fraction of CDW and assessment of reactivity in a CDW/lime system

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    This study analysed the fine particle (<5 mm) waste generated during siliceous or calcareous (depending on the composition of the original aggregate) concrete waste crushing. In the absence of industrial applications, such waste is amassed in open-air stockpiles on construction and demolition wastes (CDW) management plant grounds. The aim pursued was to find an outlet for that material in the cement industry. The starting waste, sourced from six Spanish management facilities, was characterised for its chemical and mineralogical composition, physical properties and pozzolanicity. The mineralogical phases in the CDW/lime system and their variations during the pozzolanic reaction were likewise identified. The findings showed that the fine waste consisted primarily in quartz, calcite, micas and feldspars, with smaller fractions of kaolinite and cement anhydrous phases. No portland cement hydration phases were identified. All six types analysed exhibited medium to low pozzolanicity, with the highest values recorded for the siliceous waste. Ettringite, C–S–H gels and calcium aluminate hydrates (C4AH13, C4AcH12) were identified during the pozzolanic reaction in CDW/lime system. Therefore, this type of waste can be reused as supplementary cementitious material with low-medium pozzolanic activityThis research was funded by Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under National Project RTI2018-097074-B-C21, the EU’s ERDF, the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI), the Spanish Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Association (RCDA), Sika (Madrid, Spain) and the Spanish Institute of Cement and its Applications (IECA

    RILEM TC 277-LHS REPORT: A review on the mechanisms of setting and hardening of lime-based binding systems

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    The main objective of RILEM TC LHS-277 “Specifications for testing and evaluation of lime-based repair materials for historic Structures” is the revision, adaption and, when necessary proposal, of the test methods to accurately study lime-based binding systems and mixtures, such as mortars and grouts. The empiric use of the lime-based composites and the predominant employ of cement in the field of Civil Engineering have led to the widespread application of test methods developed for cement-based composites to test the former. However, the clear differences in composition and performance between modern cement binders and lime-based materials would advise to explore specific test methods for the latter. To undertake this task the previous knowledge on the mechanisms of setting and hardening of these binders must be revised, arranged and synthesized. Processes such as drying, carbonation, hydration and pozzolanic reaction may occur during the setting and hardening of lime-based mortars and competition between them cannot be underestimated. With the aim of underpinning the revision and proposal of test methods for lime-based systems, this review paper reports a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of setting and hardening of these binders, considering the variability of the composition, which includes pure air lime as well as lime with hydraulic properties, lime-cement and lime-pozzolan systems.authorsversionpublishe

    Use of coal mining waste as pozzolanic material in new blended cement matrixes

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    Research and eco-innovation geared to obtain alternative sources of raw materials from waste constitute pathways for enhancing the competitiveness of resource-intensive industries. Cement and concrete manufacture calls for new sources of new, highly pozzolanic products to improve the mechanical properties and durability of the resulting matrices, while at the same time reducing production costs and environmental impact. Spanish coal mining wastes generated in the extraction and washing steps from a mine in the Castilla-León region were investigated. Mineralogically, these wastes are composed by kaolinite (20-30%), illite (45-70%) and quartz (5-15). This composition is very interesting in order to activate, by controlled thermal activation, the present kaolinite that generates metakaolin, a highly pozzolanic product. Morphological, textural and microstructural changes affect the activity and reactivity of activated wastes. These first studies open up a new research line, practically unknown to the international research community, and stand out the important economic and environmental benefits associated with the recycling of these wastes as supplementary cementing materials for future commercial blended cements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version