1,909 research outputs found

    Perancangan Suplai Tegangan Cadangan Untuk Mengantisipasi Supaya Baterai Ups Di Electric Room 5 Tidak Kehabisan Daya

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    Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) is an important component in the control system. It is useful for temporarily storing electrical energy. Energy storage is carried out in the UPS batteries. These batteries have a certain capacity according to the load requirements. UPS batteries only last an average of 2 hours if it does not get a supply voltage from the outside. Failure in the distribution of this voltage can cause exhaustion of the UPS batteries so some components in the control system can not work. To avoid this, the UPS system should get a backup voltage source. Backup voltage source is taken from an existing generator set. Making backup voltage is accompanied by a control system to ensure security in the event of transferring voltage from the main voltage source to the backup voltage. The control system used is conventional control system using the contactor. We hope it can transfer voltage from main to the backup voltage easily if there is problem with main voltage from main power. Key words: UPS, UPS battery, backup voltage, efficiency, safety

    Characterization of regular convolutions

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    In this paper, we present a characterization of regular convolution

    Ideals in (Z⁺, ≤D)

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    A convolution is a mapping C of the set Z⁺ of positive integers into the set P(Z⁺) of all subsets of Z⁺ such that every member of C(n) is a divisor of n. If for any n, D(n) is the set of all positive divisors of n, then D is called the Dirichlet's convolution. It is well known that Z⁺ has the structure of a distributive lattice with respect to the division order. Corresponding to any general convolution C, one can define a binary relation ≤C on Z⁺ by 'm ≤ C n if and only if m ∈ C(n) '. A general convolution may not induce a lattice on Z⁺. However most of the convolutions induce a meet semi lattice structure on Z⁺. In this paper we consider a general meet semi lattice and study it's ideals and extend these to (Z⁺, ≤D), where D is the Dirichlet's convolution

    Do Antibiotics Improve Outcomes for Patients Hospitalized with COPD Exacerbations?

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    EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER YES. Antibiotic use reduced mortality and treatment failure in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). Giving antibiotics early to hospitalized patients decreased the need for later ventilation and readmission within 30 days for exacerbation of COPD (SOR: B, a retrospective cohort study)


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    Bahan pencemar dioksin 2,3,7,8-Tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksin (TCDD) yang diberikan pada mencit bunting menyebabkan janin yang dihasilkan menderita cacat cleft palate, dengan ciri bilah palatum kerdil atau bilah palatum tumbuh pendek. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji apakah pengurangan biosintesis protein terlibat sebagai mekanisme yang mendasari hambatan pertumbuhan bilah palatum oleh TCDD. Delapan ekor mencit bunting dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok, masing-masing diberi TCDD dosis 0, 5, 10, atau 20 μg/kg berat badan pada hari ke-12 kebuntingan. Besaran aktivitas biosintesis protein jaringan palatum embrio ditentukan dengan teknik AgNOR pada sediaan histologis irisan jaringan kraniofasial embrio usia kebuntingan hari ke-15. Nucleolar Organizing Region (NOR) adalah tempat biogenesis ribosom di inti sel yang jumlahnya meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan aktivitas biosintesis protein sel. Rataan jumlah butir AgNOR sel-sel jaringan palatum yang terendah adalah 2,51±0,167 untuk perlakuan 0 μg/kg bb (kontrol), dan berturut-turut 2,87±0,146, 2,87±0,190, dan 2,88±0,160 untuk perlakuan dosis 5, 10, dan 20 μg/kg bb. Jumlah butir AgNOR pada seluruh kelompok yang diberi TCDD lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jumlah butir AgNOR pada kontrol (P < 0,05). Disimpulkan, pengurangan biosintesis protein bukanlah mekanisme yang mendasari hambatan pertumbuhan palatum mencit oleh TCDD. Diduga, peningkatan biosintesis protein oleh TCDD menimbulkan kekacauan keseimbangan protein-protein faktor tumbuh di jaringan palatum dan mengakibatkan gangguan pertumbuhan dan diferensias

    Do Newton's G and Milgrom's a_0 vary with cosmological epoch ?

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    In the scalar tensor gravitational theories Newton's constant G_N evolves in the expanding universe. Likewise, it has been speculated that the acceleration scale a_0 in Milgrom's modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is tied to the scale of the cosmos, and must thus evolve. With the advent of relativistic implementations of the modified dynamics, one can address the issue of variability of the two gravitational ''constants'' with some confidence. Using TeVeS, the Tensor-Vector-Scalar gravitational theory, as an implementation of MOND, we calculate the dependence of G_N and a_0 on the TeVeS parameters and the coeval cosmological value of its scalar field, \phi_c. We find that G_N, when expressed in atomic units, is strictly nonevolving, a result fully consistent with recent empirical limits on the variation of G_N. By contrast, we find that a_0 depends on \phi_c and may thus vary with cosmological epoch. However, for the brand of TeVeS which seems most promising, a_0 variation occurs on a timescale much longer than Hubble's, and should be imperceptible back to redshift unity or even beyond it. This is consistent with emergent data on the rotation curves of disk galaxies at significants redshifts.Comment: 9 pages, RevTe

    Measurement of the Homogeneous Contact of a Unitary Fermi gas

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    By selectively probing the center of a trapped gas, we measure the local, or homogeneous, contact of a unitary Fermi gas as a function of temperature. Tan's contact, C, is proportional to the derivative of the energy with respect to the interaction strength, and is thus an essential thermodynamic quantity for a gas with short-range correlations. Theoretical predictions for the temperature dependence of C differ substantially, especially near the superfluid transition, Tc, where C is predicted to either sharply decrease, sharply increase, or change very little. For T/T_F>0.4, our measurements of the homogeneous gas contact show a gradual decrease of C with increasing temperature, as predicted by theory. We observe a sharp decrease in C at T/T_F=0.16, which may be due to the superfluid phase transition. While a sharp decrease in C below Tc is predicted by some many-body theories, we find that none of the predictions fully accounts for the data.Comment: 5 pages, including a supplementary material section (10 pages). Rewriting of the introduction and discussion section


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    Objective: The present research work aims to study the intestinal transport of Paclitaxel and to predict its human intestinal permeability and fraction absorbed using SPIP Permeability Coefficient and the effect of P-gp modulators on Paclitaxel were observed in anaesthetized rats. Methods: Jejunal segment was used for performing Single Pass Intestinal Perfusion. The rationale for the selection of jejenum is due to the overexpression of P-glycoprotein when compared with other segments. Drug solution (150µg/ml) in phosphate buffer saline was perfused at a flow rate of 0.2ml/min.Besides,P-gp inhibitor verapamil(200 µg/ml) and inducer Rifampicin (60mg/ml) were coperfused with Paclitaxel to detect its disposition characteristics affected by P-gp .Drug concentrations in samples were analyzed using HPLC. Stability studies were conducted to ensure the loss of Paclitaxel due to absorption. Results: The effective permeability value of Paclitaxel (150µg/ml) in the jejunal segment was found to be lower due to the efflux mediated by P-gp.When coperfused with verapamil its permeability significantly enhanced as it is a P-gp inhibitor and vice versa with Rifampicin which is a P-gp inducer. Subsequently the human intestinal permeability was estimated considering Peff(human) =1.04 Peff(rat)-0.0003. Conclusion: P-Glycoprotein mediated drug resistance is one of the serious limitations of Paclitaxel efficacy and jejunal segment is found to have major MDR expression. The Peff value of Paclitaxel was found to be increased upon the Coperfusion with verapamil and similarly reduced with Rifampicin which are inhibitors &amp; inducers respectively indicating Paclitaxel is efficiently transported by P-gp. Hence, Paclitaxel satisfies all the prerequisites to be a P-gp substrate. Â&nbsp; Keywords: Paclitaxel, Intestinal permeability, Single pass intestinal perfusion, P-glycoprotein, RP-HPLC

    A quest for frustration driven distortion in Y2Mo2O7

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    We investigated the nature of the freezing in the geometrically frustrated Heisenberg spin-glass Y2Mo2O7 by measuring the temperature dependence of the static internal magnetic field distribution above the spin-glass temperature, Tg, using the muSR technique. The evolution of the field distribution cannot be explained by changes in the spin susceptibility alone and suggests a lattice deformation. This possibility is addressed by numerical simulations of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian with magneto-elastic coupling at T>0.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures. Accepted for publication in PR