238 research outputs found

    Is opioid dependency related to coping strategies?

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    Using opioid for recreational purposes has a very long history in Iran. Social influence is a useful framework in understanding how the social environment affects the individual's behavioral choices to use drugs. We compared opioid dependents (n=149) with controls (n=221) on measures of coping strategies using the Jalowiec Coping Scale and some socioeconomic factors. The differences in 10 of 15 coping strategies were significant in the study groups (P<0.05). Although, the combined score of problem-oriented and affective-oriented items did not show any significant difference between the two groups. There was a significant relation between opioid dependence with smoking cigarettes (P<0.001), lower education (P=0.002), being employed (P<0.001), having children (P<0.001), and being married (P<0.001). Educational programs to improve problem solving and coping skills can be helpful to reduce the rate of dependency to opioid and smoking cigarettes. © 2015, Sadeghali Taziki, et al

    Investigation into structural formation of social relations of the elderly (case study, Golsar Vicinity, Rasht, Iran)

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    The present study aims to investigate the structural formation of the vicinity and promoting the social relations among the elderly residing there. In the present study the factors affecting the establishment of social relations among those over 60, using the questionnaire handed out, interviews and field observations, each of which was studied separately. The sample size was determined with accuracy of about 99 and error of one percent. Simple randomized sampling was employed, accessible to the elderly. The results obtained from questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS Vr 24; moreover, methodology and research Hypotheses were implemented through ANOVA table, Pearson Correlation and Regression. The validity of the research was therefore confirmed relying on Chronbach's alpha 0.87. This study also aims at identifying the factors affecting social relations, and interrelations thereof, as well as the extent of correlation of the defined indices (green space, variety of applicability, walk-ability). The results indicate that of all three indices, green space has the most contributing role in forming the social relationship among the elderly, whereas walk-ability marked the least.Keywords: Social relation, Elderly, Green space, Walk-ability, Usage diversity, Golsa

    Application of FFTBM with signal mirroring to improve accuracy assessment of MELCOR code

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    This paper deals with the application of Fast Fourier Transform Base Method (FFTBM) with signal mirroring (FFTBM-SM) to assess accuracy of MELCOR code. This provides deeper insights into how the accuracy of MELCOR code in predictions of thermal-hydraulic parameters varies during transients. The case studied was modeling of Station Black-Out (SBO) accident in PSB-VVER integral test facility by MELCOR code. The accuracy of this thermal-hydraulic modeling was previously quantified using original FFTBM in a few number of time-intervals, based on phenomenological windows of SBO accident. Accuracy indices calculated by original FFTBM in a series of time-intervals unreasonably fluctuate when the investigated signals sharply increase or decrease. In the current study, accuracy of MELCOR code is quantified using FFTBMSM in a series of increasing time-intervals, and the results are compared to those with original FFTBM. Also, differences between the accuracy indices of original FFTBM and FFTBM-SM are investigated and correction factors calculated to eliminate unphysical effects in original FFTBM. The main findings are: (1) replacing limited number of phenomena-based time-intervals by a series of increasing time-intervals provides deeper insights about accuracy variation of the MELCOR calculations, and (2) application of FFTBM-SM for accuracy evaluation of the MELCOR predictions, provides more reliable results than original FFTBM by eliminating the fluctuations of accuracy indices when experimental signals sharply increase or decrease. These studies have been performed in the framework of a research project, aiming to develop an appropriate accident management support tool for Bushehr nuclear power plant. 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Influence of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Molecular Weight Grade on Water Uptake, Erosion and Drug Release Properties of Diclofenac Sodium Matrix Tablets

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    Purpose: To comparatively evaluate the effect of two hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) molecular weight grades (K4M and K15M) on drug release from diclofenac sodium matrix tablets.Methods: Tablets containing diclofenac sodium were prepared by direct compression method at various drug/HPMC ratios and evaluated in vitro for their water uptake, erosion and dissolution characteristics over a period of 8 h. Their release data were analyzed according to various release kinetic models.Results: The release rate of diclofenac decreased with increase in polymer content and was dependent on the HPMC type used, with the lower release rate observed in formulations containing the higher molecular weight grade HPMC K15M. Formulations containing the higher molecular weight HPMC (F4, F5 and F6) showed higher water uptake than those containing the lower molecular weight polymer (F1, F2 and F3) (p &lt; 0. 001). The formulations incorporating the lower molecular weight HPMC K4M (F1, F2 and F3) showed higher erosion than those that contained HPMC K15M (F4, F5 and F6) (p &lt; 0.001). Kinetic data based on the release exponent, n, in Peppas model, showed that n values were between 0.14 and 0.55, indicating that drug release from HPMC matrices was predominantly by diffusion.Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the molecular weight (MW) of HPMC does affect the water uptake and erosion as well as the rate of drug release from of HPMC matrices.Keywords: Matrix, Diclofenac sodium, HPMC, Erosion, Water uptake

    The Reform Nobody Wants Anymore Iran’s Elections

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    By disqualifying the candidacy of 80 incumbent legislators, Iran’s Guardian Council (GC) showed its will to put an end to the reform movement. With a weakened reform movement opposing them, and an international community urging to negotiate with a unique central authority in Iran, the moment was opportune to strike a fatal blow at the electoral system

    Estimating the avoidable burden of certain modifiable risk factors in osteoporotic hip fracture using Generalized Impact Fraction (GIF) model in Iran

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    Backgrounds: The number of hip fractures, the most common complication of osteoporosis, has increased rapidly over the past decades. The goal of this study is to estimate the avoidable burden of certain modifiable risk factor of the condition using the Generalized Impact Fraction (GIF) model, which has been suggested and used by epidemiologists to overcome the drawbacks associated with the use of Attributable Fraction index. In addition to preventing a risk factor or the avoidable fraction of burden, this index can also calculate the change in the burden, when a risk factor is altered.Methods: International databases were searched through PubMed, CINAHLD, Embase using OVID and Google scholar. National resources were searched through IranDoc, IranMedex, SID and Journal sites. Other resources include abstract books and articles sent to the IOF congress. The following search strategy was used: (" Osteoporotic fracture" OR " Fragility Hip fracture" OR " Calcium" OR " vitamin D" OR " BMI" OR " lean body weight" OR " Physical activity" OR " exercise" OR " Smoke" ) AND (" prevalence" OR " incidence" OR " relative risk" ) and limited to " humans." Results: With regards to different scenarios already explained in modifying the studied risk factors, the greatest impact in reducing the prevalence of risk factors on osteoporotic hip fractures, was seen in low serum vitamin D levels, low physical activity and low intake of calcium and vitamin D, respectively. According to the fact that interventions for low serum vitamin D and low intake of calcium and vitamin D, are related to each other, it can be concluded that implementing interventions to change these two risk factors, in the easy, moderate and difficult scenarios, would result in approximately a 5%, 11% and 17% decrease in the burden of osteoporotic hip fractures, respectively. The addition of interventions addressing low physical activity in the easy, moderate and difficult scenarios, an 8%, 21% and 35% reduction in the burden of osteoporotic hip fractures would be reported, respectively.Conclusion: Improving serum vitamin D levels, recommending the consumption of calcium and vitamin D supplementations and advocating physical activity are the most effective interventions to reduce the risk of osteoporotic hip fractures. © 2013 Shahnazari et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The thickness effect of rubbery nanofibrous mat on modes I–II fracture mechanism of composite laminates

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    This study investigates the effect of the interleaving nanofibers, made of NBR/PCL blend, on the interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon/epoxy laminates. Different nanomat thicknesses, ranging from 20 μm to 120 μm, were tested at Mode-I and mode-II and results were compared to the non-modified laminates. Acoustic Emission (AE) technique was used to assess the influence of interleaving nanofibers on dominant damage modes of the specimens, i.e., matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debonding, and fiber breakage. Moreover, the damage mechanism and the nanofiber toughening contribution were investigated by means of crack path and surface analysis. Results indicated that the optimum nanomat thickness for mode-I is 40 μm (GI,R = + 333 %), while for mode-II is 20 μm (GII,R = + 43 %). The study also confirmed by AE the significant impact of nanofibers on various damage modes, especially during mode-I loading

    A suggested prototype for assessing bone health

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    Background- Osteoporosis is becoming a health concern worldwide. Considering the fact that prevention plays an important role in reducing the burden of this silent disease and in view of the limited resources available, many countries have adopted certain programs to fight osteoporosis through shifting their attention towards at-risk individuals. The Iranian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study (IMOS) is one of these programs. The program aims to assess bone health and the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in different parts of Iran with various altitudes, latitudes and lifestyle habits in a way that the results could be generalized to the country. Method- The present article presents the protocol used in the third phase of the study. It was designed based on the experiences gathered in the previous phases to overcome the shortcomings particularly subject loss. The questionnaire applied in this study was developed based on a thorough literature review of the risk factors and secondary causes of osteoporosis and was approved by an expert panel. It should be added that while the majority of the existing studies aim to study a certain aspect of osteoporosis, the present protocol provides the information needed for policy makers and researchers to study different osteoporosis-related issues. Conclusion- The authors believe the protocol, to be implemented with small modifications, can help policymakers in different parts of the world, particularly developing countries, gather accurate information on different aspects of bone health at the national level. © 2015, Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran. All rights reserved

    The road to developing economically feasible plans for green, comfortable and energy efficient buildings

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    Owing to the current challenges in energy and environmental crises, improving buildings, as one of the biggest concerns and contributors to these issues, is increasingly receiving attention from the world. Due to a variety of choices and situations for improving buildings, it is important to review the building performance optimization studies to find the proper solution. In this paper, these studies are reviewed by analyzing all the different key parameters involved in the optimization process, including the considered decision variables, objective functions, constraints, and case studies, along with the software programs and optimization algorithms employed. As the core literature, 44 investigations recently published are considered and compared. The current investigation provides sufficient information for all the experts in the building sector, such as architects and mechanical engineers. It is noticed that EnergyPlus and MATLAB have been employed more than other software for building simulation and optimization, respectively. In addition, among the nine different aspects that have been optimized in the literature, energy consumption, thermal comfort, and economic benefits are the first, second, and third most optimized, having shares of 38.6%, 22.7%, and 17%, respectively
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