7 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Sebagaimana desa-desa pada umumnya, desa Langkomu juga memiliki Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) yang didirikan pada tahun 2018 dan diberi nama “Teluk Sejahtera”. BUMDes berperan penting dalam pemerataan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan antara perkotaan dan pedesaan melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat desa Langkomu tentang pentingnya pengelolaan BUMDes yang baik agar tercipta desa mandiri. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk seminar, diskusi, dan observasi di desa Langkomu. Kondisi sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam yang terletak di pesisir pantai dan adanya teluk beserta barisan pulau-pulau kecil memberikan potensi yang sangat besar bagi desa Langkomu untuk diberdayakan sebagai unit usaha dari BUMDes Teluk Sejahtera. Jenis usaha yang dapat dikembangkan oleh BUMDes adalah kawasan pariwisata, usaha perantara untuk hasil produksi warga desa, usaha produksi ataupun usaha bersama.Abstract:  Like other villages, Langkomu village also has a Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) which was established in 2018 and named “Teluk Sejahtera”. BUMDes plays an important role in equitable distribution of development and welfare between urban and rural areas through village community empowerment activities. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding to the Langkomu village community about the importance of good BUMDes management in order to create an independent village. This activity was carried out in the form of seminars, discussions, and observations in Langkomu village. The condition of human resources and natural resources located on the coast and the existence of bays and rows of small islands provide enormous potential for Langkomu village to be empowered as a business unit of the BUMDes Teluk Sejahtera. The types of businesses that can be developed by BUMDes are tourism areas, intermediary businesses for the production of villagers, production businesses or joint ventures

    Penambahan Bahan Aditif Polymer Polierta Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Tekan Beton

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    ABSTRAK : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kuat tekan beton  , yang dilakukan dengan memberikan zat aditif, diantaranya adalah Polymer Polierta dan Fly Ash. Jumlah benda uji  27 sampel yang dibagi menjadi tiga jenis beton dengan kadar air 130Kg/m3, 150Kg/m3, 190Kg/m3  , dengan kadar aditif 1.1%, 1%, dan 0%. Metode rancangan campuran (mix design) menggunakan British mix design method sesuai aturan SNI 03-2834-2000. Benda uji menggunakan zat aditif Polymer Polierta konsentrasi 1% terhadap berat total semen dan fly ash, dengan kadar air 150 kg/m³ menghasilkan slump flow 61cm dan kuat tekan sebesar 191,82 Kg/cm² pada umur 1 hari, 380,63 Kg/cm² pada umur 7 hari dan 608,37 Kg/cm² pada umur 28 hari. Sedangkan untuk beton dengan kadar air 130 kg/m³ dengan zat additif 1,1% menghasilkan slump flow 63cm dan kuat tekan 317,62 Kg/cm² pada umur 1 hari, 368,36 Kg/cm² pada umur 7 hari dan 641,96 Kg/cm² pada umur 28 hari. Beton dengan penambahan zat additif Polymer Polierta meningkatkan kuat tekan dibandingkan dengan beton normal namun memperlambat waktu ikat atau pengerasannya. Direkomendasikan penggunaan kadar air 130 Kg/m³ dan penambahan zat additif Polymer Polierta 1,1% dari berat total semen dan fly ash untuk mendapatkan kuat tekan yang optimum pada beton mutu tinggi.


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    Customary land rights are the highest form of land ownership under customary law, encompassing all land within a specific customary legal jurisdiction, jointly held by members of the indigenous community. The purpose of this research is to find a model for registering communal land in the land registration system and to determine the legal status of communal land in the land registration system. The research methodology used in this study is normative legal research, employing various approaches such as statutory approach and conceptual approach. The legal sources used include primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The research findings indicate that the registration of communal land in the land registration system, both de facto and de jure, has been recognized and protected through two regulations that acknowledge the existence of communal land, namely Ministerial Regulation No. 10 of 2016 and the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. Essentially, communal land controlled by indigenous communities will be acknowledged through a decree issued by the regent/mayor/governor for the registered communal land at the local National Land Agency (BPN) office. However, the legal status of communal land in the Land Registration System shows that communal land is not included in the rights to land as regulated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 concerning land registration. Therefore, a revision of the land registration regulation is necessary to ensure the legal certainty of communal land controlled by indigenous communitie

    Perception of safety intervention practices in the laboratory among students in higher education sector

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    Safety is one of the crucial elements in the educational sector. Safety intervention is one of the elements that must be highlighted to increase workplace safety. In general, safety intervention is the alteration of internal or external aspects that may minimize workplace accidents such as safety procedures, safety committees, safety expertise and others. Hence, this study aims to analyze the safety intervention in the laboratory among higher education students. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 338 students from three Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus faculties including the Science Foundation Program. Most of the respondents are Year 1 students with 31.7%. Most (45.9%) of students spend between four to six hours daily in the laboratory. Furthermore, 49.1% of students, participated in the laboratory three to four times per week. This study divided safety intervention practices into three components: management, technical and human. The results from the descriptive analysis show that management component practices are the highest intervention safety practices adopted by the students when working in the laboratory with an overall mean score of 4.64. Compared with the technical component (overall mean score of 4.61) and human component (overall mean score of 4.53). To prevent laboratory accidents in higher education, the human element in safety intervention practices should also be emphasized. The information obtained from this study could be used by the authorities in charge of occupational health and safety as well as by the stakeholders in higher education to reduce the accident rate in higher education institutions

    Study of parameters to ensure quality control in histopathology reporting: a meta-analysis at a tertiary care center

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    Contains fulltext : 109619.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)CONTEXT: When surgical pathology reports are dispatched to patients and clinicians, sometimes they are discovered to have errors, and it is a common practice for the pathologists to issue amended reports. Measuring the rate at which surgical pathology reports are amended can be used as a tool for assuring quality control in histopathology. AIM: The aim of this study was determine the parameters that can be used as an assessment tool to minimize errors in histopathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was carried out at a major histopathology center. The duration of this study was from January 2001 through January 2011(ten years). Following parameters were looked for: Interpretational errors, permanent and frozen section correlation, intradepartmental consultation and cases sent for second opinion, cases brought in tissue committee meetings, audits, and cases discussed in hospital meetings. RESULTS: A total of 28,1931 surgical pathology cases were signed out during the ten-year period. On these, addendums were issued on 5730 cases (2.0%). Additional report issued on 3521 (1.3%). Addendum/corrected report issued for 2209 cases, which was 0.7%, representing the true interpretational error. And out of this number, a second opinion was taken for 5980 cases, and 78 were sent abroad for second opinion. CONCLUSION: Review by a second pathologist is a strong tool to minimize errors in surgical pathology reporting. This may be done prior to or after the report is dispatched and the case is discussed in the hospital for treatment purposes. This analysis concludes that true interpretational error occurred only in 0.7% of cases, which is an attribute to the strong peer review in the department

    Perception of safety intervention practices in the laboratory among students in higher education sector

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    Safety is one of the crucial elements in the educational sector. Safety intervention is one of the elements that must be highlighted to increase workplace safety. In general, safety intervention is the alteration of internal or external aspects that may minimize workplace accidents such as safety procedures, safety committees, safety expertise and others. Hence, this study aims to analyze the safety intervention in the laboratory among higher education students. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 338 students from three Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus faculties including the Science Foundation Program. Most of the respondents are Year 1 students with 31.7%. Most (45.9%) of students spend between four to six hours daily in the laboratory. Furthermore, 49.1% of students, participated in the laboratory three to four times per week. This study divided safety intervention practices into three components: management, technical and human. The results from the descriptive analysis show that management component practices are the highest intervention safety practices adopted by the students when working in the laboratory with an overall mean score of 4.64. Compared with the technical component (overall mean score of 4.61) and human component (overall mean score of 4.53). To prevent laboratory accidents in higher education, the human element in safety intervention practices should also be emphasized. The information obtained from this study could be used by the authorities in charge of occupational health and safety as well as by the stakeholders in higher education to reduce the accident rate in higher education institutions

    Strengthening Community Empowerment Through Village Owned Business Entities In Langkomu Village

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    Sebagaimana desa-desa pada umumnya, desa Langkomu juga memiliki Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) yang didirikan pada tahun 2018 dan diberi nama “Teluk Sejahtera”. BUMDes berperan penting dalam pemerataan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan antara perkotaan dan pedesaan melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat desa Langkomu tentang pentingnya pengelolaan BUMDes yang baik agar tercipta desa mandiri. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk seminar, diskusi, dan observasi di desa Langkomu. Kondisi sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam yang terletak di pesisir pantai dan adanya teluk beserta barisan pulau-pulau kecil memberikan potensi yang sangat besar bagi desa Langkomu untuk diberdayakan sebagai unit usaha dari BUMDes Teluk Sejahtera. Jenis usaha yang dapat dikembangkan oleh BUMDes adalah kawasan pariwisata, usaha perantara untuk hasil produksi warga desa, usaha produksi ataupun usaha bersama