365 research outputs found

    Trade between the Aegean and North Syria between the 14th and 6th Centuries BCE. A Diachronic Study of Select Coastal and Inland Sites

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    This dissertation examines both the patterns of trade between the Aegean and North Syria and the consumption habits of Aegean commodities by the local North Syrian communities with an emphasis on pottery from the LBA to IA III. Material, as well as textual evidence, is taken into consideration as well as the theories of contextual archaeology.This dissertation examines both the patterns of trade between the Aegean and North Syria and the consumption habits of Aegean commodities by the local North Syrian communities with an emphasis on pottery from the LBA to IA III. Material, as well as textual evidence, is taken into consideration as well as the theories of contextual archaeology

    The S.P.I.R.I.T. Program: Spirituality Promotion Interdependence Resiliency Inclusive Therapy

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    Purpose: Native American children and adolescents are some of the most underserved people in the United States (Warzak, Dogan, & Godfrey, 2011). Common mental health problems this population typically experiences are depression, suicidal thoughts or ideation, traumatic experiences, substance use, and results of historical trauma (Brockie, Dana-Sarco, Wallen, Wilcox, & Campbell, 2015). They have the highest rates of these mental health problems, more than any other ethnic group (Evans-Campbell, Walters, Pearson, & Campbell, 2012). There is a need for preventative programs to be implemented with elementary school-aged Native American children and adolescents (Ohl, Mitchell, Cassidy, & Fox, 2008; Stigler, Neusel, & Perry, 2011; Urbaeva, Booth, & Wei, 2017). Many programs with Native Americans have been previously unsuccessful due to the lack of culturally relevant interventions and the spiritual aspect (Brockie et al., 2015; DeMars, 1992; Urbaeva et al., 2017). Methodology: Data bases searched include: Academic Search Premiere, EBSCOHost, ERIC, CINAHL, PsychInfo, PubMed, Google Scholar, and reliable government websites. The key terms and phrases used for searching include: Native American(s), mental health, education, school programs, prevention, prevention programs, occupational therapy, cultural programs, protective factors and others. The information gathered helped inform the literature review for the background, history, and needs of Native Americans. From this literature search, a gap in literature regarding a need for culturally relevant, prevention-based programs in the educational setting for Native American youth was identified. Results: A culturally relevant program for occupational therapists to promote mental health wellness with Native American children was designed. The Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) guided the development of this project as it focuses on the spirituality as the center of the person, which aligns with the goal of a culturally relevant product. In addition, the CMOP-E helped to tie the relevance back to occupational therapy and result in a positive change in occupational performance and engagement. Five units emerged based on findings from the literature review and CMOP-E: spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, and physical health. Each unit has three session outlines with suggested adaptations, along with additional resources and activity ideas so that it can be implemented in various settings. These sessions should be expanded as the occupational therapist increases competency. The sessions were designed as a starting point. A common factor within the units was to identify and build on protective factors to promote strength-based approaches, rather than problem-focused. Conclusions: Native American children and adolescents have the potential for exposure to a variety of mental health challenges and, if addressed earlier, positive mental health and quality of life. Programs targeting Native Americans need to be culturally relevant to be successful. Schools are an opportunity to reach the most children and adolescents. Occupational therapists are able to work within schools. However, there is a lack of programs or curriculums to guide culturally relevant occupational therapy interventions. The results of this product will guide occupational therapists working with Native American students to provide culturally relevant interventions and improvement in mental health. An important concept for Native American populations is building protective factors. This program has an emphasis on building protective factors, which hopefully allows for better outcomes in quality of life and reduction of risk factors in Native Americans

    Family as Vocation; Work as Mission

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    The terms vocation and mission are often considered synonyms; both meaning work to which one feels called and deeply dedicated. But, for working mothers who feel called and deeply dedicated to both family and work, it can be useful to make a distinction between vocation and mission. Inspired by Catholicism and working for Catholic universities, we explore how the terms vocation and mission have been traditionally defined. The Catholic Church recognizes only four vocations (married life, single life, religious life, and ordained life), while there are countless specific missions that individuals and institutions can carry out. Each of these ideas is set not in conflict with the other but rather in service to the other. We then go on to investigate the ways in which our vocational calling to family life serves and informs our mission as educators and mathematicians and the missions of the institutions where we work, and vice-versa. By expanding from the particularly Catholic view of vocation and mission to the more broadly defined notions of family and work, this framework can be relevant to all working mothers, regardless of background

    Farrow to finish swine planning budget

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    Using this budget, farmers raising hogs from farrow to finish can plan their costs and returns in 2024. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement farrow to finish operation in Missouri producing 23 pigs per sow per year and selling 22 market hogs at 280 pounds. Assumptions were based on price forecasts as of October 2023. Detailed assumptions and feed requirements are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The production practices used to develop these cost estimates are common for Missouri swine farms. Use the "Your estimate" column to plan your operation's costs and returns for 2024.Written by Adauto Rocha (Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Scott Brown (Associate Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Tim Safranski (Professor, Animal Sciences)New 10/2019; Revised 10/202

    Hog finishing planning budget

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    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns of finishing hogs in Missouri. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement hog finishing operation in Missouri that purchases 103 head of 40 pound pigs and sells 100 head of 280 pound market hogs. Assumptions were based on price forecasts as of October 2023. Detailed assumptions and feed requirements are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The production practices used to develop these cost estimates are common for Missouri swine farms. Use the "Your estimate" column to plan your operation's costs and returns for 2024.Written by Adauto Rocha (Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Scott Brown (Associate Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Tim Safranski (Professor, Animal Sciences)New 10/2019; Revised 10/202

    Feeder pigs planning budget

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    Using this budget, farmers can estimate the costs and returns associated with feeder pig production. Table 1 presents estimates for a confinement feeder pig operation in Missouri producing 23 pigs per sow per year and selling 22 feeder pigs at 40 pounds each. Assumptions were based on price forecasts as of October 2023. Detailed assumptions and feed requirements are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The production practices used to develop these cost estimates are common for Missouri swine farms. Use the "Your estimate" column to estimate your operation's costs and returns for 2024.Written by Adauto Rocha (Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Scott Brown (Associate Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension), Tim Safranski (Professor, Animal Sciences)New 10/2019; Revised 10/202

    Small Wins Approach to Changing Minds about Blended Learning

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    Although blended learning offers many potential benefits to students and institutions, there is still some resistance from faculty. Change management is especially difficult in university settings due to issues related to faculty governance. The small-wins approach to change management advocates undertaking a series of limited, concrete projects that bring about moderately-important outcomes. The small wins approach maps well to a number of strategies for overcoming resistance. This paper discusses the small wins approach to overcoming resistance to blended learning in a university setting

    Desenvolvimento e caracterização de eletrodos porosos de níquel para aplicação em baterias de sódio

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    Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnologia, Infraestruturae Território da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial para à obtenção do título de bacharel em Engenharia de Materiais.Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um método para fabricar eletrodos de níquel por sinterização de pó solto, variando os parâmetros de sinterização (temperatura, tempo e morfologia) de modo a obter eletrodos de morfologia porosa interconectada. A influencia dos diferentes parâmetros de sinterização utilizados foi avaliada, por meio de cálculos de retração linear, densidade aparente e área superficial eletroquimicamente ativa, das amostras fabricadas. Além disso, as amostras também foram caracterizadas por meio de difração de raios X, microscopia ótica e voltametria cíclica. Os resultados mostraram que a sinterização de pó solto foi eficaz para fabricar eletrodos porosos, gerando materiais com alta porcentagem de porosidade geométrica, baixa densidade aparente e resistência mecânica satisfatória. As voltametrias cíclicas demonstraram que a morfologia porosa dos materiais fabricados, confere a esses, elevadas áreas eletroquimicamente ativas, tornando-os materiais com potencialidade para atuar como eletrodos em baterias de sódio, armazenando maiores quantidades de energia por grama de material ativo, utilizando menos material, reduzindo assim, o custo

    Angular dependence of superconductivity in superconductor / spin valve heterostructures

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    We report measurements of the superconducting transition temperature, TcT_c, in CoO/Co/Cu/Co/Nb multilayers as a function of the angle α\alpha between the magnetic moments of the Co layers. Our measurements reveal that Tc(α)T_c(\alpha) is a nonmonotonic function, with a minimum near α=π/2\alpha={\pi}/{2}. Numerical self-consistent solutions of the Bogoliubov - de Gennes equations quantitatively and accurately describe the behavior of TcT_c as a function of α\alpha and layer thicknesses in these superconductor / spin-valve heterostructures. We show that experimental data and theoretical evidence agree in relating Tc(α)T_c(\alpha) to enhanced penetration of the triplet component of the condensate into the Co/Cu/Co spin valve in the maximally noncollinear magnetic configuration.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure