173 research outputs found


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     ABSTRACT Degradation of Paraquat compound in Gramoxone pesticide had been done by sonolysis, ozonolysis, and sonozolysis. Sonolysis methods were performed using an ultrasound VC-1, ozonolysis using a bio-ozone space age sterilizer, and sonozolysis by combining sonolysis and ozonolysis methods. The optimum condition for degradation of 4 mg/L paraquat by sonolysis was found at temperature 40±1°C. Percentage of degradation at optimum condition was 22.80% with 90 minutes treatment. Whereas, with using ozonolysis method percentage of degradation of paraquat 4 mg/L was 50.39% with 60 minutes treatment. The combination of sonolysis and ozonolysis method simultaneously, these so-called sonozolysis, for degradation of the same compound, extend the percentage of degradation to 45.87% with only 30 minutes treatment. Keywords: Paraquat, Sonolisis, Ozonolisi

    Penggunaan ZnO/Zeolit Sebagai Katalis Dalam Degradasi Tartrazin Secara Ozonolisis

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    An investigation on modification of natural zeolite with ZnO for the degradation of tartrazine. In this study, ZnO as a semiconductor is modified into a natural zeolite as support to form ZnO/zeolite that can increase the efficiency degradation of tartrazine. Further, the formed catalyst was added to tartrazine by determining the variation in ozonolysis time, the amount of addition of the catalyst, and the addition of a catalyst time. The results of degradation were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 424 nm. The result showed that the percentage of degradation obtained on each catalyst in the degradation. The resulted percent degradation of 20 ml of tartrazine at concentration of 15 mg/L using 20 mg ZnO/zeolite was 56.80%, while using 0.77 mg ZnO was 42.25%, and with the addition of 19.23 mg of Zeolite was 31.18%, all of that condition was proceeded by 40 minutes of ozonolysis. Thus, the result indicates that the ZnO/zeolite catalyst can increase percentages of tartrazine degradation by ozonolysis. It is known that the catalyst ZnO/zeolite is very effective in increasing the degradation of tartrazine. Analysis of tartrazine compounds using fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after degradation changes in wavenumber indicates that there is a breaking of the bonds of tartrazine compounds. Characterization of ZnO/zeolite catalyst using FTIR, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), in each spectrum there was no shift, indicating that there is no change in ZnO/zeolite structur


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    Degradasi Senyawa Paraquat dalam Pestisida Gramoxone secara Sonolisis dengan Penambahan Zno

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    Degradation of paraquat in gramoxone pesticide had been done by sonolysis with adding ZnO. Sonolysis method were performed using an ultrasound with frequency 50 kHz. The optimum condition of sonolysis were found at temperature 40oC. The percentage of degradation of 20 mg/L paraquat by sonolysisi method without adding ZnO during 120 minutes treatment was 20,70%, and with adding0,08 g percentage of degradation increasesd to 56,83% at the same treatment

    Degradation of Phenol Using Sonolysis and Photolysis by TiO2/RHAC Catalyst and Analysis with Spectrophotometer UV-VIS and HPLC

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    This study focuses on the degradation of phenol in aqueous solutions using photolysis and sonolysis methods. It investigates the impact of catalyst mass, types of light (UV-A, UV-C, and visible light), types of catalyst (RHAC, TiO2, and TiO2/RHAC), and processing time on phenol degradation. The phenol solutions are analyzed before and after degradation using Spectrophotometer UV-Vis and HPLC. The research aims to understand the factors influencing phenol degradation and provide a basis for further studies to enhance the efficiency of phenol removal. Results show significant improvements in degradation percentages of phenol by using TiO2/RHAC as the catalyst. Sonolysis achieves a degradation of 20.82% with a catalyst, which increases to 50.57% with the catalyst. Photolysis achieves a degradation of 29.06%, which rises to 91.99% with the catalyst. The highest degradation percentage is achieved using UV-A light for 5 hours with a catalyst mass of 30 mg of TiO2/RHAC catalyst. HPLC analysis confirms a decreased phenol concentration and the presence of intermediate compounds. The TiO2/RHAC catalyst demonstrates the promising potential for efficient phenol degradation in aqueous solutions

    Degradation of yellow-GCN by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

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    The degradation of textile dye (Yellow-GCN; C28H14N2O2S2) has been done by UV-light and solar irradiation photolysis using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Degradation of yellow-GCN by UV-Light photolysis is conducted using 10 watt UV lamp (λ365 nm). The intensity of solar during the degradation of yellow-GCN is 27300 lux. Both of photolysis method has been done without and with C-N-codoped catalyst on varied degradation times. 120 mg/L of yellow-GCN could be degraded by 5,40% after 120 minutes UV-light irradiation without catalyst, and the degradation percentage increase to 23,6% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. While yellow-GCN could be degraded18,7% after 120 minutes solar irradiation and the degradation percentage increase to 38,0% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Keywords: Photolysis, Yellow-GCN, C-N-codoped TiO2, UV-Light, Solar irradiatio

    Konsep Penguatan Peran Stewardship

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    Today, many companies have conducted various CSR activities as initiatives to give back to the society. Charity is one of an important part of CSR. However, in some cases charity is sometimes carried out badly or less sustainability. Indeed charitable giving may even distract from finding best solution which might make people become more dependence to company. If that is so, then the effort should be better devoted to empowering communities by which CSR activities could be controlled effectively and efficiently. Community empowerment might be more likely to focus on enhancing and building people’s capacity that implies their community ownership in the region. That’s because CSR aims to develop community by empowering it. In the end, it’s hoped that people could synergize with company’s missions and act as partners that need and complete each other.