78 research outputs found

    Lymphoedema Presenting with Pleural Effusion: A Case Report

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    Lymphatic obstruction either congenitally determined (primary) or by a consequence of acquired lymphatic failurebecause of obstruction or damaged lymphatics (secondary). Milroy disease is an example of primary lymphoedemawhere edema is present at birth or soon thereafter. A 16 year old young boy presented with bilateral leg with scrotaloedema since birth with ups and downs of his symptoms. According to the statement of the mother the boy was seen byseveral physicians and also attended several tertiary hospitals in Dhaka city and eventually was diagnosed as a case ofMilroy disease in 2003. Patient was in a reasonably stable condition till July 2008 when he developed massive pleuraleffusion on right side and chylous fluid was aspirated. After that he developed five episodes of right sided pleuraleffusion at one to three month interval. Thoracic surgeon was consulted and intra thoracic tube drainage and pleurodesiswas done on 19. 02. 2009. After couple of weeks repeat chest x-ray revealed left sided pleural effusion and again left sidedpleurodesis was performed. He is now clinically stable except mild oedema in his both feet.DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i1.5514BSMMU J 2010; 3(1): 40-4

    Lymphoedema Presenting with Pleural Effusion: A Case Report

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    Lymphatic obstruction either congenitally determined (primary) or by a consequence of acquired lymphatic failurebecause of obstruction or damaged lymphatics (secondary). Milroy disease is an example of primary lymphoedemawhere edema is present at birth or soon thereafter. A 16 year old young boy presented with bilateral leg with scrotaloedema since birth with ups and downs of his symptoms. According to the statement of the mother the boy was seen byseveral physicians and also attended several tertiary hospitals in Dhaka city and eventually was diagnosed as a case ofMilroy disease in 2003. Patient was in a reasonably stable condition till July 2008 when he developed massive pleuraleffusion on right side and chylous fluid was aspirated. After that he developed five episodes of right sided pleuraleffusion at one to three month interval. Thoracic surgeon was consulted and intra thoracic tube drainage and pleurodesiswas done on 19. 02. 2009. After couple of weeks repeat chest x-ray revealed left sided pleural effusion and again left sidedpleurodesis was performed. He is now clinically stable except mild oedema in his both feet.DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i1.5514BSMMU J 2010; 3(1): 40-4

    Variation of Chemical Elements and their Associations in Laterite Soil Profile

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the variations of twelve chemical elements (Ni, Fe, Co, Mg, Mn, Al, Si, Zn, Ti, P, Ca and Cr) in laterite soil profiles from Wantulasi area in South East Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Eighty four (84) samples of three profiles (i.e. each profile consists of eight samples) had been used to study their variations in soil using  the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Results analysis of the chemical elements content in three profile using XRF indicated that there were good correlationsbetween the chemical elements in the soil profile with the significant correlations were found in Ni and Fe, Ni and Si, Ti and P, Fe and Al, and Co and Mn, respectively. On the other hand,the results of study showed that the variations of the chemical elements could be related to the enrichment and translocation of the elements  in soil profile and also their possibilities to be related with a given chemical elements in soil profile. Therefore, we suggest that the observed patterns in chemical elements with a good correlation in laterite profile can be used as proxies to integrate the evaluation of the chemical and physical weathering process based on the elements characteristics in soil profiles

    Variation of Chemical Elements and Their Associations in Laterite Soil Profile

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the variations of twelve chemical elements (Ni, Fe, Co, Mg, Mn, Al, Si, Zn, Ti, P, Ca and Cr) in laterite soil profiles from Wantulasi area in South East Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Eighty four (84) samples of three profiles (i.e. each profile consists of eight samples) had been used to study their variations in soil using  the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Results analysis of the chemical elements content in three profile using XRF indicated that there were good correlationsbetween the chemical elements in the soil profile with the significant correlations were found in Ni and Fe, Ni and Si, Ti and P, Fe and Al, and Co and Mn, respectively. On the other hand,the results of study showed that the variations of the chemical elements could be related to the enrichment and translocation of the elements  in soil profile and also their possibilities to be related with a given chemical elements in soil profile. Therefore, we suggest that the observed patterns in chemical elements with a good correlation in laterite profile can be used as proxies to integrate the evaluation of the chemical and physical weathering process based on the elements characteristics in soil profiles

    Durability of Mortar Incorporating Ferronickel Slag Aggregate and Supplementary Cementitious Materials Subjected to Wet–Dry Cycles

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    This paper presents the strength and durability of cement mortars using 0–100% ferronickel slag (FNS) as replacement of natural sand and 30% fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as cement replacement. The maximum mortar compressive strength was achieved with 50% sand replacement by FNS. Durability was evaluated by the changes in compressive strength and mass of mortar specimens after 28 cycles of alternate wetting at 23 °C and drying at 110 °C. Strength loss increased by the increase of FNS content with marginal increases in the mass loss. Though a maximum strength loss of up to 26% was observed, the values were only 3–9% for 25–100% FNS contents in the mixtures containing 30% fly ash. The XRD data showed that the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash helped to reduce the strength loss caused by wet–dry cycles. Overall, the volume of permeable voids (VPV) and performance in wet–dry cycles for 50% FNS and 30% fly ash were better than those for 100% OPC and natural sand

    The Towuti Drilling Project:paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lake

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    The Towuti Drilling Project (TDP) is an international research program, whose goal is to understand long-term environmental and climatic change in the tropical western Pacific, the impacts of geological and environmental changes on the biological evolution of aquatic taxa, and the geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry of metal-rich, ultramafic-hosted lake sediments through the scientific drilling of Lake Towuti, southern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lake Towuti is a large tectonic lake at the downstream end of the Malili lake system, a chain of five highly biodiverse lakes that are among the oldest lakes in Southeast Asia. In 2015 we carried out a scientific drilling program on Lake Towuti using the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Deep Lakes Drilling System (DLDS). We recovered a total of  ∼ 1018 m of core from 11 drilling sites with water depths ranging from 156 to 200 m. Recovery averaged 91.7 %, and the maximum drilling depth was 175 m below the lake floor, penetrating the entire sedimentary infill of the basin. Initial data from core and borehole logging indicate that these cores record the evolution of a highly dynamic tectonic and limnological system, with clear indications of orbital-scale climate variability during the mid- to late Pleistocene

    Masonry compressive strength prediction using artificial neural networks

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    The masonry is not only included among the oldest building materials, but it is also the most widely used material due to its simple construction and low cost compared to the other modern building materials. Nevertheless, there is not yet a robust quantitative method, available in the literature, which can reliably predict its strength, based on the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of its components. This limitation is due to the highly nonlinear relation between the compressive strength of masonry and the geometrical and mechanical properties of the components of the masonry. In this paper, the application of artificial neural networks for predicting the compressive strength of masonry has been investigated. Specifically, back-propagation neural network models have been used for predicting the compressive strength of masonry prism based on experimental data available in the literature. The comparison of the derived results with the experimental findings demonstrates the ability of artificial neural networks to approximate the compressive strength of masonry walls in a reliable and robust manner.- (undefined
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