184 research outputs found

    Backbending and GammaGamma-Vibrations

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    We propose that the backbending phenomenon can be explained as a result of the disappearance of collective gammagamma-vibrational mode in the rotating frame. Using a cranking+random phase approximation approach for the modified Nilsson potential + monopole pairing forces, we show that this mechanism is responsible for the backbending in 156^{156}Dy, 158^{158}Er and obtain a good agreement between theoretical and experimental results.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Об инвариантных оценках осциллирующих интегралов с полиномиальной фазой

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    In this paper we consider estimates for trigonometric (oscillatory) integrals with polynomial phase func- tion of degree three. The main result of the paper is the theorem on uniform invariant estimates for trigonometric integrals. This estimate improves results obtained in the paper by D. A. Popov [1] for the case when the phase function is a sum of a homogeneous polynomial of third degree and a linear function, as well as the estimates of the paper [2] for the fundamental solution to the dispersion equation of third orderВ этой статье мы рассмотрим инвариантные оценки тригонометрических (осциллирующих) интегралов с полиномиальной фазой. Основным результатом является теорема о равномерной инвариантной оценке тригонометрического интеграла. Полученная оценка улучшает результа- ты работы Д. А. Попова [1] для случая, когда фазовая функция является суммой однородного полинома третьей степени и линейной функции, а также оценки работы [2] для фундаменталь- ного решения дисперсионного уравнения третьей степен

    Parity splitting in nuclei involving octupole correlations and the alignment of the angular momentum

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    A rotational model based on a simultaneous analysis of parity splitting and the alignment of the angular momentum is developed to describe high-spin negative-parity states. A simple formula for the energy of these states is proposed. It is shown that negative-parity states exhibit alignment, provided that the ground-state band is aligned and that the two opposite-parity bands can be considered as a single alternating-parity band. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Double reversal of parity sign in alternating-parity rotational band

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    Parity sign reversal in the alternating-parity rotational band is observed in the spectrum of light isotopes of actinide nuclei, and in some nuclei double reversal takes place. Double reversal in the 220-226Ra isotopes is described within the high-spin approximation of the rotational model on the basis of Coriolis interaction between states showing parity splitting and angular momentum alignment. © 2007 by Allerton Press, Inc

    Influence of angular momentum alignment on high-spin states of positive and negative parity in 162Yb nucleus

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    Experimental data for the 162 Yb nucleus were analyzed and energy and radiation features in the presence of intrinsic angular momentum alignment were theoretically described within the phenomenological model of Coriolis mixing of high-spin bands. © 2007 by Allerton Press, Inc


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    The article is devoted to research of processes of formation and development of the Azerbaijani nation at a boundary of the XIX–XX centuries. It is shown that the Azerbaijani nation is result not only objective historical processes, but also purposeful activity of representatives of the national intellectuals of the beginning of the XX century, and also government institutions of ADR. The special attention in the article is give to coverage of a main role of outstanding representatives of the Azerbaijani intellectuals — F. Akhundov, G. Zardabi, A. Guseynzade, A. Agayev and M. E. Rasulzade in development of bases and the statement among Azerbaijani turks of total national identity. Статья посвящена исследованию процессов становления и развития азербайджанской нации на рубеже XIX–XX вв. Показано, что азербайджанская нация является результатом не только объективных исторических процессов, но и целенаправленной деятельности представителей национальной интеллигенции начала ХХ в., а также государственных структур АДР. Особое внимание в статье уделено освещению ключевой роли выдающихся представителей азербайджанской интеллигенции — Ф. Ахундова, Г. Зардаби, А. Гусейнзаде, А. Агаева и М.Э. Расулзаде в разработке основ и утверждении среди азербайджанских тюрок единой национальной идентичности.

    A New Low-Noise Avalanche Photodiode With Micro-Pixel Structure

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    A new design of the avalanche photodiodes with an array of micro-pixel p-n-junctions was developed on base of metal-oxide-silicon structure. The thermal oxide layer of 1000A thickness contains tunnel oxide regions with about 25A thickness. The device exhibits a noise factor ~ 4 at a high multiplication factor (M~10000). A high space uniformity of sensitivity was found for gain of M~ 1000

    Influence of octupole interactions on the behavior of negative-parity states at low spins

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    The energies of negative-parity levels based on two-particle states exhibit a nonlinear behavior at low spins versus the core-rotation energy because the alignment process has not yet been completed for them. This behavior of negative-parity levels in the low-spin region is satisfactorily described upon the inclusion of octupole-octupole interactions. This is demonstrated within the rotational model involving the Coriolis mixing of states for the even-even isotopes 162-168Hf. © Nauka/Interperiodica 2006

    Electron irradiation: from test to material tayloring

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    In this article, we report some examples of how high-energy electron irradiation can be used as a tool for shaping material properties turning the generation of point-defects into an advantage beyond the presumed degradation of the properties. Such an approach is radically different from what often occurs when irradiation is used as a test for radiation hard materials or devices degradation in harsh environments. We illustrate the potential of this emerging technique by results obtained on two families of materials, namely semiconductors and superconductors