185 research outputs found

    Improvement of different vaccine delivery systems for cancer therapy

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    Cancer vaccines are the promising tools in the hands of the clinical oncologist. Many tumor-associated antigens are excellent targets for immune therapy and vaccine design. Optimally designed cancer vaccines should combine the best tumor antigens with the most effective immunotherapy agents and/or delivery strategies to achieve positive clinical results. Various vaccine delivery systems such as different routes of immunization and physical/chemical delivery methods have been used in cancer therapy with the goal to induce immunity against tumor-associated antigens. Two basic delivery approaches including physical delivery to achieve higher levels of antigen production and formulation with microparticles to target antigen-presenting cells (APCs) have demonstrated to be effective in animal models. New developments in vaccine delivery systems will improve the efficiency of clinical trials in the near future. Among them, nanoparticles (NPs) such as dendrimers, polymeric NPs, metallic NPs, magnetic NPs and quantum dots have emerged as effective vaccine adjuvants for infectious diseases and cancer therapy. Furthermore, cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) have been known as attractive carrier having applications in drug delivery, gene transfer and DNA vaccination. This review will focus on the utilization of different vaccine delivery systems for prevention or treatment of cancer. We will discuss their clinical applications and the future prospects for cancer vaccine development

    Honey and Apoptosis in Human Gastric Mucosa

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    Background: Gastric cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the world. Honey is acomplex mixture of special biological active constituents. Honey possesses antioxidant and antitumorproperties. Nutritional studies have indicated that consumption of honey modulates therisk of developing gastric cancer. On the other hand, apoptosis has been reported to play a decisiverole in precancerous changes. Our chief study was conducted to assess the relationship betweenconsumption of honey and apoptosis in human gastric mucosa.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 98 subjects over 18 years old, referred totwo hospitals in Tabriz, Iran. Subjects were undergone an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 62subjects were finally enrolled. Honey consumption was assessed by a Food Frequency Questionnaire(FFQ) and apoptosis was detected by TUNEL technique. We tested polynomial curve tofind the best fit between honey consumption and apoptosis.Results: A positive relation between honey consumption and apoptosis was found (P=0.024).Our results indicated that the final and the best fit curve was: apoptosis = 1.714+1.648(honeyamount) - 0.533(honey amount)2 +1.833Γ—10-5(honey amount)7.Conclusion: Honey consumption had positive effects on gastric cancer by inducing apoptosis ingastric mucosa

    Magnesium Sulfate Effect on the Clinical Course and GCS of Patients with a Severe Diffuse Axonal Injury

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    Based on a number of studies, magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) given after a diffuse axonal injury has gained attention as a useful neuroprotective agent .The present study was conducted to examine if magnesium sulfate has a therapeutic efficacy and safety in patients with a severe diffuse axonal injury. Adult patients admitted within 1 hour of a closed Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with a severe diffuse axonal injury that met eligibility criteria were randomized into two groups. Our treatment guidelines consisted of an initial loading dose of 50 mg/kg magnesium sulfate and then 50 mg/kg QID up to 24 hours after the trauma. The outcome measures were mortality, GCS, and motor function scores which were assessed up to 2 months after the trauma. Magnesium showed a significant positive effect on GCS 2 months (P=0.03).Β  Among those in MgSO4 group, motor functioning score improved more than control group but this was not statistically significant (P = 0.51). At the end, we have demonstrated that administration of magnesium sulfate can have neuroprotective role following severe DAI.

    Effective reduction of primary dysmenorrheal symptoms through concurrent use of n-3 fatty acids and Rosa damascena extract (RDE)

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    Background: Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is characterized by painful cramps of lower abdomen without abnormal pelvic pathology. PD begins some hours before or simultaneously with the onset of menstrual bleeding. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of separate and concurrent supplementation of fish oils (FO) containing n-3 fatty acids and Rosa Damascena extract (RDE) on PD symptoms. Methods: In this double blind clinical trial in 2015, through convenience sampling, 105 university students with primary menstrual pain in most recent years, without abnormal pathology, and with moderate/severe dysmenorrheal symptoms according to visual analogue scale (VAS) were randomly assigned into one of four groups: 1. FO 1000 mg/day (n=26), 2. RDE 1000 mg/day (n=27), 3. FO and RDE concurrently, with the same dose (n=27), and 4. Control group (n=25). All measurements were performed three times, at the beginning, 30th day, and 60th day. Symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, cramp, low back pain, headache, fatigue, anxiety, sweat, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and feeling cold were measured by VAS. Results: After 2-month treatment, supplementation with RDE significantly reduced severity of bloating (p<0.001) and sweat (p<0.001), but FO supplementation had no significant effect on PD symptoms. The concurrent use of FO and RDE significantly decreased severity of diarrhea (p=0.038), weakness (p<0.001), dizziness (p=0.003), and feeling cold (p=0.049). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the concurrent supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids and RDE could be more effective than their separate use in decreasing PD symptoms; however, larger trials are warranted to confirm these preliminary findings

    Comparison of the Effect of Plastic Cover and Blanket on Body Temperature of Preterm Infants Hospitalized in NICU: Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Preterm infants are unable to regulate their body temperature and there are insufficient research evidences on different kinds of covers for hospitalized preterm infants; therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effects of plastic and blanket covers on the body temperature of preterm infants under radiant warmer. Methods: This randomized cross-over clinical trial was carried out upon 80 infants with the gestational age of 28-30 weeks and birth weight of 800- 1250 gr who were in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on the second day of their hospitalization. The study lasted for two days. In group 1, the plastic cover was used during the first day of the study while the blankets were used during the second day. Infants’ heads were kept out of the cover and coated with a hat. In group 2, the plastic cover was used during the first day of the study while the blanket was used during second day. Digital thermometer was used to measure infants’ axillary temperature. The data was analyzed using SPSS ver 13 and MiniTab software. Descriptive statistics, (Mean (SE), 95%CI) and inferential statistics (Repeated measurement and ANCOVA tests) were used. Results: The mean body temperature of the infants in the group covered with the plastic was calculated to be higher and the warmer was set on low temperature. Conclusion: Using plastic cover during the first few days of hospitalization in NICU resulted in regulation of preterm infants’ body temperature

    In Silico Analysis of Six Known Leishmania major Antigens and In Vitro Evaluation of Specific Epitopes Eliciting HLA-A2 Restricted CD8 T Cell Response

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    Leishmaniasis is currently a serious health as well as economic problem in underdeveloped and developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, Central and South America and the Mediterranean region. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is highly endemic in Iran, remarkably in Isfahan, Fars, Khorasan, Khozestan and Kerman provinces. Since effective prevention is not available and current curative therapy is expensive, often poorly tolerated and not always effective, alternative therapies including vaccination against leishmaniasis are of priority to overcome the problem. Although Th1 dominant response is so far considered as a pre-requisite for the immune system to overcome the infection, CD8+ T cell response could also be considered as a potent arm of immune system fighting against intracellular Leishmania. Polytope vaccine strategy may open up a new way in vaccine design against leishmaniasis, since they act as a potent tool to stimulate multi-CD8 T cell responses. Clearly there is a substantial need to evaluate the promising epitopes from different proteins of Leishmania parasite species. Some new immunoinformatic tools are now available to speed up this process, and we have shown here that in silico prediction can effectively evaluate HLA class I-restricted epitopes out of Leishmania proteins

    The Correlation between Serum Levels of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies and the Risk of Diabetes

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    Background: This study investigated the presence of specific antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii infection among people with diabetes (type I and II) in comparison with control group. Methods: Overall 300 serum samples were collected equally from three groups including patients with type I and type II diabetes and non-diabetic healthy control that referred to Tabriz Central Laboratory in northwest Iran during July to Sep 2015. The level of specific IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii were measured using the chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) method. Chi-square and One-Way ANCOVA were used for data analysis. Results: Overall, 300 samples from diabetic patients (type I and type II) and control group were examined and results showed 3, 8 and 2 cases were seropositive for anti- T. gondii IgM respectively. Anti- T. gondii IgG seropositivity in type I and type II diabetes and control groups were 69%, 63% and 59% respectively. We did not observe any statistical differences among all studied groups in terms of toxoplasmosis. There was no statistically significant relationship between all variables and seropositivity for anti-T. gondii antibodies in type I and II diabetes and non-diabetic groups. Conclusion: Although there was no statistically significant relationship between diabetes and toxoplasmosis further investigations especially experimental studies using animal models are needed. Furthermore, these findings would not be contrary to the need for healthcare in order to the prevention of infectious disease in diabetic patients

    The Effects of Natural Clinoptilolite and Nano-Sized Clinoptilolite Supplementation on Lipid Profile, Food Intakes and Body Weight in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes

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    Purpose: To determine the effect of natural clinoptilolite (CLN) and nano-sized clinoptilolite (NCLN) on lipid profile, food intakes (FI) and weight changes in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Methods: In this experimental study, 36 rats were randomly divided into two groups: diabetic group which was injected STZ (60 mg/kg BW), and a non-diabetic group. Three days after diabetes induction, each of these groups was randomly divided into 3 subgroups of 6 animals ((1) control, (2) 1%/food CLN, (3) 1%/food NCLN). The animals were supplemented for 28 days, starting three days after STZ administration. At the end of the study, blood was drawn for biochemical assays. The weights and FIs of the rats were measured at the beginning and end of each week. Results: Our findings revealed that there was no significant change in lipid profile, 28 days after administration of STZ in diabetic rats. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) was increased slightly in diabetic rats treated with NCLN without any significant changes in other lipid profile parameters in the other groups. Weight was reduced significantly in diabetic rats. Administration of CLN and NCLN prevented further weight loss in diabetic rats. All groups treated with STZ had higher food intake during the study. Conclusion: Lack of beneficial changes in lipid profile may be attributed to short study duration, insufficient for appearance of lipid abnormalities. Given the partial improvement in weight status and lack of undesirable effects of clinoptilolite supplementation, further research is recommended in subjects with typ1 diabetes mellitus
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