3,306 research outputs found

    Winter aerosol and trace gas characteristics over a high-altitude station in the Western Ghats, India

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    This paper presents spectral distribution of aerosol optical depth (and derived size distribution), water vapor and ozone in total atmospheric column; in conjunction with particulate mass concentration in the size range from 0.3 to 20 ĂŽÂŒm and black carbon mass concentration at the surface-level during four different campaigns, conducted in months of December-January-2006-2007 (Campaign I), February-2007 (Campaign II), January-2008 (Campaign III) and November-2008 (Campaign IV) at a high-altitude station, Sinhgad (18°22'N, 73°45'E, 1450 m AMSL) in the Western Ghats of Indian Peninsula. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) measured within the spectral range 440-1020 nm is found lower as compared to that measured over a nearby urban station, Pune; but relatively higher than that over other remote high-altitude stations in India. The columnar Angstrom exponent derived within the 440-870 nm spectral range showed maximum values close to 1 indicating relatively higher contribution from fine-mode particles to aerosol size spectrum. Interestingly, this parameter shows lower values when the total aerosol mass concentration exhibits higher values during afternoon hours. Both columnar water vapor (CWV) and ozone (TCO) exhibit lower values in the morning hours and higher in the afternoon hours. The mass concentration of black carbon shows an association with AOD during the study period over the station. The measured surface aerosol particle number concentrations are used to reconstruct AOD spectra using the Optical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds (OPAC) software package and compared with simultaneously available columnar AOD spectra

    Pencil beam characteristics of the next-generation proton scanning gantry of PSI: design issues and initial commissioning results

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    In this paper we report on the main design features, on the realization process and on selected first results of the initial commissioning of the new Gantry 2 of PSI for the delivery of proton therapy with new advanced pencil beam scanning techniques. We present briefly the characteristics of the new gantry system with main emphasis on the beam optics, on the characterization of the pencil beam used for scanning and on the performance of the scanning system. The idea is to give an overview of the major components of the whole system. The main long-term technical goal of the new equipment of Gantry 2 is to expand the use of pencil beam scanning to the whole spectrum of clinical indications including moving targets. We report here on the initial experience and problems encountered in the development of the system with selected preliminary results of the ongoing commissioning of Gantry

    Limitations of phase-sorting based pencil beam scanned 4D proton dose calculations under irregular motion.

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    Objective.4D dose calculation (4DDC) for pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton therapy is typically based on phase-sorting of individual pencil beams onto phases of a single breathing cycle 4DCT. Understanding the dosimetric limitations and uncertainties of this approach is essential, especially for the realistic treatment scenario with irregular free breathing motion.Approach.For three liver and three lung cancer patient CTs, the deformable multi-cycle motion from 4DMRIs was used to generate six synthetic 4DCT(MRI)s, providing irregular motion (11/15 cycles for liver/lung; tumor amplitudes ∌4-18 mm). 4DDCs for two-field plans were performed, with the temporal resolution of the pencil beam delivery (4-200 ms) or with 8 phases per breathing cycle (500-1000 ms). For the phase-sorting approach, the tumor center motion was used to determine the phase assignment of each spot. The dose was calculated either using the full free breathing motion or individually repeating each single cycle. Additionally, the use of an irregular surrogate signal prior to 4DDC on a repeated cycle was simulated. The CTV volume with absolute dose differences >5% (Vdosediff>5%) and differences in CTVV95%andD5%-D95%compared to the free breathing scenario were evaluated.Main results.Compared to 4DDC considering the full free breathing motion with finer spot-wise temporal resolution, 4DDC based on a repeated single 4DCT resulted inVdosediff>5%of on average 34%, which resulted in an overestimation ofV95%up to 24%. However, surrogate based phase-sorting prior to 4DDC on a single cycle 4DCT, reduced the averageVdosediff>5%to 16% (overestimationV95%up to 19%). The 4DDC results were greatly influenced by the choice of reference cycle (Vdosediff>5%up to 55%) and differences due to temporal resolution were much smaller (Vdosediff>5%up to 10%).Significance.It is important to properly consider motion irregularity in 4D dosimetric evaluations of PBS proton treatments, as 4DDC based on a single 4DCT can lead to an underestimation of motion effects

    Aerosol characteristics during winter fog at Agra, North India

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    Simultaneous measurements on physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosols over a tropical semi-arid location, Agra in north India, were undertaken during December 2004. The average concentration of total suspended particulates (TSP) increased by about 1.4 times during intense foggy/hazy days. Concentrations of SO4 2-, NO3 -, NH4 + and Black Carbon (BC) aerosols increased by 4, 2, 3.5 and 1.7 times, respectively during that period. Aerosols were acidic during intense foggy/hazy days but the fog water showed alkaline nature, mainly due to the neutralizing capacity of NH4 aerosols. Trajectory analyses showed that air masses were predominantly from NW direction, which might be responsible for transport of BC from distant and surrounding local sources. Diurnal variation of BC on all days showed a morning and an evening peak that were related to domestic cooking and vehicular emissions, apart from boundary layer changes. OPAC (Optical properties of aerosols and clouds) model was used to compute the optical properties of aerosols. Both OPAC-derived and observed aerosol optical depth (AOD) values showed spectral variation with high loadings in the short wavelengths (<1 ĂŽÂŒm). AOD value at 0.5 ĂŽÂŒm wavelength was significantly high during intense foggy/hazy days (1.22) than during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days (0.63). OPAC-derived Single scattering albedo (SSA) was 0.84 during the observational period, indicating significant contribution of absorbing aerosols. However, the BC mass fraction to TSP increased by only 1 during intense foggy/hazy days and thereby did not show any impact on SSA during that period. A large increase was observed in the shortwave (SW) atmospheric (ATM) forcing during intense foggy/hazy days (+75.8 W/m2) than that during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days (+38 W/m2), mainly due to increase in absorbing aerosols. Whereas SW forcing at surface (SUF) increased from -40 W/m2 during clear sky or less foggy/hazy days to -76 W/m2 during intense foggy/hazy days, mainly due to the scattering aerosols like SO4 2-

    Sink mechanism for significantly low level of ozone over the Arabian Sea during monsoon

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    Measurement of surface ozone over the Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon season (June-September) of 2002 has shown an unusually low level of ozone with an overall average of 9 nmol/mol. Such a low level of ozone could not be explained by simulations using a three-dimensional chemistry transport model, Model for Ozone and Related Tracers (MOZART), which accounts for the known processes of advective transport and includes a standard photochemical mechanism. Thus, for the Arabian Sea region, we propose for the first time that destruction of ozone by reactive halides released from sea salt aerosols is the sink mechanism which played a crucial role in ensuring the significantly low ozone level over the Arabian Sea. Theoretical calculations constrained by observations have shown that, on average, ozone losses due to catalytic action of halogens and due to photolysis plus chemical reaction amount to 2.15 nmol mol-1d-1 and 4.64 nmol mol-1d-1, respectively

    The impact of organ motion and the appliance of mitigation strategies on the effectiveness of hypoxia-guided proton therapy for non-small cell lung cancer.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE To investigate the impact of organ motion on hypoxia-guided proton therapy treatments for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS Hypoxia PET and 4D imaging data of six NSCLC patients were used to simulate hypoxia-guided proton therapy with different motion mitigation strategies including rescanning, breath-hold, respiratory gating and tumour tracking. Motion-induced dose degradation was estimated for treatment plans with dose painting of hypoxic tumour sub-volumes at escalated dose levels. Tumour control probability (TCP) and dosimetry indices were assessed to weigh the clinical benefit of dose escalation and motion mitigation. In addition, the difference in normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) between escalated proton and photon VMAT treatments have been assessed. RESULTS Motion-induced dose degradation was found for target coverage (CTV V95% up to -4%) and quality of the dose-escalation-by-contour (QRMS up to 6%) as a function of motion amplitude and amount of dose escalation. The TCP benefit coming from dose escalation (+4-13%) outweighs the motion-induced losses (<2%). Significant average NTCP reductions of dose-escalated proton plans were found for lungs (-14%), oesophagus (-10%) and heart (-16%) compared to conventional VMAT plans. The best plan dosimetry was obtained with breath hold and respiratory gating with rescanning. CONCLUSION NSCLC affected by hypoxia appears to be a prime target for proton therapy which, by dose-escalation, allows to mitigate hypoxia-induced radio-resistance despite the sensitivity to organ motion. Furthermore, substantial reduction in normal tissue toxicity can be expected compared to conventional VMAT. Accessibility and standardization of hypoxia imaging and clinical trials are necessary to confirm these findings in a clinical setting

    Ultra-high dose rate dosimetry for pre-clinical experiments with mm-small proton fields.

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    PURPOSE To characterize an experimental setup for ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) proton irradiations, and to address the challenges of dosimetry in millimetre-small pencil proton beams. METHODS At the PSI Gantry 1, high-energy transmission pencil beams can be delivered to biological samples and detectors up to a maximum local dose rate of ∌9000 Gy/s. In the presented setup, a Faraday cup is used to measure the delivered number of protons up to ultra-high dose rates. The response of transmission ion-chambers, as well as of different field detectors, was characterized over a wide range of dose rates using the Faraday cup as reference. RESULTS The reproducibility of the delivered proton charge was better than 1 % in the proposed experimental setup. EBT3 films, Al2O3:C optically stimulated luminescence detectors and a PTW microDiamond were used to validate the predicted dose. Transmission ionization chambers showed significant volume ion-recombination (>30 % in the tested conditions) which can be parametrized as a function of the maximum proton current density. Over the considered range, EBT3 films, inorganic scintillator-based screens and the PTW microDiamond were demonstrated to be dose rate independent within ±3 %, ±1.8 % and ±1 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Faraday cups are versatile dosimetry instruments that can be used for dose estimation, field detector characterization and on-line dose verification for pre-clinical experiments in UHDR proton pencil beams. Among the tested detectors, the commercial PTW microDiamond was found to be a suitable option to measure real time the dosimetric properties of narrow pencil proton beams for dose rates up to 2.2 kGy/s

    A motion model-guided 4D dose reconstruction for pencil beam scanned proton therapy.

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    Objective.4D dose reconstruction in proton therapy with pencil beam scanning (PBS) typically relies on a single pre-treatment 4DCT (p4DCT). However, breathing motion during the fractionated treatment can vary considerably in both amplitude and frequency. We present a novel 4D dose reconstruction method combining delivery log files with patient-specific motion models, to account for the dosimetric effect of intra- and inter-fractional breathing variability.Approach.Correlation between an external breathing surrogate and anatomical deformations of the p4DCT is established using principal component analysis. Using motion trajectories of a surface marker acquired during the dose delivery by an optical tracking system, deformable motion fields are retrospectively reconstructed and used to generate time-resolved synthetic 4DCTs ('5DCTs') by warping a reference CT. For three abdominal/thoracic patients, treated with respiratory gating and rescanning, example fraction doses were reconstructed using the resulting 5DCTs and delivery log files. The motion model was validated beforehand using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) with subsequent 4D dose evaluations. Moreover, besides fractional motion, fractional anatomical changes were incorporated as proof of concept.Main results.For motion model validation, the comparison of 4D dose distributions for the original 4DCT and predicted LOOCV resulted in 3%/3 mm gamma pass rates above 96.2%. Prospective gating simulations on the p4DCT can overestimate the target dose coverage V95%by up to 2.1% compared to 4D dose reconstruction based on observed surrogate trajectories. Nevertheless, for the studied clinical cases treated with respiratory-gating and rescanning, an acceptable target coverage was maintained with V95%remaining above 98.8% for all studied fractions. For these gated treatments, larger dosimetric differences occurred due to CT changes than due to breathing variations.Significance.To gain a better estimate of the delivered dose, a retrospective 4D dose reconstruction workflow based on motion data acquired during PBS proton treatments was implemented and validated, thus considering both intra- and inter-fractional motion and anatomy changes

    Chemical composition and isotopic signatures of ice and snow over a Himalayan Glacier (Satopanth) in India

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    This study reports the chemical composition and isotopic signatures of snow and ice over a Himalayan Glacier in India. An observational campaign was carried out from September 22, 2016, to October 2, 2016, over Satopanth in central Himalaya. The pH value of ice and snow, respectively, was 5.6 ± 0.4 and 5.9 ± 0.35 over the glacier, indicating moderate acidity of the glacier components. Calcium (Ca2+) was the dominant component in snow (35.2%), while sulfate (SO42−) was dominant in ice samples (52.7%). The neutralization factor was estimated to find the extent of neutralization of acidic fractions by basic components. It is found that Ca2+ was the prominent neutralizing factor both in snow and ice over the region. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic analyses of snow, surface layer ice and debris-covered ice suggest that the moisture source is common for all three components. ÎŽD and d-excess values of snow at Satopanth are different than that of those for Chorabari, Dokriani and Tiprabank Glacier, indicating the plausibility of different sources of moisture for these glaciers. Limited observations suggest that the interaction of ice with the debris has no impact on the isotopic signatures of the ice over the region; such non-alteration of isotopic signatures makes the region important for ice core-based paleoclimatic studies

    'Working out’ identity: distance runners and the management of disrupted identity

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    This article contributes fresh perspectives to the empirical literature on the sociology of the body, and of leisure and identity, by analysing the impact of long-term injury on the identities of two amateur but serious middle/long-distance runners. Employing a symbolic interactionist framework,and utilising data derived from a collaborative autoethnographic project, it explores the role of ‘identity work’ in providing continuity of identity during the liminality of long-term injury and rehabilitation, which poses a fundamental challenge to athletic identity. Specifically, the analysis applies Snow and Anderson’s (1995) and Perinbanayagam’s (2000) theoretical conceptualisations in order to examine the various forms of identity work undertaken by the injured participants, along the dimensions of materialistic, associative and vocabularic identifications. Such identity work was found to be crucial in sustaining a credible sporting identity in the face of disruption to the running self, and in generating momentum towards the goal of restitution to full running fitness and reengagement with a cherished form of leisure. KEYWORDS: identity work, symbolic interactionism, distance running, disrupted identit
