64 research outputs found

    Nanoplasmonics In Two-dimensional Dirac and Three-dimensional Metallic Nanostructure Systems

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    Surface plasmons are collective oscillation of electrons which are coupled to the incident electric field. Excitation of surface plasmon is a route to engineer the behavior of light in nanometer length scale and amplifying the light-matter interaction. This interaction is an outcome of near-field enhancement close to the metal surface which leads to plasmon damping through radiative decay to outgoing photons and nonradiative decay inside and on the surface of the material to create an electron-hole pair via interband or intraband Landau damping. Plasmonics in Dirac systems such as graphene show novel features due to massless electrons and holes around the Dirac cones. Linear band structure of Dirac materials in the low-momentum limit gives rise to the unprecedented optical and electrical properties. Electronical tunability of the plasmon resonance frequency through applying a gate voltage, highly confined electric field, and low plasmon damping are the other special propoerties of the Dirac plasmons. In this work, I will summarize the theoretical and experimental aspects of the electrostatical tunable systems made from monolayer graphene working in mid-infrared regime. I will demonstrate how a cavity-coupled nanopatterned graphene excites Dirac plasmons and enhances the light-matter interaction. The resonance frequency of the Dirac plasmons is tunable by applying a gate voltage. I will show how different gate-dielectrics, and the external conditions like the polarization and angle of incident light affect on the optical response of the nanostructure systems. I will then show the application of these nanodevices in infrared detection at room temperature by using plasmon-assisted hot carriers generation. An asymmetric nanopatterned graphene shows a high responsivity at room temperature which is unprecedented. At the end, I will demonstrate the properties of surface plasmons on 3D noble metals and its applications in light-funneling, photodetection, and light-focusing

    FANTOM: Fault Tolerant Task-Drop Aware Scheduling for Mixed-Criticality Systems

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    Mixed-Criticality (MC) systems have emerged as an effective solution in various industries, where multiple tasks with various real-time and safety requirements (different levels of criticality) are integrated onto a common hardware platform. In these systems, a fault may occur due to different reasons, e.g., hardware defects, software errors or the arrival of unexpected events. In order to tolerate faults in MC systems, the re-execution technique is typically employed, which may lead to overrun of high-criticality tasks (HCTs), which necessitates the drop of low-criticality tasks (LCTs) or degrading their quality. However, frequent drops or relatively long execution times of LCTs (especially mission-critical tasks) are not always desirable and it may impose a negative impact on the performance, or the functionality of MC systems. In this regard, this article proposes a realistic MC task model and develops a design-time task-drop aware schedulability analysis based on the Earliest Deadline First with Virtual Deadline (EDF-VD) algorithm. According to this analysis and the proposed scheduling policy based on the new MC task model, in the high-criticality (HI) mode, when an HCT overruns and the system switches to the HI mode, the number of drops per LCT is prohibited from passing a predefined threshold. In addition, to guarantee the real-time constraints and safety requirements of MC tasks in the presence of faults (assuming transient faults in this article), a corresponding scheduling mechanism has been developed. According to the obtained results from an extensive set of simulations, which have been validated through a realistic avionic application, the proposed method improves the acceptance ratio by up to 43.9% compared to state-of-the-art

    Nanoplasmonics in Metallic Nanostructures and Dirac Systems

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    In this book chapter, we review some of the progress made in nanoplasmonics and related optoelectronics phenomena in the field of two-dimensional (2D) materials and the recent 3D Weyl semimetals. We give a brief overview of plasmonics for three-dimensional (3DEG) and two-dimensional electron gases and draw comparisons with graphene, 3D topological insulators, 3D Weyl semimetals, and nanoplasmonics in nanogeometries. We discuss the decay of plasmons into electron-hole pairs and the subsequent thermalization and cooling of the hot carriers. We present our recent results in the fields of plasmonics in different nanostructures made of noble metals, such as Silver, and plasmonics in Dirac systems such as graphene and 3D topological insulators. We show a possibility of dynamically shifting the plasmon resonances in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructures. Plasmonics in 3D topological insulator and 3D Weyl semimetals have been least explored in nanoplasmonics although it can provide a variety of interesting physical phenomena involving spin plasmonics and chirality. Due to the inherent large spin-orbit coupling, locked spin-momentum oscillations can exist under special conditions and in the presence of an external laser field. We explore symmetric and antisymmetric modes in a slab of 3D TIs and present their dependences on the thickness of the slab

    Comparative Textbook Evaluation: Representation of Learning Objectives in Locally and Internationally Published ELT Textbooks

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    The present study evaluated the learning objectives represented in the recent Iranian nation-wide ELT textbooks, i.e. Prospect and Vision series, and compared them to those in the internationally-published textbook of Four Corners. To this end, Bloom’s revised taxonomy of learning objectives was utilized as the analytical framework to scrutinize the tasks and exercises of the textbooks using a researcher-made coding scheme based on the taxonomy and investigate the extent to which they represent lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) (i.e. remembering, understanding, and applying) and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) (i.e. analyzing, evaluating, and creating). Inter-coder reliability procedure was carried out to ensure the consistency of the scheme (Phi-coefficient =.89). Results of chi-square analysis revealed that Four Corners series dealt with LOTS and HOTS significantly more and above Prospect and Vision series. Furthermore, while Prospect and Vision series portrayed a completely imbalanced view towards LOTS and HOTS, Four Corners provided a somehow balanced representation in the tasks and exercises. The findings make the ELT teachers aware of the cognitive levels in the textbooks and recommend them to add supplementary materials when needed. Moreover, the results point to the significance of modifying the cognitive load of the Prospect and Vision series

    Wide Angle Dynamically Tunable Enhanced Infrared Absorption on Large Area Nanopatterned Graphene

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    Enhancing light-matter interaction by exciting Dirac plasmons on nanopatterned monolayer graphene is an efficient route to achieve high infrared absorption. Here, we designed and fabricated the hexagonal planar arrays of nanohole and nanodisk with and without optical cavity to excite Dirac plasmons on the patterned graphene and investigated the role of plasmon lifetime, extinction cross-section, incident light polarization, the angle of incident of light and pattern dimensions on the light absorption spectra

    Online peer-to-peer lending platform and supply chain finance decisions and strategies

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    Online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform is an emerging FinTech business model that establishes a link between investors and recipients of capital in supply chains (SCs). Businesses face capital constraints impacting directly on their final product price and demand. This article studies optimal decisions and operational strategies in a logistics network considering two capital-constrained manufacturers who produce products of different qualities and sell them to a retailer having deterministic demand over a specific period. The high quality product manufacturer borrows capital through an online P2P lending platform with a service fee, while the low quality product manufacturer pre-sells products for competing with the high quality product manufacturer. In this study, we find optimal prices of the SC participants, service rate of the online P2P platform and percentage of the pre-ordering quantity of the retailer. We analyse optimal Stackelberg and Nash equilibrium of the SC participants. We find that an increase in the amount of opportunity cost will cause a decrease in the pre-ordering quantity of the retailer affecting the SC profit in numerous ways. The online P2P lending platform should consider the amount of the retailer’s target profit in determining the platform’s service rate. We posit some practical insights based on our numerical study and observations for SC managers enabling them to take appropriate measures about their optimal strategies according to the networks’ existing economic conditions

    Optimization of water pressure of a distribution network within the water-energy Nexus

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    Pressure control in water distribution networks (WDNs) reduces leaks and bursting. Thus, it is regarded as a valuable solution to cut costs related to the operation and maintenance of WDNs and it is recommended for use in deteriorated water distribution pipes. However, growing consumer demand for satisfactory performance from faucets, combined with reduced water pressure from water supply companies, has resulted in an increased need for domestic water pressure booster systems (WPBSs) and has led to an increase in the energy demand. This misalignment of interests between water companies and energy consumers highlights the waterÂżenergy nexus perspective. This research aims to find a solution for optimizing the pressure of any WDN through the application of WPBSs to simultaneously minimize the cost associated with water leaks, repairs of burst pipes, and energy consumption. This methodology is applied to Baharestan city, where an optimum pressure of 47.6 mH2O is calculated. According to the sensitivity analysis of the inputs, the optimized pressure and cost are most sensitive to water loss and leakage exponent, respectively. Moreover, the hourly optimization of water pressure based on changes in demand and energy prices throughout the day is estimated to cut costs by 41%

    Impacts of Mobility Models on RPL-Based Mobile IoT Infrastructures: An Evaluative Comparison and Survey

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    With the widespread use of IoT applications and the increasing trend in the number of connected smart devices, the concept of routing has become very challenging. In this regard, the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (PRL) was standardized to be adopted in IoT networks. Nevertheless, while mobile IoT domains have gained significant popularity in recent years, since RPL was fundamentally designed for stationary IoT applications, it could not well adjust with the dynamic fluctuations in mobile applications. While there have been a number of studies on tuning RPL for mobile IoT applications, but still there is a high demand for more efforts to reach a standard version of this protocol for such applications. Accordingly, in this survey, we try to conduct a precise and comprehensive experimental study on the impact of various mobility models on the performance of a mobility-aware RPL to help this process. In this regard, a complete and scrutinized survey of the mobility models has been presented to be able to fairly justify and compare the outcome results. A significant set of evaluations has been conducted via precise IoT simulation tools to monitor and compare the performance of the network and its IoT devices in mobile RPL-based IoT applications under the presence of different mobility models from different perspectives including power consumption, reliability, latency, and control packet overhead. This will pave the way for researchers in both academia and industry to be able to compare the impact of various mobility models on the functionality of RPL, and consequently to design and implement application-specific and even a standard version of this protocol, which is capable of being employed in mobile IoT applications
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