5 research outputs found

    Testilaitteen valmistus biodieselin tutkimiseen

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    Opinnäytetyö on osana 2010 syksyllä alkanutta Metropolian AMK:n ja UPM:n Concept Car -hanketta, jota Tekes on rahoittanut. Auton on suunniteltu käyttävän 100-prosenttista biodieseliä. Hankkeen yhtenä tavoitteena on selvittää biodieselin viskositeetti talvisissa olosuhteissa. Tämän insinöörityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja valmistaa biodieselin viskositeetin tutkimiseen soveltuva testilaite sekä koekäyttää sitä tutkimusympäristössä. Työssä paneudutaan erityisesti testilaitteessa käytettävien komponenttien toimintaan. Testilaite tehtiin Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi korkeapainejärjestelmän osista, jotka ovat Siemensin valmistamat. Moottorin tuottama käyttövoima korkeapainepumpulle korvattiin KLEEdriven kolmivaihesähkömoottorilla. Työn lopputuloksena syntyi mekaanisesti toimiva dieselpolttoaineen tutkimuslaite. Korkeapainepumpun ja Railin ohjauksen parantamisella sillä saataisiin vertailukelpoisia tuloksia biodieselin viskositeetistä.This thesis is a part of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied of Science and UPM’s Concept Car project started in fall 2010. The project is funded by Tekes. The Concept Car is planned to use 100 % biodiesel. One of the project objectives is to determine the viscosity of biodiesel in winter conditions. The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis is to design and manufacture test equipment suitable for measuring biodiesel viscosity and to test the equipment in research environment. This thesis focuses on the functions of the components used in the test equipment. The test equipment is made from components of Ford Fiesta Common Rail, manufactured by Siemens. As a result of this thesis a mechanically functional device for diesel researching was made. After improving controls of the parts from Common Rail it would be possible to achieve comparable results for measuring biodiesel viscosity

    Scoperta e valorizzazione del talento. Per la cittadinanza dell'allievo con disabilità. Discovery and appreciation of talent. For the citizenship of the student with disabilities

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    In Italia, dal 1977, gli allievi con disabilità certificata frequentano le scuole comuni, ufficialmente fanno parte di una classe, ma poiché seguono un piano educativo individualizzato, per lo più privo di collegamenti con i curricoli degli altri studenti, rischiano una nuova e più subdola esclusione. Come promuovere l’inclusione didattica? Bisogna partire da ciò che vale per l’allievo, da ciò che per lui ha senso; non da ciò che è eccezionale rispetto agli altri, ma da ciò che lui fa bene e gli piace fare bene. Si parte dal talento perché è presente in tutti, non dalla genialità che è appannaggio di pochissimi. Con una attività di ricerca-azione “Scoperta e valorizzazione didattica del talento”, oltre 2500 insegnanti della scuola secondaria hanno cercato il potenziale formativo di sviluppo esistenziale nel ragazzo che essi seguivano nel tirocinio. Con questo articolo si avvia un ampio lavoro di analisi dei dati, con due interrogativi: 1) Chi sono, come e dove si collocano gli studenti disabili oggi? 2) In quali ambiti, situazioni e contesti si manifesta il talento

    Efficient Charge Photogeneration by the Dissociation of PC<sub>70</sub>BM Excitons in Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells

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    The role of PC<sub>70</sub>BM excitons in driving charge photogeneration in low bandgap polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells has been studied. Both transient absorption spectroscopy of charge generation yields in blend films as a function of excitation energies and photocurrent quantum efficiency spectra of the corresponding devices indicate that charge generation in this system results primarily from direct optical excitation of PC<sub>70</sub>BM. Blend composition studies of photocurrent density and photoluminescence quenching indicate that the efficiency of photocurrent generation is primarily determined by the limited efficiency of PC<sub>70</sub>BM exciton diffusion to the polymer due to the formation of PC<sub>70</sub>BM domains (≥5 nm). This limitation becomes more severe as the PC<sub>70</sub>BM content is increased above 50%. Despite this limitation and despite the poor charge photogeneration from polymer excitons, organic solar cells fabricated using this photoactive blend layer yielded device photocurrents of 7.1 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>, maximal EQEs of 41%, and a device efficiency of 3.1%

    Isostructural, Deeper Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Analogues of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) for High-Open Circuit Voltage Organic Solar Cells

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    We present the synthesis and characterization of two novel thiazole-containing conjugated polymers (<b>PTTTz</b> and <b>PTTz</b>) that are isostructural to poly­(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). The novel materials demonstrate optical and morphological properties almost identical to those of P3HT but with HOMO and LUMO levels that are up to 0.45 eV deeper. An intramolecular planarizing nitrogen–sulfur nonbonding interaction is observed, and its magnitude and origin are discussed. Both materials demonstrate significantly greater open circuit voltages than P3HT in bulk heterojunction solar cells. <b>PTTTz</b> is shown to be an extremely versatile donor polymer that can be used with a wide variety of fullerene acceptors with device efficiencies of up to 4.5%. It is anticipated that this material could be used as a high-open circuit voltage alternative to P3HT in organic solar cells