15 research outputs found

    Image Iconology in Ancient Greek Pottery

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    ان فنون اي امة ومظاهرها الثقافية تعبر عن طبيعة افكار هذه الأمّة و رؤيتها للعالم المحيط بها وان عظمة ثقافاتها، تتجلى بصورة مباشرة في فنونها وان صورة الفخار الاغريقي تعد شاهدا على استخلاص الاحساس الجمالي من فاعلية ايقونولوجيا الافكار التي ارتبطت بصياغات التداول في تلك الحقبة التاريخية من الفن, والتي احدثت انتقالات بصرية مهمة على مستوى الانجاز والاظهار التقني للأشكال والصور المنفذة على سطوح الفخار, فلهذا تضمن البحث الحالي على اربعة فصول:  الفصل الاول تضمن مشكلة البحث والتي نشأت من خلال الإجابة عن التساؤل الأتي: (ماذا تعني الصورة الايقونولوجية في الفخار الاغريقي القديم؟) وتضمن اهميته والحاجة اليه والهدف الذي يعني بـ(تعرف ايقونولوجيا الصورة لفخار الحضارة الاغريقية) وحدوده, وتعريف اهم المصطلحات الواردة فيه. وتضمن الفصل الثاني مبحثين: الاول (ألية الاشتغال الايقونولوجي في الصورة الفنية) والمبحث الثاني (الفكر الايقونولوجي لصورة الفخار الاغريقي القديم), وصولا الى المؤشرات التي اسفر عنها الاطار النظري, وانتهى الفصل الثاني بالدراسات السابقة. اما الفصل الثالث والذي تضمن مجتمع البحث ومنهج البحث (المنهج الايقونولوجي), واداة البحث وهي المؤشرات التي استعملها الباحث كمحكات لتحليل عينة البحث المتكونة من (4) نماذج. اما الفصل الرابع فقد تضمن النتائج ومنها: تنوعت الصورة الايقونولوجية بتنوع المدركات الحسية والخيالية عند الفنانين ومن زمكان الى اخر في طريقة التنفيذ (واقعي, تعبيري, خيالي, علامي) في جميع عينة البحث. جاءت دلالات الحركة في جميع النماذج محققة نقاط جذب بصري لرمزية الالهة والابطال ومعظم الحيوانات المرتبطة بفكرة السلطة, كمعالجات تقنية ظهرت منها الرؤية التأويلية لارتباطها بصياغة ايقونية معروفة عند المجتمع الاغريقي لتكون منسجمة مع مضمون ما ظهر بوضعية الجلوس او الوقوف او ملامح الوجوه اوحركات الايدي بالإضافة الى حركة التقدم الى الامام والرجوع الى الخلف التي ساعدت على تقصي الحدث وايماءاته الايقونولوجية التي يتطلبها المجتمع لإجراء طقس سحري اوتعبدي او اسطوري. الفنان الاغريقي استعار الفكرة من خلال وسيلة التعبير الميتافيزيقي لتكوين مرموزات فكرية حسية مثلت في راس الثور (ايقونة رمزية) والفأس (ايقونة حسية) وسنابل القمح التي جاءت علامة حسية فاعلة تدل على الخصب والنماء وهذا ما جاء في انموذج(1) وكما تضمن على الاستنتاجات ومنها: اتخذ المنهج الايقونولوجي من الافكار السائدة في المجتمعات القديمة والتقصي عنها وما ظهر من تحليل للعينة, انه فعل العلاقة الجدلية بين النص والمتلقي عبر ادوات التحليل والتأويل التي توصل الناقد الى عملية الربط بين العلامات الواردة في النص من(اشارة, رمز, ايقونة) وربطها في زمن انتاجها وقراءة العلامات وما تحيل اليه ومن ثم تفسيرها للمتلقي عبر المعطى الايقوني لذلك النص, والمهيمن الفكري الضاغط على خطاب الصورة المعلنة.  وكما تضمن على التوصيات والمقترحات, وانتهى البحث بالمصادر العربية والاجنبية والملاحق والعنوان والملخص بالغة الانكليزية.  The art of any nation and its cultural manifestations reflect the nature of the ideas of this nation and its vision of the world around it. The greatness of its cultures is directly reflected in its art and the image of the Greek pottery is a testament to the aesthetic sense of the effectiveness of the ideology of ideas associated with the forms of trading in that historical era. Art, which led to the transfer of visual tasks on the level of achievement and technical display of the forms and images executed on the surfaces of pottery, so the current research included four chapters:  The first chapter deals with the problem of research, which arose by answering the following question: What does the iconological image mean in the ancient Greek pottery? It also included its importance and the need for it and the objective which means the definition of the archeology of the Greek civilization. The second chapter included two topics: the first (the mechanism of the iconological work in the technical picture) and the second (the iconological thought of the ancient Greek pottery), and the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework. The second chapter ended with the previous studies. The third chapter, which included the research community and the method of research (the method of iconography), and the research tool, the indicators used by the researcher to analyze the sample of the research consists of (4) model of civilization. The fourth chapter included the following conclusions: 1- The iconological picture varied with the variety of sensory and fictional perceptions of artists and from time to time in the method of implementation (realistic, expressive, fictional, scientific) in all the research sample. 2 - the signs of movement in all models, achieving visual attractions symbolic symbols of Goddess and heroes and most animals associated with the idea of ​​power, as technical treatments emerged from the vision of the interpretation of its association with the formulation of iconography known to the Greek community to be consistent with the content of what appeared in the position of sitting or standing or facial features and hand gestures in addition to To the movement of progress forward and backward helped to investigate the event and the iconic gestures required by the community to hold a magical ritual or utopian. 3 - The Greek artist borrowed the idea through the means of metaphysical expression for the formation of conceptual and intellectual complexes represented in the head of the bull (symbolic icon) and ax (sensory icon) and wheat germs, which came a sign of the effective sense of fertility and development and this is illustrated in the model (1( As it contains the following conclusions: 1 - took the approach of the iconography of the ideas prevailing in ancient societies and the investigation and the appearance of the analysis of the sample, it is the act of dialectical relationship between the text and the recipient through the tools of analysis and dependency that the critic to the process of linking between the signs in the text of (reference, icon, icon) The time of its production, the reading of the signs and its impossibility and then its interpretation to the recipient through the iconic figure of that text, and the intellectual dominant that presses on the speech of the declared image.  And also included recommendations and proposals. The research ended with Arab and foreign sources, supplements, title and summary in English

    The Iconological Discourse of the Pottery of Ancient Iraqi Civilization

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    تعد الفنون اداة فاعلة في تفسير نمط الحياة للمجتمعات والحضارات القديمة والبحث في غور اعماقها من دراسة صور المشاهد واشكال التماثيل القديمة التي نفذها فنانيهم على مر العصور والمستمرة الى وقتنا الحاضر. وتحديدا في حضارة العراق القديم, فقد تميزت بمنجزاتها بالتنوع والابتكار والتعبير عن موضوعات تتصل بمرجعيات عده (بيئية, أسطورية, سحرية, دينية, اجتماعية, نفسية) وغيرها, فلهذا تضمن البحث الحالي اربعة فصول: الفصل الاول تضمن مشكلة البحثوالتي نشأت من الإجابة عن التساؤل الأتي: (ما هو مدى الخطاب الايقونولوجي الذي اعتمدته فخاريات الحضارة العراقية عبر مشاهدها البصرية وما حملته من اشكال وافكار ومضامين؟) وتضمن اهميته والحاجة اليه والهدف الذي يعني بـ(تعرف الخطاب الايقونولوجي لفخار الحضارة العراقية) وحدوده, وتعريف اهم المصطلحات الواردة فيه. اما الفصل الثاني فقد تضمن مبحثين: الاول (مفهوم الايقونولوجيا وخطاب الصورة الفنية) والمبحث الثاني (المهيمنات الفكرية على المنجز الفخاري العراقي القديم), وصولا الى المؤشرات التي اسفر عنها الاطار النظري, وانتهى الفصل الثاني بالدراسات السابقة. اما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمن مجتمع البحث ومنهج البحث (المنهج الايقونولوجي), واداة البحث وهي المؤشرات التي استخدمها الباحث كمحكات لتحليل عينة البحث المتكونة من (4) نماذج للحضارة. اما الفصل الرابع فقد تضمن الاستنتاجات ومنها: تنوع الخطاب الايقونولوجي بتنوع المدركات الحسية والخيالية عند الفنانين ومن زمكان الى اخر في طريقة التنفيذ (واقعي, تعبيري, خيالي, علامي ) في جميع عينة البحث. ادخل الفنان علامات فنية لترجمة افكاره والتعبير عنها بوساطة الرموز والاشارات ليختصر الموضوع الوارد في المشهد البصري(الصورة), فعمد على تحويل كل الاشياء الحسية في الحياة اليومية الى ادوات لمعالجة موضوعه الفكري من تلك العلامات وتوثيقها لتكون ايقونات معروفة تعبر عن الحدث في كل النماذج. ادخل الفنان القديم الخيال في تنفيذه الصورة الفنية لتثبيت رمزية الالهة والتي استعارها من الاسطورة التي اعتمدها في تثبيت عقيدته الدينية وايقنة المشهد المنفذ سواء على الطبعة الفخارية او الانية الفخارية كما في نماذج (1, 3, 4). و تضمن على الاستنتاجات ومنها: تعد اغلب المشاهد التصويرية ذات طابع فكري موحد, مع تفاوت في التنفيذ والاداء الاسلوبي وطريقة اخراج العمل الفخاري بصورته النهائية, وذلك بسبب التفاوت الزمكاني في تقنية الانتاج الفني, فكانت النماذج ذات روحية تعبدية طقوسية . سعى الفنان العراقي القديم الى تأصيل عناصر النص وايقنة الاشكال سواء كانت ادمية او حيوانية او نباتية او جمادا او كواكب كونية ترمز الى الهة العراقيين القدماء وسميت باسمائهم, قابلة للتأويل الايقوني يستخلصها المتلقي ويفهمها على وفق المعطيات الاسطورية والتي تنشد الدراية بالثقافات الانسانية. وتضمن على التوصيات والمقترحات, وانتهى البحث بالمصادر العربية والاجنبية  والهوامش والعنوان والملخص باللغة الانكليزية.Arts are an effective tool in interpreting the lifestyles of ancient societies and civilizations and exploring the depths of their depths by studying the images of the scenes and the forms of ancient statues that their artists have carried out throughout the ages and continuing to the present. (The environmental, mythological, magical, religious, social, psychological), and so on. The current research included four chapters: The first chapter included the problem of research, which arose through the answer The question is: (What is the extent of the iconological discourse adopted by the pottery of Iraqi civilization through its visual scenes and its forms, ideas and contents?), As well as its importance and the need for it and the objective, which means the (known as the iconological discourse of the pottery of Iraqi civilization). The second chapter included two topics: the first (the concept of ecology and the discourse of the technical image) and the second (the intellectual dominance of the ancient Iraqi pottery), and the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework, and ended the second chapter of previous studies. The third chapter, which included the research community and the method of research (the method of iconography), and the research tool, the indicators used by the researcher to analyze the sample of the research consists of (4) model of civilization. The fourth chapter included the following conclusions: 1-The diversity of the iconological discourse by the variety of sensual and fictional perceptions of artists and from space-time to the other in the method of implementation (realistic, expressive, fictional, scientific) in all the research sample. 2-Enter the artist technical signs to translate his ideas and express them by symbols and signals to shorten the subject in the visual scene (image), he converted all the sensory objects in the daily life to tools to address the intellectual subject through these signs and documentation to be icons known to reflect the event in every Models. 3-Enter the old artist imagination in the implementation of the technical image to install the symbolism of God and borrowed from the legend adopted by the confirmation of the faith and the religious scene, executed either on the pottery or pottery as in models (1, 3, 4). As it contains the following conclusions: 1-Most of the figurative scenes are of a unified intellectual nature, with varying performance, methodical performance and the method of extracting the pottery work in its final form, due to the technical differences in the technique of artistic production. 2-sought the Iraqi artist old to root elements of the text and iconography forms, whether human or animal or vegetable or frozen or cosmic planets symbolizing the ancient Iraqi goddess and named their names, can be interpreted iconic extract by the recipient and understood according to the legendary data and seeking knowledge of human cultures. And also included recommendations and proposals. The research ended with Arab and foreign sources, supplements, title and summary in English

    Identification of Deferasirox as a Potential Carbonic Anhydrase II Inhibitor for Glaucoma treatment via Virtual Screening

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    Background: Systemic or topical administration of sulfonamide-containing carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitors is currently one of the lowering IOP approaches to treat glaucoma. Carbonic anhydrase II is an eye-expressed CA isoenzyme and has a major role in aqueous humor production.  Material and Methods:  To identify new CA II inhibitors, the receptor-based virtual screening was performed using DrugRep server and its FDA-approved drug library. The crystal structure of human CA II (3HS4) was utilized as the receptor. The physicochemical, pharmacokinetic, and drug-likeness properties of 15 top-ranked inhibitors were then investigated by SwissADME server. Results: The results showed that 200 recognized inhibitors interact with CA II active site with high binding affinities (-10.1  to -7.2 kcal/mol). 9 out of 15 top compounds (antrafenine, doxycycline, sitagliptin, benzhydrocodone, lumacaftor, deferasirox, lemborexant, talazoparib, selinexor, enasidenib, rolapitant, cyclothiazide, bendroflumethiazide, chlorthalidone, and quinupramine) possess fluorine atoms and 3 of them have the sulfonamide group in their structure. Based on the results, deferasirox is suggested as a promising candidate for further studies.  This moderately soluble compound, which does not have fluorine atoms or a sulfonamide group in its structure, exhibits high bioavailability and GI absorption. Deferasirox is not a blood-brain barrier permeant and P-glycoprotein substrate and does not inhibit any CYP isoforms.  Conclusion: Deferasirox is suggested as a good candidate for glaucoma treatment. However, many further studies are required in this regard

    Foliar application of NaHS alleviates Cd toxicity in soybean plants through regulation of Glutathione metabolism

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) regulates many critical processes of plants and their responses to abiotic stresses such as heavy metals. In the present study, the effect of sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) as an H2S donor (0, and 50 μM) was investigated in soybean plants under Cd stress (0, and 50 μM). These experiments were done according to a factorial design based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Cd exposure reduced growth parameters and relative water content. Cd also caused a reduction in photosynthetic pigment, an increase in ion leakage and oxidative stress as indicated by lipid peroxidation and H2O2 production. These results demonstrated the toxicity of the applied Cd concentrations on soybean plants. However, foliar application of NaHS improved the shoot length and fresh weight on Cd-stressed plants. NaHS also alleviated the toxic effects of Cd on ion leakage, relative water content, and photosynthetic pigments of leaves. The activity of glutathione reductase and the expression of genes to the family of glutathione synthetase including glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like (LOC102663288) (GS288), glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic (LOC100778473) (GS473) and homoglutathione synthetase (Gene ID: 547,989) (HGS), were observed to be upregulated under the influence of NaHS treatment. However, the expression of glutathione synthetase, and chloroplastic-like glutathione synthetase (LOC100813419) (GS419)) were reduced by NaHS in Cd-stressed plants. These results confirm the regulatory effect of NaHS application on physiological parameters and glutathione metabolism at molecular levels on soybean plants

    Orthogonal arylations of 5-vinyl-1,2,4-triazoles

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    Ethnic and functional differentiation of copy number polymorphisms in Tunisian and HapMap population unveils insights on genome organizational plasticity

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    Abstract Admixture mapping has been useful in identifying genetic variations linked to phenotypes, adaptation and diseases. Copy number variations (CNVs) represents genomic structural variants spanning large regions of chromosomes reaching several megabases. In this investigation, the “Canary” algorithm was applied to 102 Tunisian samples and 991 individuals from eleven HapMap III populations to genotype 1279 copy number polymorphisms (CNPs). In this present work, we investigate the Tunisian population structure using the CNP makers previously identified among Tunisian. The study revealed that Sub-Saharan African populations exhibited the highest diversity with the highest proportions of allelic CNPs. Among all the African populations, Tunisia showed the least diversity. Individual ancestry proportions computed using STRUCTURE analysis revealed a major European component among Tunisians with lesser contribution from Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Population structure analysis indicated the genetic proximity with Europeans and noticeable distance from the Sub-Saharan African and East Asian clusters. Seven genes harbouring Tunisian high-frequent CNPs were identified known to be associated with 9 Mendelian diseases and/or phenotypes. Functional annotation of genes under selection highlighted a noteworthy enrichment of biological processes to receptor pathway and activity as well as glutathione metabolism. Additionally, pathways of potential concern for health such as drug metabolism, infectious diseases and cancers exhibited significant enrichment. The distinctive genetic makeup of the Tunisians might have been influenced by various factors including natural selection and genetic drift, resulting in the development of distinct genetic variations playing roles in specific biological processes. Our research provides a justification for focusing on the exclusive genome organization of this population and uncovers previously overlooked elements of the genome

    Molecular diagnosis of factor XIII deficiency, data from comprehensive coagulation laboratory in Iran

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    Diagnosis of factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency (FXIIID) as a rare bleeding disorder is a challenge worldwide. Thus, in the present study, we used different methods including two molecular methods for detection of FXIIID. This study was conducted on individuals suspected to FXIIID. All individuals were checked by two routinely used methods of clot solubility test in Iran and two other clot solubility tests as well as FXIII activity and antigen assays. Molecular analysis was performed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system (T-ARMS)-PCR for only FXIIID mutation in southeast Iran (p.Trp187Arg), previously associated with severe FXIIID. Out of 151 individuals, 26 had abnormal clot solubility test with all four methods. PCRRFLP revealed that 27 patients were homozygotes for p.Trp187Arg, whereas 12 were heterozygotes. Molecular analysis revealed that in routinely used clot solubility combinations, two homozygotes (8) were missed, whereas in two other combinations, one patient (4) was missed. One false positive result was observed in routinely used methods, whereas further combinations don't have false positive. T-ARMS-PCR had three discrepancies with PCR-RFLP and sequencing confirmed that the results of TARMS- PCR were false. FXIII antigen assay diagnosed all homozygotes, whereas in FXIII activity assay, two homozygotes had higher than 5 FXIII activity that inconsistent with severe deficiency. It seems that clot solubility test is not enough sensitive and specific and molecular analysis is the most reliable method for detection of FXIIID in areas such Iran with one or few specific mutations. © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    Molecular diagnosis of factor XIII deficiency, data from comprehensive coagulation laboratory in Iran

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    Diagnosis of factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency (FXIIID) as a rare bleeding disorder is a challenge worldwide. Thus, in the present study, we used different methods including two molecular methods for detection of FXIIID. This study was conducted on individuals suspected to FXIIID. All individuals were checked by two routinely used methods of clot solubility test in Iran and two other clot solubility tests as well as FXIII activity and antigen assays. Molecular analysis was performed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system (T-ARMS)-PCR for only FXIIID mutation in southeast Iran (p.Trp187Arg), previously associated with severe FXIIID. Out of 151 individuals, 26 had abnormal clot solubility test with all four methods. PCRRFLP revealed that 27 patients were homozygotes for p.Trp187Arg, whereas 12 were heterozygotes. Molecular analysis revealed that in routinely used clot solubility combinations, two homozygotes (8) were missed, whereas in two other combinations, one patient (4) was missed. One false positive result was observed in routinely used methods, whereas further combinations don't have false positive. T-ARMS-PCR had three discrepancies with PCR-RFLP and sequencing confirmed that the results of TARMS- PCR were false. FXIII antigen assay diagnosed all homozygotes, whereas in FXIII activity assay, two homozygotes had higher than 5 FXIII activity that inconsistent with severe deficiency. It seems that clot solubility test is not enough sensitive and specific and molecular analysis is the most reliable method for detection of FXIIID in areas such Iran with one or few specific mutations. © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved