148 research outputs found

    CT Scanning in Minor Head Injury

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    Individual-Level capabilities and Entrepreneurial Intention: The contingent Role of Institutional and Organizational Context

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    Entrepreneurs affect our daily lives by exploiting new inventions or ideas and taking them to the market. Entrepreneurship research has shown its significant impact on a country’s economy. Thus, entrepreneurship can be considered as the engine driving many nations’ economic growth and competitiveness. As a consequence, entrepreneurs are essential drivers of economic growth. Entrepreneurs not only increase competition, and bring variety of products but they also generate new jobs by founding new firm, which create its impact on economy of a country. Founding a new venture is a challenging job in which some individuals able to bear high level of uncertainty and others not. Firstly, I have extended the entrepreneurship literature by introducing a multi-level perspective of individual, organizational, and institutional factors to understand the entrepreneurial intention of university students. The current study proposed and tested an integrative, multiperspective framework. I have hypothesized that the three dimensions of university support, that is, perceived educational support, concept development support, and business development support, together with institutional support, shape students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In turn, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and individual motivations constitute the fundamental elements of the intention to start a business. Secondly, I have employed multi-level modeling to study the influence of university/department-level factors on entrepreneurial intentions, which helps to resolve some of the controversies in previous research. This study examines how a university’s support impacts students’ entrepreneurial intentions and finds that entrepreneurship education, concept-development support, and business-development support increase such intentions. The university role is found to be critical to the growth of entrepreneurial intentions, and I argue that an individual’s decision in favor of or against becoming an entrepreneur depends on the multilevel context provided by the university. Thirdly, my research shows that individuals whose parent or close family member is self-employed are more likely than others to pursue an entrepreneurial career. In this research, I take the family embeddedness perspective, which describes the impact and the importance of parents on their children’s entrepreneurial careers to argue that the breadth and quality of family business experience matter. I address previous research is inconclusive on the origins of the intergenerational transfer of entrepreneurship gap in the literature by exploring the inter-generational transmission of entrepreneurial intentions using Shapero and Sokol’s (1982) model of intention in entrepreneurial events (SEE). I analyze the role of an entrepreneurial family background as an intergenerational influence on entrepreneurial intention and the underlying mediating effect of the perceived desirability and perceived feasibility of starting a business. I hypothesize that individuals with prior family business experience may develop positive perceptions toward entrepreneurial feasibility and desirability, which can result in entrepreneurial action. Fourth, in this research, I illuminated gender differences among university students on the intent to start businesses, and I specifically examine perceived feasibility and desirability. Although self-efficacy has been rarely used as an outcome measure, my study found that participation in an entrepreneurship program significantly increased perceived feasibility of starting a business (entrepreneurial self-efficacy), which can ultimately enhance entrepreneurial intentions. Universities support entrepreneurship in many objectively measured ways, in order to understand the effect of such measures it is crucial to gauge the extent to which it could have an impact on students’ intentions to start businesses. This can be achieved by measuring students’ perceptions of the university support they receive or “perceived university support”. Therefore, my study takes a multi-perspective approach to assess the impact of entrepreneurship education with gender perspective. My findings will help policy-makers and university managers to understand the effectiveness of current practices and initiatives, particularly among women

    Comparison of Face to Face vs. Group Training on Self-pulse Rate taking Ability of Patients

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    Introduction: Determining the rate and regularity of peripheral arterial pulses has a major role in assessing the clinical status of patients with cardiovascular disorders. We compared two training methods on the ability of patients to take their radial pulse rate accurately.Methods: Three-hundred patients were randomly divided into two arms. One arm received individual face-to-face training and the other arm received group training via displaying an animation movie. Immediately after the training and then after 48 hours, the patients were tested by a nurse to find out whether they have learned the correct technique of taking radial pulse rate or not.Results: Immediately after the intervention, 84.9% in face-to-face arm and 81.8% in group training arm were able to correctly count their radial pulse rate (P = 0.536). After 48 hours, 71.7% in face-to-face and 60.8% in group training arm were able to correctly count their radial pulse rate (P = 0.051).Conclusions: Both methods were effective to improve the ability of the patients to count their radial pulse rate correctly though face-to-face method was marginally superior to group training

    The ocular hypotensive effect of saffron extract in primary open angle glaucoma: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: The progressive nature of glaucoma and its growing incidence make its therapy an important target for research. The role of oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of glaucoma makes antioxidants such as saffron extract an attractive target for potential clinical use. Herein, we evaluate the effect of aqueous saffron extract on intraocular pressure (IOP) in eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). METHODS: Thirty-four eyes of 34 clinically stable POAG patients receiving treatment with timolol and dorzolamide eye drops were enrolled in this prospective, comparative, randomized interventional pilot study. Eligible subjects were randomized to receive 30 mg/day aqueous saffron extract orally (17 subjects, 17 eyes) or placebo (17 subjects, 17 eyes) for one month as an adjunct to timolol and dorzolamide. Following treatment, both study groups entered a one-month wash-out period. The main outcome measure was IOP during treatment and after the wash-out period. RESULTS: Mean baseline IOP was 12.9 ± 3.7 versus 14.0 ± 2.5 mmHg in the saffron and control groups, respectively (p = 0.31). After three weeks of treatment, IOP was significantly decreased to 10.9 ± 3.3 mmHg in the saffron group as compared to 13.5 ± 2.3 mmHg in the control group (p = 0.013). At four weeks, IOP was still significantly lower in the saffron group (10.6 ± 3.0 versus 13.8 ± 2.2 mmHg, p = 0.001). At the end of the wash-out period, IOP was 12.9 ± 3.0 in the saffron group versus 14.2 ± 2.0 mmHg in the control group (p = 0.175). None of the patients experienced side effects during the study and wash-out period. CONCLUSIONS: Oral aqueous saffron extract seems to exert an ocular hypotensive effect in primary open-angle glaucoma. This effect became evident after three weeks of therapy. The current study was registered at the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) as IRCT201201278832N1

    Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework

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    This study investigates the interplay among parental support, familial legitimacy, and next-generation succession intentions in family businesses in different societal context. Building on attachment theory and insights from family business literature, the study underscores the influence of family at both the parental and societal levels in creating a nurturing environment that supports succession intentions. Using multilevel analyses, we show that a secure parental base of support empowers offspring to develop self-efficacy in participating in the family business (family business self-efficacy), which plays a central role in supporting succession intentions in family businesses. This relationship is strengthened by familial legitimacy—that is, how the societal values that surround family behaviors shape the relationships among parental support, self-efficacy in the family business, and succession intentions. The study provides a nuanced explanation for the family mechanisms and societal values that drive the succession intentions for family businesses’ next generations

    Changes in Female Sex Hormones in Patients with Intentional Drug and Chemical Poisoning

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    ABSTRACT Background: Hormonal changes as a factor influencing the emotional state of women have an important role in the incidence of suicide. The aim of this study is to investigate changes in FSH-LH, Estrogen, and Progesterone hormones in women attempting suicide by drugs and chemicals. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, women of reproductive diagnosed with drug and chemical poisoning who were hospitalized in Farshchian Hospital, Hamadan, Iran, were assessed regarding LH, FSH estrogen and progesterone hormones over a period of six months in 2011. Overall, 80 patients were studied with regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The highest rate of suicide was in the age range of 14-25 years (47 patients, 60.1%). A significant relationship was observed among the blood levels of hormones FSH, LH, progesterone, and estrogen. The association of hormone levels and LMP and attempted suicide was significant. The LH level was significantly lower in patients with substance abuse. The estrogen level was significantly lower in patients with the history of self-injury. Most patients (67.5%) were in the follicular phase which was statistically significant. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, there was a significant relationship between the levels of different hormones. The significant relationship was positive in some cases but negative in other

    The Role of Natural of AntisenseTranscription HAGLR,LCMT1AS, NAV2AS5,TSIX in Breast Cancer

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     IncRNAs(الرناالطويلة غير المشفرة)  لها وظائف الجزيئية والخلوية الهامة والنسخ الطبيعية المضادة(NATs)  هي مكملة للبروتينات المشفرة او غير المشفرة. والقاعده الناتيروجينيه لـ  RNAلها اهميه في اظهار الجينات.، والتي لقيت اهتماما كبيرا  في السنوات الأخيرة لأهميتها التشخيصية والعلاجية ،وان أي خلل في وظيفيتها يؤدي إلى أمراض بما في ذلك السرطان. الهدف: الغرض من  البحث هي اكتشاف دور واهميهّ  االجيناتlncNATsTSIX, HAGLR, LMCT1AS NAV2AS5  في عمليهّ تكوين الأورام  في سرطان الثدي.  Background: lncRNAs (longnon-codingRNAs), has various important molecular and cellular functions and natural antisense transcripts (NATs), complementary to protein-coding or non-coding. RNA sequences are important regulators of gene expression drew great attention in recent years to uncover their importance for diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic purposes; and their dysfunctions lead to diseases including cancer. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate important roles of lncRNA TSIX, HAGLR, LMCT1AS and NAV2AS5 genes in several tumorigenic processes in breast cancer. Materials and methods: In this study, we used ATCC normal cell lines (CRL4010,CRL8798) and cancer cell lines (MCF7,MDA-MB231,CRL2329) that subjected. To examine through RNA isolation,cDNA conversion, semiquantitative (by agarose gel and ImageJ program) and quantitative RT-PCR for gene expression analyses. Results: Our results have been shown that TSIX, HAGLR, LMCT1AS, and NAV2AS5 genes have differential expression pattern in both normal and breast cancer cell lines. Conclusion: from the data of our results we concluded that these genes have an important role in biological processes of breast cancer, in addition, to their importance in the treatment and therapeutic purposes. &nbsp