28 research outputs found

    Foetal macrosomia — incidence, determinants and neonatal outcomes: 10-years retrospective review, 2010–2019

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    Objectives: Prevalence of macrosomia differs worldwide according to studied population and has been variable over last few decades. The objective of the study was to determine the trends in incidence and clinical characteristics of infants with macrosomia born in two diverse Polish neonatal centres from 2010–2019. Material and methods: Trends in the incidence of macrosomia, maternal age, delivery mode and neonatal complications were analysed over a 10 year period based on birth medical records. Results: The total number of 43 165 term neonates were analysed with macrosomia incidence of 16.63% (n = 7179). The prevalence of macrosomia was stable from 2010–2019 irrespectively of referentiality and geographical area. Mean maternal age increased over the decade with higher age of mothers of macrosomic neonates. Recognizability of gestation diabetes among pregnant women increased from 9.61% in 2010 to 15.27% in 2019 and it was comparable in mothers of macrosomic infants. The percentage of caesarean sections was higher in macrosomic neonates and gradually increased over last decade. The highest percentage of birth injuries was observed in the first grade of macrosomia (4000–4499 g). The number of neonatal complications including lower Apgar score, respiratory and cardiology symptoms correlated with severity of macrosomia, with highest morbidity in children above 5000 g. Conclusions: The prevalence of macrosomia in the studied cohort remained invariable over the last decade. Macrosomia is associated with an increased rate of caesarean sections, higher maternal age and increased neonatal morbidity. A higher macrosomia grade is related to a worse neonatal outcome. Further studies on other risk factors of macrosomia are needed

    Extremely Preterm Infant Admissions Within the SafeBoosC-III Consortium During the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Objective: To evaluate if the number of admitted extremely preterm (EP) infants (born before 28 weeks of gestational age) differed in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) of the SafeBoosC-III consortium during the global lockdown when compared to the corresponding time period in 2019. Design: This is a retrospective, observational study. Forty-six out of 79 NICUs (58%) from 17 countries participated. Principal investigators were asked to report the following information: (1) Total number of EP infant admissions to their NICU in the 3 months where the lockdown restrictions were most rigorous during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) Similar EP infant admissions in the corresponding 3 months of 2019, (3) the level of local restrictions during the lockdown period, and (4) the local impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the everyday life of a pregnant woman. Results: The number of EP infant admissions during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was 428 compared to 457 in the corresponding 3 months in 2019 (−6.6%, 95% CI −18.2 to +7.1%, p = 0.33). There were no statistically significant differences within individual geographic regions and no significant association between the level of lockdown restrictions and difference in the number of EP infant admissions. A post-hoc analysis based on data from the 46 NICUs found a decrease of 10.3%in the total number of NICU admissions (n = 7,499 in 2020 vs. n = 8,362 in 2019). Conclusion: This ad hoc study did not confirm previous reports of a major reduction in the number of extremely pretermbirths during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrial.gov, identifier: NCT04527601 (registered August 26, 2020), https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04527601


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    Aim. Assessment of quality of life of children, adolescents and adults suffering from cystic fibrosis and of their parents.Methods. Examination involved 23 persons (16 patients and 7 parents). Questionnaires CDQ-12-13, CFQ-14 and CFQ-6-13 were used as research tools.Results. Children between 12 and 13 years old, as well as young adults and adolescents ranked their physical aptitude and their food-related behaviours as highest, and the appearance of their bodies as lowest. Parents, on the other hand, assessed eating as a difficult effort for their children. A decisive majority of the parents claimed, that everyday therapy was time-consuming, yet fulfilling the therapy recommendations was not intensely difficult for the child. Also for adolescents and young adults, only minimally do the limitations resulting from a prolonged systematic therapy obstruct everyday life.Conclusion. The assessment of quality of life of children suffering from cystic fibrosis is varied. The highest patients' quality of life assessment is found in schoolchildren aged 12 to 13. Patients assess their body image as very poor.Cel. Ocena jakości życia wśród dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych chorych na mukowiscydozę oraz ich rodziców.Metody. Badaniu poddano 23 osoby (16 chorych i 7 rodziców). Jako narzędzia badawcze wykorzystano kwestionariusze CFQ-12-13, CFQ-14 + oraz CFQ- 6-13.Wyniki. Dzieci w wieku 12-13 lat oraz młodzi dorośli i młodzież powyżej 14 lat najwyżej ocenili funkcjonowanie fizyczne oraz zachowania związane z jedzeniem a najniżej wygląd własnego ciała. Natomiast rodzice najwyżej ocenili stan emocjonalny, a najniżej zakres dotyczący masy ciała chorego dziecka. Wśród chorych na mukowiscydozę problemy związane z jedzeniem występują sporadycznie. Natomiast większość rodziców chorych dzieci ocenia, że jedzenie jest dla dzieci trudne. Zdecydowana większość rodziców stwierdza, że codzienna terapia jest czasochłonna, jednak stosowanie się do zaleceń terapeutycznych nie sprawia dziecku dużych trudności. Także dla młodzieży i młodych dorosłych ograniczenia związane z przewlekłym i systematycznym leczeniem w niewielkim stopniu utrudniają życie codzienne.Wnioski. Ocena jakości życia dzieci z mukowiscydozą jest zróżnicowana. Najwyższa ogólna ocean jakości życia wśród chorych występuje w grupie dzieci szkolnych w wieku 12-13 lat. Chorzy bardzo nisko oceniają wygląd własnego ciała


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    Introduction. Children's pain is often undiagnosed and wrongly treated. The skill of diagnostics and counteraction of long-lasting pains is an extremely important element in the work of nursing staff. The knowledge of rules of estimation and treatment of the pain in children is a basis of individualized care-giving for patient.The purpose of the research is to estimate the knowledge of the nurses working in pediatric wards in the fields of diagnostics, estimation and treatments of pain in children.Material and methods. Evaluation based on questionnaires filled out by 68 nurses working in neonatal, pediatric and pediatric surgery wards was conducted.Results. Research shows that 79% of respondents - nurses, working in pediatric wards know the estimation scales of pain in children, and 59% of persons use the evaluation tools of pain experiences in their professional job. The results show that nurses possess a good knowledge about non pharmacological treatment of pain, which was on a better level than their knowledge about pharmacological treatment. 82% of respondents consider non pharmacological methods of treatment to be effective. 74% of respondents confirm the use of pharmacological and non pharmacological methods of pain alleviation in their professional job. 42% of nurses estimate their knowledge about treatment of pain as good.Conclusions:• Knowledge of nurses working in pediatric wards concerning estimation of pain experiences in children is not sufficient.• The level of nurses' knowledge concerning non pharmacological pain alleviation methods is average, but at the same time higher than knowledge concerning pharmacological pain alleviation methods.• Main factors determining pediatric nurses' knowledge about pain treatments in children are: their education, their practice in-service and their participation in additional trainings for pain alleviation.Wstęp. Ból u noworodka i małego dziecka jest często nie rozpoznawany i źle leczony. Umiejętność rozpoznawania, przeciwdziałania i leczenia bólu jest niezmiernie ważnym elementem pracy personelu pielęgniarskiego. Znajomość zasad oceny i leczenia bólu u dzieci jest podstawą w zindywidualizowanej opiece świadczonej na rzecz pacjenta.Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach pediatrycznych w zakresie rozpoznawania, oceny i leczenia doznań bólowych u dzieci.Materiał i metody. Badanie ankietowe przeprowadzono w grupie 68 pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach pediatrycznych, neonatologicznych i chirurgii dziecięcejWyniki:. 79% respondentów- pielęgniarek, pracujących w oddziałach pediatrycznych zna skale oceny bólu u dzieci, a 59% osób wykorzystuje narzędzia oceny doznań bólowych w pracy zawodowej. Ponadto wykazano, że wiedza ogólna badanych w zakresie metod farmakologicznego leczenia bólu jest istotnie mniejsza niż wiedza w zakresie niefarmakologicznych metod uśmierzania bólu. 82% badanych uważa niefarmakologiczne metody leczenia za skuteczne. 74% badanych potwierdza, że w pracy zawodowej stosuje farmakologiczne i niefarmakologiczne metody leczenia bólu. 42% badanych ocenia swoją wiedzę na temat leczenia bólu jako dobrą.Wnioski:• Wiedza pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach pediatrycznych w zakresie oceny doznań bólowych u dzieci jest niewystarczająca.• Stan wiedzy pielęgniarek w zakresie niefarmakologicznych metod leczenia jest średni i jednocześnie lepszy od stanu wiedzy pielęgniarek w zakresie farmakologicznych metod leczenia bólu u dzieci.• Głównymi czynnikami determinującymi stan wiedzy pielęgniarek pediatrycznych w zakresie leczenia bólu u dzieci są wykształcenie, staż pracy oraz uczestnictwo w szkoleniach na temat bólu