23 research outputs found

    Effect of Chemical Soil Properties on the Growth of Cajuput (Melaleuca Leucadendron (L.) Linnaeus) Stand

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    Soil chemical properties play important roles to support plant growth. It determines the nutrient availability which is required by the plant. This study aimed to identify the influence of soil chemical properties on cajuput stand growth. It was conducted in Forest Resort Gubugrubuh, Gunungkidul District. Data collection was undertaken in 3 sites that became the priority sites of cajuput establishment, namely site 75, site 78, and site 80. It was divided into soil sample collection and cajuput stand measurement. The soil sample was collected from surface layer at depth of 0-15 cm. Afterward, it was tested in the laboratory for soil pH, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, total potassium, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The measurement of cajuput stand was carried out by N-trees sampling. The variable of the stand was described by diameter and basal area. Comparison of soil chemical properties and cajuput stand growth from each site were analyzed using One Way ANOVA (α=0.05) followed by HSD Tukey (α=0.05). Furthermore, we used Stepwise Regression (α=0.05) to identify the influence of soil chemical properties on cajuput stand growth. The results showed that total nitrogen was the only soil chemical parameter that was significantly different between sites (p<0.05). However, the growth of cajuput stands was not significantly different between sites (p<0.05). This study found that available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity had clearly influenced on diameter and basal area

    Perkembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan Di Provinsi Lampung (Progress of Community Forest in Lampung Province)

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    Community Forest (HKm) in Lampung Province has to be 14 years of age with its dynamics on implementation. Studies on HKm progres is needed. The study aimed is to know progress of HKm especially distribution, problem and expectation condition. The study was conducted in September to December 2014 in Lampung Province. Data was collected using open ended and semi-structured questionnaire interview and direct observation. Information of HKm distribution obtained through survey and identification of districts in Lampung Province. Problem faced and expectation condition on implementation of HKm were collected through interview with farmer groups and national, provincial or district forestry offices and meeting/socialization about HKm. Data was analyzed using a fishbone diagram and descriptive. The results showed that HKm is a solution on problem of forest management conflict, community around the forest have very high dependence upon the forest, its caused forest conversion in Lampung Province. HKm (licence issues for community forest/IUPHKm, determination of community forest working area/PAK) in Lampung Province distributed on 9 of 15 districts. The main problems on HKm implementation was limited of budget support.. HKm is not a priority program so coaching and mentoring are not maximum. Development of farmer groups, land, and entrepreneurship are keys for increase of local welfare and to maintain the wholeness of forest and their functions

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Struktur Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Hutan Tanaman Jati Bertumbuhan Ketela Pohon Di KPH Ngawi, Jawa Timur

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    The existence of Cassava under the Teak stand, in Ngawi Forest District, have change the undergrowth species composition and their ecological structure. Based on the research results of the different age class of teak plantation forest (II – V) could be concluded that the species composition of undergrowth tend to decrease either species number or individual number of each species. Only 4 species from 21 species of undergrowth that were found in all of the research compartments those are Hoplismenus burmani, Clitoria ternatea, Eupatorium odoratum and Synedrela nudiflora; and their distribution were horizontally aggregated. For vertical structure of the undergrowth community were not different for each compartment with Cassava. The nutrients rate information of the soil under teak stand with cassava showed low enough

    Konservasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Jawa Di Kebub Raya Baturraden Di Kawasan Bekas Hutan Produksi Terbatas

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    Managing Baturraden Botanical Garden in the Limited Production Forest Area can cause problems of surface run off if the location is not handled conservatively. This study aims to overcome the problem of ecosystem changes of the homogeneous Limited Production Forest to become Baturraden Botanical Garden which is heterogeneous forest by making PU (sample plots) in the utilization zone of 77.4 hectares in breadth, a total of 109 PU (sample plots) with a size of 20x20 m, intensity of 5.5, the distance between PU\u27s 1, 3 m. The parameters taken into consideration, as a result of observation, are the height of land between 1076-760 above sea level, land slope between 30⁰ 12⁰, land depth <85 cm - 90 <, soil erodibility 0.43, Brown Latosol soil type and an average rainfall of 5,600 mm per year. From the observation of Baturraden Botanical Garden area, it was observed that land surface run off processes easily occur. To overcome and change the ecosystem of the forest, from homogeneous to heterogeneous: (1) thinning should be phased in accordance to the land to be managed, (2) with the condition of very tight tree stands to be felled, lighting felling or thinning should be done without exposing the land considering the rainfall average of 5,600 mm per year. (3) In certain locations that are prone to erosion terracing must be made to reduce the occurrence of surface run-off. Key words: Botanical Garden, limited production forest, surface run-off, ecosystem. Cara sitasi: Mandiriati, H., Marsono, D., Poedjirahajoe, E., Sadono, R. (2016). Konservasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Jawa di Kebub Raya Baturraden di Kawasan Bekas Hutan Produksi Terbatas. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 14(1),33-38, doi:10.14710/jil.14.1.33-3

    Komunikasi Partisipatif Kelompok Sadar Wisata Dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    One of the uniqueness ancient volcano attractions in Gunung Kidul is located in the village of Nglanggeran which composed of old volcanic material, geologically very unique and high scientific value. Participatory communication has the principle of horizontal communication to encourage community participation through dialogue. Tourism Awareness Group Formation (Pokdarwis) begins with the dialogue process by young people who have a common vision in developing the natural potential Nglanggeran ancient volcano. The purposes of this study are: 1. Describe the participatory communication of Pokdarwis; 2. Analyze the relationship between individual characteristics, the credibility of the facilitator, the institutional support and participatory communication; and 3. Analyze the relationship between participatory communication of Pokdarwis and the management of Nglanggeran ancient volcano. This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study conclude that :1) Pokdarwis able to receive new information properly, higher knowledge, and highly motivated. Honesty, expertise, attractiveness and familiarity of facilitators able to support better tourism management. Capital, facilities and infrastructures have sufficiently enough to support tourist management activities; 2) There is significant and positive relationship between individual characteristics, facilitator's credibility, institutional support and the participatory communication and 3) There is significant and positive relationship between tourism management and participatory communication.Key Words : participatory communication, pokdarwis, facilitator, ancient volcano, gunung kidu

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Berkayu pada Plot Monitoring Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Manokwari

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    Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Gunung Meja Manokwari memiliki keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan berkayu yang tinggi dengan keunikan spesies yang berbeda dengan spesies di daerah lainnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan berkayu pada plot monitoring biodiversitas flora TWA Gunung Meja. Penelitian ini dilakukan di plot monitoring biodiversitas flora TWA Gunung Meja seluas 25 ha pada plot yang dibuat tahun 2005, 2006 dan 2008. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik observasi. Hasil penelitian pada plot monitoring biodiversitas flora menunjukan bahwa tumbuhan berkayu terdiri dari 134 jenis dan 39 famili untuk tingkat semai, 162 jenis dan 47 famili tingkat pancang, 169 jenis dan 38 famili tingkat tiang, 148 jenis dan 34 famili tingkat pohon. Dominansi jenis pada fase semai adalah Pometia coreacea, fase pancang jenis Aglaia odorata, fase tiang jenis Medusanthera laxiflora dan fase pohon jenis Pometia coreacea. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis pada setiap fase pertumbuhan tinggi, yaitu fase semai 3,8064, fase pancang 4,4828, fase tiang 4,3044 dan fase pohon 4,2270.&nbsp

    Model Pengelolaan Hasil Hutan Kayu oleh Masyarakat Adat: Studi Kasus Pemilik Hak Ulayat di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni

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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan oleh masyarakat adat pemilik hak ulayat dalam rangka peningkatan perekonomian merupakan implementasi Otonomi khusus Papua. Dengan besaran kompensasi berkisar Rp.200.000 - Rp.300.000/m3 oleh IUPHHK kepada masyarakat adat berdasarkan negosiasi. Pemanfaatan olahan kayu digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sebagai bahan bangunan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pengelolaan hasil hutan kayu oleh masyarakat pemilik hak ulayat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model pengelolaan hasil hutan kayu oleh masyarakat adat (marga Sayori) masih sangat sederhana. Keterlibatan masyarakat pemilik hak ulayat dalam proses pengolahan kayu sangat kecil, hanya terbatas pada pemberian hak pengelolaannya kepada pemilik modal. Pemilik hak ulayat hanya menerima konpensasi berdasarkan kubikasi hasil olahan kayu yang dilakukan oleh pemilik modal

    Soil chemical properties influences on the growth performance of Eucalyptus urophylla planted in dryland ecosystems, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Understanding the relationship between soil chemical characteristics and forest productivity is importantly required to support sustainable forest management, mainly in eucalyptus plantation. This study investigated the influence of soil chemical properties on the growth performance of Eucalyptus urophylla, which established in dryland ecosystems, East Nusa Tenggara. Forest inventory was undertaken by N-trees sampling in the priority locations for E. urophylla development, located in Buat, Fatukoto1, and Fatukoto2. Four parameters were selected to describe the growth performance of E. urophylla, comprising diameter, height, volume, and mean annual increment. In each sampling point, a soil sample was collected at the depths of 0-10, 11-20, and 21-30 cm. Then, the sample was composited before brought to the laboratory for quality analysis. Six parameters were selected to quantify the soil chemical characteristics, namely soil acidity (pH), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (Av-P), exchangeable potassium (Exc-K), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Results found that soil chemical properties from three locations were significantly different in pH, SOC, Av-P, and CEC. However, this study recorded the content of TN and Exc-K were statistically equal among the three sites. Difference soil chemical properties were also followed by the variation growth of E. urophylla, particularly in diameter and height. The highest volume of eucalyptus stand was observed in Fatukoto1 (181.06+95.46 m3 ha-1), followed by Buat (142.67+27.19 m3 ha-1) and FatukotoII (99.09+62.46 m3 ha-1). There were four soil parameters that meaningfully affected the growth performance of E. urophylla, i.e. pH, Av-P, Exc-K, and CEC. Among those parameters, Av-P demonstrated a consistent effect on the growth performance of E. urophylla. According to these findings, this study concluded that Av-P substantially provided higher effect on the growth performance of E. urophylla than other soil chemical parameters. © 2021 IRC-MEDMIND. All rights reserved