7 research outputs found

    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bantul, Jogyakarta, Indonesia

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    An epidemiological investigation of DHF outbreak was done from November to Desember 1976 in Bantul, which is an agricultural district located 25 kilometers south east Jogjakarta, Central Jawa. One hundred and twenty six cases were studied and 97 or 73% were confirmed as dengue infecti­on, the case fatality rate was 3.1%. The median age was 7 years and male to female ratio was 1:1.8. Clinically the observed cases ranged in severity from undifferentiated fever to shock and death. Dengue type, 1, 3 and 4 were isolated but dengue 3 was the predominant virus with 60% (27) isolates. Dengue type 1 and 4 were isolated also in equal numbers. Both A. Aegypti and A. albopictus showed a diversity of breeding habitats. While A. aegypti preferred the large cement tans and A. Albopictus cut bamboo stumps, there was considerable overlapping many breeding sites were shared by the 2 species

    Analisis Jaringan Komunikasi Kelompok Tani dalam Penerapan Budi Daya Padi Metode System Of Rice Intensification (Sri)

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    Kegiatan pertanian sangat bergantung dengan informasi dalam berbagai bentuk. Kajian terkait dengan arus informasi, hubungan relasi antarindividu, dan pola interaksi dalam kelompok tani yang terkait dengan budi daya padi metode system of rice intensification (SRI) dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis jaringan komunikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk menganalisis struktur jaringan komunikasi dalam kelompok tani, (2) untuk menganalisis hubungan antara jaringan komunikasi dengan penerapan budi daya padi metode SRI. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelompok tani Sekar Arum dan kelompok tani Sumber Urip di Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini memiliki 74 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode intact sampling, yaitu mengambil seluruh individu yang termasuk di dalam sistem sebagai sampel. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan free recall method yaitu metode analisis jaringan komunikasi, yang merumuskan pertanyaan dalam kuesioner dengan daftar nama. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) struktur jaringan komunikasi yang terbentuk pada dua kelompok tani adalah interlocking network dan star, (2) terdapat korelasi positif antara out-degree centrality dan closeness dengan penerapan budi daya padi metode SRI


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    An epidemiological investigation of DHF outbreak was done from November to Desember 1976 in Bantul, which is an agricultural district located 25 kilometers south east Jogjakarta, Central Jawa. One hundred and twenty six cases were studied and 97 or 73% were confirmed as dengue infecti­on, the case fatality rate was 3.1%. The median age was 7 years and male to female ratio was 1:1.8. Clinically the observed cases ranged in severity from undifferentiated fever to shock and death. Dengue type, 1, 3 and 4 were isolated but dengue 3 was the predominant virus with 60% (27) isolates. Dengue type 1 and 4 were isolated also in equal numbers. Both A. Aegypti and A. albopictus showed a diversity of breeding habitats. While A. aegypti preferred the large cement tans and A. Albopictus cut bamboo stumps, there was considerable overlapping many breeding sites were shared by the 2 species


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