74 research outputs found

    Medizinstudierende Eltern : die Dichotomie der Erfahrungswelten

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    Einleitung: In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird die persönliche Studien- und Lebenssituation von Studierenden mit Kindern am Fachbereich Medizin der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt am Main beleuchtet. Der spezielle Fokus liegt auf den Themen "Studium mit Kind" sowie "familiengerechte Hochschule", welche in Deutschland in der letzten Dekade sehr prĂ€sent sowohl in der Hochschulforschung als auch im akademischen Alltag sind. Hier versucht die Arbeitsstelle "Individuelle Studienbegleitung" am FB Medizin der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t durch ein neues Beratungs- und Servicekonzept mit wissenschaftlicher Begleitforschung den individuellen StudienverlĂ€ufen gerecht zu werden und den Studienerfolg zu fördern. Methoden: In erster Linie stammen die hier beschriebenen Erfahrungen der Medizinstudierenden mit Kind aus qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews (Stand April 2010), die im Rahmen des Modellprojektes Teilzeitstudium Medizin durchgefĂŒhrt wurden. ErgĂ€nzend wurden die Studienergebnisse des Fachbereichs Medizin der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt am Main herangezogen und eine Literaturanalyse einbezogen. Ergebnisse: Als Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass die bereits seit mehreren Jahren erhobenen Forderungen und gewĂŒnschten UnterstĂŒtzungsleistungen zwar zum Teil umgesetzt, aber noch nicht ausreichend an allen Fachbereichen implementiert wurden. Somit ist die aktuelle Situation von Studierenden mit Kindern in der Medizin nach wie vor schwierig und stellt fĂŒr alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung dar. Lösungsansatz: Im Rahmen der Arbeitsstelle "Individuelle Studienbegleitung" konnte im November 2009 das "Modellprojekt Teilzeitstudium Medizin" aufgebaut werden. Nur durch neue, unkonventionelle und innovative Ideen kann man die Sicherstellung der medizinischen Ausbildung erreichen und die heutige heterogene Studierendenschaft adĂ€quat ansprechen sowie Studierende erfolgreich durch ihr Studium begleiten

    Implantation of silicon dioxide-based nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and pure phase beta-tricalciumphosphate bone substitute granules in caprine muscle tissue does not induce new bone formation

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    Background: Osteoinductive bone substitutes are defined by their ability to induce new bone formation even at heterotopic implantation sites. The present study was designed to analyze the potential osteoinductivity of two different bone substitute materials in caprine muscle tissue. Materials and methods: One gram each of either a porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (ÎČ-TCP) or an hydroxyapatite/silicon dioxide (HA/SiO2)-based nanocrystalline bone substitute material was implanted in several muscle pouches of goats. The biomaterials were explanted at 29, 91 and 181 days after implantation. Conventional histology and special histochemical stains were performed to detect osteoblast precursor cells as well as mineralized and unmineralized bone matrix. Results: Both materials underwent cellular degradation in which tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclast-like cells and TRAP-negative multinucleated giant cells were involved. The ß-TCP was completely resorbed within the observation period, whereas some granules of the HA-groups were still detectable after 180 days. Neither osteoblasts, osteoblast precursor cells nor extracellular bone matrix were found within the implantation bed of any of the analyzed biomaterials at any of the observed time points. Conclusions: This study showed that ß-TCP underwent a faster degradation than the HA-based material. The lack of osteoinductivity for both materials might be due to their granular shape, as osteoinductivity in goat muscle has been mainly attributed to cylindrical or disc-shaped bone substitute materials. This hypothesis however requires further investigation to systematically analyze various materials with comparable characteristics in the same experimental setting

    Etablierung eines klinischen Behandlungspfades zur Behandlungsoptimierung von Schluckstörungen bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren

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    Schluckstörungen sind hĂ€ufig Folge von Kopf-Hals-Tumorerkrankungen, deren PrĂ€valenz bis zu 88% aufgefĂŒhrt wird. Je frĂŒher eine Dysphagie diagnostiziert wird, desto geringer ist das Risiko fĂŒr SekundĂ€rkomplikationen, was die Anzahl "teurer" FĂ€lle senkt und den Patienten die Möglichkeit auf eine zĂŒgige Restitution von LebensqualitĂ€t bietet! Diese Fakten unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit eines klinischen Behandlungspfades, nach dem die Diagnose auf der Grundlage eines standardisierten und ĂŒberprĂŒfbaren Workflows erstellt wird. Da die zĂŒgige, optimale Behandlung von Dysphagien einen multidisziplinĂ€ren Zugang erfordert, wurde im Klinikum der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt/Main ein interdisziplinĂ€rer Arbeitskreis fĂŒr Schluckstörungen (IAS) gegrĂŒndet, der sich aus Phoniatrie, Klinik fĂŒr HNO und MKG sowie Radiologie zusammensetzt. Im Rahmen eines zweimal wöchentlich durchgefĂŒhrten Onkoboards, werden zusammen mit der Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Risikopatienten herauskristallisiert und onkologische Therapieoptionen u.a. im Hinblick auf funktionelles Outcome diskutiert. Bereits prĂ€operativ werden entsprechende Patienten phoniatrisch aufgeklĂ€rt und ihre Schluckfunktion via endoskopischer Evaluation nach Langmore-Standard (FEES) untersucht. Ein systematisches Follow-up erfolgt via FEES wenige Tage und 4–6 Wochen postoperativ sowie nach adjuvanter Therapie. Pro Woche wurden so im vergangenen Jahr ca. 3–5 Patienten wöchentlich neu erfasst und ĂŒber 80 Patienten im Verlauf untersucht und einer adĂ€quaten Therapie zugefĂŒhrt

    Endoscope-Assisted Submandibular Sialadenectomy: A Review of Outcomes, Complications, and Ethical Concerns

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    Objectives: To review outcomes and complications of endoscope-assisted submandibular sialadenectomy (EASS) and to analyze this innovative technique with regard to ethical issues. Methods: We used a systematic review study design to identify clinical studies on EASS, published in English, French, German, and Thai. The last electronic search was conducted in September 2009. We checked the bibliographies of the identified articles, relevant local journals, and congress abstracts. Publications were further assessed and assigned their respective levels of evidence. We also investigated reporting on human subject protection, conflicts of interest, funding support, and commercial relationships. Results: Five case series reporting a total of 28 patients met the inclusion criteria. There was no need of recourse to open surgery. All of the authors claimed satisfactory cosmetic results. Complications were uncommon. However, no controlled trial was available, and outcome measures varied between studies. Human subject protection and funding sources were mentioned in only 2 articles. Commercial relationships and conflicts of interest could not be identified. Conclusions: All of the reports favor outcomes of EASS. However, their level of evidence is low, and the superiority of this procedure over the conventional surgery remains unknown. The success of this procedure should not be overemphasized in information for consent and mislead surgeons to begin it without adequate training and elaborate environment. The lack of ethical documentation creates a high degree of suspicion of the studies

    Novo desenvolvimentismo e liberalismo enraizado

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    Oral rehabilitaion (!) on small substance loss cases

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    The purpose of this study consists of the identification of implantologic and prosthetic methods and techniques used in substance loss rehabilitation, associated with identifying the specific biomaterials in perfect accordance with each case particularities, without leaving aside the bone-tissue deficiency etiology. A representative number of clinical cases were selected, cases which are relevant for the chosen theme. The possibility of reconstructing the natural parameters of the edentulous alveolar ridge areas is various, starting with augmentation materials of the autogenous and heterograft type biomaterials(Bio-Oss, Grafton, Cerasorb si MBCP) including the mixing of these two types of biomaterials, and going to epitheses, which are the best choise for complex substance loss

    Computer-assisted analysis of human upper arm flexion by 4D-visualization based on MRI

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    4D-visualization of the human upper arm based on sequential or dynamic MRI may be useful in functional orthopedic disorders and surgical planning. A cascade of 4D-visualization approaches have been applied including deformation of the soft tissue surfaces and muscular contraction. Skeletal structures and the epifascial tissue comprising vascular structures are included in the 4D-visualization

    Radiographic outcomes following lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using autogenous tooth roots

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    Background: To assess and compare the radiographic outcomes following lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using autogenous tooth roots (TR) and autogenous bone (AB) blocks. Methods: In a total of 30 patients, lateral ridge augmentation was conducted in parallel groups using either (1) healthy autogenous tooth roots (e.g., retained wisdom or impacted teeth) (n = 15) or (2) cortical autogenous bone blocks harvested from the retromolar area. Cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) scans taken at 26 weeks of submerged healing were analyzed for the basal graft integration (i.e., contact between the graft and the host bone in %) (BI26) and the cross-sectional grafted area (mm2) (SA26). Results: Both groups revealed a comparable clinical width of the alveolar ridge at baseline (CWb). Mean BI26 and SA26 values amounted to 69.26 ± 26.01% (median 72.44) and 22.07 ± 12.98 mm2 (median 18.83) in the TR group and 79.67 ± 15.66% (median 78.85) and 12.42 ± 10.11 mm2 (median 11.36) in the AB group, respectively. Between-group differences in mean SA26 values were statistically significant (p = 0.031). Linear regression analysis failed to reveal any significant correlations between BI26 and CWb/SA26 values in either group. Conclusions: TR grafts may be associated with improved SA26 values following lateral alveolar ridge augmentation. Trial registration: DRKS00009586. Registered 10 February 2016

    Surface roughness and necessity of manual refinishing requirements of CAD/CAM-manufactured titanium and cobalt-chrome bars – a pilot study

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    Background: Due to their increased precision, CAD/CAM generated bars (Computer-Aided Design/ Computer-Aided Manufacturing) are increasingly utilized in implant prosthodontics. For optimal clinical results, surface morphology should promote the integration of soft tissue while minimizing plaque and bacterial retention. Objective: Despite their clinical use, only limited information on the biological and clinical surface quality of CAD/CAM milled bars is available. The aim of the study was therefore to characterize the surface topography of bars of different manufacturers based on the profilometric analysis and the need for manual post-processing in the laboratory. Methods: A custom mandibular edentulous cast with four anterior implants was used as a reference cast and reproduced eight times. On each reproduction cast, corresponding scan flags were positioned and digitized. Acrylic 3D printed bar frameworks were produced and sent to the respective production center along with the digital files of the CAD bars for milling. In the course of profilometric analysis, all bars were examined in three critical Regions of Interest (ROI): Transmucosal, labial, basal. Sa and Ra values of each construction were determined. To evaluate the necessary refinishing time eight dental technicians macroscopically evaluated the bars by performing a subjective visual inspection. Kruskal-Wallis H-tests and Tukey and Kramer's post hoc tests were applied to detect differences between the samples. Results: After profilometric examination, three specimens (Dentsply Sirona: ZDC; Straumann: ZST; CAMLOG: ZCC) demonstrated surface roughness values in the biological acceptable range (Sa 0.2-0.4 ÎŒm) in the transmucosal region and provided optimal conditions for a reliable soft tissue adaptation. The Ra measurements revealed values beyond the acceptable threshold in the transmucosal region for three bars (Straumann: ZST; Dentsply Sirona: ZDC; Amann Girrbach: LAC). Four bars (LAC: Amann Girrbach; ZBC: BEGO; Datron: LDC & LDT; Zirkonzahn: ZZC) needed undesirable extensive manual rework. The evaluation of quality and time for manual post-processing by dental technicians confirmed the measurement-based ranking of the bars. Conclusion: It is desirable to define a clear roughness threshold for the clinical acceptance of transmucosal CAD/CAM generated surfaces. Clinical studies with profilometric data could help to further improve the surface quality of CAD/CAM milled bars and reduce the need for manual reworking time and effort
