12 research outputs found


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    IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI PATOGEN PENYEBAB PENYAKIT PURPLE SYNDROME PADA KARANG FUNGIA DI PULAU HARI SULAWESI TENGGARA Nowadays coral disease is one of the causes of damage to coral reefs in Indonesia. Causative agents were found for some types of coral disease. This study aims to identify the type of pathogenic bacteria that cause purple syndrome which attacks Fungia corals. The study was conducted using descriptive exploratory methods. Corals infected with purple syndrome were collected on Pulau Hari, Southeast Sulawesi, through scuba diving. Then, microbiological analysis was carried out which included isolation using the scatter method, purification using a scratch method, a challenge test (antagonistic), a Koch Postulate test, and DNA analysis of putative bacterial isolates. Results showed that 5 bacterial isolates lived in symbiosis with the corals infected with purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, and PSMH5). Based on the Koch postulate test, 2 bacterial isolates which were pathogenic were obtained, namely PSHM2 and PSHM4 isolates. These bacteria infected the test corals with the characteristics of coral skeleton damage and coral bleaching (dead). Based on biomolecular testing, the two isolates were members of Enterobacter cloacae with a 99% similarity level.Keywords: Coral disease; Enterobacter cloacae; Fungia coral; Hari island; Purple syndromeABSTRAKSaat ini penyakit karang menjadi salah satu penyebab kerusakan terumbu karang di Indonesia. Penyebab pembawa untuk beberapa jenis penyakit karang sudah ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis bakteri patogen penyebab penyakit purple syndrome yang menyerang karang Fungia. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Sampel karang yang terinfeksi purple syndrome diambil di Pulau Hari, Sulawesi Tenggara, melalui scuba diving. Selanjutnya, analisis mikrobiologi dilakukan yang meliputi isolasi menggunakan metode sebar, purifikasi menggunakan metode gores, uji tantang (antagonistik), uji Postulat Koch, dan analisa DNA isolat bakteri yang diduga bersifat patogen. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 isolat bakteri yang bersimbiosis dengan karang yang terinfeksi penyakit purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, dan PSMH5). Berdasarkan uji postulat Koch, 2 isolat bakteri yang bersifat patogen didapatkan, yaitu isolat PSHM2 dan PSHM4. Bakteri tersebut menginfeksi karang uji dengan ciri kerusakan skeleton karang dan pemutihan karang (mati). Berdasarkan uji biomolekuler kedua isolat tersebut merupakan anggota Enterobacter cloacae dengan tingkat kemiripan 99%

    Potensi Keanekaragaman Jenis dan Sebaran Spons di Perairan Pulau Saponda Laut Kabupaten Konawe

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    Penelitian potensi keanekaragaman jenis dan sebaran spons di Perairan Pulau Saponda Laut Kabupaten Konawe dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui biodiversitas, kepadatan, frekuensi kemunculan, dan sebaran jenis spons berdasarkan kedalaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek sabuk (belt transek) dengan ukuran 500m­­2. Pengamatan dilakukan di tiga titik stasiun penelitian yang diambil berdasarkan keberadaan spons. Kepadatan berturut-turut didapatkan sebesar 0,5 ind/10m2 (Utara), 0,3 ind/10m2 (Selatan), dan 0,2 ind/10m2 (Timur). Frekuensi kemunculan tertinggi didapat pada spons jenis Stylotella sp. yang tersebar di kedalaman 2, 4 dan 9 m di semua titik stasiun penelitian. Jumlah species spons yang ditemukan di Perairan Pulau Saponda Laut sebanyak 12 species yang masuk dalam 10 family 9 ordo. Secara umum index keanekaragaman spons di lokasi penelitian masuk dalam kategori sedang


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    Objective: This study aims to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of the ethanolic extract of Callyspongia sp. using stabilization of the human red blood cell (HRBC) membrane method and its acute toxicity using brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) method. Methods: Callyspongia sp. was macerated with 96% ethanol. Extract characterized and screened for the secondary metabolite. Anti-inflammatory activity by stabilization of the HRBC membrane method with a varied dose of 50 ppm; 100 ppm; 200 ppm; 400 ppm; 800 ppm; 1600 ppm; and 3200 ppm. Solutions observed using a photometer to describing stability and ability in preventing membranes hemolytic and statistically analyzed using SPSS. Acute toxicity carried out by the BSLT method and analyzed using Minitab®ver. 17.2.1. Results: The phytochemical screening was indicating that Callyspongia sp. contains flavonoid, alkaloid, and terpenoid. The results of the anti-inflammatory activity test showed that the percentage value of stability and hemolysis of extracts with doses of 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, and 3200 ppm were 55% and 45%, 63% and 37%, 70% and 30%, 74% and 26%, 80% and 20%, 87% and 13%, and 97% and 3%, respectively. It showed that extract of sponge Callyspongia sp. in all varied dose has activity in stabilizing the HRBC membrane thus can be potential as an anti-inflammatory. The results of acute toxicity assay showed that the value of LC50 was 1281.45 μg/ml and categorized as nontoxic to Artemia salina Leach. Conclusion: Various concentrations of Callyspongia sp. effective as an anti-inflammatory in stabilizing HRBC, and categorized as safe

    Preparation and Characterization of Ethanol Extract of Spons Xestospongia sp.

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    Background: Xestospongia sp. is a species of the Demospongiae class that can be used as a medicinal substance. Xestospongia sp is known to have various activities such as anticancer, antibiotic, anti-fungal, cardiotonic, and antimalarial. One of the ways to make the formulation of natural ingredients is the phytosome vesicle technique. This method can be used to increase the penetration of compounds through cell membranes, increase their absorption and increase its bioavailability in the body. Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain the optimum phytosome composition in the ethanol extract of Xestospongia sp. and phosphatidylcholine with approprite vesicle characteristics. Methods: The preparation was carried out by varying the extract and phosphatidylcholine with a thin layer hydration method at a ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, and 2:2 and and phytosome characterization was carried out in each of these formulas to obtain the optimal formula. Results: In this study, the optimum phytosome formula has met the criteria based on morphological test parameters using an optical microscope obtained by spherical morphology, stability of physical appearance observations stored at 2oC-8oC ± 1oC temperature, pH measurement using a pH meter obtained a pH value of 4.20, and particle size determination using the Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) obtained a particle size of 180.6 nm and particle distribution value (IP) of 0.133. Conclusion: Composition of the optimum phytosome formula in the ratio of extract and phosphatidylcholine 1: 1 with the LUV phytosome category (Large Unilamellar Vesicle

    Study In-vitro and in-silico of ethylacetate extract and fractions of soft coral Lobophytum sp. towards Artemia salina Brine Shrim (BSLT)

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    The article aims to describe the findings of chemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Lobophytum sp. from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ethylacetate extract was fractionated by Vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). Toxicity was evaluated by BSLT test, and the phytochemical screening and LCMSMS method were used to determine the chemical composition and molecular docking for in-silico study. The results showed that the ethylacetate extract was produced seven fractions namely Fraction A-G. The weight of each fraction was A (12.8% w/w), B (9.7%), C (10.1%), D (2.0%), E (7.0%), F (25, 3%) and G (11.5%). The toxicity potency of Fraction B is the most toxic with LC50 (mg/L) 26.70 ± 0.58. LCMSMS data indicated that the fraction B contains 19L-glukocyl-14-deoxy-11,12-didehydrographoside, 3-isoazmalicine, abietraticine, arachidonic acid, neociwujiaphenol, oxyphyliacinol, saurufuran B and some unidentified compounds with molecular formulas C37H46O7, C35H44O5, and C20H26O2. Based on computational simulations, Ar-Abietatriene and 3-Isoajmalicine have the potential to inhibit CDK-6. These compounds hinder the progression of the cell cycle and the proliferation of cancer cells by forming molecular interactions with residues Ile19, Val27, Ala41, Val77, Phe98, Val101, Leu152, and Ala162. This suggests their potential as anticancer agents. Thus, Fraction B can be continued for the anticancer evaluation

    Assessing long-term coral reef degradation in Indonesia's Tiworo strait marine conservation area using remote sensing and rapid appraisal for fisheries approaches

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    In Indonesia, the coral reef ecosystem in the Tiworo Strait Conservation Area (TSCA) faces various threats of natural and anthropogenic stressors that can damage the coral reef ecosystem's role and services. We analyzed changes in coral reef habitat at TSCA over the 25 years from 1994 to 2019 using multi-temporal and multi-sensor satellite imagery data combined with in-situ measurement data and social surveys. Our results show a decrease in live coral cover from 78.30 ha in 1994 to 8.01 ha in 2019, with a 2.81 ha/year degradation rate. Our analysis of 37 threat attributes shows that the TSCA coral reef ecosystem faces a high threat to very high threat levels. Threat scores for coral reefs assessed as facing severe conditions according to threat indices included contributions from the ecological dimension (16.87 = very high threat), economic dimension (31.00 = high threat), social dimension (34.83 = high threat), technological dimension (41.10 = high threat), and law and institutional dimension (26.83 = high threat). Coral reefs will undoubtedly go extinct if local threats continue without preventative measures. Therefore, the sustainability of coral reefs in the TSCA-one of the most important marine conservation sites in the Coral Triangle Marine Eco-region should be the primary priority for all stakeholders. Appropriate policies and supervision in the field must be carried out rigorously and measurably, implementing the analyzed set of strategies

    Study In-vitro and in-silico of ethylacetate extract and fractions of soft coral

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    The article aims to describe the findings of chemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Lobophytum sp. from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ethylacetate extract was fractionated by Vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). Toxicity was evaluated by BSLT test, and the phytochemical screening and LCMSMS method were used to determine the chemical composition and molecular docking for in-silico study. The results showed that the ethylacetate extract was produced seven fractions namely Fraction A-G. The weight of each fraction was A (12.8% w/w), B (9.7%), C (10.1%), D (2.0%), E (7.0%), F (25, 3%) and G (11.5%). The toxicity potency of Fraction B is the most toxic with LC50 (mg/L) 26.70 ± 0.58. LCMSMS data indicated that the fraction B contains 19L-glukocyl-14-deoxy-11,12-didehydrographoside, 3-isoazmalicine, abietraticine, arachidonic acid, neociwujiaphenol, oxyphyliacinol, saurufuran B and some unidentified compounds with molecular formulas C37H46O7, C35H44O5, and C20H26O2. Based on computational simulations, Ar-Abietatriene and 3-Isoajmalicine have the potential to inhibit CDK-6. These compounds hinder the progression of the cell cycle and the proliferation of cancer cells by forming molecular interactions with residues Ile19, Val27, Ala41, Val77, Phe98, Val101, Leu152, and Ala162. This suggests their potential as anticancer agents. Thus, Fraction B can be continued for the anticancer evaluation

    Assessing long-term coral reef degradation in Indonesia's Tiworo strait marine conservation area using remote sensing and rapid appraisal for fisheries approaches

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    In Indonesia, the coral reef ecosystem in the Tiworo Strait Conservation Area (TSCA) faces various threats of natural and anthropogenic stressors that can damage the coral reef ecosystem's role and services. We analyzed changes in coral reef habitat at TSCA over the 25 years from 1994 to 2019 using multi-temporal and multi-sensor satellite imagery data combined with in-situ measurement data and social surveys. Our results show a decrease in live coral cover from 78.30 ha in 1994 to 8.01 ha in 2019, with a 2.81 ha/year degradation rate. Our analysis of 37 threat attributes shows that the TSCA coral reef ecosystem faces a high threat to very high threat levels. Threat scores for coral reefs assessed as facing severe conditions according to threat indices included contributions from the ecological dimension (16.87 = very high threat), economic dimension (31.00 = high threat), social dimension (34.83 = high threat), technological dimension (41.10 = high threat), and law and institutional dimension (26.83 = high threat). Coral reefs will undoubtedly go extinct if local threats continue without preventative measures. Therefore, the sustainability of coral reefs in the TSCA-one of the most important marine conservation sites in the Coral Triangle Marine Eco-region should be the primary priority for all stakeholders. Appropriate policies and supervision in the field must be carried out rigorously and measurably, implementing the analyzed set of strategies