572 research outputs found

    Least Squares Estimators for Unit Root Processes with Locally Stationary Disturbance

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    The random walk is used as a model expressing equitableness and the effectiveness of various finance phenomena. Random walk is included in unit root process which is a class of nonstationary processes. Due to its nonstationarity, the least squares estimator (LSE) of random walk does not satisfy asymptotic normality. However, it is well known that the sequence of partial sum processes of random walk weakly converges to standard Brownian motion. This result is so-called functional central limit theorem (FCLT). We can derive the limiting distribution of LSE of unit root process from the FCLT result. The FCLT result has been extended to unit root process with locally stationary process (LSP) innovation. This model includes different two types of nonstationarity. Since the LSP innovation has time-varying spectral structure, it is suitable for describing the empirical financial time series data. Here we will derive the limiting distributions of LSE of unit root, near unit root and general integrated processes with LSP innovation. Testing problem between unit root and near unit root will be also discussed. Furthermore, we will suggest two kind of extensions for LSE, which include various famous estimators as special cases

    Études criminologiques et psychiatriques au Japon

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    CRIMINOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC STUDIES IN JAPAN Criminological development in Japan is largely the work of the Japanese Association of Criminology, founded in Tokyo in 1913. The year 1935 saw the debut of the publication Acta criminologia?: et medicinee legalis japonica. After an interruption of several years caused by the second world war, society made great strides, and important research could then be undertaken. There are now three State institutes of criminology in Japan: the General Research Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Tokyo University of Medicine and Dentistry, the Institute of Research, Practical and Clinical Training at the Ministry of Justice, and the Institute of Encephalographie Research of the University of Tokyo. Among the most important criminological and psychiatric research projects are: 1) Study of twins: Led by Yoshimasu, this could be considered as one of the most brilliant contributions of Japanese criminology to science. It is based on the rate of concordance between homozygotic and heterozygotic twins. For a clearer understanding of the phenomenon of concordance between the two partners, Yoshimasu used the following factors: age at first offence, age at the time of research, and number of relapses. The results of his analysis show a lesser rate of agreement than that of foreign studies, nevertheless this rate increased perceptibly after the second world war, which is explained by the influence of environment. 2) Research on recidivism by means of analysis of the life curve: In 1951, Yoshimasu discovered a new method for analyzing the criminal careers of recidivists (this method is defined in English as «the criminal life curve» and in German, die kriminelle Lebenskurve). It comprises three indices: a) age at the time of first offence: before or after 25 years; b) the type of offence: classified in accordance with the kind of crime, the sequence of crime and the kinds of crimes committed during any one episode, i.e. one, the same or different; c) interval between the offences: sequence, remission, intermission, suspension. Later on, various studies were added to this research. 3) Characteristics of various crimes: The studies undertaken dealt with homicidal women, homicidal girls, mass murderers (Massenmo'rder). These studies showed interesting results, because there is an intimate relationship between patricide and the family environment in the traditional Japanese atmosphere. Other researchers were interested in arsonists, sex criminals, persistent embezzlers, recidivists in crimes of violence. 4) Research on juvenile delinquency: In this field, Japan may well be proud of having several pioneers. We stressed the importance of the psychopathic personality, as much as the sheer asymmetry of psychic and physical maturity. 5) Criminality of the mentally disturbed with encephalitis due to anti-rabies vaccination: Studies undertaken after the massacre of 12 employees of the Teikoku Bank of Tokyo revealed that subjects suffering from this malady have a deviated personality of a mythomanie type with Korsakov's syndrome. Other studies show a seat of demyelinized fibres. Treatment could thus be applied to effectively fight this illness. 6) Amphetamine drug addiction and criminality: This problem took on the dimensions of a national crisis after the second world war, when amphetamine drug addiction rose to 200 000. The work undertaken on this problem revealed psychopathic personalities characterized by hyperthymic tendencies, hysterics, explosiveness or instability, as explained by Kurt Schneider. 7) Reactions to penal institutions and disciplinary infractions: With regard to these, a new method called infractiologie was used. It is concerned with the actual relationship which exists between crimes committed in society and infractions committed within the penal institution.ESTUDIOS CRIMINOLOGICOS Y PSIQUIATRICOS EN EL JAPON El desarrollo criminologico en el Japon es obra principalmente de la Sociedad japonesa de criminologia, fundada en 1913 en Tokio. En 1935 se empezo a publicar la revista Ada criminologie et medicinee legalis japonica. Despues de una interrupcion de varios anos debida a la segunda guerra mundial, la Sociedad conocio un nuevo impulso gracias al cual importantes investigaciones pudieron ser efectuadas. Existen actualmente tres institutos criminologicos estatales en el Japon: el Instituto general de investigacion en medicina forense de la Universidad de medicina y arte dental de Tokio, el Instituto de investigacion practica y clinica del Ministerio de Justicia y el Instituto de investigacion encefalografica de la Universidad de Tokio. Entre las investigaciones criminologicas y psiquiatricas mas importantes, conviene citar: 1) Estudio de gemelos: Dicho estudio, dirigido por Yoshimasu, esta considerado como una de las contribuciones mas brillantes de la crimino-logia japonesa a la ciencia y se basa en el tanto por ciento de concordancia entre gemelos homozigotes y heterozigotes. Para una mejor comprension del fenomeno de concordancia entre los dos tipos de gemelos, Yoshimasu ha utilizado los siguientes factores: edad en la epoca del primer delito, edad en el momenta de la investigacion y numero de reincidencias. Los resultados de los analisis presentan un tanto por ciento de concordancia mas debil que los de los trabajos efectuados en el extranjero; sin embargo, dicho tanto por ciento aumento considerablemente despues de la segunda guerra mundial, lo que explica la influencia del medio ambiente. 2) Investigacion sobre la reincidencia mediante el analisis del ciclo de vida: Yoshimasu creo en 1951 un nuevo metodo destinado a analizar la vida criminal de los reincidentes (en ingles, the criminal life curve; en aleman, die kriminelle Lebenskurve). Dicho metodo comprende tres indices: a) la edad en la epoca del primer delito: mas de 25 aflos y menos de 25 anos; b) la forma del delito, segun que el individuo sea monotropo, homotropo, anfitropo o politropo; c) intervalo entre los delitos: sucesion, remision, intermision, suspension. Otros estudios se han incorporado poste-riormente a esta investigacion. 3) Caracteristicas de diversos crimenes: Los estudios efectuados se refieren a la mujeres homicidas, a las jovenes homicidas y a los asesinos de varias personas (Massenmorder). Estas investigaciones condujeron a resultados interesantes, pues existe una relacion intima entre el parricida y el ambiente familiar en los medios japoneses tradicionales. Otros inves-tigadores se han interesado por los incendiarios, los criminales sexuales, los defraudadores reincidentes y los reincidentes de crimenes de violencia. 4) Investigacion sobre la delincuencia juvenil: En este dominio, el Japon puede enorgullecerse de poseer varios precursores. Se insiste nota-blemente en la importancia de la personalidad psicopatica, asi como en la neta asimetria entre la madurez fisica y psiquica. 5) Criminalidad de los trastornos mentales debidos a la encefatitis post-vaccinea antirabica: Los estudios emprendidos con ocasion del asesi-nato de doce empleados del Banco Teikoku de Tokio revelaron en los individuos sujetos a taies trastornos una personalidad desviada de tipo maniaco acompanada del sindrome de Korsakov. Otros estudios descubrieron focos de fibras desmielinizadas. De esta manera, ciertas medidas profilacticas pudieron ser adoptadas para luchar eficazmente contra esta enfermedad. 6) Toxicomanos anfetaminicos y criminalidad: Este problema adopte en el Japon una dimension nacional cuando, como consecuencia de la segunda guerra mundial, el numero de toxicomanos anfetaminicos se elevo a 200 000. Los trabajos emprendidos sobre este problema revelaron persona-lidades psicopaticas caracterizadas por tendencias hipertimicas, histericas, explosivas o inestables, segun la concepcion de Kurt Schneider. 7) Reacciones carcelares e infracciones disciplinarias: Un nuevo metodo, llamado « delictologia », fue utilizado para esta investigacion, que analiza la relacion concreta existente entre los delitos cometidos en la sociedad y las infracciones cometidas en el interior de la carcel.KRIMINOLOGISCHE UND PSYCHIATRISCHE STUDIEN IN JAPAN Die Entwicklung der Kriminologie in Japan ist vor allem den Be-miihungen der « Japanischen Gesellschaft fur Kriminologie » (Japanese Association of Criminology) zu verdanken, die im Jahre 1913 in Tokyo gegrundet worden ist. Im Jahre 1935 wurde die erste Nummer der Acta criminologica? et medicines legalis japonica publiziert. Der zweite Weltkrieg setzte der Tatigkeit der Gesellschaft fur einige Jahre ein vorlaufiges Ende, doch hat sie nach Kriegsende einen neuen Aufschwung erlebt, der wichtige Forschungsarbeiten ermoglichte. Heute sind drei staatliche Institute fur Kriminologie in Japan zu nennen: das allgemeine Institut fur Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Gerichtsmedizin der Universitat fur Medizin und Zahntechnik, das Institut fur Forschung und klinische und praktische Arbeiten am Justizministerium, und nicht zuletzt das Institut fur enzephalographische Forschung an der Universitat Tokyo. Auf dem Gebiet der kriminologischen und psychologischen Forschungen konnen wir vor allem folgende Studien zitieren: 1 ) Unter der Leitung von Yoshimasu eine Zwillingsstudie, die wohl einer der glanzendsten Beitrage der japanischen Kriminologie zur Wissenschaft ist. Sie beruht auf der Zahl konkordanter homozygoter und hetero-zygoter Zwillingspaare. Um das Phanomen der Konkordanz anschaulich zu machen, hat sich Yoshimasu folgender Faktoren bedient: das Alter zur Zeit des ersten Deliktes, das Alter zur Zeit der Untersuchung und die Zahl der Ruckfalle. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen zeigen eine geringere Konkordanzziffer als die auslandischen Studien auf demselben Gebiete, doch muss man sagen, dass sie seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg nicht unerheblich angestiegen ist, was durch den Milieueinfluss erklart werden kann. 2) Forschung uber den Ruckfall mit Analyse der Lebenskurve: 1951 erfand Yoshimasu eine neue Methode der Analyse krimineller Lebenskurven von Ruckfalligen (englisch: the criminal life curve). Sie enthalt drei Indizien: a) das Alter zur Zeit des ersten Deliktes (vor oder nach dem 25. Lebensjahr); b) die Deliktsformen, je nach dem Typus der Deliktsfolge eingeordnet, und danach, ob der Tater monotrop, homotrop, amphitrop oder polytrop sei; c) die Intervalle zwischen den Delikten: Aufeinanderfolge, Entlassung, Unterbrechung und Stillstand. — Dieser Forschung sind mehrere Studien gefolgt. 3) Eigenarten der verschiedenen Verbrechen: Mehrere Morderinnen, jugendliche Morderinnen und Massenmorder wurden eingehend untersucht. Das sehr aufschlussreiche Ergebnis der Forschung zeigt, dass ein enges Verhaltnis zwischen dem Vatermord und der Familienatmosphare im tradi-tionnellen japanischen Milieu besteht. Andere Forscher haben sich mit Brandstiftern, Sexualverbrechern, ruckfalligen Betrugern und Gewaltverbrechern befasst. 4) Untersuchung uber die Jugenddelinquenz: Japan kann stolz darauf sein, gerade auf diesem Gebiet Bahnbrecher zu besitzen. Besonderes Gewicht wird auf die Bedeutung der psychopathischen Personlichkeit gelegt und ebenso auf die deutliche Asymmetrie zwischen psychischer und physischer Reife. 5) Kriminalitat bei geistigen Storungen, die durch Enzephalitis nach Tollwutsimplungen hervorgerufen worden sind: Die anlasslich des Mordes von zwolf Angestellten der Teikoku-Bank in Tokyo unternommenen Studien stellen deutlich fest, dass dieser Typus von Morder eine stark abweichende mythomanische Personlichkeit mit Begleitung des Korsakowsyndroms besitzt. 6) Amphetaminische Suchterkrankungen und Kriminalitat: Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg erlangte dieses Problem in Japan nationale Bedeutung, da 200 000 Personen dieser Sucht verfallen waren. Die Untersuchungen, die sich mit diesem Problem befassen, stellen psychopatische Personlichkeiten mit charakteristischen hyperthymischen, hysterischen, explosiven oder unstabilen Tendenzen fest (im Sinne von Kurt Schneider). 7) Kerkerreaktionen und Disziplinuberschreitungen: In diesem Zusammenhang wurde eine neue Methode, die « Infraktiologie », in Anwendung gebracht. Sie widmet sich der Untersuchung des konkreten Zusammenhangs zwischen dem deliktischen Verhalten in der Gesellschaft und den Disziplinarvergehen innerhalb des Gefangnisses

    The Hall Number, Optical Sum Rule and Carrier Density for the tt-t′t'-JJ model

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    We revisit the relationship between three classical measures of particle number, namely the chemical doping xx, the Hall number xhallx_{hall} and the particle number inferred from the optical sum rule xoptx_{opt}. We study the tt-t′t'-JJ model of correlations on a square lattice, as a minimal model for High TcT_c systems, using numerical methods to evaluate the low temperature Kubo conductivites. These measures disagree significantly in this type of system, owing to Mott Hubbard correlations. The Hall constant has a complex behavior with several changes of sign as a function of filling xx, depending upon the model parameters. Thus xhallx_{hall} depends sensitively on t′t' and JJ, due to a kind of quantum interference.Comment: Typos removed,9 Figures, (Revised Figure.3 contains comparison with experiments

    Do you listen to music while studying? A portrait of how people use music to optimize their cognitive performance

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    Contains fulltext : 239174.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)The effect of background music (BGM) on cognitive task performance is a popular topic. However, the evidence is not converging: experimental studies show mixed results depending on the task, the type of music used and individual characteristics. Here, we explored how people use BGM while optimally performing various cognitive tasks in everyday life, such as reading, writing, memorizing, and critical thinking. Specifically, the frequency of BGM usage, preferred music types, beliefs about the scientific evidence on BGM, and individual characteristics, such as age, extraversion and musical background were investigated. Although the results confirmed highly diverse strategies among individuals regarding when, how often, why and what type of BGM is used, we found several general tendencies: people tend to use less BGM when engaged in more difficult tasks, they become less critical about the type of BGM when engaged in easier tasks, and there is a negative correlation between the frequency of BGM and age, indicating that younger generations tend to use more BGM than older adults. The current and previous evidence are discussed in light of existing theories. Altogether, this study identifies essential variables to consider in future research and further forwards a theory-driven perspective in the field.11 p

    Alternative splicing variations in mouse CAPS2: differential expression and functional properties of splicing variants

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    BACKGROUND: Ca(2+)-dependent activator protein 2 (CAPS2/CADPS2) is a secretory vesicle-associated protein involved in the release of neurotrophin. We recently reported that an aberrant, alternatively spliced CAPS2 mRNA that lacks exon 3 (CAPS2Δexon3) is detected in some patients with autism. Splicing variations in mouse CAPS2 and their expression and functions remain unclear. RESULTS: In this study, we defined 31 exons in the mouse CAPS2 gene and identified six alternative splicing variants, CAPS2a-f. CAPS2a is an isoform lacking exons 22 and 25, which encode part of the Munc13-1-homologous domain (MHD). CAPS2b lacks exon 25. CAPS2c lacks exons 11 and 22. CAPS2d, 2e, and 2f have C-terminal deletions from exon 14, exon 12, and exon 5, respectively. On the other hand, a mouse counterpart of CAPS2Δexon3 was not detected in the mouse tissues tested. CAPS2b was expressed exclusively in the brain, and the other isoforms were highly expressed in the brain, but also in some non-neural tissues. In the brain, all isoforms showed predominant expression patterns in the cerebellum. In the developing cerebellum, CAPS2b showed an up-regulated expression pattern, whereas the other isoforms exhibited transiently peaked expression patterns. CAPS2 proteins were mostly recovered in soluble fractions, but some were present in membrane fractions, except for CAPS2c and 2f, both of which lack the PH domain, suggesting that the PH domain is important for membrane association. In contrast to CAPS2a and 2b, CAPS2c showed slightly decreased BDNF-releasing activity, which is likely due to the C-terminal truncation of the PH domain in CAPS2c. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that, in mouse, there are six splicing variants of CAPS2 (CAPS2a-f), and that these are subdivided into two groups: a long form containing the C-terminal MHD and a short form lacking the C-terminal MHD. These results demonstrate that the splicing variations correlate with their expression patterns and intracellular distribution, and affect BDNF release; however, whether or not the short forms possess activities other than BDNF release, for example as natural dominant-negative isoforms, remains to be determined

    Nonlinear Changes in the Rhythm of European Art Music: Quantitative Support for Historical Musicology

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    Research has used the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) to examine relationships between musical rhythm and durational contrast in composers’ native languages. Applying this methodology, linearly increasing nPVI in Austro-German, but not Italian music has recently been ascribed to waning Italian and increasing German influence on Austro-German music after the Baroque Era. The inapplicability of controlled experimental methods to historical data necessitates further replication with more sensitive methods and new repertoire. Using novel polynomial modelling procedures, we demonstrate an initial increase and a subsequent decrease in nPVI in music by 34 French composers. Moreover, previous findings for 21 Austro-German (linear increase) and 15 Italian composers (no change) are replicated. Our results provide promissory quantitative support for accounts from historical musicology of an Italian-dominated Baroque (1600-1750), a Classical Era (1750-1820) with Austro-German centres of gravity (e.g., Mannheim, Vienna), and a Romantic Era (1820-1900) with greater national independence. Future studies should aim to replicate these findings with larger corpora with greater historical representability

    Music in Quarantine: Connections Between Changes in Lifestyle, Psychological States, and Musical Behaviors During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Music is not only the art of organized sound but also a compound of social interaction among people, built upon social and environmental foundations. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, containment measures such as shelter-in-place, lockdown, social distancing, and self-quarantine have severely impacted the foundation of human society, resulting in a drastic change in our everyday experience. In this paper, the relationships between musical behavior, lifestyle, and psychological states during the shelter-in-place period of the COVID-19 pandemic are investigated. An online survey on musical experience, lifestyle changes, stress level, musical behaviors, media usage, and environmental sound perception was conducted. The survey was conducted in early June 2020. Responses from 620 people in 24 countries were collected, with the large proportion of the responses coming from the U.S. (55.5%) and India (21.4%). Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis revealed causal relationships between lifestyle, stress, and music behaviors. Elements such as stress-level change, work risk, and staying home contribute to changes in musical experiences, such as moderating emotion with music, feeling emotional with music, and being more attentive to music. Stress-level change was correlated with work risk and income change, and people who started living with others due to the outbreak, especially with their children, indicated less change in stress level. People with more stress-level change tended to use music more purposefully for their mental well-being, such as to moderate emotions, to influence mood, and to relax. In addition, people with more stress-level change tend to be more annoyed by neighbors' noise. Housing type was not directly associated with annoyance; however, attention to environmental sounds decreased when the housing type was smaller. Attention to environmental and musical sounds and the emotional responses to them are highly inter-correlated. Multi-group SEM based on musicians showed that the causal relationship structure for professional musicians differs from that of less-experienced musicians. For professional musicians, staying at home was the only component that caused all musical behavior changes; stress did not cause musical behavior changes. Regarding Internet use, listening to music via YouTube and streaming was preferred over TV and radio, especially among less-experienced musicians, while participation in the online music community was preferred by more advanced musicians. This work suggests that social, environmental, and personal factors and limitations influence the changes in our musical behavior, perception of sonic experience, and emotional recognition, and that people actively accommodated the unusual pandemic situations using music and Internet technologies
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