9 research outputs found

    Decomposing Executive Function into Distinct Processes Underlying Human Decision Making.

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    peer reviewedExecutive function (EF) consists of higher level cognitive processes including working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibition which together enable goal-directed behaviors. Many neurological disorders are associated with EF dysfunctions which can lead to suboptimal behavior. To assess the roles of these processes, we introduce a novel behavioral task and modeling approach. The gamble-like task, with sub-tasks targeting different EF capabilities, allows for quantitative assessment of the main components of EF. We demonstrate that human participants exhibit dissociable variability in the component processes of EF. These results will allow us to map behavioral outcomes to EEG recordings in future work in order to map brain networks associated with EF deficits. Clinical relevance- This work will allow us to quantify EF deficits and corresponding brain activity in patient populations in future work

    Symmetry breaking and circular photogalvanic effect in epitaxial CdxHg1-xTe films

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    We report on the observation of symmetry breaking and the circular photogalvanic effect in CdxHg1-xTe alloys. We demonstrate that irradiation of bulk epitaxial films with circularly polarized terahertz radiation leads to the circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) yielding a photocurrent whose direction reverses upon switching the photon helicity. This effect is forbidden in bulk zinc-blende crystals by symmetry arguments; therefore, its observation indicates either the symmetry reduction of bulk material or that the photocurrent is excited in the topological surface states formed in a material with low cadmium concentration. We show that the bulk states play a crucial role because the CPGE was also clearly detected in samples with noninverted band structure. We suggest that strain is a reason for the symmetry reduction. We develop a theory of the CPGE showing that the photocurrent results from the quantum interference of different pathways contributing to the free-carrier absorption (Drude-like) of monochromatic radiation

    Characterization of Geographical and Meteorological Parameters

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    [EN]This chapter is devoted to the introduction of some geographical and meteorological information involved in the numerical modeling of wind fields and solar radiation. First, a brief description of the topographical data given by a Digital Elevation Model and Land Cover databases is provided. In particular, the Information System of Land Cover of Spain (SIOSE) is considered. The study is focused on the roughness length and the displacement height parameters that appear in the logarithmic wind profile, as well as in the albedo related to solar radiation computation. An extended literature review and characterization of both parameters are reported. Next, the concept of atmospheric stability is introduced from the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to the recent revision of Zilitinkevich of the Neutral and Stable Boundary Layers (SBL). The latter considers the effect of the free-flow static stability and baroclinicity on the turbulent transport of momentum and of the Convective Boundary Layers (CBL), more precisely, the scalars in the boundary layer, as well as the model of turbulent entrainment

    Terahertz Magnetospectroscopy of Cyclotron Resonances from Topological Surface States in Thick Films of CdxHg1 – xTe

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    Herein, studies of the cyclotron resonance (CR) in thick Cd????Hg1−????Te films with different cadmium contents corresponding to materials with and without band inversion, as well as critical content corresponding to an almost linear energy dispersion are presented. The results demonstrate that the formation of 2D topological surface states requires sharp interfaces between layers with and without band inversion, in which case the corresponding CR is clearly observed for the out-of-plane orientation of magnetic field but does not show up for an in-plane orientation. In contrast, all samples having more conventional technological design with smooth interfaces (i.e., containing regions of Cd????Hg1−????Te with gradually changing Cd content x) show equally pronounced CR in both in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic field revealing that CR is excited in effectively 3D states. Modeling of the surface states for different film designs supports main observations. In all samples, additional broad helicity-independent resonances are observed, which are attributed to photoionization and magnetic freeze-out of impurity states

    Robot Assisted THz Imaging with a Time Domain Spectrometer

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    THz-Time domain spectroscopic imaging is demonstrated combining a robotic scanning method with continuous signal acquisition and holographic reconstruction of the object to improve the imaging resolution. We apply the method to a metallic Siemens star in order to quantify resolution and to wood samples to demonstrate the technique on a non-metallic object with an unknown structure

    Le Sujet lyrique en question

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    Les termes « lyrisme », « lyrique », massivement utilisés dans la critique littéraire, paraissent relever le plus souvent d’un usage pré-critique. Etiquettes indispensables à toute description de la poésie depuis le romantisme, ces notions restent vagues et mal définies, trop souvent confondues avec l’effusion et l’expression spontanée du sentiment. A l’heure où les poètes eux-mêmes débattent pour ou contre le retour du lyrisme, il parait urgent de combler cette lacune et de prendre la mesure de la crise ouverte dans la poésie française à partir des années 1860. Plus que la distinction des genres et que l’évolution des formes, c’est le rapport du sujet à son acte poétique qui est au cœur de la problématique du lyrisme. De l’ironie baudelairienne à la « disparition élocutoire » du poète, de l’« écho sonore » hugolien au « poète invisible » que fait entendre Philippe Jaccottet, c’est bien la question du sujet qui s’est trouvée posée et qui a détermine le devenir de la poésie moderne. Les vingt-et-une études rassemblées dans ce volume sont dues à des critiques reconnus et, pour certaines d’entre elles, à des poètes. Elles proposent des avancées théoriques, des analyses d’œuvres majeures et des propositions poétiques que les recherches ultérieures ne pourront ignorer

    Temporal Arteritis Revealing Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitides: Case-Control Study of 50 Cases.

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    BACKGROUND: Temporal arteritis (TA) is a typical manifestation of giant cell arteritis (GCA). Rarely, ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV) can be revealed by TA, leading to misdiagnoses of GCA and inappropriate treatments. METHODS: We retrospective included patients with TA revealing AAV (TA-AAV), and compared them with classical GCA patients. RESULTS: Fifty patients with TA-AAV (median age 70 years) were included. Thirty-three (66%) patients presented atypical symptoms for GCA (ENT, renal, pulmonary and neurological involvement in 32%, 26%, 20% and 16%, respectively). ANCA were screened at disease onset in 33 cases, and were positive in 88%, leading to diagnosis of early TA-AAV in 20 cases. AAV diagnosis was delayed in 30 cases after a median interval of 15 months. Compared to GCA, TA-AAV patients were younger (70 vs. 74 years), more frequently men (48 vs. 30%), had high frequency of atypical manifestations and higher CRP levels (10.8 vs. 7.0 mg/dL). Temporal artery biopsy (TAB) from TA-AAV showed fibrinoid necrosis and small branch vasculitis in 23% each, whereas it did not in GCA. Treatment failure-free survival was comparable between early TA-AAV and GCA, whereas those with delayed TA-AAV patients had a significant higher risk of treatment failure compared to GCA [HR 3.85 (1.97-7.51), P<0.0001)]. CONCLUSION: TA revealing AAV should be considered in case of atypical manifestations for GCA, GCs refractoriness or early relapse. Analysis of TAB for small branch vasculitis and/or fibrinoid necrosis could be useful. Detection of ANCA should be performed in case of suspected GCA with atypical clinical features and/or TAB.status: Published onlin

    Quatre ans de recherche urbaine 2001-2004. Volume 2

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    Destinée à promouvoir une recherche fondamentale pluridisciplinaire, l’Action Concertée Incitative Ville (ACIV) créée par le Ministère de la Recherche visait au renouvellement des problématiques, afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux urbains contemporains, les transformations en cours et d’anticiper les évolutions. Cet ouvrage dresse l’inventaire des recherches soutenues lors des quatre années de programmation de l’ACIV. Les deux tomes rassemblent 143 contributions qui manifestent, de la part d’équipes « confirmées », de « jeunes » chercheurs ou de doctorants, le foisonnement et la richesse des thèmes, des problématiques, des méthodes et des terrains. Ces contributions qui rendent compte des recherches financées par l’ACIV et des allocations de thèse soutenues par elle, s’organisent autour de six thématiques : « Formes urbaines, cultures et modes de vie », « Cohésion sociale et citoyenneté », « Modifications d’échelles, recomposition des systèmes territoriaux et gouvernance », « Cultures urbanistiques : des sources de l’histoire urbaine au développement urbain durable », « Milieux physiques, ambiances urbaines et technologies », « Management, gestion et systèmes techniques ». La postface ouvre, quant à elle, une réflexion critique et prospective « à plusieurs voix » sur le devenir de la recherche urbaine