53 research outputs found

    In silico characterization of putative gene homologues involved in somatic embryogenesis suggests that some conifer species may lack LEC2, one of the key regulators of initiation of the process

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    Background Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the process in which somatic embryos develop from somatic tissue in vitro on medium in most cases supplemented with growth regulators. Knowledge of genes involved in regulation of initiation and of development of somatic embryos is crucial for application of SE as an efficient tool to enable genetic improvement across genotypes by clonal propagation. Results Current work presents in silico identification of putative homologues of central regulators of SE initiation and development in conifers focusing mainly on key transcription factors (TFs) e.g. BBM, LEC1, LEC1-LIKE, LEC2 and FUSCA3, based on sequence similarity using BLASTP. Protein sequences of well-characterised candidates genes from Arabidopsis thaliana were used to query the databases (Gymno PLAZA, Congenie, GenBank) including whole-genome sequence data from two representative species from the genus Picea (Picea abies) and Pinus (Pinus taeda), for finding putative conifer homologues, using BLASTP. Identification of corresponding conifer proteins was further confirmed by domain search (Conserved Domain Database), alignment (MUSCLE) with respective sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana proteins and phylogenetic analysis (Phylogeny.fr). Conclusions This in silico analysis suggests absence of LEC2 in Picea abies and Pinus taeda, the conifer species whose genomes have been sequenced. Based on available sequence data to date, LEC2 was also not detected in the other conifer species included in the study. LEC2 is one of the key TFs associated with initiation and regulation of the process of SE in angiosperms. Potential alternative mechanisms that might be functional in conifers to compensate the lack of LEC2 are discussed

    Clinal variation in PHY (PAS domain) and CRY (CCT domain)-Signs of local adaptation to light quality in Norway spruce

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    Detection of the genomic basis of local adaptation to environmental conditions is challenging in forest trees. Phytochromes (PHY) and cryptochromes (CRY) perceive the red (R)/far-red (FR) and blue light respectively, thus playing a fundamental role in regulating plant growth and development. PHYO and PHYP from conifers are the equivalents of PHYA/PHYC and PHYB in angiosperms, respectively. Norway spruce shows an adaptive latitudinal cline for shade (low R:FR or FR-enriched light) tolerance and requirement of FR light for its growth. We analyzed the exome capture data that included a uniquely large data set of 1654 Norway spruce trees sampled across many latitudes in Sweden to capture the natural clines for photoperiod and FR light exposure during the growth season. Statistically significant clinal variation was detected in allele and genotype frequencies of missense mutations in coding regions belonging to well-defined functional domains of PHYO (PAS-B), PHYP2 (PAS fold-2), CRY1 (CCT1) and CRY2 (CCT2) that strongly correlates with the latitudinal gradient in response to variable light quality in Norway spruce. The missense SNP in PHYO resulting in Asn835Ser, displayed the steepest cline among all other polymorphisms. We propose that these variations in the photoreceptors represent signs of local adaptation to light quality

    Comparative in silico analysis of SSRs in coding regions of high confidence predicted genes in Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)

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    Background: Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are DNA sequences consisting of 1-6 bp tandem repeat motifs present in the genome. SSRs are considered to be one of the most powerful tools in genetic studies. We carried out a comparative study of perfect SSR loci belonging to class I (>= 20) and class II (>= 12 and < 20 bp) types located in coding regions of high confidence genes in Picea abies and Pinus taeda. SSRLocator was used to retrieve SSRs from the full length CDS of predicted genes in both species. Results: Trimers were the most abundant motifs in class I followed by hexamers in Picea abies, while trimers and hexamers were equally abundant in Pinus taeda class I SSRs. Hexamers were most frequent within class II SSRs followed by trimers, in both species. Although the frequency of genes containing SSRs was slightly higher in Pinus taeda, SSR counts per Mbp for class I was similar in both species (P-value = 0.22); while for class II SSRs, it was significantly higher in Picea abies (P-value = 0.00009). AT-rich motifs were higher in abundance than the GC-rich motifs, within class II SSRs in both the species (P-values = 10(-9) and 0). With reference to class I SSRs, AT-rich and GC-rich motifs were detected with equal frequency in Pinus taeda (P-value = 0.24); while in Picea abies, GC-rich motifs were detected with higher frequency than the AT-rich motifs (P-value = 0.0005). Conclusions: Our study gives a comparative overview of the genome SSRs composition based on high confidence genes in the two recently sequenced and economically important conifers and, also provides information on functional molecular markers that can be applied in genetic studies in Pinus and Picea species

    Adaptive strategies of Scots pine under shade: Increase in lignin synthesis and ecotypic variation in defense-related gene expression

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    Shade is a stressful condition for plants characterized by low Red:Far-Red (R:FR) ratio. The northern latitudes in Sweden daily receive more hours of FR-enriched light (twilight) or shade-like conditions compared to southern forests during the growing season. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a shade-intolerant species. Yet, it is well adapted to this latitudinal variation in light, which is evident by a northward increase in FR requirement to maintain growth. Shade adversely affects plant growth; it makes the plant weak and, therefore, susceptible to pathogen attack. Lignin is involved in plant protection against pathogen invasion mainly by forming a physical barrier. We studied lignin synthesis and expression of defense-related genes (growth-defense trade-offs) under a low R:FR (shade) ratio in Scots pine. A higher number of immunity/defense-related genes were up-regulated in response to shade in northern populations compared to southern ones, which can be viewed as a local adaptation to light quality for optimal growth and survival. Light quality regulates lignin metabolism; light stimulates lignin synthesis, while shade causes a decrease in lignin synthesis in most angiosperms. In contrast, Scots pine shows an increase in lignin synthesis supported by the higher expression of a few key genes in the lignin biosynthetic pathway, a novel finding reported by our study. These findings can be applied to future breeding strategies in forestry to produce disease-resilient trees

    Enhanced lignin synthesis and ecotypic variation in defense-related gene expression in response to shade in Norway spruce

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    During the growth season, northern forests in Sweden daily receive more hours of far-red (FR)-enriched light or twilight (shade) as compared to southern forests. Norway spruce (shade-tolerant) are adapted to latitudinal variation in twilight characterized by a northward increase in FR requirement to maintain growth. Shade is a stressful condition that affects plant growth and increases plant's susceptibility to pathogen attack. Lignin plays a central role in plant defense and its metabolism is regulated by light wavelength composition (light quality). In the current work, we studied regulation of lignin synthesis and defense-related genes (growth-defense trade-offs) in response to shade in Norway spruce. In most angiosperms, light promotes lignin synthesis, whereas shade decreases lignin production leading to weaker stem, which may make plants more disease susceptible. In contrast, enhanced lignin synthesis was detected in response to shade in Norway spruce. We detected a higher number of immunity/defense-related genes up-regulated in northern populations as compared to south ones in response to shade. Enhanced lignin synthesis coupled with higher defense-related gene expression can be interpreted as an adaptive strategy for better survival in northern populations. Findings will contribute to ensuring deployment of well-adapted genetic material and identifying tree families with enhanced disease resistance

    Patterns in abundance and diversity of faecally dispersed parasites of tiger in Tadoba National Park, central India

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    BACKGROUND: Importance of parasites in ecological and evolutionary interactions is being increasingly recognized. However, ecological data on parasites of important host species is still scanty. We analyze the patterns seen in the faecal parasites of tigers in the Tadoba National Park, India, and speculate on the factors and processes shaping the parasite community and the possible implications for tiger ecology. RESULTS: The prevalence and intensities were high and the parasite community was dominated by indirect life cycle parasites. Across all genera of parasites variance scaled with the square of the mean and there was a significant positive correlation between prevalence and abundance. There was no significant association between different types of parasites. CONCLUSIONS: The 70 samples analyzed formed 14 distinct clusters. If we assume each of the clusters to represent individual tigers that were sampled repeatedly and that resident tigers are more likely to be sampled repeatedly, the presumed transient tigers had significantly greater parasite loads than the presumed resident ones

    Comparative in silico analysis of EST-SSRs in angiosperm and gymnosperm tree genera

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    Background: Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) derived from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) belong to the expressed fraction of the genome and are important for gene regulation, recombination, DNA replication, cell cycle and mismatch repair. Here, we present a comparative analysis of the SSR motif distribution in the 5'UTR, ORF and 3'UTR fractions of ESTs across selected genera of woody trees representing gymnosperms (17 species from seven genera) and angiosperms (40 species from eight genera). Results: Our analysis supports a modest contribution of EST-SSR length to genome size in gymnosperms, while EST-SSR density was not associated with genome size in neither angiosperms nor gymnosperms. Multiple factors seem to have contributed to the lower abundance of EST-SSRs in gymnosperms that has resulted in a non-linear relationship with genome size diversity. The AG/CT motif was found to be the most abundant in SSRs of both angiosperms and gymnosperms, with a relative increase in AT/AT in the latter. Our data also reveals a higher abundance of hexamers across the gymnosperm genera. Conclusions: Our analysis provides the foundation for future comparative studies at the species level to unravel the evolutionary processes that control the SSR genesis and divergence between angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species